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Old 08-15-2004, 11:22 PM
Elite Fan

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I look at her. Fun? Of course. Tonight will be grand there is no doubt in that. We always have fun when it comes to weapons. Guns are our most fun thing in the world if you were to ask me.

"Well Loila of course we will have a grand ol time this evening. As long as the cops do not get on us we should be able to do just about anything we want. But we have to be smart about it ok?" I say to her with a smirk. Draping my arm over her shoulder as we head for the door.

"So where do you want to go first? Eat or kill?" I ask her.


When she kisses me I can't help but feel sick to my stomach. I had every intention of doing what she wanted to erase the image of Kayci with another guy from my head and I thought doing this with the enemy would help but I can't.

I push her away from me, almost too hard. "I'm not your doll I'm not your toy you want to screw up your own life and let Zeke kill you then fine. But kissing you makes my stomach turn and I can't just do that to myself. I'm not sucidal as you clearly are. So you want to be noticed by your real boytoy? Find a guy who can stand the taste of you in his mouth.l" I say to her.


Eli was really mad at me right now and I guess I did not have a right to talk to her this way. But hurt or not she could not kick me out of my own apartment. I was the one who bought it and I have been paying rent every month which means she has no right to kick me out of my own place. I am not going to let her kick me out.

I walk back to the apartment, bag over my shoulder as I swing the door open. "Can;t kick me out of my own apartment Els." I say to her.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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