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Old 08-17-2004, 08:37 PM
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I smiled at him and shook my head. "So less-laid back...would be like, boxers and a tank top, right?" I said with a slight laugh, nudging him as we walked into the video store. "Hm..well it seems like you can't really get one without the other, so lets shoot for something like...funny romantic and adventurous." I said with a chuckle, walking down to the new releases.

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Old 08-17-2004, 08:48 PM
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Her words were painful like a thousand razors stabbing me all over my body and normally with words so strong coming from her I would back down, turn around and walk away. But not anymore. She knows what she can say and do to get to me and she has used it against me. The Sara I knew would never do such a cold and heartless thing to me.

"You know what...I'm not the man you knew. You turned your back on me and this life a long time ago and the second you twisted that knife in my back was the second you gave up any rights to talk down to me. I may have had some dark moments in the past but you were there to pull me back from the edge but you werent there the last time and you wont be there the next time. I am not going to let you take my son away for good and if you cared at all about his welfare or well being you would have told me when you were pregnant but you ran off and you took it all away from me you are not the girl i loved. Right now you are some cold and heartless shell of her former self and I will not let you win." I snap at her.


I smile at Jack, nodding in pride. "Yeah you will." I say to him. I have to admit, it feels good to be able to fight someone and have no intention of hurting them, then finding out I hurt them anyways. I mean I dont want to hurt him but its good to know even when I dont try...I can still pack a mean punch here or there.

"So comeon we need to do something else tonight." I say to him as I grab a water from the fridge as well, downing the entire bottle as I smile at him, wipping the water away from my mouth. All we do now is practice our moves I say we go out and use them I mean...have fun. Yeah.


I stop walking when I turn around to face her. "More understanding??? How much understanding do you want from me? huh? Did you..did you just expect me to say lied to me? Huh? Ok lets go out for some ice cream?? Dammit Riley hid this from me. You promised me long ago that we would have no secrets you know how untrusting i am but i trusted you over and over and gave you so many chances to come clean with me but you didnt! What am I supposed to call you now???? Whats your real name? Screw it I don't want to hear it. ALL i can think about right now is how..." I stop talking as I look at her.

I stare coldly at her, locking eyes as I pull out my cell phone. "I'll call Zeke. Tell him you've been found out. He'll send you away. Maybe to Hwaii or some other island where you can find another guy, earn his trust, maybe get him to feel for you again before you turn around and laugh in his face." I say to her.

Course I really was going to call Zeke.


I look at her as she laughs at me. Broken heart? How does she...forget about that. She wants to make someone jealous? I can play that game too. Kayci was with that other guy, Rob tonight. She didn't care about me. She doesn't anymore at least. She was just playing me the whole time. Making me think she liked me then going off and leaving with Rob? I dont need that from her.

I jog after Paige, grabbing her by the arm as I push her against the wall with my own body pressed against hers. "Screw the heart." I say to her as I grab her face and kiss her hard. I don't know why I am doing this but as long as it gets the image of Kayci and Rob out of my head I have to do it.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:56 AM
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Landon leaned in close so he could still talk to Lilly without the store hearing what he was saying. "No, actually I would wear athletic pants, and maybe a t-shirt, or tank top. Between those two, it'd be a toss up. I honestly couldn't decide. I love my boxers to death, but then I also like wearing the athletic pants incase I might have to run outside for a minute."

"So, funny romantic," He started. "Do like the more up to date movies, or perhaps a good oldie? If you like a funny romantic, you might try You've Got Mail. It may be somewhat sad, but it's funny, and it's romantic. It wouldn't be an entire love sappy movie. What's your input?"
Joe ><>
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Old 08-18-2004, 05:40 AM
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I listen to his words and each one stings a little bit more. How did it get this way? How did it get to the point, were so bitter, and mean towards one another. He just doesn't understand where Im coming from here, if he were to take away my son from me for good it would kill me, I wouldn't be able to go on living. My son is the person that saved me, after I left Zeke I was going down a dark path. Before Lucas, Zeke was the person I lived for, once upon a time he saved me, and after that he was the only person I really had. He was like an Angel sent from heaven because he truly saved my life. When I left I was dead inside, I wanted to die, I had no reason not too. Then I found out I was pregnant, that changed me. I wanted to be a mother. Lucas has showed me so much about life I've never seen before. When he was born I asked myself how can you love someone so much when you just met him?

"Im sorry Zeke, I know I should have came back as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't. I know I have no excuse and Im sorry."I whisper looking over at him. I hate us like this, I mean I didn't expect it to be a happy reunion or anything, but I wanted it to better..I dont even know what I wanted. "Zeke, I want you to know your son..but you can't take him away from me, it would kill me..I know theres some part of you in there that still remembers what we once were to eachother..I know it was very wrong and horrible of me to not come back when I knew the truth...."I trail off..I want to say so much more, but I don't know how he'll react, I really don't want to here anymore of his wrath right now..


"Haha.."I say sarcastically as I look at Laden. "Alexis has many friends, and none of them are bad."I say looking at him. "I've met all of the parents, and everything, so you don't have to worry about a thing."I say with a smile as I look at him. "After all this night is suppose to be about fun right? So no worrying..I know Im usually the worry wart, but not tonight...tonight is going to be mind blowingly fun!"I say as a big smile forms on to my face. I think I made up a word, but I don't really care. I carefully grab Ladens hand and lead him out of my building. Once out I let go of his hand, I hope he didn't think it was inappropriate. I was only doing it to get out of my place, although I must admit it always feels good to feel his reality it just feels good to feel his touch. "I'd rather you drive, since we both now I can't do that when Im drinking."I say with a small uneasy chuckle. Three years ago on the anniversary of Chris's death I went out and I became really messed up. I was drunk and on some drugs. Its kind of fuzzy, but I remember I was at a club..and Laden was trying to get me to settle down, but I couldn't..I left without him realizing it and I ended up putting my car in a tree..Luckily it didn't take Laden long to realize I was gone because he found me right away. Ever since then I've been so much stronger, I have to be for my daughter..shes my everything, and I will never leave her, I don't even know what I was thinking back then..I was only thinking about myself, how selfish was I? I look at Laden to see his reaction to what I said. Even though I told him Im over it and all, I don't know if he really is, I know it makes him kind of uneasy. I knows I could of been killed that night.
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:06 AM
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I was scared of what Zeke's reaction would be when he found out that I had told Travis the truth. Even before I had joined the gang he had given me this huge lecture about the consequences of coming too close to one of his people. He would kill me. I knew that he would. I grabbed the cellphone from Travis before he could dial the number. "Please, don't call Zeke. You and I both know that he would never send me away to Hawaii or anywhere like that. He would send me to the bottom of the lake instead. Is that what you want to see happen? See me killed just because I was trying to protect myself?"


I blinked when he suddenly changed topics. I stopped him before he could climb out of the bed. "I see something in you that I really admire and love Jared. You need to cut yourself a little slack and realise that you are not as bad as what you think that you are and as to you being younger than me. I always wanted to have my own little boy toy." I leaned up on one elbow and kissed him lightly on the lips and it soon turned into something deeper than a quick kiss. "We better get up and get dressed if we are going to go and see your sister."


"Neither." I said feeling a little releaved that she seemed so willing to forget the earlier bad mood that I had been in. "The safehouse and the warehouse are a little depressing at the moment. Everyone seems to have one problem or another that they are wanting to share with people. I am not into the whole sharing of emotional problems so I am stearing clear of the whole thing for the next couple of days at least. I was thinking about hanging around here for a little while longer and then maybe hitting a club or something like that. I'm in the mood to do some partying today. What about you? Where you headed?"
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It's Elementary my dear Watson
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:18 PM
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He pushes me against the wall and kisses me. I must admit it was nice. I'm not going to lie. Even though he was the enemy. I couldn't really seem to care about that minor detail. I push him away. "I thought I was disgusting." I tell him softly looking him over. "What would they think if they knew you kissed me? What would the girl think?" I ask him.

This was all too much fun. I needed something to do... or some one. But what would Zeke think. Unfortunatly I couldn't get theimage of Zeke and Sara out of my head. And I don't think it will ever be able to escape. "What do you want to do?" I ask him. "The first thing that comes to your head. The first action. Anything you want." I say to him. "I am hear to make sure your dreams come true." I say putting my hand on his face. I then drop my hand and push away from the wall and from him. "If not me... then who else?"
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Old 08-19-2004, 12:38 AM
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"Adrian, I didn't tell you to fall in love again." I told him with a sigh, setting my wine glass down on the table. Men, they think they know all the rules of love, but what the don't realize is that it's really a simple concept. "There's no way that you could ever replace Chelsea, and you probably would never want to. But at the same time you can't live your life alone. What I meant by telling you to love again was just start enjoying things. It's really not as hard as you think." I told him, racking my mind for examples. I sunk against the arm of the couch, suddenly thankful that I had gotten one with fluffy arms instead of hard, wooden ones. And then, an example dawned on me. "For instance, you love my couch. You could love other things, even humans, the same way that you love my couch. Okay, maybe not the same way, because I certainly hope that you don't like sitting on people, but you get my point. Go get a dog or something, find something that loves you that you can love without having to feel guilty that you're somehow betraying Chelsea."


"Excuse me, but I am nobody's bitch." I told Kayci with an expression so serious that I probably only made her laugh harder. "Unless, of course, you wanted me to be your bitch. I could make an exception." I told her jokingly. "Nah, in the slammer it's really not that bad. I usually get my own cell and everything. It's not like I stay there long, Johnny just pays them off and then the whole incident is forgotten." Man, it's awesome having family members who run the mob, you can get away with murder. Literally. Okay, so I've never murdered anybody, but if I did... "And it's fine if you get completely trashed. I promise I won't take advantage of you, as long as you don't take advantage of me." I told her with a grin.
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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Old 08-19-2004, 01:30 AM
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I know it would kill her if I took her son from her but at this point all that I can think about is the way she lied to me. She has had this child for how long and it has taken her this long to come and reach me and tell me I am a father? She knows I once wanted nothing more then to be a father and escape this darkness I am walking down but she also knows that there is nothing else in the world that matters more to me. She lied to me and she betrayed me. That is all that I can think about at this point.

" lied to me. You were the only person I could count on you were the only person I trusted and the only person who promised me you would never lie to me and you did just that. You knew how hard I take betrayal and you know what you did will haunt me forever because you lied to me and you took the one thing away from me that could have been my reason for living and I can't forgive or forget that. I need that child." I say to her.


I look at her. She was right. Zeke does not take betrayal well. He will most likely do something drastic but he would never kill her. He may just do something else but never kill her. But she had a point. I can't risk her life like that. I may be upset and hurt she lied to me but I can't just turn her into the vulture. I sigh as I look at her.

"Ok...then I'm calling the FBI. They'll...send you away. Somewhere else and this time dont get close enough for a person to trust you with their life and blow it. Don't screw with someones head like this again because the next person may not be as forgiving as I am." I say to her coldly.


The whole time I was kissing her it was Kayci's face I was seeing it was Kayci's voice I was hearing it was all about Kayci. Until Paige actually made me able to hear her words. Her words that made my skin crawl, more like her voice. I look at her. What do I want? Well there is several things I want. I want Kayci. I want that guy dead and I want to be able to kill Paige. I guess I can get one of those done.

I dig into my pocket and pull a knife from it, pushing Paige against the wall as I place the knife on her chin. "What do I want?" I ask her softly as I look at her. "I want to hear you scream."

ooc: Kel...where is Eli?
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-19-2004, 01:35 AM
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OOC~ In her room, being very pouty and pissed that he came back,
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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Old 08-19-2004, 04:22 AM
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Alright, so I misunderstood her. Honest mistake, but I still thought I knew she had a pretty good idea of what she was talking about. "Well Jo, there's a big difference between sitting here and talking about how I'm going to fix things then actually going out there and doing it." I shrugged a little, letting out a small sigh as well. I've always said I'd do "this" or "that", but I can never bring myself to do it. "Some things are easier said then done." I said to her and left my wine glass on the table, figuring we'd both had our share of alcohol tonight. I managed to let out a small laugh as she began to go on about me and her couch. Yes, so I've grown quite fond of it...So what? All she had to do to get a guy over here was mention this couch and they'd be over in a flash. But wait, my mind was starting to go off track now. Find something that loves me back. Jo's words repeated in my head as I sat there for a little while longer, thinking to myself. A dog, right. I've kind of always wanted one, but never got around to getting one. "I probably couldn't even take care of a dog anyway, I'd kill it within the first week." Well, I couldn't even take care of myself. "Chelsea knew that much about me, and I knew she was worried that I probably wouldn't even be able to take care of the baby. Hell, I wasn't sure of it either. But that's all in the past now." I shrugged, looking down as I fumbled with my hands that were resting comfortable in my lap.

"You wouldn't want to be my bitch, you'll quit within the first day." I teased and brought the bottle up to my mouth to take another long sip before turning my head to look back over at him again. "You're lucky to have a brother that's looking out for you though. You know, you two are so different...If I didn't know you, I wouldn't even be able to tell that the two of you were related." I shook my head, looking over his face to try to see the similarity between them, but I just couldn't. I guess me and my brothers didn't look all the same either, but if you looked at our baby pictures you could tell. We all look like our parents too, unfortunately. "Oh, are we making promises now?" I teased. "I haven't said anything about taking advantage of you while we're both being intoxicated...But why do you think I handed you another bottle?" I winked and took another sip of my drink, setting it down on the floor once it was almost gone. "Besides, if Dante can go out and drink and be with another person..why can't I?" I threw my hands up in the air some, letting them rest back down beside me on the couch. "Men are evil." I said simply, but quietly. So, I was still a little upset that Dante had blown me off even after I had expressed my feelings for him. All he could say was that he didn't want to settle down or get involved. But there he was tonight with another woman...That bastard. If he didn't like me, that's all he had to say. "What is it? Am I fat? Do I have bad breath?" I rolled my eyes at myself and gave Rob a look. "I'm sorry, I'll shut up. I'm not trying to bring you in on this, you just came on a bad night."
"Because the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly."
~ Owl City

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Old 08-19-2004, 06:26 AM
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"You would really do that?" I whispered when he now threatened that he would call the FBI. "If you did that then there would be no way that you would ever see me again. Is that what you really want? For the rest of your life do you want to remember that you sent me away and now know what happened to me? Because that is what would happen if you did that. Please, Travis isn't there anyway that we could work this out between the two of us? I promise. I'll leave your place and you will never have to know that I am around any more. Even if we run into one another at the safe house of anything. I won't approach you or ring you or anything like that."

I just wanted to be near him even if he wouldn't allow me to talk to him at all. Just knowing that he was always around and keeping an eye out for me made me feel much safer. He had this amazing presence about him and I didn't want to lose that.
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:02 AM
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"I saw you with Paige that night!"I yell back at him out of anger and frustration. "You two were dancing in the court yard, and you two were so close, and it scared me to death Zeke..after everything we've been through...I thought the worst, God you two looked so close, and all I could do was run..."I tell him as the tears feel my eyes. "I left because I thought you were with her, and I don't know if you were but at the moment everything was going wrong..a few months later I found out I was pregnant, you don't know how many nights I cried myself asleep, you don't know how many nights I wanted you to be with your son..I wanted us to be a family like we always planned. I came back right after Lucas was born, I looked in your window and you were with Paige sitting on the couch..she was.."I start to choke on my words. "She was bandaging you up..Do you know how many years that was my role? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I realized so many things that night. First off was that you didn't need me, you had someone else to care and love you.."I turn away and look out the other window, it hurt too much to look at him.

I finally turn back to face him. "There was something else I realized that night, it was that Lucas would be in danger if I came back then..your enemies couldn't get to you Zeke, they couldn't hurt they used the people you loved to get back at you. Who was your weakness before I left? It was me. Your enemies came to me when they couldn't get to you. How many times did I get kidnapped? How many times did I nearly get killed? I had the luxury of defending myself, I escaped so many times. Lucas doesn't have that luxury, he is just a child and he can't be thrown into your world..he'll be destroyed, and you know it as well as I do."I say looking at him.

"Please think about your our, he is just a boy, and he doesn't deserve to be targeted by your enemies, I can't let that happen..I just I can't, I know as well as I do that he is in danger if he any of your yuor millions of enemies find out about him. I don't care how many body guards you have it never stopped your enemies from getting to can you be sure they wont get to him too?"I ask looking up at him. The tears in my eyes were still quite evident. I love my son with every fiber in my being, he is everything to me, if anything ever happened to him I'd kill whoever hurt him. Then I'd kill myself because I wouldn't be able to go one without him.
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:26 PM
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"Get up." I told him, standing up myself. He needed to see that just because his fiancee died that doesn't mean that he did too. And if anybody knew how to show him a good time, it would be me. "You go on about how you need to do things instead of talking about them, so get your lazy ass off of the couch, because we're going out." And if he tried to argue I'd drag him out kicking and screaming. He seemed kind of surprised that I was ordering him around, and I couldn't help but smirk a little. So, I grabbed his hand and literally yanked him to his feet, so that we were just inches apart. My momentum stopped a moment when I realized how close we were standing, but I snapped myself out of it and looked up at him. "Listen, you won't do anything yourself, so you need a friend to help you get back out there. And, as sad as it may seem, I think I'm the best thing that you've got."


When she stopped, I leaned over and kissed her. Yes, this was stupid move and I'd probably be slapped for it, but I only had good intentions. "Now, before you hurt me," I told her jokingly, "just remember this: Rob Timbernally does not kiss ugly, fat girls with bad breath." I smirked at her, and then returned to my proper place on the couch. "And, quite frankly, if Dante can't see you for the hot chick that you are, he's stupid. Not to mention the fact that he's missing out on a great girl. So, if he want's to get *****ed up and sleep with the enemy... well, he's a dumbass. Especially if he could have you."
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:22 PM
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I raised an eyebrow as she took up from the couch and told me to get up. Just when I was finally getting more comfortable in her couch. "What?" I asked her, looking up as she stood in front of me. I had heard what she said, but I wasn't sure if she was being serious. I couldn't even protest though because she pulled on my arm and pulled me off the couch. "Damn, you're strong. For a girl, I mean." I laughed a little, looking down at her this time. I like this agressive side of you, it's refreshing." I winked, smirking back down at her as I ran my hand through her dark hair. "Listen Jo..." I started out saying, speaking softly. "I really appreciate this, but you don't have to do it, you know?" I shrugged a little, not backing away from her. Standing so close made me feel a little weird around her though, and I wasn't sure why. Maybe it's the fact that I had the urge to kiss her, but I think that was the alcohol trying to take over my actions now. I wasn't going to risk making a fool of myself and ruin whatever it was that was going on right now.

My eyes widened as Rob leaned forward and kissed me. I sort of felt like it was in slow motion...I mean, I saw him coming and I knew what he was going to do, but I still didn't back away. I put a finger up to my lips, still feeling his kiss and I felt my cheeks turn all warm, I was definetely blushing now. Once I was sure that the blushing had went away, I turned my head and looked back over at him on his side of the couch. "What was that for?" I asked him. "I mean, that's really sweet, what you said..." I paused a bit, still thinking about Dante. I had done everything possible to let him know how I felt about him, but he made it clear that he didn't want to be anything more than friends. I was probably the only one who actually cared about him, but he didn't see that. "So.." I said, leaning in a little closer to Rob again. "You think I'm hot, hmm?" A small grin formed on my lips as I moved closer to him, and I couldn't get the grin to go away. Hey, when you don't have men say it to you all the time, you have to take advantage of the ones who do...
"Because the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly."
~ Owl City

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Old 08-19-2004, 08:42 PM
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I had expected her to slap me, beat the ***** out of me, ask me to leave... not come closer. Dear God, was Kayci actually going to kiss me? Finally fate is actually going to be nice to me. Thank God, this was like every fantasy come true for me. I mean, I've always had a thing for Kayci, but she's always had her thing with Dante so I thought that... why the ***** am I thinking? I should just enjoy this. Maybe she's using me... but to be honest, I could care less. Hell, I'd be happy if she was.

"Oh, hell yes." I told her, suddenly feeling like Jim from the American Pie movies. Kayci was my damn Nadia. But I sure as hell wasn't going to go for the bandgeek now! "Anybody who doesn't think so needs to have their eyes examined." I told her, leaning in to kiss her again. This was the best night. Ever.


When he didn't back away, I was surprised. When he ran his hand through my hair, I got goosebumps. When I could've sworn I saw desire in his eyes, it took all that I had not to kiss him. Oh man, what in the hell have I gotten myself into? I really don't know, to be honest... but whatever it was I liked it. Which scared the living hell out of me. When he told me that I didn't have to do this, I knew that just meant that I did. "Adrian," I said, keeping my voice low like he had, "if there's one thing you need to know about me, it's this: I don't do things unless I want to." For instance, I didn't have to be standing this close to him, his face only inches from mine. I wanted to.
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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