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Old 11-28-2014, 01:52 PM
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OUAT S&S #242 "True love comes in many forms but the sisterly bond, worth it's weight in magic." ~Rumpelstiltskin

credit: Stellvia

Spoilers & Speculations
Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret
Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan
Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina
Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David
Emilie de Ravin as Belle
Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook
Jared Gilmore as Henry Mills
Michael Socha as Will Scarlet, the Knave | Who the Bloody Hell is Will Scarlet? (A Wonderland Crash Course)
Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold

Master storytellers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz ("Lost," "Tron: Legacy") invite everyone to join Emma Swan, Snow White, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Hook and all the other resident fairytale characters as they prepare to defend themselves against a magical force from the past that's too unpredictable even for Rumplestiltskin - Elsa, the Ice Queen from Arendelle.

Welcome to Storybrooke, Maine, a small town that probably won't show up on your GPS, but it's a magical place to visit. Reality and myth merged after Emma broke Regina's curse, which had deprived the fairy tale characters of their memories and trapped them in our modern world. When they finally regained their identities, our heroes were dismayed to discover that they weren't transported back to Fairy Tale Land. To make matters worse, Rumplestiltskin - aka Mr. Gold - decided to escalate his power struggle with Regina by introducing magic into the town. But this is our world, and magic always has a tendency to yield unfathomable consequences.

You never give up on the people you love...

The Storybrooke residents do not know what Elsa has in store for them. Back in the past, in Elsa's kingdom of Arendelle, we will discover what happened to her, her sister Anna and Kristoff, and how and why Elsa became a prisoner of Rumplestiltskin. And now that Emma has brought back Robin Hood's wife, Marian, and possibly sparked the end of Regina's relationship with him, will she return to her old, evil ways and do everything in her power to get even? And newlyweds Belle and Rumplestiltskin continue to be deeply in love with each other. But Rumple is hiding a secret from Belle -- one that, if found out, could destroy their happiness - he continues to be the master of the dagger that calls upon him to be the Dark One. Can Emma and Hook commit to one another, and can these two damaged people take their love to the next level? Mary Margaret and David have a new baby, Prince Neal, and are looking forward to raising him into a proud, brave and loving adult. But they are still sad that they were not able to do this with Emma, instead helping her escape the curse when she was first born and not meeting her again until she was 28 years old. Henry is very happy to have both of his mothers back in Storybrooke. But with biological mom Emma and paternal grandfather Rumplestiltskin's blood running through his veins, he will be tested by both the light and the darkness. Finally, Will Scarlet (Michael Socha, "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland"), a former member of Robin Hood's band of Merry Men, has traveled across many lands to make his way to Storybrooke. He finds himself intertwined in the goings-on in town for the first time as his mysterious past pushes him to an unknown future.

As the season continues, new fairy tale characters will be revealed and old acquaintances will be revisited. But not everyone can be trusted.
ABC Lead 8/13/2014

Upcoming Episodes

4.09 - "Fall" written by Jane Espenson | Director Mario Van Peebles | Airdate: 11/30


Elizabeth Mitchell (“Lost”) Guest Stars as the Snow Queen

“Fall” – As the Spell of Shattered Sight approaches Storybrooke, Mary Margaret and David rally the residents to prepare for the curse while Belle and the fairies work together on an antidote. Gold, with Hook as his reluctant servant, sets about an exit strategy of his own. Regina and Robin Hood ready themselves for the worst while, with the help of a locator spell, Emma and Elsa search desperately for Anna. In Arendelle, Anna and Kristoff awaken to find that their kingdom is once again in danger, on “Once Upon a Time,” SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

“Once Upon a Time” stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David Nolan, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O’Donoghue as Hook, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry, Michael Socha as Will Scarlet and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.

Guest stars include Lee Arenberg as Leroy/Grumpy, Keegan Connor Tracy as Mother Superior/Blue Fairy, Sean Maguire as Robin Hood, Georgina Haig as Elsa, Elizabeth Lail as Anna, Scott Michael Foster as Kristoff, Charles Mesure as Black Beard, Raphael Alejandro as Roland, Tyler Jacob Moore as Hans, Nils Hognestad as Franz, Marcus Rosner as Jurgen and Elizabeth Mitchell as the Snow Queen.

”Fall” was written by Jane Espenson and directed by Mario Van Peebles.

BTS Pics/Videos:
10/13 | Steveston filming | Elizabeth Lail and Scott Michal Foster. Ouat BTS
filming at Third Beach Vancouver - October 8
| JMO movie magic | JMO and Frozen cast found Olaf

BTS Stills

4.10 - "Shattered Sight" written by Scott Nimerfro and Tze Chun | Airdate: 12/07
Fan Post- 10/25

OUAT's Jennifer Morrison Talks Heartless Hook, the 'Worst' Spell Ever and More!
BTS Pics/Videos:
Stevesonton 10/22: Rumple, Regina, Snowing, Emma, Henry, Elsa, Anna, Granny, Dwarves BTS pics | YT video - Reunion scene Main Street Storybrooke

4.11 - "Heroes and Villains" written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz | Airdate: 12/14 confirmed
TVLine source

BTS Pics/Videos:
Lana tweet 10/21 | 11/07 - Fan BTS at Stanley Park filming


4.12 - "Darkness On The Edge of Town " written by Kitsis & Horowitz| Airdate: Sunday, March 1, 2015
Bruce Springsteen Darkness On The Edge of Town Album Review | Rolling Stone

BTS Pics/Videos:
start date 11/13 | Adam - filming blue screen set | Josh - Gold's Cadillac | Colin | Nigel Horsley set filming photos | yvrshoots Photos: JMO, GG, LP, Emilie & COD Running in Steveston as Storybrooke |

4.13 - "Unforgiven" written by Andrew Chambliss & Kalinda Vazquez | Director: Adam Horowitz | Airdate: 3/08/2015

BTS Pics/Videos:

4.14 - "TBA" written by | Airdate: 3/15/2015
BTS Pics/Videos:


season 4 previews/Eddy Kitsis & Adam Horowitz interviews

cast interviews

casting & guest stars

on location filming spoilers

general season 4 spoilers
  • Do you have any info on Once Upon a Time’s Spell of Shattered Sight? — Frederick
    Once it hits the town, it will bring out the absolute worst in people, especially Regina, who will revert back to her Evil Queen days. “She has a run in first with Elsa and Emma,” Lana Parrilla teases. “All these years, she’s really be controlling her temper and has not been so impulsive when it comes to Emma for Henry’s sake. In this instance, Emma pays a visit to Regina’s vault and it doesn’t turn out well. She starts throwing fire balls. She wants to kill Emma and she’s been waiting a long time to do this, so it’s her lucky day.”-EW 11/27
  • Question: On Once Upon a Time, will we find out why Will Scarlett/the Knave left Wonderland? —JJ Ausiello: “Yes, we should be learning more about his post-Wonderland life as the season progresses,” Once cocreator Adam Horowitz answers. “We will also be exploring more of his past with Robin Hood.” TVLine
  • Sadly, it won’t be long before Rumple puts Hook to use. “He uses Hook as a hit man to get [other magical beings],” O’Donoghue says. “He really doesn’t want to have to do that, and it’s killing him to have to pretend to Emma that everything is okay. Hook does some things that he really doesn’t want to and wishes that he didn’t have to. He’s remorseful for that, but he has no choice.” - EW 11/17
  • Any scoop on Once Upon a Time’s Belle? –Natalie
    With husband Rumplestiltskin treading ever deeper into morally murky waters, series cocreator Adam Horowitz says that Belle’s “strength and heroism play a key part in the fall finale” airing Dec. 14. The EP also says to expect a flashback to “another bit of her time in the dark castle with Rumple.”- TVLine MattM 11/18
  • Any scoop on the two-hour episode of Once Upon a Time? — Farah
    Remember the Snow Queen’s yellow ribbons? You should definitely be worried about them because they’ll come back into play in a very major way. (Hint: I may have spotted certain people wearing them while I was on set.)
    EW- NatAbrams 11/14
  • The Snow Queen was Emma’s foster mom on Once Upon a Time?! — Michelle
    Crazy, right? The show will delve further into their relationship in the past soon. “She’s been looking for [Emma],” Elizabeth Mitchell teases, cautioning that an incident will drive an obvious wedge between the two—hence Emma not remembering her former foster mom. In the present, “we will absolutely get into how she landed [in Storybrooke],” Mitchell promises. | EW - NatAbrams 10/30
  • Question: On Once Upon a Time, is Emma going to help out Henry and Regina with Operation Mongoose? —Dee
    Probably not until the 12-episode Frozen arc is over, at earliest. As Jennifer Morrison shared during our set visit, “I’m sure we’ll get around to it eventually, but that storyline right now is separate from ours [and] there’s only so much overlap that can happen before there’s just too much going on. But I’m sure that in the second half of the season, we’ll all have some kind of participation in that.”
  • Question: Any twists and turns coming up for the Charmings (apart from the baby) on OUAT? —Jenny
    There’s a “pretty nasty” development coming, one with far-reaching consequences, teases Josh Dallas, who adds, “There’s something on its way that definitely affects everyone in Storybrooke — and the Charmings, for sure. It creates some weird things within their relationship. I can’t tell you any more.” No worries, JD. You’ve already told us more than enough. | TVLine - Ausiello 10/29
  • Any Once Upon a Time scoop about ‘Rumbelle’? —Serena
    Sunday’s reveal that Rumple is after the Sorcerer’s hat and all the magic it contains certainly doesn’t bode well for the couple’s future. “He definitely loves her and wants to be with her, but the hat existed long before she came along and will probably exist long after she’s gone,” muses Robert Carlyle. “This quest is so massive for him. This addiction is huge. [It] drives Rumplestiltskin more than love.” TVLine-Ausiello 10/21
  • Before the first half of Once Upon a Time‘s season ends, will we find out who wrote the storybook? —Tom
    Actually, no. As cocreator Eddy Kitsis revealed to Matt Mitovich at the New York Comic-Con panel this past weekend, Regina and Henry’s “Operation Mongoose is going to be a rather big story for the year. Whereas we are splitting seasons in half, this is a story that will transcend both halves.”
  • If Maleficent is heading back to Once Upon a Time, does that mean we’ll see Aurora and Prince Phillip too? —B.D.
    Oh, you’ll see Sleeping Beauty well before Maleficent’s midseason encore. When we recently chatted up Sarah Bolger, she was already heading back to shoot her second episode of the season, but we’ll first see Aurora in Episode 7, now “out of her princess gear” in Storybrooke. TVLine - Ausiello 10/14
  • How soon until we see Elizabeth Mitchell on Once Upon a Time? — Rene
    You won’t have to wait much longer, but you may be surprised to hear that the Snow Queen isn’t necessarily focused on Elsa. “The Snow Queen definitely has her sights on Emma for a particular reasons,” Jennifer Morrison teases. Speaking of icy new characters, Ginnifer Goodwin reveals that Snow will share a connection with Elsa. “We do cross paths, and Elsa does provide some solace in some ways,” the actress says. “She and Snow are able to relate about some things down the line in the season that I found to be surprising and powerful.” | EW-10/03
  • In the premiere, Emma reassured him, “Be patient.” But it’s been a while since the show has had anything close to a love scene. Might Emma and Hook eventually end that dry spell?
    JMO: I hope so. That’s about all I can say| MattM/TVLine 10/02
  • EXCLUSIVE! 'Once Upon a Time': Hook and Emma's Hot Date With a Chilling Twist! | Entertainment Tonight
  • Everything you need to know about 'Once Upon a Time' season 4
  • Staff Writer comments on Robin Hood''s story
  • Is there anything you can tell us about Hook’s arc for this season of OUAT that we haven’t heard yet? Anything on his childhood/parents? –Ana
    Series cocreator Adam Horowitz would only say that when it comes to the good (?) pirate, “There is more delving into his past to come” – though the burning question of whom he traded the Jolly Roger to, in the name of finding Emma, won’t be revealed until “somewhere down the road.” | MattM/TVLine
  • Any scoop on Emma from Once Upon a Time? I’d like to know if we’ll get any flashbacks on her past? — Alex
    We will! In fact, we’re going to get a lot more information about her childhood. “In the first half of the season, we’re going to see more of Emma’s past than I think we’ve seen in all the other previous seasons combined,” executive producer Adam Horowitz tells me. | NatAbrams/EW
  • Will Henry be there for Regina after what happened in the season finale on Once Upon a Time? Any story coming up for them in season 4? Henry may be the one thing that actually keeps Regina from slipping to the dark side again after Robin Hood’s long-dead wife, Marian, resurfaced in the present. “We’re going to see Henry on a mission with Regina this year,” executive producer Edward Kitsis says. “And maybe some of his light side will rub off on her.” NatAbrams/EW
  • TVLine: Once Upon a Time's Two Most Burning Frozen Questions Answered
  • Can you give us any scoop on Once Upon a Time’s Regina, please? We need something to cheer us up! –Ana
    Well, when I asked The Boys about the Regina/Robin Hood/Marian love triangle presumably on tap for Season 4, Adam Horowitz was quick to retort, “Who says we’re doing a love triangle?” He then explained, “Hopefully it becomes less about the relationship itself and more about Regina [and] open[s] the door to who she is and what she’s going to become.”
  • As excited as I am for Once Upon a Time‘s Frozen storyline, I’m curious as to how The Knave (played by Michael Socha) is going to fit in in Storybrooke. Know anything about that? – Sarah
    Do I! Just seconds before publishing this week’s Inside Line, I got off the horn with Once creators Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis, the former of which said that The Knave’s “background as Will Scarlett, who was one of the Merry Men and a thief, comes into play very early.” Kitsis then added that for Wonderland fans, “We will be explaining why he’s in town. I can also say that he fits rather nicely into Storybrooke, and his introduction is a really fun one.”
  • Will Once Upon a Time’s Emma go house hunting or will she be living in that loft with Charming and Snow and a crying baby forever? –Shen
    Emma needs her own place, and we’d love for her to see it this year,” Eddy Kitsis agrees. And perhaps to that end, Adam Horowitz notes, “The domestic situation of the Charmings and Emma and Henry and Regina does fit into the early episodes” of Season 4, premiering Sept. 28. | MattM/TVLine
  • I am loving that Hook and Emma finally kissed in the Once Upon a Time finale! Any hints about how Emma now views him/their relationship? –Liz
    I can’t speak for the fictional character of Emma, but Jennifer Morrison, the actress tells TVLine. “They’ve both been through similar things, they’re both survivors and they’ve both had to fight in order to literally just live. There’s also something in them where they’ll both go to great lengths to protect the people they care about — and sometimes they’ll do really bad things to do that, but they both have really good hearts, so I think they see a lot of themselves in each other.” Emma is also seeing impressive changes in the pirate. “This season in particular, because Hook has really fought for Emma to be true to herself and be the most powerful version of herself, he’s earned a tremendous amount of trust from her, and that’s what really makes it organic for Emma to feel vulnerable with him,” Morrison notes. “I know that in my own life, I have a strong reaction to people who empower me and say, ‘You should be yourself, even if it means making some mistakes.’ So the fact that he does that, and isn’t at all put off by that, makes it a good place to start a relationship.” | MattM/TVLine


general magazines and press coverage
San Diego Comic Con 2014
Summary of the panel
Summary of the panel #2
Spoiler synopsis for S4 from ABC
TVGuide - Henry learning the family business
SCREENFAD: Interview at Comic Con
*Interview clip summary posted Here
Video: Two Lies and a Truth - Belle dancing; Hook will kiss Emma again; Regina has a plan; Captain Hook will get his hand back
YouTube Comic-Con Interview Links
Eddy and Adam press interview - TVEqual
Eddy and Adam press interview
Adam and Eddy press interview SEAT42F
Adam and Eddy interview - AfterBuzzTV
Josh Dallas interview - AfterBuzzTV #225
Robert Carlyle & Emilie DeRavin interview - AfterBuzzTV
Lana Parrilla interview - AfterBuzzTV
Colin O'Donoghue interview - AfterBuzzTV
Jennifer Morrison and Colin O'Donoghue interview press roundtable
JMO and Colin interview press roundtable SEAT42F
JMO and Colin interview press roundtable - TVEquals
Lana Parrilla interview press roundtable - TVEquals
Lana Parrilla interview press roundtable
Robert Carlyle interview press roundtable SEAT42F
Robert Carlyle & Emilie DeRavin interview - TVEquals

Video of Ginny "skyping" into the panel
OUAT Season 4 Cast interview - TVLIne
S4 "trailer" shown at event
ABC - Season 4 Scoop from the Once Upon a Time Comic-Con Panel


DragonCon Convention: Sean Maguire

NY Comic Con 2014
Adam Horowitz, executive producer and writer | twitter
Andrew Chambliss, writer | twitter
Jane Espenson, writer | twitter
David H. Goodman, writer
Robert Hull, writer
Daniel T. Thomsen, writer
Kalinda Vazquez, writer | twitter
Helga Ungurait, production | twitter

Storybrooke: Ginny and Josh | Lana Evil Queen
Show Posters - Season 2
Official Season Two Posters
Official Season Three promotional pictures
Official Season Three Posters

Season 4 Promotional Materials
Official season 4 posters: 'Storybrooke has Frozen over' Poster |poster #2 | main cast symbols "Frozen" posters |

Character posters: Snow and Charming | Emma | Hook | Regina | Rumple | Belle | Henry

future thread titles
"A man unwilling to fight for what he wants...deserves what he gets."
"I thought you said you could outrun a storm. This isn't a storm. It's bloody damnation!"
"Conjuring magic is not an intellectual endeavor. It's emotion"
"Magic is about emotion. Summon up that moment that made you so angry you would've killed if you could."
"Magic is power. Until you take power, you're not learning anything."
"It's time for us to believe. Not in magic, but in each other."
"No death is the best option."
Emma: I wouldn't eat the apples in this house
Now we can focus on our impending lack of a future. - Regina
Hook: "We're in Storybrooke. Never heard of the telephone?"

past threads
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250 |

OUAT S&S #243

"Just remember love is free but all magic comes with a price. " ~ Rumpelstiltskin
"Never think you're ordinary just because you don't have magic." - Regina
"You and I, we're not family. I have one of those and it spans three generations and 400 years." ~Emma

"I don't have to betray everyone in Storybrooke, just you and I'm afraid, Emma Swan." ~Mr. Gold
"As someone who has created many monsters in his time, I am impressed by the number you did on Ms. Swan." ~ Mr. Gold
"Just remember love is free but all magic comes with a price. " ~ Rumpelstiltskin
"But the next time a happy ending knocks on my door I'm going to be ready. I'm not going to let this book stop me again." ~ Regina
"You never raised a baby before, you just put one through a magical wardrobe." ~Emma
"This could be the worst idea you've ever had and you hired the Wicked Witch as your nanny" - Regina
"We're not talking about an old pair of Jimmy Choos here. Tell me you're joking.~ Regina
The Snow Queen: I am trying to protect you and that is the truth.
Emma: I don't care and that is the truth.
"I just wanted to be a better man for you Swan and I failed and now because of it I might lose you. I'm sorry but I hope you never forgive me because that means you'll get this in time to save yourself." ~Hook
"Unfortunately savior magic doesn't go quietly. Although it won't hurt you it will destroy almost everything else within a city block. That would make quite a macabre sight at Granny's don't you think." ~Mr. Gold
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Last edited by CityGal; 12-01-2014 at 10:26 AM
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Old 11-28-2014, 02:02 PM
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Reposting my last post. I hope no one minds...

Originally Posted by CityGal (View Post)
It's only because Regina is back to being *evil*. Normally she is ok with Emma. If we don't believe the Charmings hate each other and want to hurt each other, why are we believing Regina really wants t kill Emma?

This is only the spell working. What I don't understand is why Emma and Elsa go after her? So, Regina locked herself in her vault in order to not harm anyone and Emma released her? Why? It doesn't make any sense...

Originally Posted by CityGal (View Post)
Seriously! Even though it affects everyone, it seems The Evil Queen may be in her "zone" . She's after the Charmings....again!

Hopefully Emma fights back and not lament over the loss "friendship". Yikes!!
Why would Emma see this as anything but the spell working? She knows what caused this, and she knows this isn't how Regina really feels. Of course I expect her to defend herself, because, after all, it would be stupid to just let Regina kill her, but I also don't see any lasting effects from this.

Originally Posted by CityGal (View Post)
But Josh's interview left me with the impression it held long term residual wounds, but had no idea it would be from the Charming's themselves. I can't. Even. Think. About it:
I'm guessing they might address things that did happen between them in a way that really hurts. Because they were problems between them. For example, how David acted under the curse not choosing between Kathryn and MM, or he not telling her about Dream Shade, or MM not letting him hold the baby, or even the fact she chose to not let Regina be executed... I can think of several moments in the past that one or the other could use to hurt. They know each other too well, they know what truly hurts.

Honestly, Regina wanting to kill Emma hurts less because it's not personal. The EQ hates everyone, but a husband and a wife saying exctly what they know will hurt the other the most is way worse.
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Old 11-28-2014, 02:05 PM
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Hmm could be we be getting a parallel between Captain Swan and Outlaw Queen to Snowing before the curse hits? Perhaps both couples say "I love you"?
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Old 11-28-2014, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Animefan99 (View Post)
I don't understand what problems they can have they always put the other person before themselves. It's not a selfish relationship. I just hope it doesn't affect how we view their relationship.

At least Anna's reasoning was understandable.
Just because it's not selfish doesn't mean that they don't have any issues. Last season Charming was afraid to talk to Snow about his fears of being a good father. This couple have both had really low moments but they always have the other to bring them back up. This curse makes them see the worst in others so, using the example above, maybe Snow will say that he is a bad father because she knows how scared he was.

The spoiler pics show that Emma, Regina, Henry, Snow, and Charming all happily reunite so they make their way through this.

As for Emma and Regina, Regina is going to see the worst in Emma ... all season she hasn't been really mad because she knows Emma didn't do it on purpose but this will make it so that she probably sees Emma intentionally sabotaging her - like how she saw Snow ...
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Old 11-28-2014, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Radames (View Post)
Hmm could be we be getting a parallel between Captain Swan and Outlaw Queen to Snowing before the curse hits? Perhaps both couples say "I love you"?
I don't believe so.
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Old 11-28-2014, 03:03 PM
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There's a lot of things Snow and Charming could bring up to each other. In addition to everything said, there's also Snow going suicidal after she killed Cora. I think the fact that they are so unselfish with each other is what is going to make the curse devastating for them. All of those selfish impulses they push down will be coming out. If handled correctly, it could be great fun and make their relationship stronger in the end. I don't honestly think that the show would let a huge fight under the influence of a curse tear apart true love. And we did see the spoiler reunion filming pics. However it is odd that JD was not in either of the group filming shots so I think something does happen to him after either in the finale or the beginning of 4.12. I keep wondering how tge shared heart thing will work if they are not of one heart.
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Old 11-28-2014, 03:51 PM
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Old 11-28-2014, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by T'Lynn (View Post)
Just because it's not selfish doesn't mean that they don't have any issues. Last season Charming was afraid to talk to Snow about his fears of being a good father. This couple have both had really low moments but they always have the other to bring them back up. This curse makes them see the worst in others so, using the example above, maybe Snow will say that he is a bad father because she knows how scared he was.

The spoiler pics show that Emma, Regina, Henry, Snow, and Charming all happily reunite so they make their way through this.

As for Emma and Regina, Regina is going to see the worst in Emma ... all season she hasn't been really mad because she knows Emma didn't do it on purpose but this will make it so that she probably sees Emma intentionally sabotaging her - like how she saw Snow ...
Where's the spoiler pics with Charming, I didnt think there was any. Id love to see it.
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Old 11-28-2014, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Austenphile (View Post)
There's a lot of things Snow and Charming could bring up to each other. In addition to everything said, there's also Snow going suicidal after she killed Cora. I think the fact that they are so unselfish with each other is what is going to make the curse devastating for them. All of those selfish impulses they push down will be coming out. If handled correctly, it could be great fun and make their relationship stronger in the end. I don't honestly think that the show would let a huge fight under the influence of a curse tear apart true love. And we did see the spoiler reunion filming pics. However it is odd that JD was not in either of the group filming shots so I think something does happen to him after either in the finale or the beginning of 4.12. I keep wondering how tge shared heart thing will work if they are not of one heart.
I wouldn't worry too much.I think they are saving something special for jd and Snowing.
Anyway still in the picu, hope to be home tomorrow at some point with Alex so I can chat with you and discuss spoilers.

Snowing is the only of my main couple's I had hope
RumplestiltskinBelle. "Love only brought me pain. My walls were up. But you brought them down. You brought me home. You brought light into my life and chased away all the darkness" ~ Rumplestiltskin
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Old 11-28-2014, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Animefan99 (View Post)
Where's the spoiler pics with Charming, I didnt think there was any. Id love to see it.

more in the OP.
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Old 11-28-2014, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Rhonwen (View Post)
I wouldn't worry too much.I think they are saving something special for jd and Snowing.
Anyway still in the picu, hope to be home tomorrow at some point with Alex so I can chat with you and discuss spoilers.

Snowing is the only of my main couple's I had hope
Thinking about you! Hope everything gets better

I think Snowing will be fine, we will be on high alert for JD filming spoilers! Thanks CityGal for posting the link to the pic
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Old 11-28-2014, 04:14 PM
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“Everybody thinks the goodbye is because of the spell and he’d have to chain himself to the docks so he doesn’t hurt her, but in actual fact in Hook’s mind, he’s going to be dead, Rumple’s going to kill him,” O’Donoghue says. “That’s his final goodbye. It’s heartbreaking for him because there’s so much that he wishes he could’ve experienced with Emma and told her. I’m sure he’s full of regret for all the wrong things that he’s done, but in that moment, it is simply just him saying goodbye to the woman he loves. She doesn’t quite fully know exactly how powerful that is for him because she thinks she’ll cure the spell and she’ll find him and it’ll all be fine, but in his mind, it won’t be.”
Sounds like a potential ILY between Hook and Emma.
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Old 11-28-2014, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by CityGal (View Post)

more in the OP.

Thank you
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Old 11-28-2014, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by T'Lynn (View Post)

I think Snowing will be fine, we will be on high alert for JD filming spoilers! Thanks CityGal for posting the link to the pic
No problem. Thought you might be out shopping.
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Old 11-28-2014, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by T'Lynn (View Post)
Thinking about you! Hope everything gets better

I think Snowing will be fine, we will be on high alert for JD filming spoilers! Thanks CityGal for posting the link to the pic
Thanks. Typing from my phone while he sleeps.. I can't even shop..

Snowing will be great I'm sure. All the couple's except Rumbelle I'm sure. It is interesting that's for certain.
RumplestiltskinBelle. "Love only brought me pain. My walls were up. But you brought them down. You brought me home. You brought light into my life and chased away all the darkness" ~ Rumplestiltskin
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