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Old 08-17-2004, 12:37 AM
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Cait smiled at Monty and his (somewhat) blissful ignorance when it came to the Caesar wrap. She put the pepper back into its little rack next to the salt and then demonstrated by example. She picked up the stuffied pita bread and bit into it, like a taco or a burrito. As she chewed, she wiped her mouth with her napkin and looked to him. She glanced down to his wrap then to her own, sitting in her plate. She then looked to her empty cup and nodded in response to Monty's suggestion of ordering a new drink. She swallowed her food and looked around for the waitress. She caught sight of her and held a hand up, grabbing her attention. She ordered another drink, this time a water with lemon, and she looked to Monty after the waitress had left to retrieve her drink.

"Good idea, thanks." Cait smiled and nodded. "And you just eat the wrap like you would a burrito. Or a taco. But a lot of the fillling can fall out sometimes, so, just keep that in mind. Wraps tend to get a bit messy."
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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Old 08-17-2004, 12:59 AM
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I smiled slightly into her lips, pleased that I'd gotten the desired effect and not another kick in the groin. I couldn't handle a second one. I wouldn't be able to stop her from walking out that door. But there was no need to worry about that. Much to my surprise, she wasn't planning on physically hurting me again. I'd have to take advantage of this ceasefire. Knowing Leigha, it wouldn't last long, but she was just full of surprises today.

I lessened my grip on her, placing my hands around her waist. Kissing her was only a means of provoking her, but she definitely wasn't angered by it anymore. And you know what? My intentions weren't the same, either. Did I actually want to kiss Leigha? Leigha Kellingstone? That didn't make any sense. She's my worst enemy. Is not was.

Yet I knew, deep down, that she wasn't just my enemy anymore. Somewhere, that stupid, little line had been crossed. That line that was frequently talked about and referred to: the line between love and hate. Anyone who happened to mention that around me was given a severe beating. They were completely delusional, right? Nothing could be further from the truth. Leigha and I's relationship, if it could be called that, was purely antagonistic. There were no secret desires within us. I didn't....want her. At least, that's what I'd thought before all of this happened.

So maybe we were more than enemies. I wasn't going to instantly transform and be that perfect guy for her. I wouldn't hold up that stupid stereo beneath her bedroom window. I wouldn't race to the airport to stop her from getting on that plane. I wasn't that guy. But did she really expect me to be?

I pulled away sharply, looking into her eyes. There were a lot of things I could say, but most of them sounded either incredibly cheesy or incredibly cruel. So why talk at all? I was better at...other activities. My hands left her waist, seizing her face gently and kissing her again.
too little too late but we can't say no, it's too much to feel, tie my right hand to the bible.
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:15 AM
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Monty watched as Cait demonstrated taking a bite of the wrap. It looked so easy, but he wasn't sure if he was up to his table manners with eating like that, then using his napkin to wipe around his mouth to keep himself looking clean and not messy. "You know," He started. "I think I might just eat it with a fork. Seems so simple, and I don't have to worry about making a mess while trying to hold it, eat it, and having stuff exploding out of the wrap." He laughed a little. "I appreciate the 'table manner 101' class though."

"Ah, water with lemon," He noticed her drink. "You can't go wrong with that. So, do you drink?" He asked referring to alcoholic beverages.
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:52 AM
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"I suppose the fork and knife combo can never steer you wrong, huh?" Cait asked, smiling. She took another bite out of her wrap when Monty posed the drinking question. Cait held up a finger to signify that she was still chewing and then when she had finished, she took a sip of her lemon water and looked to him. "Sorry," she laughed, "A little bit, yeah. I mean, I don't go heavy on it, since I'm not a very big fan of the hang over you get the next morning. But if I'm at a party or something, I'll have some sort of drink. Usually a sweet wine or a mixed drink. I don't really like beer, but I love the fruity drinks. Like a Red Devil, which tastes like Kool-Aid, or a Pina Colada, Strawberry Daquiri, that type of thing. And I'll usually only have one, two at the most. Never more than two." Cait paused, taking another swig of her water. "I have a fairly high alcohol tolerance, which is good." She paused, glancing down to her plate which was already covered in the dressing-drenched lettuce that had spilled from her pita. "My parents used to drink wine all the time, in moderation, of course. And on special occasions, they'd let me have a glass of it or champagne. But I dislike champagne." She let out a wistful sigh. "I loved their sweet wines, the ones that were easy on the tastebuds and soft on the palatte." Cait glanced up at him, clenching her jaw, remembering what had happened. "But, my parents are long gone. They have been."
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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Old 08-17-2004, 02:38 AM
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Monty frowned, "I'm sorry about your parents." It was sad to hear that her parents were dead. He wondered what might've happened to them. Yeah, he was curious, but he wasn't going to be rude, and ask more. That didn't seem right. He retrieved his knife and fork, slicing the wrap into small, eatable portions. He stabbed with a fork, then took it into his mouth. He chewed the portion, putting the fork back to the plate, then taking a sip of his soda, and washed it down. "That's pretty good." Monty commented on the food. "I haven't had that before."

"Well, um, I guess your turn to ask somethuing, if you like." Monty offered her to change the subject.
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Old 08-17-2004, 02:45 AM
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I decided to go to the store that was near the safe house. I remembered how to walk there and walk back to the safe house without getting in trouble because Zeke had showed me. "I am going to the store." I said no one in particular. I left the safehouse and went to the store with Mr. Bojangles. Me and Mr. Bojangles had one dollar in our pocket so we bought a candybar. I was walking across the street when I saw a familar face. It was Damon the guy Mr. Bojangles and I liked alot. "Hi Damon, say hello to Mr. Bojangles." I lifted my dolls arm to make it wave at Damon.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
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Old 08-17-2004, 11:11 AM
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I lay with my head on Jared's chest and listened to his heart beating. I was still in shock over the whole thing. Jared telling me that he was falling in love with me was the last thing that I had ever expected was going to be coming out of his mouth. He had a reputation for being the love em and leave em type of guy and for a few awful minutes I thought that maybe he had just told me that as a way of thanking me. I tarced a little pattern on his chest with my finger and then finally had the nerves to look up at him for the first time.

"What you said before. I mean, about you thinking that you were falling in love with me. Was that whole thing the truth or were you just saying it because you thought that was what I wanted to hear?"
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Old 08-17-2004, 11:19 AM
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I had to take a few minutes to answer her question. That had to be the best I have ever had with a girl. It was different though, maybe it wasn't sex could it be that it we made love? I smiled at her at her and kissed her forehead. "I don't say things I don't mean Sunny. I think I am falling in love with you." I kissed her some and I looked at her. "How are you feeling?"
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 08-17-2004, 11:33 AM
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"Better now hearing that you really did mean that. I was getting a little nervous thinking that you said that to all the girls that you slept with." I snuggled in a little closer to his side. "I'm glad that you feel that way because I know that I am falling in love with you. Over these last few months I have seen this totally different side to you. You are not like the guy at all that I heard about and first saw when I joined the gang. And when we get back home I plan on making sure that everyone else sees what a nice and caring person you are. I am going to make them all fall in love with you."
Celebrating 10,000 Posts at the Elementary board!

It's Elementary my dear Watson
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Old 08-17-2004, 11:59 AM
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I smiled at her words wrapping my arms around her. "You know I never thought in a million years you would have bothered with a kid like me. Your older then me and you could have any guy you want." I sighed some. "You one of the few people I let see this side of me. I don't even think my own brother Aedan and sister Kayci have seen this side of me." I thought about the last thing my sister said to me. "We have to go I have to go see Kayci.."
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 08-17-2004, 04:31 PM
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Alex and I stood at the counter, watching and waiting for the man to finish up with her drink. I couldn't help but think to myself a little and think of what the impression Alex and I were making. From the looks of it, people probably thought that we were a couple, and that made me smile a little. But I decided I shouldn't think so much though, I was starting to get a little ahead of myself here. "Well, in the future I won't have to make my lame attempts at pick-up lines, because you'll have fallen in love with my by then." I said, joking some and I gave her a small wink. Yeah, I was still being a little too confident, but hey, those were my intentions. When the employee had finally finished with her drink, I gave him a small nod and thanked him, taking the hot cup from him. "Careful, it's hot." I warned her and brought up her hand that was held in mine and I let go, letting her hand curl around the cup. "I got the same thing as you, actually. Mine just has a little bit of peppermint flavoring in it." I told her, smiling as I looked down at her. I just wanted to run my hands through her soft hair and pull her into a kiss, but I refrained myself. "Did you want to sit down and relax, or go back outside?" I asked her, shifting some of my weight to one leg. "Because if you have to be somewhere, don't let me keep you." I laughed slightly, figuring even if she did have somewhere to go, I wouldn't let her leave anyway.
"Because the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly."
~ Owl City

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Old 08-17-2004, 06:51 PM
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OOC: Gah, DJ and Alex are so cute *swoon* lol

I laughed slightly, shaking my head. "I don't care, we can do whatever, it's not like there's other things we have to get to today, so lets just plan to have no plan." I said with a slight smile, tugging on my jacket as the breeze picked up a bit. "And as for the sappy love stories, I was never much for those too much. Maybe a comedy or something we don't even have to think about while watching it...But I'm really fine with whatever you want."

Seeing her like this, so defeated hurt, more than seeing her with... him. Regardless of everything she'd done..we all had our faults, and who the hell was I to judge her for making a bad call. She was one of my best friends, and the fact that my ego was hurt when she didn't pick me didn't give me the right to fuck her over. "I'm living..." I said, echoing her, nodding slightly. I knew that I was a hard one to read, probably especially for her, and I wasn't going to just stand there and say nothing. "You do have some friends, Lara...just a matter of taking advantage of those friendships..." I thought about it, and I would probably get ***** from Zeke if he knew I was talking to her...but standing here, it was worth it. "I still care...I mean, regardless of everything."

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Old 08-17-2004, 07:03 PM
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Landon laughed in response. “Lilly, you’re too open which makes this hard to choose on what to do.” He thought for a moment. “Okay, let’s tackle the movie store, then when we head towards the restaurants, we’ll have a better idea of what to eat.” He shrugged. “I don’t know, just a suggestion. I do have to warn you, when I’m lounging around the apartment, I’m very casual. Guess I’ll have to change that around since I’m having company over who’s of the opposite sex.”

“And, there’s nothing wrong with the sappy love story movies.” Landon told her. “I don’t have a problem watching them if you wanted to watch one. I just don’t want them on a frequent basis.”
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Old 08-17-2004, 07:27 PM
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I smiled and shook my head at Landon. "You could perhaps be that mythical perfect man, Landon." I said with a laugh, turning the corner toward the street we were heading to. "I think that sounds like a plan. And don't worry about me, lounge around however you want...I'm not easily phased."

[Lois/Clark] [Michael/Sara] [Veronica/Logan] [Sydney/Vaughn] [Jack/Kate] [Alex/Izzy] [Chase/Cameron] [Kimber/Christian] [Phoebe/Cole]

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Old 08-17-2004, 08:24 PM
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"Ah, I'm a myth of a perfect man," Landon smiled with a laugh. "Even if it's my place, I want to be respectful. It's not every day that I have a woman over, and if I was lounging around like I normally would, I'd be afraid that I'd scare her off. Most women would see me an inconsiderate male who has no respect for his female guests. Seeing a man lounging around with just his boxers, I don't know. I don't want people to have a bad impression of me like that. I'd be full laid-back rather than being half modest and half laid-back, you know?"

"So.." He started. "What movies do you like? Is there anything in particular? Are you more for a mixture for romance and comedy, more of a romantic, or romance and adventure?"
Joe ><>

Last edited by JoeDude; 08-17-2004 at 09:55 PM
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