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Old 08-15-2004, 11:12 PM
Starless Night 20
Master Fan

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Johnny had woken up particularly early that morning. He wasn't entirely sure as to why, but something inside of him told him not to sleep late. He was up at seven, in the shower by seven fifteen, and dressed by seven forty five. He didn't know why. Well, he had an inkling. Bailey had spent the night at his place. The previous night was an open invitation to all the members of the gang, but about a handful showed up. Johnny wasn't insulted by the fact, since he knew they all had lives outside of the gang and was sure that they had better things to do on a Saturday night. One by one, the guests started heading home. Bailey didn't really have a place to go, so Johnny offered the guest floor. But Bailey ended up sleeping on the couch after watching one of the movies and Johnny had headed out for a meeting with one of the other gang members. And, rather than rustle her out of the sound sleep she seemed to have been enjoying, Johnny tip-toed back to his room. And then there he was. He was sitting in the living room, which was a few rooms away from the kitchen, when he heard noise. He stood u pand located it in the kitchen. Leaning against the doorframe, Johnny folded his arms across his chest, a smirk beginning to spread across his face. He was wearing loose-fitted, sand-blasted jeans, a long-sleeved, black t-shirt, a grey woolen beanie, and a pair of black thonged flip-flops. He adjusted the hat on his head and eyed Bailey.

"Hungry?" he asked, breaking the undisturbed silence of the room. He smiled when Bailey jumped and darted around, staring at him. "No, no, it's fine. My kitchen's open to whomever needs food. It doesn't bother me." Johnny let his hands drop to his sides and walked into the kitchen. "But I was going to wait until you got up and cook you something, rather than just serve you cold cereal. Though, maybe you like cold cereal? I don't know." Johnny leaned back against the Italian marble counter-top, crossing his ankles. "It's up to you."


"I got it," Cait said, nodding and smiling. The waitress returned and they gave their orders. A few minutes later, the waitress returned again with their drinks. Cait took a sip of her vanilla cappuchino, the same that Landon had gotten her hooked on a few months earlier. "Myself? Well, not much, really. I've worked at a few local designer labels, doing various things." Cait paused, taking another sip. "When I went to college, I majored in Fashion Design. But, when sophmore year rolled around, I changed my mind and majored in Education. I've really wanted to be a teacher since then. I'm getting my masters right now, though I still have a bit of work ahead of me." Cait smiled pleasantly and glanced out the window. She watched a few of the people go by, but couldn't ignore Monty's gaze that she felt on her face. She turned back to him. "I helped to design a few shirts here and there at the designer labels, but it really wasn't for me. I've got my student-teacher intership coming up soon, and I'm debating as to where I'm going to do it." Cait let out a soft sigh and then sipped her cappuchino. "I never really expected to come back here, which is why I feel sort of lost. I don't know the schools around here as well as I should, if I'm going to start living here again." Cait slid her finger around the rim of the cup. "Then again, I don't know if I'm going to be staying here much longer." Cait closed her eyes as she let out a breath and laughed lightly. "Not like you want to here any of this," she said, glancing up and him and taking another sip.


Alex turned and smiled as DJ draped an arm around her shoulder. She could smell the aroma of his coffee. Certainly smelled good. Alex glanced up at him and then back down to the magazine as he commented about it. And then about her. She could feel her face turning several shades of crimson at his compliment. Though it was cheesy, it was still a compliment. From DJ. To her. Alex felt like screaming with joy. But, of course, refrained herself from doing so. She merely smirked and closed the magazine, placing it back in its slot on the metal wire shelf. She folded her arms across her chest and looked to him.

"Mr. Casanova, huh?" Alex inquired, quirking a brow. The smirk still stayed on her lips. "Though, I think you have to work on those pick-up lines. That one was absolutely horrible." Alex's smirk turned into a smile as she let out a soft laugh. She shook her head and then looked to his cup of coffee. "Mmm, Starbucks. Man, I think I'm going to go get some. Want to tag along? Even though you've already got some?"

OOC: Ariana & Aedan open.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ

Last edited by Starless Night 20; 08-15-2004 at 11:20 PM
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