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Old 08-19-2004, 08:52 PM
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I look at him and laugh. "Wow, you do like to play." I tell him. "I'm not scared of you." I say looking around. "Do you want to know why I am not afraid of you?" I ask him finally looking him straight in the eyes. "Because I have a weird feeling at the pit of my stomache that says that you don't really want to kill me." I laugh. "I mean don't get me wrong I know you want to kill me... but not right now. There is another you want to kill."

"Why don't you put that knife aside and actually tell me what you really want? Because killing me maybe all in fun... but killing the other person first. We could have a blast." I whisper to him. I pull my gun out of my pocket and press it against his stomache. "Why don't we talk first before we make some rash decisions."
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:57 PM
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Kill me now. It took a lot out of me not to hold Jo close and pull her into a kiss, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So, she did things when she wanted to...I wanted to kiss her, but that's one thing I couldn't do. So it looks like I was just the opposite of her. I just wasn't ready at the moment and maybe I'd think more clearly once I didn't have so much alcohol in me. Tomorrow was another day. All of the thoughts that were starting to go through my brain were starting to give me a headache, and I tensed up a little. Screw it, if I couldn't bring myself to do what I felt, then I needed to get rid of the temptation. And that was Jo, standing there so closely in front of me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that she wanted me too, which made this a little harder. I removed my hand from her hair and I put my arm back down at my side and I took a few small steps backwards, backing away from her. "Well, if you want to go out and have some fun, I suppose we could. But I'll be honest with you, I wouldn't mind staying in here with you either. But I'm not sure just exactly how much more of me you'll be able to stand." I smiled some, laughing nervously, having a hard time trying to hide it.

Ah, should I be doing this? I wasn't sure if I was really starting to like Rob, or maybe I was just doing this to get back at Dante. I wasn't sure, really. I was just confused at the moment, but I didn't want to hurt Rob, I wasn't exactly sure how well he would take it if I told him tomorrow that I just wanted to forget about this. But hell...I'll worry about that later. Finally, there was a guy sitting in front of me, showing his obvious attraction for me. That was something that Dante had never given to me, and it was refreshing to have it now. Rob had never disappointed me or let me down, he had nothing nice to say about me and...Gah, what was I waiting for then? When he leaned in again, I reached forward with my hand and playfully grabbed Rob's shirt and pulled him closer again. No turning back now. I pressed my lips against his, kissing him hard.
"Because the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly."
~ Owl City

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Old 08-19-2004, 09:23 PM
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"I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to stand this either." I mumbled, suddenly very frusturated that he hadn't kissed me. I could almost see it in his eyes that he wanted to, and the Lord knows that I wanted to. So why weren't we? Geez, you could almost cut the sexual tension in here with a knife. "Well, whatever you want to do." I told him, trying my best to smile. Maybe we should go out, that way the friction between us would be lessened by the fact that we were in public... or maybe he should go home so that I wouldn't have to think about him... or maybe I should just stop staring at him. Stop staring at his nearly perfect facial figures. His strong arms that any girl would love to be held in. His eyes. His lips. His... hands.

I picked up our wine glasses, and then carried them into the kitchen, being really careful not to touch him as I walked by. I needed to get a hold of myself. So what if there was a gorgeous man standing in my living room? That shouldn't bother me. Cheese and rice, it was Adrian for crying out loud. But, as I walked back into the living room, I still had the uncontrolable urge to kiss him. "Do you wanna know what I want?" I asked him, walking over to him so that I was standing even closer to him than I had been before. "This." I whispered, grabbing him and kissing him before either one of us really had a chance to react.


Still pleasantly surprised that I was actually kissing Kayci, my hands automatically went to her waist, gently pulling her on top of me as I leaned down onto the couch. I kissed her deeper, having a hell of a time but silently praying that nobody would walk in on us. I wouldn't want to have to explain this to her brothers, that's for damn sure. Although, if they did kill me, at least I would die happy. I was ready to strip down for her if she wanted me to, but something told me that she might not like that. "Kace, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her, forcing myself to pull away. I just didn't want to really get into this and then have her decide she wasn't doing the right thing.
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:41 PM
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This had to be one of the most frustrating things I've dealt with for a long time. We were both smart enough to figure out that we both wanted the same thing, but we were both holding back. I really wasn't sure how much longer this would last before we both turned insane. I don't know about her, but it sure as hell was driving me nuts. I watched Jo's every move as she turned and walked away from me with the wine glasses, and I let out a small sigh, taking in a deep breath. This was probably my chance to get out. Run. Far, far away. But my legs weren't moving, and I continued to stand there as she walked back over to me. Jo was beginning to make a habit out of changing a situation without giving me time to react or at least say something. I immediately closed my eyes, feeling her lips pressed on mine. At first, I didn't do anything, but right as I could feel her start to pull away from me, I wrapped both of my arms over her waist and wrapped them around to her back, pulling her close as I pulled her back into the kiss. Pressing her body against mine, I held her closely and deepend the kiss. The last time I had ever done something like this, was with Chelsea. And I never thought that I'd be doing this again. With my hands still around her waist, I pulled her away from me again, letting the kiss end. "Jo..." I said, looking down at her. "I..." C'mon, spit it out, Adrian. "I'm not sure that was such a good idea." I told her, removing my hands from her form. I couldn't touch her...If I did, I'd just want to kiss her again.

I moved myself to Rob's side of the couch, crawling over to him as I positioned myself comfortably on top of him. It felt good to have someone's arms around me, I felt wanted. For once. My breathing became a little more heavier as Rob deepend the kiss, and I kissed him back with the same fire, only to have him pull away again. I looked down at him, raising an eyebrow. "It's not like you're forcing me to, Rob. Look who's on top." I joked, not helping but to laugh a little. "I know what I'm doing, and I think you do too." I said simply and let out a small sigh. "If you're having seconds thoughts, then let me know. If not, shut up." I said and leaned down and kissed him again, a little too impatient to wait for him to answer me. And I really wasn't looking forward to hearing if he actually did have second thoughts. He needed to take my advice, don't think so much. it.
"Because the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly."
~ Owl City

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Old 08-19-2004, 10:01 PM
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Oh. My. Gosh. I hadn't been kissed like that in... a really long time. I mean, sure, I've been kissed by plenty of men, but not like that. Not the whole weak in the knees, nearly takes your breath away type of kiss. So when he let go of me, it took all I had not to tell him to shut up and drag him into my bedroom. Instead I tried to stop breathing so heavily, and I bit my bottom lip hard to try and distract myself with pain. I backed away from him a little bit, trying really, really hard to be understanding. "I know." I finally managed to get out. It came out way more breathy than I had wanted it to though. "I'm sorry, I know that you don't want-" well, me, to be perfectly blunt. But I didn't want him to tell me that. "That you don't want this." It's just that I do. Really, really badly.


This is *****ing awesome. First of all, she had a good sense of humor about the whole thing (her whole "on top" comment was priceless), and she wanted to do this. My God, this was everything I had ever wanted in a long time. So, I'm going to take her advice, and shut up. The next thing I knew I was kissing her with a passion I'm pretty sure both of us were a little surprised at. Then my hands started to wander, and I gently tugged at the bottom of her shirt, then slowly brought it up over her head. I seriously can't believe that I'm doing this, but it's got to be the coolest damn thing I've ever done. I mean, I've been with other chicks before, but not ones like Kayci.
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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Old 08-19-2004, 10:54 PM
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I gave a small, hollow laugh, my feet shifting a step closer before they rested again in the position that I was in before. The look on his face....... God. I didn't know what to do with myself. There wasn't anything I could do with myself. I should have taken the bullet meant for Chase and drove through my own skull, but when I saw him looking at me with what I could only describe as the most caring disposition I had seen in months....... There was still things I needed to do. I wasn't going anywhere yet, but the standstill I found myself at was worse than any bruise anyone could give me. I was ready for the physical afflictions that might be set against my skin, I wasn't ready for the consequences of the decisions I had made on a whim. A whim that had left me with the only friends and family I had on the other side of the fence.

At the last few words, my finger clutched at the jacket around me, as if it was easier to stand if I had my hands completely occupied by the fabric coiling around me "I cared about you before this Cole, and it hasn't changed. " I said simply, looking around before my eyes set back on him "Do you want to..... Sit down or something?" There's too much to say standing in Central Park "We need to...... Catch up."
I chose a road of passion and pain
sacrificed too much and waited in vain
Gave up my power ceased being queen
Addicted to love like the drug of a fiend
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Old 08-19-2004, 10:58 PM
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"You know what right now I can't listen to your voice without this haunting reminder that you did nothing but lie to me for months and months. I never would have thought this way of you. You were the one person I knew I could always count on the one person who swore to me that you would never lie to me and it turns out everything about you is a lie. Your name...your-your age..your entire personality and life...your promises and your words? They are all empty. Your word means nothing to me now because I can't trust someone who lied to me." I say to her.

I thought when she turned around and ran with Paige that she had crossed the line and I forgave her and I assumed she had learned and she would never do that I thought that was the worse she could do but now...there is no way she can come back from this place. I can't take back the trust I had but I cant give it to her either.


And we are back to Paige. Yes...I had or should I say have feelings for Paige and I feel the exact way about Sara which leaves me in this mess but this is not about how I feel about these two amazing women in my life it is about my son that was stolen from me at his prime my son that I never had a chance to know because she took it away from me she knows if anything were to save me from this life it would be a child, I told her time and again that if we had a child I would leave my business but she didnt trust me enough.

"Paige has nothing to do with you and me and Lucas she has nothing to do with my love for my son that I dont know or the way I feel about you or us and yes...Sara ok..MY LIFE IS DANGEROUS you are at risk, LUCAS is at risk! I get that I'm not some idiot I know what could happen if I have him but It would be worse without me around and that's enemies know of you and they know of us and our past and they know that you meant a lot to me and they probably know now that I have a son and...and if you take him away from me and walk are in more danger then if I were there and had my.." I look away noy able to continue..


I look down at the gun as she places it against my stomach. Right because I'm afraid of a little girl playing with a gun. I do want to kill another. His name is Rob. I want to tear his head from his body and make sure he is awake the whole time, listen to him cry in pain like a girl with a skined knee, listen to him yell for help while I tear his insides out and listen to him whimper. I want him to feel the pain he has caused me and I want Kayci to watch the whole time.

"The only one..I want to kill right now.." I say to her, reaching down as I remove the gun from against my stomach, pushing her against the wall I lean in closely to her, moving my mouth to her ear as i take a breath before speaking. "Is you." I whisper in her ear.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-19-2004, 11:18 PM
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I watch as he looks away. This is so hard to be right here with him. I try to hide my tears, but its no use he can always see right through me. I hate crying, I always felt it made me weaker. But I don't think it does anymore, not after everything that has happened. "I know."I whisper when he tells me we'd be safer here. It's true, there were times when our enemies would find Lucas and I, after two years of hiding, I was free. Until recently of course when an old enemy of Zeke's spotted me. We had a confrontation, he knew about my son. He told me he was going to kill me, then he told me he was going to find Lucas and show Zeke whos really in charge. When he threatened my son, something went off in me. We had a pretty bloody fight, it resulted with him dead.

I turn my head to look at him. "Im sorry I made a mistake Zeke, and you know me I don't admit that very often..I was young and stupid, extremely stupid. I thought I could handle everything, I convinced myself that he'd be safer away from you only because I couldn't bare to see you..Im sorry, I was selfish and I hate myself every single day for it..I should have come back..I should have came back right away."I repeat as a few stray tears fall down my face. I ignore them. "I want you to meet him Zeke, I want you to be in his life, I want you to be his father....I'll move back here for good...if you promise me that he will be alright..that nothing is going to happen to him..please promise me that Zeke..I need to hear it."
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side
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Old 08-20-2004, 01:24 AM
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I nodded and smiled at Sunny as we got out of bed. "Your so nice to me. I love you for it." I kissed her long and hard. I got on my clothes and watched Sunny get dressed although I liked it better without any clothes on. It was important that I should talk with Kayci. She was my sister and I did love her. She always tried to protect me since we were small. She would fight my battles for me. I remember back when she found out a girl was cheating on me that she tracked her down and beat her up. She then came home and did her best to cheer me up. So I think I should come home and be the loving brother that I should be. "Ok lets go." We walked out of the house and I locked the door and slipped the key under mat where I had found it. We got on my bike and we drove back to the house me and my brother and sister lived at. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to see my sister macking out with some guy. "What the f--" I screamed trying to block the image out of my brain. I grabbed the guy by the collar and pulled him off of my sister. "Rob what the hell do you think your doing. Huh?! What the f*** do you think your doing?!" I had to admit I was being overprotective of my sister but there was a reason. A guy who she use to date tried to do something and I beat the guy to a pulp and since then I had been weary of seeing her with other men.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
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Old 08-20-2004, 03:53 AM
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I continued to kiss Rob, letting his hands wander wherever he felt the need to. I had wanted this for a long time. Well, maybe I imagined it with Dante, but it seemed that Rob was more willing to give me what I wanted, and he seem to have wanted it too. So there ya go. And here we were. I let my hand run through Rob's hair as I kissed him and I slowly moved it down, tugging playfully on his shirt. As soon as I began to slowly pull his shirt up to take it off him I heard someone open the door and slam it shut. "Jared?" I called out, after seeing him step into the light some. "What the hell..." I said as he grabbed Rob by the collar and I began to search for my shirt that was on the floor, quickly putting it back on. God, this was embarrassing. I felt like I was a teenager getting caught by my parents. "What the hell are you doing here?" I said to him, straightening out my hair as well. Sure, Jared lived here...But I hadn't seen him in months, and he just had to pick tonight to come back? Perfect. "Leave him alone." I rolled my eyes and tried to push him away from Rob. I was the older sister here, this should be the other way around. I looked over to see Sunny standing in our door way and I quickly looked away, not bothering to say anything else. I was already humiliated enough.

I looked down at Jo, frowning some. God. How was I supposed to think straight after that kiss? It was just so intense, and I think that if I went home I wouldn't be able to get it out of my mind. No matter how drunk I was. "Do you want to know what I don't want?" I said to Jo, taking a step closer to her again since she took a few to back away. "What I really don't want right now is to get close to another woman again and give her everything I have, only to have it all thrown away again and be left with nothing." I paused a bit and looked down at my feet before looking back up to her again. "I'm going to be honest with you Jo. I don't want you to make this about you...It's my fault, that I'm just not ready for this, and I know you understand that." I let out a small sigh. Damn, what the hell was wrong with me? We've probably had more arguements then we've had actual normal conversations, and yet here we were. "I'm still deciding if this is phsyical attraction, or something more." And I definetely wasn't expected to figure that out until I was completely sober. "Maybe we should rest on this and see how we feel tomorrow?" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders some.
"Because the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly."
~ Owl City

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Old 08-20-2004, 10:20 AM
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Ok. So this wasn't going as I planned. But when does anything go as I plan? Never really. All I wanted to do was play a little. I mean I can't get my kicks on the feild how else am I going to get it? Not from Zeke. Defenitally not now with the fact that ' the love of his life ' is back. Plus there was nothing ever between me and Zeke. So why should I care really. I have nothing left to lose. Plus I like playing with danger.

"Go ahead then. I'm waiting." I say to him camly. "If you want to kill me then do it. I am not afriad of you. If I die so be it. But really you should think about this. I am in Zeke's gang. You kill me.... everyone will be after you. So soon enough, you will be joining me in the afterlife." I say pressing my body against the gun and knife more. "Kill me. Or no one will be after you. Because there are so many of us in his group that they wont even notice I am gone. So really its an empty victory. But either way I am out of your hair." I love trying to confuse people. Sometimes I even end up confusing myself. "And then you have to explain to your boss where you saw me how you got me alone. And that you kissed me. Because I am sure he will look up on you. Asking the bar tender questions. The people who passed by. You don't think any one has passed by. But you would be surprised how many people will talk when threatened. And how many lies they can come up with when they are scared. Think about that for a moment. Some may say there was more to us. I'm dead already so what does it matter to me. I wont have to face my boss." I say with a bit of a smile.
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Old 08-20-2004, 11:02 AM
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I was feeling so embarrassed walking in on my sister. The image of her making out and dare I say having sex is not something I wanted to see. Then again I did see naked but that is when our mother made us take a bath together when she was 5 and I was 2. I looked at Rob as he had a pissed off look on his face. I didn't really care if he was Johnny's cousin. He just looked one dumb son of a b*tch if he didn't live my house right now. "Look we have talk. Rob you got three seconds to leave before I remove something you will miss. Sunny can you wait downstairs in the car for me? This won't take too long." I said looking at Kayci shaking my head at her.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 08-20-2004, 04:13 PM
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And here comes the normal girl self pity crap I despise so much about the opposit sex. They always have to be the victims of themselves. They always have to try and act cool when you know tht they are just screwing with your head. She is trying to make me pity her and weather or not she sees it is a different thing. Because they are all this way.

"You know what...I could gut you right here right now and you could laugh and try and tell me you dont care but you know what...I can read you like a book you want me to stab or shoot you so your boyfriend can come and come running back to you and tell you he needs you and he's sorry for screwing the intern or whatever it is he did to piss you off so much and then he can come back and kill me but you know I am not going to do that to you or give you that pleasure so you can trap some innocent fool." I say to her. "So now you will have to deal with the pain and suffering of living." I whisper.


Meet him? One minute she is insisting I will never ever get to even see my son and the next minute she is telling me she wants me to meet him? Because she knows she has no shot in hell of beating me. I could win this case without any effort at all and she knows that.

"Wh-what are you trying to do to me?" I ask her as I look at her. "What do you want from me?" I ask. I really do not know what else there is for me to say or do. She is scaring me to much right now and she is messing with my head and I can't handle that today or any other day and she should have known that but she clearly does not know it.

ooc: Kel, post Eli.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-20-2004, 04:28 PM
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"Why the hell do you think I came back here Zeke?"I ask looking at him. Im obviously confusing him which I really don't understand why. The only reason I said I'd leave again was because he threatened taking him away from me. I've been here for months, and I've been contemplating to tell him or to just turn around and leave.

"I came back to tell you the truth, I wanted you to know you had a son, you deserved to know. I never came back to tell you and just leave, the only reason I was going to even leave again was because I thought you were taking him from me. I know Lucas will be best protected here, I thought I could handle it out there with all our old enemies to find me, but I can't. I can't risk it anymore, because if anything happened to him.."I trail off and look down at my steering wheel.

"Im moving in with Kylie for a little while, so if you would like to see your son come by anytime."I tell him. I look at him once again before putting my car in drive. I get ready to leave the bluffs. I really do miss this place, there were so many memories here.
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side
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Old 08-21-2004, 01:45 AM
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Goddamn. I knew this was too good to be true, I just knew it. I knew that something was going to happen to screw this up, but I figured that I was going to be the one to do it, not have Jared show up. And now, quite frankly, I was kind of scared. Scared out of my goddamn mind. He could kill me, I knew he carried around a gun, I sure didn't though. Not to mention the fact that this was really humiliating. Not just to me, but to Kayci too. "Uh... right. It probably is best if I just leave." I started towards the door, for the first time noticing that Sunny was there too. Great. I turned around to say goodbye to Kayci, saw Jared looking at me as if he was ready to turn around and kill me right now, then decided not to say anything to Kayci. "Sorry about all of this." I mumbled.


I ran a shaky hand through my hair, increasingly aware that he had moved towards me again and that if I moved just this much... okay, hormone check. I can't do this right now. When he said that he didn't want to get involved with another woman just to have everything thrown away again, I wanted to kiss him and tell him that wouldn't happen. But, deep down, I knew that I had no way of knowing whether or not that was true. I was a risk taker, always had been, if things didn't work out then that just means there's something better out there. I hadn't been hurt in love like he had, which is why I had to back away a little bit again in order to control my urge to jump him.

"To be honest, I don't know what this is either." But, whatever it was, it was good. "So... you're right. Maybe it is better to wait until tomorrow." Even though I'd probably be in worse shape then than I am now because I'd end up staying up all night thinking about that kiss. "But, whatever we do decide... just promise me that we won't end up being all awkward around each other. Because then I'd have to kill you, and I really don't want to do that." I told him, trying to crack a joke in order to ease some of the tension.


When Blade came in again, the only thing that I wanted to do was grab my pillow and pull it over my head, drowning out all thoughts, sounds, and images of him. But then he said that he was staying here and that there was nothing I could do because it was his apartment too. At this I just wanted to scream. Wasn't it bad enough that he showed up and basically told me that he didn't care enough to come back unless something bad had happened to me? Oh yes, what a comfort it is to know that he would've been sitting next to me if I ended up in ICU. That knowledge will totally get him off the hook for literally abandoning me without any reason whatsoever.

I walked to my door, only opening it enough for me to lean against the frame. "Fine, whatever, you can stay the night. But be gone before I get up in the morning." I could see that he was going to protest, or at least say something, so I continued on before he had the chance. "Please don't argue with me about this. Because, to be honest, I don't know what else you could possibly want from me."
I never understood the expression 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'... why the hell would you buy a cow when you've never tasted the milk? I mean, HONESTLY, what if the milk was sour? How do you even know it's a milk cow?!
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