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Old 10-26-2008, 12:12 PM
Ultimate Fan

deej240z's Avatar
Joined: Mar 2008
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*Spoilers* #41: "Thank you, spoiler expert!"


The N.O.S.E.

No Obedient Souls Élite

This thread is to collect and discuss all the news, spoilers and speculations about Sawyer in the fifth season of Lost, airing in 2009 and starting to be shot in August 2008.

This post is to collect only the Sawyer-related spoilers/news.

Shooting Dates

5x01 - Because You Left : August 18 - ?
5x02 - The Lie : August 28 - September 12
5x03 - Jughead : ? - ?
5x04 - The Little Prince : September 20 - October 5
5x05 - This Place is Death : October 6 - October 18
5x06 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham : October 20 - ?
5x07 - ? : October 28 - November 12


Watch with Kristin ~ E! online -
Michael Ausiello ~ Entertainment Weekly -
Matt Mitovich & Mickey O'Connor ~ TV Guide -
Korbi TV ~ -
Lost magazine - or

Damon Lindelof/Carlton Cuse mail address:
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
Lost Touchstone Television
500 South Buena Vista
Production Building #343
Burbank, CA 91521


October 24, 2008
- From Ryan's Podcast: DDK seen on the set with the actress playing the young Rousseau.

- Via DarkUFO: Titles for the first 6 episodes

October 22, 2008
Via DarkUFO: first promo for S5
Sawyer screencaps: 1; 2; 3

October 21, 2008
- Video interview with Brian K. Vaughn
Season 5 “is definitely going to be the strangest thing that’s ever been on network television. Ever.”

- Casting call for ep. 5x07: Hal; Mike; Vicki; Rupa; Nandi

October 20, 2008
By Kronos via DarkUFO: News from the set
'Sawyer and Juliet are fine. Faraday comes ashore, and he appears to be insane. He says he is from the past and not the future. Charlotte and Miles are fine as well. Charlotte does her best to keep Faraday calm but he keeps saying crazy things. These five are together until the attack.'

October 16, 2008
From HaleiwaDiva @ 'They have also been filming at the beach in Haleiwa the past few days. They have not been there much so far this season so I was happy to see them back there this week.'

October 15, 2008
From LikaNui @ 'They've been shooting at Kualoa Ranch the past three days. Not in the famous valley, but on the Kaneohe side, just before you get to Tropical Farms mac nut outlet. Thick rainforest area.'

October 9, 2008
Casting call for 5x06: Hajer

October 4, 2008
DocArzt: Another character on mainland? Jin really dead?
'It appears that things may not be looking so up for Daniel Dae Kim’s character of Jin in Lost season 5. After recent spoilers from E!’s Kristin revealed that Jin is found by a rescue crew comprised of John Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Daniel, and Charlotte, some contrary information has bubbled up.
Apparently some folks in the know are claiming that the scene will reveal Jin’s fate, but they refuse to confirm that Jin survives. Personally, I find it unusual there would have been any wooden doors on the freighter. But who knows. Of course, knowing that Sun is going all double agent on the O6 would be that much more flammable for the audience knowing that her vengeance is not required, so personally I’m hoping for “He Lives!”
Exclusive! Is the Lost crew filming secret scenes not included in the generally available script? From one of my sources out west comes info that ANOTHER Lost fan favorite, a very surprising one, is revealed as being off-island in the Lost season 5 premiere. The implications are amazing, however — when I ran the intel by a trusted vetter of spoilers the info was debunked. Could it be that this is a Lost foiler? Who do you think this person is?'
(the character is not seen off the island in the premiere - somehwere between the premiere and the 4th episode. Both sources have been 100% accurate in the past, except for once (damn you source #2!), but all I can say is we shall see...)

September 30, 2008
Ausiello Files: Jin
Question: I don't know if I can wait until January or February for Lost. Got any scoop on it? -- Nick
Sawyer, Juliet, Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, and ***** will learn Jin's fate at the precise moment we do: in episode 4. In other news, ask yourself this question: Why was Jorge Garcia shooting a scene in jail last week?

September 29, 2008
Hutchison (Horace Goodspeed) Reveals Lost Return
"I got a call from my agent about a month ago saying, 'Lost would like to have you do at least four episodes for this coming season, pending your availability.'
All Hutchison really knows is, Goodspeed will be 'resurrected in some incarnation.'"

September 28, 2008
TVWeek - Masters of Sci-Fi: Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof
'It’s too soon for either man to be discussing his next project, but both were willing to offer a few words that describe the next season of “Lost.”
“Non-paradoxical,” said Mr. Lindelof.
“Time travel,” added Mr. Cuse. “But it’s much tougher to do time travel when your rule of time travel is, nothing you go back to do in the past can change what happens in the future.”'

September 27, 2008
Ryan's report from Lost filming at the public pool at Kaneohe District Park - set pics
'They commandeered the swimming pool at Kaneohe District Park, converting it into a film-studio-grade water tank. The floor of the pool was blacked out, black canvas was hung around the perimiter, and they also put up giant fans, crane-mounted lights, and huge rain rigs and pumps. Filming continued all through the night.
At least two scenes were filmed, both in stormy seas. The first involved a canoe, and it was an all-star crew: Josh Holloway, Elizabeth Mitchell, Ken Leung, Rebecca Mader, and Jeremy Davies. And at the helm? I’m pretty sure it was Terry O’Quinn. They were rocked by waves, drenched by rain, blasted by wind, and blinded by lightning. Sawyer calls for them to go back. But then they see or hear something, and begin paddling toward it.
The second scene involved a large red and black rescue raft. Similar to, but larger than, the raft that carried the Oceanic 6. And unlike with the canoe, none of the raft’s handful of passengers were recognizable. The rain and waves are cued again. Over the din of the equipment, the men and women argue… in French. Suddenly, one of them spots something in the distance. One man pulls out a flashlight, and two other men pull out paddles and start heading toward it.
Two floating, soaking wet groups of people, both buffeted by stormy seas, and both suddenly compelled to seek something in the water. Each other? Or something else?
There is, in fact, one last object floating in the sea (or pool, as it were). A large, thick, wooden door, splintered at the top, a long handle jutting out of the water. And on it, a man lay motionless.'

September 25, 2008
DarkUFO: One of these 8 characters will die in the first five episodes of S5.

September 23, 2008
Ausiello Files: The island moved.
Question: All these years with your damn puzzles! I have a little puzzle for you to figure out, Mr. Ausiello: S**rf*s bl*w! Good luck with that one. -- Kyle
Smurfs blow! Wow, that was F-U-N. Now I'll return the favor with another one of my phenomenally successful multiple choice quizzes, this time pertaining to the fate of a certain MIA island on Lost. We will come to learn that one of the following is true in Lost's fifth season premiere.
A. The Island moved forward in time.
B. The Island moved backward in time.
C. The Island did not move in time, but it did move in space -- to another location on the planet.
D. The Island did not move in time or space -- it's still there, but Dharma tech renders it invisible to the naked eye.

September 22, 2008
- Watch with Kristin Spoiler Chat: Ben's plan
'I also ran into Michael Emerson at the HBO party and asked him how Ben was going to get everyone to go along, and he said, "Oh, it's not a question of why they should go along, it's a question of do they want to survive."'

- Watch with Kristin: Live from the Red Carpet
In the first video Kristin says the entire structure is going to be changing. They will be flashing not only backwards, but also forwards. The producers assure it's going to be easier to follow.

- Rebecca Mader's Facebook photo: Arrows?

September 21, 2008
- Korbi TV: Jorge, Evangeline and Michael
'Jorge Garcia broke the radio silence and gave me some Lost scoop: "I've read up to script four at this point. But script one blew my mind. It's really, really crazy. It starts right where we left off. Hurley is right where Sayid picked him up in the mental institution. We see what happens to the island in that first episode and it's pretty insane. I was just like, wait a minute, what was that again? I'm still just trying to wrap my head around it." [...] As for changes to the show in season five, Jorge said it's tricky to categorize the episodes as 'anybody centric': "It's not as clear cut as it's been in the past. We don't have the moments where someone stares off into space and then we cut to something that happened in their previous life. They've gone in a slightly different direction as far as how they're telling the story and they're definitely trying to show what's going on with more people in every given episode."
Evangeline Lilly agreed: "It's a whole new format. And all the original characters are revolutionized, so what you're used to watching in Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, and even Sun who's been steady since season one, is [out the window]. We're all brand new people. It's very exciting to sort of act a new character and not the same thing over and over again."'

- E! online: Daniel Dae Kim at the Pre-Emmy parties
'At the Entertainment Weekly/Revlon pre-Emmy party in Beverly Hills, Daniel Dae Kim spilled a little tidbit about the "very bad things" that supposedly happened to the Left Behinds after the Oceanic Six were rescued: "There are definitely consequences to moving the Island. There are some that will pay a heavy price. Some people will suffer physically, some will suffer psychologically..."'

- Ryan's Lost podcast: Transmission 2008-09-21: “Maternity Leave”
'Names from various sightings at very active Kualoa shoots.'

September 17, 2008
By John via DarkUFO - Josh, Terry and Juliet (+ Jorge) filming at Ka'a'awa Valley | photos - more photos + video
Just took a Kos Hummer movie tour today. Lost is filming all week in the Ka'a'awa Valley. (Hurley's golf course, plus many other scenes filmed there.)
There is a large "army camp" set, a huge new tower which looks like an oil rig only in wood - maybe a well. I saw Locke and Sawyer for sure. Others spotted Juliet and reports were Hurley was on the set which makes no sense!

September 12, 2008
Casting call for 504: Leon & Vincent + Tony

September 10, 2008
Entertainment Weekly: Saïd Taghmaoui casted as Caesar

September 9, 2008
By Topher via DarkUFO: Sawyer/Juliet/Charlotte/Miles/Daniel sighting + pics taken on Sep. 5 - 1 . 2 . 3
'Anyway we took some pics of the old beach from season 1, the waterfall, the other's houses, etc. At the end of the day we decided to look at one more site, Police Beach, and we came up on them shooting a beach scene. In the scene was Sawyer, Juliet, Charlotte, Miles, AND Faraday. The raft was on the beach. It seemed that Faraday was telling them something but we weren't aloud to get to close. So Faraday's alive's a flashback of some sorts. lol'

September 7, 2008
Ryan Podcast: a collection of the latest spoilers
Re-cap by DarkUFO: Small Cessna Found; Locke and Alpert filming together; Sawer/Juliet/Rose/Bernard filming confirmed; Charlotte and Miles filming together confirmed; Shirtless Sawyer Confirmed; Locke and Marvin Candle seen together on the set although not confirm that they appear on screen together; Construction work taking place in front of the camera + Reports of them filming an Accident/Incident; Locke and Marvin Candle seen together on the set although not confirm that they appear on screen together; Hospital scene in Kahuku; The casting of an Asian baby (Ji Yeon?)

September 5, 2008
DocArzt: Casting call for 5x05 - Brigitte

September 4, 2008
- DocArzt: 4 new roles for 5x03 - Solanga; Abigail; Theresa, janitor

- Ausiello Files: Zuleikha Robinson casted as Ilana

September 3, 2008
By Dustin and Carole via Ryan: Sawyer, Juliet, Rose, Bernard, Miles and Charlotte on set
Dustin: 'Saw Sawyer, Rose, Bernard, Juliet, Miles and Charlotte. First scene we saw had Sawyer, Bernard, Rose, and Juliet. They appeared to be having a conversation in the jungle. Second scene had Charlotte and Miles, going back to camp. We watched for about 90 minutes. According to one of the crew, it was for Episode 5×01.'

Carole: 'We went out and saw them filming a scene with Elizabeth Mitchell and Josh Holloway. We also saw Vincent the dog! The scene had Sawyer, shirtless and in jeans, talking to Juliette. We also think they may have been shooting with “Rose” as well, as when we were walking by, we heard someone ask if Rose was ready and miked up… When we made our way back, security for the property saw us and then walked us through a wooded trail back to our car — because if we would have went back via the beach, we would have been in the shot. As we walked through the woods, we saw some tent-like structures that were probably used at some point for filming.'

August 21, 2008
- Two new characters for 5x02: Darlene & Jill

- Beach Camp set dismantled?

August 19, 2008
Character round-up: Foreman; Martha; Dan; Nigel; Sophie; Caesar; Ilanna

- The Black Rock..?
'The Lost producers are looking for two ships, both need to be seaworthy. The main one they wanted was a big black ominous looking ship, but the ship company didn't have anything that was even remotely similar to what they described. However, they booked another ship and it's going to be a chase ship which goes after the big black one.
The chase ship is the oldest ship in the marina and it looks like it's from the 1500's. Do you know why they would want boats that looked to be several hundred years old?
They want to film out in the Pacific off the California coast in early September.'

- By Doc Arzt: Premiere center on the O6 facing the need to go back
'According to our trusty "Super Sock," (Who did furnish some of the ultra awesome and thoroughly accurate asterix quizzes) "Because You Left" deals with several of the Oceanic Six coming to grips with their need to return to the island... on their own terms. If true, this means season five will get right down to it and do away with the issues of Jack 'convincing' Kate to return right off the bat.
In this sense the statement "Because You Left" deals with not a specific set of circumstances, but multiple character's circumstances.'

August 17, 2008
Lost casting 8 extras, preferably people speaking a foreign language

August 15, 2008
Reuters UK - Matthew Fox gets a raise on "Lost"

August 14, 2008
- Ausiello Files - Casting Scoops: 'Lost' Finds New Villain

- From secretagentman on TWOP: 'Appearing in #502 and #503 will be 'Nigel' and 'Sophie' (names likely will change). Nigel is British, in his late teens. Smart and mature for his age, if a little rough around the edges. Sophie is a British aristocrat in her late teens and appears quite innocent and a little prim, but underneath she is formidable.'

August 11, 2008
- By Jeff Jensen @ EW - 5x01 episode title: "Because You Left"

- The Hollywood - 'Lost' stars in renegotiation talks

August 8, 2008
ABC Fall Promo 2008 (60 seconds)

August 7, 2008
- Ausiello Files: more details about the two new characters (Caesar and Ilanna)

- Casting spoilers by secretagentman @ TWoP: 'They begin shooting #501 on Aug. 17th. A couple new recurring characters, who may be regulars in season 6. A 40ish dangerous, intelligent man whose intentions are unclear (really? on this show?) and a 30ish charming, brilliant and dangerous European woman with a dark, mysterious past. That's it for now.'

August 6, 2008
Mega Scoop by Matt Mitovich: Jack & Juliet; S5
I know Skaters and Jaters are asking about their Lost couples, but please don't ignore us Jacketeers! Is there hope for a Jack-Juliet reunion? – Tamuna
Hope? Sure. It's just a matter of where (back on the island, I can only assume) and when (perhaps as early as this coming season, at least one source tells me). And for those fretting about Elizabeth Mitchell's future with the show, I am assured that Juliet figures very heavily into Season 5. Me, I see her and Sawyer (wet and shirtless or even dry and clothed) taking charge as Locke and his band of worshippers move forth with whatever cockamamy plan they have in mind.

August 4, 2006
- Doc Arzt - Season Five RUMORS & SPOILERS

We'll file this under spoilers, just in case, but here are a few things circulating about that may, or may not, be true and don't seem to be getting any air anywhere else -- along with a few things that are beginning to bubble up.
- The premiere presents a logistical challenge for the cast and crew because for the first time the episode takes place in THREE separate time-lines.
- There have been spurts of crew activity on the island, even though filming doesn't begin until August 18th.
- The cast is reportedly still "spread out." No signs, apparently, that there have been any gatherings for readings or anything of that nature.
- So far there have been NO casting calls for the premiere, at least no public ones. The most recent LOST related casting call was for Dan Bronson for the ARG.
According to Josh Holloway in the new TV Guide, Sawyer will - much to the delight of the ladies - be shirtless during the first few episodes of LOST season five.

General Thoughts
Well, it seems that, by Holloway's comments, we will see the island from the get-go, so that mystery is solved. It appears that season five is going to stick to the concise nature of season 4 when it comes to not stalling ala season 2 and 3, and cover all the bases and a bit more.
The three time-lines sort of, for this episode at least, blows apart the notion that episodes will focus on one time-line with the other being the flashes. Ala, this is an island episode with the flash sequences being off the island Oceanic 6. The question is, would they have ALL episodes jump back and forth between the O6 and the relocated island folk?

- TV Guide interview with Josh (credit for the scan: Susan)
Josh: "Sawyer doesn't find his shirt for the first two episodes, which is really disturbing. Coming after a hiatus, that ain't fair!"

July 28, 2008
- BBC News: TV's Lost audience 'will be lost'

- Watch with Kristin spoiler chat: Sawyer&Kate; S5 structure
Wendy in Singapore: Kristin, thank you for all the Comic-Con reporting. Do you have any other Lost stuff? Especially about Kate seeing Sawyer again?
Actually, I just heard from a reliable source what the new nonflash story structure is supposed to be for season five, and here's what I can tell you:
1. What my source told me seems to jibe perfectly with everything we've heard straight from the mouths of Damon and Carlton at TCA and Comic-Con
2. It could be incredibly confusing
3. Think about the Jin and Sun episode from last season.
In particular, this new story structure (which we'll discuss more as it gets closer to the new season) seems to ease my biggest fear about season five: separated characters and character groups. So before the secret gets out and everyone starts bitching about the confusing part, I'd like to say thanks, writers, for listening to us fans about wanting to see our faves continue to share adventures. Cheers.

July 27, 2008
Damon & Carlton interview for G4 TV
The prodicers say S5 will be a lot different from S4; they have "new tricks in their bag"; both the Island and the outside world will still be part of the show; their main fear for Lost is to get boring and stalling; so they hope to keep the "aggressive storytelling" high; the big question after the end of S4 is, with the Island disappearing, where is the Island and when is the island, hopefully those are the things that will keep the audience engaged; knowing the end date of the series allows them to be always sure of the pace they're keeping.

July 26, 2008
- Official audio podcast from Comic-Con

- Watch with Kristin: funny CC vids

- New Dharma video | Transcript

- Comic-Con live blogging by Jen & Liz @

- Kristin of E! - Live blogging from Comic-Con
Q: When the hatch imploded and the sky turned purple? Did the Island move then?
A: No. But something happened.

Q: Will there be a Rousseau flashback?
A: We will see Rousseau's story, to use the word flashback might be disingenious. Damon: We're steering away from the flashes.

Q: Will Kate ever see Sawyer again?
DL: Not if Jack has anything to say about it. CC: Yes. Kate will see Sawyer again.

Q: Is there a limit to how far the flashes can go back and forth in time?
A: We're going to tell stories in a new and exciting way. This year, when season five starts, you're not going to know when and where you are. CC: There will be storytelling both on and off the Island and in different periods of time. Guy who makes wooshing sound will remain employed.

July 17, 2008
- iFMagazine: The Scoop on 'Lost' Season 5
'As for teases on the new season, as usual the executive producers are tight lipped, but they do reveal this season will be about the Oceanic 6 getting back to the island.
“The people that are off the island, the island seems to be drawing them back and Ben [Michael Emerson] makes it clear they need to go back to the island,” says Cuse. “So hopefully that’s a lot of what you’ll see of in Season 5 -- the journey how those six return to the island.”'

- Watch with Kristin - ABC's Big Bosses Dish on Grey's, Lost, Desperate and Betty
'Damon and Carlton also were asked about diversity issues, with an implied reference to Harold Perrineau's speculation about how race might have played a role Michael's death, and Damon said, "The show has to be an equal-opportunity murderer...We've killed a lot of white people. And I can almost guarantee we will be killing more white people this season."
When pressed on their plan for season five of Lost, Damon said, "This is a tricky year for us. This is like The Two Towers [portion of The Lord of the Rings saga] links us to the final season...We've known a lot of what we want to do there [in the final season] for a long time, but the challenge is how do we make this season engaging and exciting. The worst thing we could ever do on the show is for the show to be boring...If we're going to be bad, we're going to be spectacularly bad."'

- Ausiello - Live Press Tour Diary: ABC Day Two
- 'Cuse hints that "the journey about how those six return to the island" will be a major thrust of Season 5. Adds Lindelof: "You have to break your characters up to create conflict... but you can't play that too long because the audience will get frustrated.... And we have that intensely in mind as we proceed."'
- Cuse teases we'll see more of Daniel Dae Kim "in some form" this season despite Jin's apparent death.

June 21, 2008
Carlton Cuse Interview from China TV/Film Forum (2 clips)
LOST writer Carlton Cuse, along with Ugly Betty writer were a part of a TV and Film Forum in China to discuss their shows and answer some questions about the industry.
- Sawyer is his favorite: Handsome, charming and dangerous, everything he would want to be.
- He gives a shout out to Skaters and Jaters and then mentions that we call them Darlton. Kate will end up with one of the two eventually.
- Production starts in August and Season 5 will air from January to May 2009.

June 6, 2008
Watch with Kristin - Lost Finale: Did You Still Have Some Questions or Something?

Mike in Hermosa Beach, Calif.: I have one question that I can't seem to find an answer to. And it's probably meant to be that we didn't hear, but what the hell did Sawyer whisper to Kate before he jumped?
Survey says: I've checked with my sources, and also a rep for the show, and have been told that the writers are "saving that secret for later on." According to one insider who works on the show, that line (what Sawyer said) wasn't even in the script. I wouldn't put too much stock into the gazillion daughter-in-Alabama (or possibly Albuquerque) "What Sawyer Said" videos currently playing on YouTube, some of which claim to have official and complete subtitles. Bottom line: Only Damon and Carlton know the whole truth, so I'm staying cautiously skeptical for the time being. If anyone sees them at Comic-Con next month (when they officially break their "radio silence"), tackle them and tickle them until they tell us if we can trust this YouTube business, OK?

Jen in Boston: I just noticed on the alternate endings to the Lost season finale on, the ones with Desmond or Sawyer in the coffin. What is that about?
That is about making sure people like me (evil, evil people) didn't spill the beans on who was in the coffin before the finale aired. And about showing off how hot Sawyer and Desmond are when wearing suits (even if they are dead). Seriously, don't give those endings a second thought, because there's the external drama of managing the fandom and the foilers, and there's the show itself. As Joss Whedon once said, "Trust the tale, not the teller."

Chris in Henderson, Nev.: If next season of Lost is about the Oceanic Six trying to get back, wouldn't it be more than just Emilie de Ravin who would need a holding contract? What about Josh Holloway, Terry O'Quinn, etc.?
They don't need holding contracts because we're going to see them on the Island next season, sillypants. I have no idea how they're going weave together the stories from back in the world with the stories from the Island, but Sawyer, Jin, Locke and company will be present and accounted for. I think a lot of season five will be a great ironic contrast between what the O6 think is happening on the Island, and what the Islanders think is happening in the world (all while the Widmore-Linus war rages around them).

June 4, 2008
Sky One: 'The Answers'
Sawyer may get an haircut. (?)

May 28, 2008
TV & Satellite Week scans - Finale Special
'Josh Holloway, who plays Sawyer, is glad to be a "left-behinder". "At first I got mad and kicked cans around the house, but then I thought, 'Well, I don't want to do scenes in a city. I'm not ready for a courtroom drama, I like the jungle. I like being dirty and sweaty and all messed up'", he says. "And the island is still one of the major characters in the show, and I'm on the island, so I'm with the big guy."'

May 24, 2008
- Los Angeles Times: 'Lost' season finale should answer questions
"All we can say is that it's going to be very hard to get back to the island for those guys," co-creator and executive producer Damon Lindelof said. "But life will continue for the people who are not with them. How are we going to tell that story? We're not going to tell that."

- USA Today Celeb Watch: Josh Holloway (YouTube link)
Q: Do you have any idea where Sawyer is heading, in the future?
Josh: Well, I'm on the island... they alluded to dark things.

May 15, 2008
TV guide interview with co-executive producer Jean Higgins
'And while Higgins can confirm that the latest Jack-Kate flash-forwards transpired well before the Season 3 finale's "We have to go baaaack!" scene, she won't pinpoint what exactly it is that Kate promised Sawyer and thus enrages her fiancé. "I would say that will come out most likely next year," she ventures.'

May 9, 2008
S5 and S6 will have 17 episodes each.

May 5, 2008
Watch with Kristin spoiler chat: Skate; Sawyer; Locke

Ally in Ireland: Please tell me Sawyer doesn't die...He isn't one of the Oceanic 6?
Right, he's not. But Sawyer doesn't die. He's alive. On the Island.

April 23, 2008
A.V. Club interview with Lindelof and Cuse

April 21, 2008
Watch with Kristin Spoiler Chat: Orchid Station, Seth Norris

Francie in Pasadena, Calif.: Can you share Lost info, s'il vous plaît?
According to my sources, the Orchid Station, which we should finally see soon, may be a major set going into next season as well. I've personally decided that's because it is totally a time machine, but I've been known to talk crazy.

February 24, 2008
The New York Post: 10 reasons why 'Lost' is found

2. We learn Jack's fate: The finale introduced the flash forward and showed us Jack's (Matthew Fox) slide into alcoholism when he leaves the island. "The flash forward is part of an overall plan for the show," says Damon Lindelof, co-executive producer. "Season 4 is about who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back. Season 5 is about why they need to get back, and season 6 is about what happens when they get back."

3. We know who survives: Season four introduced six survivors: Jack (Matthew Fox); Kate (Evangeline Lilly); Hurley (Jorge Garcia), and Sayid (Naveen Andrews). This "Oceanic 6" make it off the island, but one will die - exactly who will be revealed this season. "We've made a choice to focus on the characters that fans have loved since the beginning - Jack, Kate, Sawyer (Josh Holloway), Locke (Terry O'Quinn), Sayid and Hurley," says Lindelof.

8. More sexual tension: The love quadrangle between Jack and Kate, Kate and Sawyer, and Jack and Juliet promises delicious complications, with Jack telling Kate he loves her, Sawyer asking Kate to shack up with him on the island and Juliet saving the day for Jack.

February 21, 2008
- Terry O'Quinn interviewed by The Canadian Press

AP: You've had other disagreements with the writers.
O'Quinn: At the end of Season 3 Locke throws a knife into Naomi's back and I said, 'This really hurts me, It's so not typical and it's so out of character and it seemed gratuitous.' I made the biggest stink I ever made with (executive producers) Damon Lindelhof and Carlton Cuse and they said, 'Look, Locke believes he was doing the right thing. His life was saved, he's been told, he's been instructed. He believes that this is the most dangerous person in the world right now and he does what he does. Do it.' I said, 'Well, you know, if I stab her in the back couldn't I at least shoot Jack in the knee or something?'

AP: What's it like working with such a large cast?
O'Quinn: One of the nice things about this cast, this size of cast, you get a new episode and you go, 'Oh great, now I get to work this little arc with Michael Emerson. We have a lot together. Or with Josh Holloway or Evangeline Lily and it's almost always a pleasure to find out who you're working with. Almost.

AP: Are there some you aren't pleased to work with?
O'Quinn: There've been some rough times but it's very familial in that way. It's like the holidays when you go, 'Oh God, uncle Bob's going to get drunk and abuse my cousin. But we'll get through it.'

February 20, 2008
From EW: Jeff Jensen interview with Lindelof and Cuse

- Naomi and Elsa's bracelets had no mytological purpose, they just thought giving Elsa the same bracelet would bring memories in Sayid;
- Adam and Eve, the skeletons, will be adressed but not this season;
- Episode 4x05 "deals with time travel and operates in different time periods";
- In episode 4x05, we'll find out which kind of calls the satellite phone can do and which it can't, explaining why they can't call the outside world;
- By the end of the season we will know who is in the coffin;
- The larger mythos, like "The Purge", will come back in season 5;
- NO to alternative realities, because they want the audience to invest in the story and the characters and what happens to them - that doesn't exclude time travel and bending of the space/time continuum though;
- By the end of the season, we'll know what happened since the O6 left the island/got rescued, to the point Jack and Kate meet in the airport;
- We'll see more hints to Jacob and the cabin, but that's not something that will be answered by the end of this season;
- the Orchid video showed at Comic Con is important this season;
- the mystery of Ben's list is linked to the wreckage seen at the bottom of the ocean.

January 30, 2008
Doc Arzt interview with Josh Holloway for BuddyTV

January 14, 2008
- Watch with Kristin - Spoiler Chat: Sawyer's death?; Penelope; Kate and one of the Boaties?; Jack&Juliet

Julia in San Diego: Lost! I just read somewhere that Sawyer might not make it through the season. Please save me from a true panic attack and tell me Sawyer isn't going anywhere!
Yes, Sawyer's going to be killed off in episode six, and from what I understand that will be the show's last-ever mention of the character. Audiences just never warmed up to him, and the writers realized it was best to simply give his off-putting storyline to a swift, clear-cut end. (I'm kidding. Seriously now, with all the stressing going on at, I worry that you guys are all gonna give yourselves aneurysms. I promise you, if Sawyer were to eventually get killed off, which I consider unlikely in the extreme, the show would at least do it Nate Fisher style—that guy is gonna be around until the end in one way or another.)
September 4, 2008
JD via DarkUFO: Details on Call Sheet (Locke + Richard + 2 characters in Egyptian clothes)
Previous Threads

Josh as Sawyer in Lost S4: Past, present, future. We'll follow him everywhere.
#3: Nine months of hiatus?! Come to join the therapy group.
#4: 2° FF -> LA hotel, Maria/Fran/Misty+Sawyer. Guess the rest
#5: Our "Lost outcast" investigation? Not obsession, but scientific dedication.
#6: Apparently, it really is about bunnies.
#7: Fear our detective skills, foiler guys.
#8: An apparition? No, he really is filming.
#9: Lost on Monday: nothing better than Sawyer to start a new week.
#10: Trust no one, but the Hawaiian reporters.
#11: First set photos, Sawyer is back in action.
#12: The WTF spoilers are back: Sawyer meeting Fred Flintstones?
#13: Sawyer, Sawyer, Sawyer. (this title tries to compensate the lack of news)
#14: Max didn't make it to the theaters, but Sawyer did.
#15: We're just Sawyer fans, like Carlton.
#16: So, about those kids in tattered clothes...
#17: These boots were made for speculating.
#18: "That guy is gonna be around until the end"
#19: "And here I thought I'd finally be gettin' a good night's sleep"
#20 - Taller ghost Walt ordered: "Put that kitchen counter to good use"
#21: You are our constant, James.
#22: We would like to time travel to when Sawyer gets a storyline.
#23: Unlike the writers, we honor continuity & don't drop storylines.
#24: "Without a juicy Sawyer-centric piece we'll be dying." - DocArzt
#25: Burn, Monopoly, burn.
#26: James Ford and the Secret of the Lost Plotline
#27: A knight without armor in a savage land.
#28: The Finale Follies - Step Right Inside
#29: Bye S4. We won't miss you except for the Big Damn Hero!
#30: Jumping the shark? More like Turning the wheel.
#31: Eight months of sweet nothings whispered in our ears.
#32: Spoilers? We don't need no stinkin' spoilers.
#33: We can only hope.
#34: S5 Sawyer - Free Agent, New Sheriff & King of the Island.
#35: What 'Time' Is It? It's Spoiler Time!
#36: Left-Behinders - The Curse of the Black Rock
#37: Ryan, Dustin & Carole > Michael, Matt & Kristin
#38: Give us a good spoiler and we'll give you a good title.
#39: Just do it, Freckles. Spoil me.
#40: Do these spoilers make me look fat?


Last edited by Hawthorn; 10-26-2008 at 12:58 PM
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Old 10-26-2008, 12:34 PM
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Wow, that's a lot of spoilers. I was just rereading one of the Comic Con ones, where someone asked if Kate will ever see Sawyer again. Damon's response was, "Not if Jack has anything to say about it." I was there, and I remember how he said it, as if Jack was a dastardly villian.

I wanted to go back and read the old thread, but FanForum is giving me fits. It's taking forever to load pages. Does that happen often?
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Old 10-26-2008, 12:43 PM
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TRoss! Yeah, it's taking me 5 mins to make one post.

Oh that Damon, was he twirling his imiginary mustache while he said that?
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Old 10-26-2008, 12:50 PM
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Thanks for the new thread and the title, D!
If you want I can add the link to the previous thread to the OP, because I didn't understood what problem are you having with it.
Originally Posted by TRoss (View Post)
Wow, that's a lot of spoilers. I was just rereading one of the Comic Con ones, where someone asked if Kate will ever see Sawyer again. Damon's response was, "Not if Jack has anything to say about it." I was there, and I remember how he said it, as if Jack was a dastardly villian.
Ohhh, you were at Comic-Con! Can I ask you something, because I've always been curious about it - how do they pick which people will ask questions to the producers/guests?
I wanted to go back and read the old thread, but FanForum is giving me fits. It's taking forever to load pages. Does that happen often?
FanForum gives troubles regularly, lol, but lately things had been going smoothly - the problem is the week-end - I don't know if it's because of the increased amount of traffic, or because the technical manager does some maintenance work.
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Old 10-26-2008, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Thanks for the new thread and the title, D!
If you want I can add the link to the previous thread to the OP, because I didn't understood what problem are you having with it.
Go for it!
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Old 10-26-2008, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by TRoss (View Post)
Wow, that's a lot of spoilers. I was just rereading one of the Comic Con ones, where someone asked if Kate will ever see Sawyer again. Damon's response was, "Not if Jack has anything to say about it." I was there, and I remember how he said it, as if Jack was a dastardly villian.
And seeing how badly obsessed they made Jack with Kate last season, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if this is how Jack will really think and feel next season.
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Old 10-26-2008, 01:09 PM
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Fixed it, D. I still don't know why it didn't before, but I've stopped questioning the technical oddities of this forum a long while ago.

I think Jack will be on a big redemption path next season - every year the writers "fix" the mistakes of the previous one, so in S5 he might look like the more resigned-to-lose and remorseful wanna-be boyfriend on the planet.

I forgot to ask this the other day , the guy the arrow is pointing to is Sawyer, right? I don't trust my eyes (and my screen):

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Old 10-26-2008, 01:20 PM
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In that screencap, do all of those people belong to the left behinds (Sawyer, Juliet, Dan, Miles and Charlotte + a couple of redshirts) or are the remaining main characters surrounded by the hostiles?
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Old 10-26-2008, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Hamburgo1001 (View Post)
In that screencap, do all of those people belong to the left behinds (Sawyer, Juliet, Dan, Miles and Charlotte + a couple of redshirts) or are the remaining main characters surrounded by the hostiles?
Do you mean if some of the people you can see in the cap are hostiles, or if all the castaways are looking around to the hostiles surrounding them (off screen)?

I assumed all the people there were castaways. There are Rose and Bernard, too (Rose is the person in purple and Bernard is next to Sawyer). I connected the scene to that sighting of Sawyer and Juliet with the old couple we got a while ago.
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Do you mean if some of the people you can see in the cap are hostiles, or if all the castaways are looking around to the hostiles surrounding them (off screen)?

I assumed all the people there were castaways. There are Rose and Bernard, too (Rose is the person in purple and Bernard is next to Sawyer). I connected the scene to that sighting of Sawyer and Juliet with the old couple we got a while ago.
Yeah, I was wondering if all the people in the cap belonged to the left behinds or not but I think they do. The woman in purple is definitely Rose. I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to the island storyline. I need my Sawyer and Juliet fix. I've been thinking about fast forwarding through every single O6 scene that doesn't include Ben or Sun next season. I'm so sick of the O6 and I especially despise Jack so much that just the sound of his voice sets me off these days.
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Hamburgo1001 (View Post)
Yeah, I was wondering if all the people in the cap belonged to the left behinds or not but I think they do. The woman in purple is definitely Rose. I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to the island storyline. I need my Sawyer and Juliet fix. I've been thinking about fast forwarding through every single O6 scene that doesn't include Ben or Sun next season. I'm so sick of the O6 and I especially despise Jack so much that just the sound of his voice sets me off these days.
Fastforwarding is a great suggestion - the one positive thing we European watchers can have with getting the episode the day after US, lol.
I'm so sick of the Six, I don't even want to watch Sayid and Hurley who I've never had anything against, quite the contrary (always been a Sayid fan). But I know their storylines, that they've been miserable on mainland and all that jazz, and I can do without them for a while. Same, or should I say even more, for Jack and Kate, and Kate's storyline with Aaron.

It's not just the 8 months of hiatus - S4 was such a letdown that I feel like I've been waiting for the return of the show I love since the summer after S3.

Tomorrow is Monday again, another chance to delude ourselves with the hope that Kristin & co. will have any decent news.
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:59 PM
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I'm fast forwarding through all the 0 Sux scenes. Especially the Jacko scenes. And Kate too, I'm afraid. Can't stand the Kate/Aaron storyline. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
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Old 10-26-2008, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Tomorrow is Monday again, another chance to delude ourselves with the hope that Kristin & co. will have any decent news.
Yeah. I don't expect anything from the Kristin front until the first week of December. Anybody planning on asking Kristin some Suliet questions?

I'm fast forwarding through all the 0 Sux scenes. Especially the Jacko scenes. And Kate too, I'm afraid. Can't stand the Kate/Aaron storyline. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
I agree about the Kate/Aaron thing. I love Claire and it creeps me out immensely when Kate tells everyone that Aaron is her son.
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Old 10-26-2008, 04:32 PM
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What gets me about the Kate/Aaron thing is, is that she becomes a parent. A parent will always choose the child over the spouse when there is a life threatening situation. Aaron would always be her priority and he isn't even really hers. That makes Sawyer expendable. Kate would protect Aaron over Sawyer. That completely negates their relationship, and hell, they weren't even a couple to begin with. It totally neutralizes Skate. And Jate for that matter too. Which may be a good thing, depending on how you feel about the pairings.
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Old 10-26-2008, 04:56 PM
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I wouldn't mind if the whole romantic mess involving Kate was destroyed because she has Aaron now. I would welcome it because I would recognize and sympathize with her priorities - just like I would understand Sawyer giving up on Kate if Clementine was involved. Children come first.

The problem is that Aaron is being used only as a tool for the triangle and to post-pone a development with that storyline, to keep Kate in "stand by" until the kid is reunited to his real mother - I agree with Deej on how much of a turn off this is. Kate won't go back to the island for Sawyer, because she has to think about Aaron, and of course when she'll change her mind it will have to do with the kid, nothing else. Her decision to stay away from Jack because she can't risk to screew things up for her son is the same, the whole thing is used as a big "circumstance" to justify her being with, or stay away from, one man or the other.

Add to that how hey presented me the "new Kate" in a pretty disturbing way, with her "My son, my son"s screamed while we were still seeing the baby held by Claire on the island. It hurts to think that Claire and Charlie are nothing for the kid (and he is already 3-4).
Originally Posted by deej240z (View Post)
Anybody planning on asking Kristin some Suliet questions?
I sent a Suliet-in-disguise question to Ausiello last week. I asked if he had anything on Sawyer and Juliet because they are my favorite Left-Behinders.
I thought that way he could either give us something about the island storyline and about S/J as team buddies, or a shippy reply if there was anything for them as a future couple.
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