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Old 07-22-2008, 07:36 AM
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*SPOILERS* #33: We can only hope.

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This thread is to collect and discuss all the news, spoilers and speculations about Sawyer in the fifth season of Lost, airing in 2009 and starting to be shot in August 2008.

This post is to collect only the Sawyer-related spoilers/news.

July 17, 2008
- iFMagazine: The Scoop on 'Lost' Season 5
'As for teases on the new season, as usual the executive producers are tight lipped, but they do reveal this season will be about the Oceanic 6 getting back to the island.
“The people that are off the island, the island seems to be drawing them back and Ben [Michael Emerson] makes it clear they need to go back to the island,” says Cuse. “So hopefully that’s a lot of what you’ll see of in Season 5 -- the journey how those six return to the island.”'

- Watch with Kristin - ABC's Big Bosses Dish on Grey's, Lost, Desperate and Betty
'Damon and Carlton also were asked about diversity issues, with an implied reference to Harold Perrineau's speculation about how race might have played a role Michael's death, and Damon said, "The show has to be an equal-opportunity murderer...We've killed a lot of white people. And I can almost guarantee we will be killing more white people this season."
When pressed on their plan for season five of Lost, Damon said, "This is a tricky year for us. This is like The Two Towers [portion of The Lord of the Rings saga] links us to the final season...We've known a lot of what we want to do there [in the final season] for a long time, but the challenge is how do we make this season engaging and exciting. The worst thing we could ever do on the show is for the show to be boring...If we're going to be bad, we're going to be spectacularly bad."'

- Ausiello - Live Press Tour Diary: ABC Day Two
- 'Cuse hints that "the journey about how those six return to the island" will be a major thrust of Season 5. Adds Lindelof: "You have to break your characters up to create conflict... but you can't play that too long because the audience will get frustrated.... And we have that intensely in mind as we proceed."'
- Cuse teases we'll see more of Daniel Dae Kim "in some form" this season despite Jin's apparent death.

June 21, 2008
Carlton Cuse Interview from China TV/Film Forum (2 clips)
LOST writer Carlton Cuse, along with Ugly Betty writer were a part of a TV and Film Forum in China to discuss their shows and answer some questions about the industry.
- Sawyer is his favorite: Handsome, charming and dangerous, everything he would want to be.
- He gives a shout out to Skaters and Jaters and then mentions that we call them Darlton. Kate will end up with one of the two eventually.
- Production starts in August and Season 5 will air from January to May 2009.

June 6, 2008
Watch with Kristin - Lost Finale: Did You Still Have Some Questions or Something?

Mike in Hermosa Beach, Calif.: I have one question that I can't seem to find an answer to. And it's probably meant to be that we didn't hear, but what the hell did Sawyer whisper to Kate before he jumped?
Survey says: I've checked with my sources, and also a rep for the show, and have been told that the writers are "saving that secret for later on." According to one insider who works on the show, that line (what Sawyer said) wasn't even in the script. I wouldn't put too much stock into the gazillion daughter-in-Alabama (or possibly Albuquerque) "What Sawyer Said" videos currently playing on YouTube, some of which claim to have official and complete subtitles. Bottom line: Only Damon and Carlton know the whole truth, so I'm staying cautiously skeptical for the time being. If anyone sees them at Comic-Con next month (when they officially break their "radio silence"), tackle them and tickle them until they tell us if we can trust this YouTube business, OK?

Jen in Boston: I just noticed on the alternate endings to the Lost season finale on, the ones with Desmond or Sawyer in the coffin. What is that about?
That is about making sure people like me (evil, evil people) didn't spill the beans on who was in the coffin before the finale aired. And about showing off how hot Sawyer and Desmond are when wearing suits (even if they are dead). Seriously, don't give those endings a second thought, because there's the external drama of managing the fandom and the foilers, and there's the show itself. As Joss Whedon once said, "Trust the tale, not the teller."

Chris in Henderson, Nev.: If next season of Lost is about the Oceanic Six trying to get back, wouldn't it be more than just Emilie de Ravin who would need a holding contract? What about Josh Holloway, Terry O'Quinn, etc.?
They don't need holding contracts because we're going to see them on the Island next season, sillypants. I have no idea how they're going weave together the stories from back in the world with the stories from the Island, but Sawyer, Jin, Locke and company will be present and accounted for. I think a lot of season five will be a great ironic contrast between what the O6 think is happening on the Island, and what the Islanders think is happening in the world (all while the Widmore-Linus war rages around them).

June 4, 2008
Sky One: 'The Answers'
Sawyer may get an haircut. (?)

May 28, 2008
TV & Satellite Week scans - Finale Special
'Josh Holloway, who plays Sawyer, is glad to be a "left-behinder". "At first I got mad and kicked cans around the house, but then I thought, 'Well, I don't want to do scenes in a city. I'm not ready for a courtroom drama, I like the jungle. I like being dirty and sweaty and all messed up'", he says. "And the island is still one of the major characters in the show, and I'm on the island, so I'm with the big guy."'

May 24, 2008
- Los Angeles Times: 'Lost' season finale should answer questions
"All we can say is that it's going to be very hard to get back to the island for those guys," co-creator and executive producer Damon Lindelof said. "But life will continue for the people who are not with them. How are we going to tell that story? We're not going to tell that."

- USA Today Celeb Watch: Josh Holloway (YouTube link)
Q: Do you have any idea where Sawyer is heading, in the future?
Josh: Well, I'm on the island... they alluded to dark things.

May 15, 2008
TV guide interview with co-executive producer Jean Higgins
'And while Higgins can confirm that the latest Jack-Kate flash-forwards transpired well before the Season 3 finale's "We have to go baaaack!" scene, she won't pinpoint what exactly it is that Kate promised Sawyer and thus enrages her fiancé. "I would say that will come out most likely next year," she ventures.'

May 9, 2008
S5 and S6 will have 17 episodes each.

May 5, 2008
Watch with Kristin spoiler chat: Skate; Sawyer; Locke

Ally in Ireland: Please tell me Sawyer doesn't die...He isn't one of the Oceanic 6?
Right, he's not. But Sawyer doesn't die. He's alive. On the Island.

April 23, 2008
A.V. Club interview with Lindelof and Cuse

April 21, 2008
Watch with Kristin Spoiler Chat: Orchid Station, Seth Norris

Francie in Pasadena, Calif.: Can you share Lost info, s'il vous plaît?
According to my sources, the Orchid Station, which we should finally see soon, may be a major set going into next season as well. I've personally decided that's because it is totally a time machine, but I've been known to talk crazy.

February 24, 2008
The New York Post: 10 reasons why 'Lost' is found

2. We learn Jack's fate: The finale introduced the flash forward and showed us Jack's (Matthew Fox) slide into alcoholism when he leaves the island. "The flash forward is part of an overall plan for the show," says Damon Lindelof, co-executive producer. "Season 4 is about who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back. Season 5 is about why they need to get back, and season 6 is about what happens when they get back."

3. We know who survives: Season four introduced six survivors: Jack (Matthew Fox); Kate (Evangeline Lilly); Hurley (Jorge Garcia), and Sayid (Naveen Andrews). This "Oceanic 6" make it off the island, but one will die - exactly who will be revealed this season. "We've made a choice to focus on the characters that fans have loved since the beginning - Jack, Kate, Sawyer (Josh Holloway), Locke (Terry O'Quinn), Sayid and Hurley," says Lindelof.

8. More sexual tension: The love quadrangle between Jack and Kate, Kate and Sawyer, and Jack and Juliet promises delicious complications, with Jack telling Kate he loves her, Sawyer asking Kate to shack up with him on the island and Juliet saving the day for Jack.

February 21, 2008
- Terry O'Quinn interviewed by The Canadian Press

AP: You've had other disagreements with the writers.
O'Quinn: At the end of Season 3 Locke throws a knife into Naomi's back and I said, 'This really hurts me, It's so not typical and it's so out of character and it seemed gratuitous.' I made the biggest stink I ever made with (executive producers) Damon Lindelhof and Carlton Cuse and they said, 'Look, Locke believes he was doing the right thing. His life was saved, he's been told, he's been instructed. He believes that this is the most dangerous person in the world right now and he does what he does. Do it.' I said, 'Well, you know, if I stab her in the back couldn't I at least shoot Jack in the knee or something?'

AP: What's it like working with such a large cast?
O'Quinn: One of the nice things about this cast, this size of cast, you get a new episode and you go, 'Oh great, now I get to work this little arc with Michael Emerson. We have a lot together. Or with Josh Holloway or Evangeline Lily and it's almost always a pleasure to find out who you're working with. Almost.

AP: Are there some you aren't pleased to work with?
O'Quinn: There've been some rough times but it's very familial in that way. It's like the holidays when you go, 'Oh God, uncle Bob's going to get drunk and abuse my cousin. But we'll get through it.'

February 20, 2008
From EW: Jeff Jensen interview with Lindelof and Cuse

- Naomi and Elsa's bracelets had no mytological purpose, they just thought giving Elsa the same bracelet would bring memories in Sayid;
- Adam and Eve, the skeletons, will be adressed but not this season;
- Episode 4x05 "deals with time travel and operates in different time periods";
- In episode 4x05, we'll find out which kind of calls the satellite phone can do and which it can't, explaining why they can't call the outside world;
- By the end of the season we will know who is in the coffin;
- The larger mythos, like "The Purge", will come back in season 5;
- NO to alternative realities, because they want the audience to invest in the story and the characters and what happens to them - that doesn't exclude time travel and bending of the space/time continuum though;
- By the end of the season, we'll know what happened since the O6 left the island/got rescued, to the point Jack and Kate meet in the airport;
- We'll see more hints to Jacob and the cabin, but that's not something that will be answered by the end of this season;
- the Orchid video showed at Comic Con is important this season;
- the mystery of Ben's list is linked to the wreckage seen at the bottom of the ocean.

January 30, 2008
Doc Arzt interview with Josh Holloway for BuddyTV

January 14, 2008
- Watch with Kristin - Spoiler Chat: Sawyer's death?; Penelope; Kate and one of the Boaties?; Jack&Juliet

Julia in San Diego: Lost! I just read somewhere that Sawyer might not make it through the season. Please save me from a true panic attack and tell me Sawyer isn't going anywhere!
Yes, Sawyer's going to be killed off in episode six, and from what I understand that will be the show's last-ever mention of the character. Audiences just never warmed up to him, and the writers realized it was best to simply give his off-putting storyline to a swift, clear-cut end. (I'm kidding. Seriously now, with all the stressing going on at, I worry that you guys are all gonna give yourselves aneurysms. I promise you, if Sawyer were to eventually get killed off, which I consider unlikely in the extreme, the show would at least do it Nate Fisher style—that guy is gonna be around until the end in one way or another.)



Previous Threads

Josh as Sawyer in Lost S4: Past, present, future. We'll follow him everywhere.
#3: Nine months of hiatus?! Come to join the therapy group.
#4: 2° FF -> LA hotel, Maria/Fran/Misty+Sawyer. Guess the rest
#5: Our "Lost outcast" investigation? Not obsession, but scientific dedication.
#6: Apparently, it really is about bunnies.
#7: Fear our detective skills, foiler guys.
#8: An apparition? No, he really is filming.
#9: Lost on Monday: nothing better than Sawyer to start a new week.
#10: Trust no one, but the Hawaiian reporters.
#11: First set photos, Sawyer is back in action.
#12: The WTF spoilers are back: Sawyer meeting Fred Flintstones?
#13: Sawyer, Sawyer, Sawyer. (this title tries to compensate the lack of news)
#14: Max didn't make it to the theaters, but Sawyer did.
#15: We're just Sawyer fans, like Carlton.
#16: So, about those kids in tattered clothes...
#17: These boots were made for speculating.
#18: "That guy is gonna be around until the end"
#19: "And here I thought I'd finally be gettin' a good night's sleep"
#20 - Taller ghost Walt ordered: "Put that kitchen counter to good use"
#21: You are our constant, James.
#22: We would like to time travel to when Sawyer gets a storyline.
#23: Unlike the writers, we honor continuity & don't drop storylines.
#24: "Without a juicy Sawyer-centric piece we'll be dying." - DocArzt
#25: Burn, Monopoly, burn.
#26: James Ford and the Secret of the Lost Plotline
#27: A knight without armor in a savage land.
#28: The Finale Follies - Step Right Inside
#29: Bye S4. We won't miss you except for the Big Damn Hero!
#30: Jumping the shark? More like Turning the wheel.
#31: Eight months of sweet nothings whispered in our ears.
#32: Spoilers? We don't need no stinkin' spoilers.

"Stop it! Stop it!"
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Old 07-22-2008, 07:40 AM
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Thanks for the new thread.
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Old 07-22-2008, 07:43 AM
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Thanks for the new thread Fran.
Again, great banner Deej.
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Old 07-22-2008, 08:20 AM
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Deej , I love your banner.

“The people that are off the island, the island seems to be drawing them back and Ben [Michael Emerson] makes it clear they need to go back to the island,” says Cuse. “So hopefully that’s a lot of what you’ll see of in Season 5 -- the journey how those six return to the island.”'
Frak everything!!!! I am beginning to hate the six.

Was there anything James specific from Comic Con?

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Old 07-22-2008, 08:29 AM
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Maria, Comic Con is next July 24. That stuff was from the TCA panel.
And not encouraging at all, I agree. :-/

I just saw DarkUFO has a section for the Octagon Global Recruiting, anyone has been checking the updates about that sort of game'
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Old 07-22-2008, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
Maria, Comic Con is next July 24. That stuff was from the TCA panel.
And not encouraging at all, I agree. :-/

Thanks. I was wondering why the info was so vague.

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Old 07-22-2008, 09:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
I just saw DarkUFO has a section for the Octagon Global Recruiting, anyone has been checking the updates about that sort of game'
No. I'm not exactly interested.
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Old 07-22-2008, 10:01 AM
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I checked the last entry there, and basically the first email people got when they registered at the webiste mentioned the line "March has 32 days", which is the title of a story featured in the Mystery Tales #40 comic book (the one showed in "Cabin Fever" among the items Richard shows to Locke).
The story is about the architect John Billings, who relives the day March 31st and stops a bridge from collapsing. John Billings is also the name of a famous Australian fertility doctor.

And all of this probably means nothing, but I'm in desperate territory - so much I even found that report cool to read. LOL!
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Old 07-22-2008, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
I checked the last entry there, and basically the first email people got when they registered at the webiste mentioned the line "March has 32 days", which is the title of a story featured in the Mystery Tales #40 comic book (the one showed in "Cabin Fever" among the items Richard shows to Locke).
The story is about the architect John Billings, who relives the day March 31st and stops a bridge from collapsing. John Billings is also the name of a famous Australian fertility doctor.
I'm probably reading way too much into this word, but just in case the O6 return back in time to when the crash happened and then course correct everything, shoot me. Please.

And thanks for this nice summary.
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Old 07-22-2008, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
I'm probably reading way too much into this word, but just in case the O6 return back in time to when the crash happened and then course correct everything, shoot me. Please.
I thought about the exact same thing, but didn't have the courage to voice it.
I hope this is just a complicated, nice and general reference to some of them main themes of the show (time travelling, the fertility doctor, Australia) and nothing more specific.
Because the scenario you mentioned is second in terms of awfulness only to the it's-all-a-dream one.
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:06 PM
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If they were able to fix anything it would ruin the whole show. Everything they experienced would have been for nothing. Blech!
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by deej240z (View Post)
If they were able to fix anything it would ruin the whole show. Everything they experienced would have been for nothing. Blech!
I know, but fate and course correction seem to be mentioned a lot on Lost.
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:24 PM
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They said future can't be changed because the audience would feel like they cheated - then the Losties can't go back and redo things differently.
The negative side of this is that we're just seeing a story already decided for each of the characters by Fate/the Island, and the only message I've seemed to recognize so far is that your goal is to suck it up, and embrace your destiny.
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by misteriosa (View Post)
I know, but fate and course correction seem to be mentioned a lot on Lost.
Yeah, but didn't it turn out that you couldn't course correct? Can you tell I don't pay attention very much to this stuff?

and the only message I've seemed to recognize so far is that your goal is to suck it up, and embrace your destiny.
Well, right now, I'd rather take the Island's destiny that go with the changing the future/past/present/what you ate for dinner crap.
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
They said future can't be changed because the audience would feel like they cheated - then the Losties can't go back and redo things differently.
The negative side of this is that we're just seeing a story already decided for each of the characters by Fate/the Island, and the only message I've seemed to recognize so far is that your goal is to suck it up, and embrace your destiny.
I find that very disappointing for a show which is supposedly mostly about characters and redemption.

Just a little notice from Ausiello - Casting Scoops: Charisma to 'Greek,' Davis to 'Damages,' Carradine to 'Numbers' and More! | | Ausiello Files |
Oh, and before I go, one little programming note: This week's Ask Ausiello will not be going live on schedule at midnight. Due to the complexities of my press tour schedule, look for this week's AA later on. Like maybe tomorrow afternoon. Or maybe tomorrow night. Or Thursday afternoon. What? Don't you like surprises?
I doubt he'll have anything about Lost.
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