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Old 08-15-2004, 05:56 AM
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Dangerous Lives #4-Here I Stand..Forced To Die Inside..

Dangerous Lives

We Need More Joiners, Fresh Blood. So Come!

"Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die."
-Salvador Dali

Joanna and Steven Rogers were high school sweethearts. They met their freshman year of high school When Joanna transfered. He was the deep, brooding, loner and she was the happy, cheery popular cheerleader. No one expected the two would form any sort of relationship. When they first met, they had one of those love/hate things going on. He would purposly pick fights with her and make her feel stupid, and she would do the same to him. One day he failed a major test, and he needed to be tutored in order to not be expelled. So he was forced to be tutored by none other then...Joanna.

You told me that your 20 years have gone by much to fast. And you've been hoping this year will be better then the last.

When she began to help him, he allowed her to see another side of him. He allowed her to see inside his mind and enter into his world of an alcoholic mother and a controlling over bearing father who wanted to control him. Joanna realized that there was a reason why he is the way he is. After months of denial they eventually fell in love.

After high school ended, nither one of them wished to attend college, instead they got married. They had two beeautiful boys. First came Zeke and then Johnny. nearly 18 years later, Steven caught Joanna cheating on him with some other guy. It was then that Joanna learned all about Steven's other life. The life he kept hidden from her for so long.

You said you've been waging a war against the lonliness of nights. With the strongest drinks and longest lines its not that big a surprise that you're feeling more dead than alive.

It turns out that Steven was the head of a orgization, otherwise known as...the mob. He was the head of one of the many crime families that infected New York City, and the man Joanna was having her affair with...was Stevens greatest enemy. The head of one of the other families. When it came down to it, Joanna picked the other man and her and Steven split.

Zeke, hating his mother decided it was best that he leave with his father. The two men moved into a nice apartment where Zeke was let in on his fathers life. While Joanna eventually married the other man, and Johnny decided to stay with his mother.

As time would tell...things got out of hand when both sons joinined in the opposit familiy, causing them to be put up against each other. Life took a turn for the worse one horrific day when a battle broke out between Steven and the other man. As it ended...both men were killed. Which was when Zeke and Johnny stepped up...and took control of the opposit family.

You said the hole in your head has gotten bigger then the hole thats in your chest. And your stuck between the past and present tense You said you've been wating a war against so many years of lies. With the strongest drinks and longest lines. Its not that big a surprise that you're feeling more dead than alive.-The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out, Less Than Jake

The Plot:

The two brothers, are both heading opposit families, both of them were raised to hate the other for betrayal, and now the war is continuing. this is a war between siblings, a deadly dangerous war where everyone involved must be careful...can they survive?



Yeah so I have started this roleplay many times and it has always done very very well. Except this last time. Many people joined and hardly any posted. I do not want you to join if you won't post, if you're going out of town or going away thats fine. Just let me know and have a good time. But don't join if you're not going to post. Now , on to other crap. I think we need a boy/girl rule this time. With that said..Boy/girl Zeke/Johnny rule. Meaning you got a member in Zeke's gang? That is just swell. Take one in Johnny's as well.(to prove to me you read the rules you must post one line of your favorite song) And yes, you may take anywhere from 2 to 100 characters, and as long as you have one in each gang you can take a civilian, a cop, anything or anyone. Its a roleplay. Have fun. Get those profiles in asap. Honestly...NOT HARD. Oh yeah and final and most important rule. When doing profiles make sure the subjects are BOLDED or i will not put your profile up. Thank you and have a nice day.



Name: Nicknames in **
Gang:Zeke or Johnny
Personality/History:No less then 5 lines.
Lyrics:Song lyrics that describe them.
Relationships:TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By:your FF name
Played By:and a pic.


unlimited spots. The more the merrier

Zeke Rogers:Otep(Forced To Die)-Steve Burton
Johnny Rogers:Starless Night 20-

Spot:Forced To Die (Otep)-Melanie Wills, Otep, Monique Powell, Alex V, Devon Sawa, Shane West, Tyler Christopher, Johnny Whitworth, Justin Theroux,Jonathan Jackson, Gavin Rossdale, Jennifer Garner, Mike Vogel
Spot:Starless Night 20--
Spot:Bled For Days--
Spot:CherryChica87-Terri Columbino, Thomas Jane
Spot:The Survivor----
Spot:~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~----
Spot:In Fair Verona----


Zeke's People:

Current Count:21

Zeke Rogers:Otep(forced to die), Steve Burton

Alexina *Alex* Gabrielo:Starless Night 20, Keira Knightley
Ariana *Ari* Pertchet:Starless Night 20,Kate Beckinsale
Cameron Morgan:Foreva_99, James Marsden
Christine *Chrissy* Burns:The Survivor, Lindsay Lohan
Cole Markson:~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~,
David Boreanaz
Dominic Rollins: Dimaranwen, Orlando Bloom
Dustin *DJ* Jacobs:**Super Girl**, Jan-Michael Gambill
Eric Bradey:*Joie*, Drew Fuller
Evan Bradey:*Joie*, Ian Somerhalder
Jack *JC* Carpenter:TheSurvivor, The Rock
Katie Wilkins:Cherrychica87, Teri Columbino
Kylie Davies:~*~Hopeless Romantic~*~,
Alyssa Milano
Lara Mercer:AngelDevil, Marisa Coughlan
Leigha Kellingstone:In Fair Verona, Katherine Heigl
Logan Hessler:Excalibur, Eric Bana
Paige Matthews:Bled For Days, Gigi Edgley
Riley Valentine:Foreva_99, Kristen Kruek
Robert "Iceman" Murdock:The Survivor, Eminem
Sage Smithsonian:Otep, Melanie Wills
Vincent Fontaine:In Fair Verona, Hugh Jackman
Travis Stewart:Otep,Tyler Christopher
Sara Lane:Angel_Wings05, Tamara Braun
Autumn Wood:Otep, Otep

Neither Gang:

Caitriona *Cait* McGregor:Starless Night 20, Mandy Moore
Matlida Donovan:Foreva_99, Emilie De Ravin
Clay Lane:Otep, Shane West


Johnny's Gang:

Current Tally:23

Jonathan *Johnny* Rogers:Starless Night 20, Jude Law

Adrienne Sharp:Dimaranwen, Lonneke Engel
Aedan Parker:Starless Night 20, Christian Bale
Alicia *Ali* Cohen:The Survivor, Drew Barrymore
Bailey McBride:Spinbeneathyou, Carly Pope
Bella Whedon:In Fair Verona, Rose Byrne
Chase:Otep, Mike Vogel
Damon Hawkins:In Fair Verona, Conor Oberst
Dante Adams:Otep, Justin Theroux
Elizabeth "Lizzy" Garner:The Survivor, Elizabeth Berkley
Gale *Iggy* Aldridge:AngelDevil,
Jake Gyllenhall
Jack Adams:~*~ Hopeless Romantic~*~, Johnny Depp
Jackson Morrow:Foreva_99, Colin Farrell
Jared Parker:The Survivor, Hayden Christensen
Jennifer *Jen* Carlson:*Joie*, Avril Lavigne
Jeremiah Johnson:Bled For Days, Wayne Static
Jocelyn *Jo* Mascetti:Excalibur, Kirsten Dunst
Kayci Parker:** Super Girl**, Jordana Brewster
Lilly Rivers:~*~ Hopeless Romantic~*~, Holly Marie Combs
Loila Marina:Spinbeneathyou, Eliza Dushku
Slade Pendegrast:Cherrychica87, Thomas Jane
Sunny Wakefield:Foreva_99, Anna Faris
Susanna *Sooz* Carlson:*Joie*, Wionna Ryder
Dash Jackson:Otep, Jonathan Jackson
Tyson Knight:Cherrychica87, Cameron Mathison
Laden Adams:Spinbeneathcandy, Brad Pitt
Hadley Carter:Angel_Wings05,
Bethany Joy Lenz
Landon James:JoeDude, Eddie Cibrian
Ryan Genovese:Spinbeneathcandy,
Rachel Leigh Cook
Gwen:Otep, Jennifer Garner
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-15-2004, 02:00 PM
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Monty nodded as she asked what she could suggest. He opened his menu, and listened as Cait rattled off a few names of some of the foods. For some strange reason, one of those wrap things sounded interestingly good. Maybe it was because they sounded like burritos or tacos he often got back at Taco Bell in his day before his depression over started, and got hooked on drugs then tried to kill himself. “The wraps,” Monty started. “Those are like, burritos, right? Or, they’re at least close to them. I think I might have one of those since the shrimp, it doesn’t sound all that pleasing. I haven’t exactly been fond of sea food.”

“Hardware,” Monty started. “Yeah, I suppose I’ve always been interested in it. I guess I’ve liked working with my hands, but I’ve always been quite fascinated with working in like a lumber yard at one of those hardware stores in the back or outside. Where I could saw wood to the customer’s satisfaction, use one of the fork lifters, or basically just help customers in general.” He looked at her for a minute after breaking, “I’m sorry if I’m boring you with this talk. It’s just like a guy to go on rambling about tools and stuff.” He laughed. “I could probably build something though. Just get me some instructions and I’m good.” With that, he ended his boring discussion. “What about yourself?”

Landon: - [Reposting. Changed the post some.]

“Um..” Landon started, thinking while he tied his other shoe. “I don’t know.” He smiled. “I can eat pretty much anything. Um.. I don’t know about Indian food. Might have to eliminate that one. I don’t care much for fish, so that’s out of the question. Anything else, I’m cool with it.” Landon grabbed his keys, then he and Lilly walked out of the apartment. He locked the door, then they walked in the direction of where the stores were located. “Is there anything that you really don’t care for, or is there anything that you like that you haven’t had in awhile?” This was going to be so easy. Picking out what food to eat, then picking out movies.
Joe ><>
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Old 08-15-2004, 04:17 PM
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I took a deep breath, then exhaled it all once, I hadn't talked to anybody about my father, so it would be kind of difficult just explaining how you go about getting your life back. "Well," I started, "the first thing that you have to realize is that you can't mope around. Because, even if it's the easiest thing for you to do, you have to realize that whoever you lost would totally kick your ass." I told him with a laugh, then I took a small sip of wine before I continued. "Then, you actually have to do something that you think would make them proud of you. For example, after Dad died, and the 'business' was gone, I was still living in this huge house, all alone. But I just couldn't sell it, I was way too attached because, you know, that was my home, and I felt that if I got rid of that, I was somehow betraying all the memories that it held. Slowly but surely the house started to get kinda shabby, even after I hired help, and it was then that I realized my dad would've shot me on the spot for not selling it to people who could actually take care of it. So, I found this place, sold that one with the furniture and everything, then just started over. I gave all of Dad's Armani suits and stuff away to charity, I took a big chunk of money from the house sale and donated it to the hospital. And it was then that I realized that the memories weren't going to go away with the possesions, and that they'd always be there. And without a whole bunch of stuff to remind me of him every single day, it kinda got easier to be 'normal' again." Gosh, this was a lot easier than I thought it would be, but I must've sounded like a huge sap.

"There are hard days though." I admitted to him. "Anniversaries, birthdays, the first couple of holiday's really suck, but after awhile they get better too. But the best thing that you can do, is to allow yourself to love again. And I know that sounds really cheesy, but it's the truth. I threw myself into charities, and soup kitchens, ect, ect and after a while you really start to care about the strangers you were just trying to help out. Getting in contact with old friends, making new ones, it all helps. But, the absolute worst thing that you can do is shut yourself off." It was then that I realized I had kinda been talking non-stop, and I felt myself blush a little bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on in all my infinite wisdom." I told him, giving him a small smile.


I laughed and shook my head a little bit, finishing off the beer that I had. "Okay Kace, I can stick around." I told her with a grin, "But I'm going to warn you, you're probably going to get sick of me. I mean, like you said, I do have a tendency to get in trouble with the law enforcement around here." I told her jokingly. "But hey, at least you'll know I would take the fall for you and be dragged away in handcuffs. You just have to help me escape sometimes too, otherwise this could turn out to be jail/bail friendship." I told her jokingly. Heh, I can't go to jail for a while though, otherwise Johnny would kick my ass. He told me the last time that if he had to bail me out again within a three month period, that he would leave me in there. Thank goodness the family had enough money to pay off the legal eagles around here.
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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Old 08-15-2004, 04:29 PM
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Erica, I noticed your Shane West picture isn't working. If you like, I can try to find you another one. Also, if you could add my character: Montgomery *Monty* Montana, PB: Seth Green, to the "Neither" gang, that would be great. Thanks!

Joe ><>
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Old 08-15-2004, 04:40 PM
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OOC: Just wanted to say I'll post when I get back from the mall, which will be early. And Dana - I was on vacation in Missouri, visiting my sister for the past week.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ
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Old 08-15-2004, 07:20 PM
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Hey guys...since I'm back after my 3 week + 2 1/2 week vacation..I wondered if I could rejoin this since it looks like it restarted...maybe I could bring back my old characters...jsut wanted to ask since I'm back for good and will probably be on like 24/7 hehe
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
banner: Brittany
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Old 08-15-2004, 07:48 PM
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I stop walking as I hear him come up from behind me. I can not help but smile at this. I knew he needed some one to help him smile. And I needed some one to help me stop thinking about Zeke. I know what he is doing with Sara over there. I don't even want to think about it but I can't stop. It's like a sickness I have. I don't turn around to look at him at first. I don't know why. Kind of like one of those mysterious things. To keep him in suspence.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him as I finally turn around to look at him. I walk over to him getting close. "I'm up for just about anything. I need a little fun in my life. All work and no play makes me a dull girl." I tell him. I grab him by the shirt and bring him in for a hard kiss. I let go slowly and back away a bit. I knew Zeke was not going to like this. Maybe then he will pay attention to me a bit.
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Old 08-15-2004, 11:12 PM
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Johnny had woken up particularly early that morning. He wasn't entirely sure as to why, but something inside of him told him not to sleep late. He was up at seven, in the shower by seven fifteen, and dressed by seven forty five. He didn't know why. Well, he had an inkling. Bailey had spent the night at his place. The previous night was an open invitation to all the members of the gang, but about a handful showed up. Johnny wasn't insulted by the fact, since he knew they all had lives outside of the gang and was sure that they had better things to do on a Saturday night. One by one, the guests started heading home. Bailey didn't really have a place to go, so Johnny offered the guest floor. But Bailey ended up sleeping on the couch after watching one of the movies and Johnny had headed out for a meeting with one of the other gang members. And, rather than rustle her out of the sound sleep she seemed to have been enjoying, Johnny tip-toed back to his room. And then there he was. He was sitting in the living room, which was a few rooms away from the kitchen, when he heard noise. He stood u pand located it in the kitchen. Leaning against the doorframe, Johnny folded his arms across his chest, a smirk beginning to spread across his face. He was wearing loose-fitted, sand-blasted jeans, a long-sleeved, black t-shirt, a grey woolen beanie, and a pair of black thonged flip-flops. He adjusted the hat on his head and eyed Bailey.

"Hungry?" he asked, breaking the undisturbed silence of the room. He smiled when Bailey jumped and darted around, staring at him. "No, no, it's fine. My kitchen's open to whomever needs food. It doesn't bother me." Johnny let his hands drop to his sides and walked into the kitchen. "But I was going to wait until you got up and cook you something, rather than just serve you cold cereal. Though, maybe you like cold cereal? I don't know." Johnny leaned back against the Italian marble counter-top, crossing his ankles. "It's up to you."


"I got it," Cait said, nodding and smiling. The waitress returned and they gave their orders. A few minutes later, the waitress returned again with their drinks. Cait took a sip of her vanilla cappuchino, the same that Landon had gotten her hooked on a few months earlier. "Myself? Well, not much, really. I've worked at a few local designer labels, doing various things." Cait paused, taking another sip. "When I went to college, I majored in Fashion Design. But, when sophmore year rolled around, I changed my mind and majored in Education. I've really wanted to be a teacher since then. I'm getting my masters right now, though I still have a bit of work ahead of me." Cait smiled pleasantly and glanced out the window. She watched a few of the people go by, but couldn't ignore Monty's gaze that she felt on her face. She turned back to him. "I helped to design a few shirts here and there at the designer labels, but it really wasn't for me. I've got my student-teacher intership coming up soon, and I'm debating as to where I'm going to do it." Cait let out a soft sigh and then sipped her cappuchino. "I never really expected to come back here, which is why I feel sort of lost. I don't know the schools around here as well as I should, if I'm going to start living here again." Cait slid her finger around the rim of the cup. "Then again, I don't know if I'm going to be staying here much longer." Cait closed her eyes as she let out a breath and laughed lightly. "Not like you want to here any of this," she said, glancing up and him and taking another sip.


Alex turned and smiled as DJ draped an arm around her shoulder. She could smell the aroma of his coffee. Certainly smelled good. Alex glanced up at him and then back down to the magazine as he commented about it. And then about her. She could feel her face turning several shades of crimson at his compliment. Though it was cheesy, it was still a compliment. From DJ. To her. Alex felt like screaming with joy. But, of course, refrained herself from doing so. She merely smirked and closed the magazine, placing it back in its slot on the metal wire shelf. She folded her arms across her chest and looked to him.

"Mr. Casanova, huh?" Alex inquired, quirking a brow. The smirk still stayed on her lips. "Though, I think you have to work on those pick-up lines. That one was absolutely horrible." Alex's smirk turned into a smile as she let out a soft laugh. She shook her head and then looked to his cup of coffee. "Mmm, Starbucks. Man, I think I'm going to go get some. Want to tag along? Even though you've already got some?"

OOC: Ariana & Aedan open.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ

Last edited by Starless Night 20; 08-15-2004 at 11:20 PM
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Old 08-15-2004, 11:22 PM
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I look at her. Fun? Of course. Tonight will be grand there is no doubt in that. We always have fun when it comes to weapons. Guns are our most fun thing in the world if you were to ask me.

"Well Loila of course we will have a grand ol time this evening. As long as the cops do not get on us we should be able to do just about anything we want. But we have to be smart about it ok?" I say to her with a smirk. Draping my arm over her shoulder as we head for the door.

"So where do you want to go first? Eat or kill?" I ask her.


When she kisses me I can't help but feel sick to my stomach. I had every intention of doing what she wanted to erase the image of Kayci with another guy from my head and I thought doing this with the enemy would help but I can't.

I push her away from me, almost too hard. "I'm not your doll I'm not your toy you want to screw up your own life and let Zeke kill you then fine. But kissing you makes my stomach turn and I can't just do that to myself. I'm not sucidal as you clearly are. So you want to be noticed by your real boytoy? Find a guy who can stand the taste of you in his mouth.l" I say to her.


Eli was really mad at me right now and I guess I did not have a right to talk to her this way. But hurt or not she could not kick me out of my own apartment. I was the one who bought it and I have been paying rent every month which means she has no right to kick me out of my own place. I am not going to let her kick me out.

I walk back to the apartment, bag over my shoulder as I swing the door open. "Can;t kick me out of my own apartment Els." I say to her.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-15-2004, 11:30 PM
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OOC: Hahaha. Erica, I loveeeee your signature. With the news of Aunt Marguerite's visit prior to your sig. Ah, I love it. And man, your Dante post is harsh!
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ
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Old 08-15-2004, 11:46 PM
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Lara (repost)
I nodded lightly, my hands going into my pockets. That was it. This was what was going to happen. Somehow I wasn't jumping for joy "Okay." I said lightly, before taking a step back, a branch brushing against my shoulder "I guess then there's nothing left to say." I said simply, looking at him for a moment, trying to find something that wasn't there "Make sure you don't screw it up." And with that, I was walking through the forest, the trees branches scratches against my arms. I could have said that I was incredibly angry, or scared, or sad, but now that I was walking in the other direction it didn't seem like I felt much of anything at all.

I emerged at the other side of the clearing, and I walked. I wasn't sure where I was going, but after a long time of being nowhere I found myself at Central Park. I kept on walking, further and further until, to my surprise, I saw Cole. The sight of him made my heart stop beating. I didn't know what I could say to him. I didn't know what I could say to anyone, really. Everything I said came out so fvcking wrong.

I took a step back, almost compelled to walk right away, before something compelled me to go and talk to him. I didn't understand, but before I knew what was happening I was standing in front of him. I opened my mouth to say something incredibly consilitaory and full of whatever he needed to hear "I picked up the phone..... A lot." Great, that was just great. My big speech was limited 7 words. Telling him that I meant to call him?

[tag Cole]
I chose a road of passion and pain
sacrificed too much and waited in vain
Gave up my power ceased being queen
Addicted to love like the drug of a fiend

Last edited by AngelDevil; 08-15-2004 at 11:55 PM
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Old 08-16-2004, 01:50 AM
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Dominic (Repost)

There was that brief feeling of complete and utter victory, especially when she kissed me back. But then it was gone. A knee in the groin, and it was gone.

"Fvck!" I yelled, wincing in pain as fell back down on the couch. "Why in the hell did you do that for?" I said through gritted teeth, looking at her. This didn't make sense. When you kissed someone, you didn't knee them in the groin. No. Take their shirt off, maybe. But not kick them in the groin. This was so...typical of Leigha. Why was I even surprised? I should have expected this. She obviously didn't have her facts straight. Well, guess what? I wasn't too incapacitated to show her. Just...give me an hour.

"Did you really have to go and lower my sperm count?" I asked, finding the strength to finally stand up. Whoever planned the male anatomy was seriously fvcked up. Why would they make such a place of great importance so vulnerable? Jesus. "Last time I checked, that's not what you do to someone you secretly pine for." I looked up at her, walking quickly to step between her and the door. Well, more like hobbling over. I straightened in front of her, my hands drifting down to her waist. I was still in pain, but I could think of a few ways to alleviate it. I pinned her up against the wall, safeguarding myself against another attack. "I really doubt that kissing me wasn't as good as kicking me," I said softly, a smirk appearing on my face. "But I'll just have to convince you then." I kissed her again, longer this time, knowing that I was enjoying this way too much. This wasn't just to make her angry, was it?
too little too late but we can't say no, it's too much to feel, tie my right hand to the bible.
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Old 08-16-2004, 02:25 AM
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OOC: Ariana & Aedan open anywhere.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ
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Old 08-16-2004, 02:42 AM
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Monty listened to Cait as she talked, taking in her expression. She seemed a bit lost, but he wasn’t sure if should question what she was feeling. Later in the conversation, it sounded as though there might be an opportunity to have her open up with him about the discussion. “I’d be willing to listen, even though you just met me. It’s always nice to have someone to listen. That way, whatever is bothering you wouldn’t burden you so much.” Monty offered.

He took a sip of his cherry soda, wondering if suggesting was a good or bad idea. He hoped that he wasn’t prying into her business. “I see you have a cappuccino there.” He eyed the steaming, hot beverage. “Is it any good?” He asked with interest. Coffee was probably the last thing he needed. Having another addiction would get him into serious trouble. Still, it couldn’t hurt to investigate.
Joe ><>
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Old 08-16-2004, 02:59 AM
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OOC: just posting to say I'll be away tomorrow until tuesday.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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