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Old 08-15-2004, 04:17 PM
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I took a deep breath, then exhaled it all once, I hadn't talked to anybody about my father, so it would be kind of difficult just explaining how you go about getting your life back. "Well," I started, "the first thing that you have to realize is that you can't mope around. Because, even if it's the easiest thing for you to do, you have to realize that whoever you lost would totally kick your ass." I told him with a laugh, then I took a small sip of wine before I continued. "Then, you actually have to do something that you think would make them proud of you. For example, after Dad died, and the 'business' was gone, I was still living in this huge house, all alone. But I just couldn't sell it, I was way too attached because, you know, that was my home, and I felt that if I got rid of that, I was somehow betraying all the memories that it held. Slowly but surely the house started to get kinda shabby, even after I hired help, and it was then that I realized my dad would've shot me on the spot for not selling it to people who could actually take care of it. So, I found this place, sold that one with the furniture and everything, then just started over. I gave all of Dad's Armani suits and stuff away to charity, I took a big chunk of money from the house sale and donated it to the hospital. And it was then that I realized that the memories weren't going to go away with the possesions, and that they'd always be there. And without a whole bunch of stuff to remind me of him every single day, it kinda got easier to be 'normal' again." Gosh, this was a lot easier than I thought it would be, but I must've sounded like a huge sap.

"There are hard days though." I admitted to him. "Anniversaries, birthdays, the first couple of holiday's really suck, but after awhile they get better too. But the best thing that you can do, is to allow yourself to love again. And I know that sounds really cheesy, but it's the truth. I threw myself into charities, and soup kitchens, ect, ect and after a while you really start to care about the strangers you were just trying to help out. Getting in contact with old friends, making new ones, it all helps. But, the absolute worst thing that you can do is shut yourself off." It was then that I realized I had kinda been talking non-stop, and I felt myself blush a little bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on in all my infinite wisdom." I told him, giving him a small smile.


I laughed and shook my head a little bit, finishing off the beer that I had. "Okay Kace, I can stick around." I told her with a grin, "But I'm going to warn you, you're probably going to get sick of me. I mean, like you said, I do have a tendency to get in trouble with the law enforcement around here." I told her jokingly. "But hey, at least you'll know I would take the fall for you and be dragged away in handcuffs. You just have to help me escape sometimes too, otherwise this could turn out to be jail/bail friendship." I told her jokingly. Heh, I can't go to jail for a while though, otherwise Johnny would kick my ass. He told me the last time that if he had to bail me out again within a three month period, that he would leave me in there. Thank goodness the family had enough money to pay off the legal eagles around here.
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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