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Old 03-12-2008, 06:58 AM
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I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it does. I just dont buy that 3 from 1 friendship circle are together/in love still five years on
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Old 03-12-2008, 07:16 AM
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I know. My only response to anything from this show is: It's tv.
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Old 03-12-2008, 07:45 AM
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Peyton - I'm so proud of her. I mean, I personally couldn't have done that, go the the engagement party of the guy I love so much. But she did and she just...sucked everything up. I think this episode showed her moving on for real and I don't mind.

BP - They're amazing. They can joke around together but are also there for each other when times are rough and that's what friendship is about. I've said it a couple of times on the BP thread but this relationship is IMO currently the most sincere and pure one. Also, Hilarie and Sophia have a very natural chemistry, you'd believe they're friends in real life.

Brooke - I loved her firing Victoria. Actually I think she should've done it a lot sooner but I understand, you know, she's her mother and all...Anyway, I really like she told that monster straight.

OBCP - Owen/Brooke: I loved the pie-eating part. It's something that come accross normal, which is rare in OTH. Also at the mall when he grabs her and they just play around. They're adorable.

BUT I think there's also still something there between Chase and Brooke. He isn't over her and since Peyton told Chase 'good luck' I'm thinking there's going to be a COB triangle.

Then CP. I don't think they were serious even for one second this ep. Even when Chase mentioned that about that he thought she was cute in high school...It felt like he was teasing a bit. Their conversation was overall very fluffy. They could, however, be great friends if given the chance. The two kisses exchanged to make respectively Lucas and Brooke jealous were very cute.

NH - They really annoyed me this ep. A whole evening of them trying to talk and eventually it lead to nothing. Haley didn't exactly came accross tolerant this ep either, e.g. with Skills. We've seen him playing with Jamie a lot more than either Haley or Nathan have and it bugged me she was warning him like that bc it wasn't necessary. Nathan I feel sorry for. He's a screw-up, yes, but his heart is always in the right place IMO.

BTW, when I write fics with NH, I tend to break them up and once I had Nathan say Haley never thought he was good enough. I wrote that way before last ep aired bc I believe it's true. Nathan could be a freaking Noble Prize winner and she'd still not be pleased but only see his flaws. I think NH should stay divorced. As for Jamie, off course it's a shame his parents are apart but it's like that with a bunch of children. In time, wounds heal. But off course, NH are going to get back together. Pity but yeah *shrugs*

Rachel - It's a shame she stole but I enjoyed seeing Danneel on my screen again. And the little PR scene! I had waiting for that for sooooo long. I always found it a shame Peyton and Rachel weren't really friends because I LOVE Rachel.

Mouth/Millie - Cute.


- Hil + basketball = no good team. She has been on OTH for five years now and she can't even throw the ball in the ring? I love her, but that was pitiful LOL.

- Sophia's voice is seriously getting raspier with the second. Sometimes I have to go back because I didn't understand what she said. Did she have a cold shooting these scenes or something?
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:10 AM
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This episode on the whole was really enjoyable for me. Lots of injected humour to lighten the show up, whilst also being deeply heartfelt at the right moments. It drove the story and had the shocks without taking it over the top.

It was depressing to see Haley so sad about things and I really understand the pain she feels about everything. In this episode she was dealing with that and just not ready to let Nathan back in yet. She needs time to get over what happened before she can even really hear him out yet, because she feels like she’s been betrayed multiple times by Nathan’s actions/inactions now. However in the end I think she’ll realise Nathan didn’t have ill intent and will let him back in. I just felt sad for Jamie, because all he wanted was for his family to be together and Haley couldn’t give him that yet.

Nathan I felt bad for in this episode. He seemed like he was searching for a way to make things better, but just didn’t quite understand how to. It’s clear that he misses his family and although I think he deserves the lions share of the blame for how things with Carrie happened I still couldn’t help feeling for him. I always see him as the unwitting victim of his own idiocy in these situations, in that he never has intentions to hurt Haley, but he’s just not equipped to deal with situations like the ****ty nanny. I also felt bad when Haley told him she never should have tried to change him, because I don’t think that that was entirely true or fair. Nathan has always appreciated how Haley helped him become a better person and anyone who’s seen s1 Nathan knows how much better he is now. He loves Haley for that and it sort of took that away from him.

I really enjoyed Skills. It was great to see both sides of him, both humorous and deep. I feel like he’s such a great carer for Jamie and is almost becoming what uncle Keith was for Lucas. He’s the person who helps Jamie out, keeps his spirits up and never lets him down. I loved his talk with Haley, because although Haley is hurting, she did brush Jamie aside a lot in the episode and I think what Skills said about NH really hit home for her that someone has to look after Jamie’s best interests in all this too.

Lucas I finally felt was more involved. I loved his plan to help NH. He meddles which you could almost say he inherited from Dan, just with Lucas he actually uses it for good rather than evil. I found it interesting that he finally finished his book and the timing and maybe we see later in the episode why he’s worried about the last pages. I thought it was great that the person he felt most secure giving it too was Haley, even if the main point of that at the moment seems to have been to provide the cliffhanger.

Lucas/Lindsey were shown to be in love tonight, which was good as a Lucas fan and has sometimes been missing in their scenes for me. It’s nice to see him not just marrying someone, because of how he feels about Peyton, but because he loves her. I really get the sense that Lucas does love Lindsey and does want to marry her, but it’s not enough. He’ll love Lindsey, but Peyton is still in his heart above anyone else. That’s the reason he shouldn’t marry Lindsey, but at the same time it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. The only thing I didn’t like was the slightly mundane way all their scenes felt. This is just a personal opinion, but I never see the chemistry. Lindsey always feels motherly or sisterly in their scenes with the lines she has and how that feels to me.

Lucas/Haley were good and I mentioned how I loved him trusting her to read his book. The phonecall at the end of the episode though I was unsure about. I felt like the intent of the writers was to show us that Haley is ringing Lucas to say he can’t marry Lindsey because the book is about Peyton. However I have this feeling it’ll take a different turn in the next episode. Like it’ll go “you can’t marry Lindsey..until” and then talk about something nice Lucas has to do for her. I just don’t know if I see Haley actually flat out telling Lucas he can’t marry someone, not after she’s been so firmly behind them this season. I guess it just depends what was in all those pages of manuscript she just read.

Lucas and Peyton’s scene was short and to me served a slight purpose. You could see they were both kind of laughing off what could have been an uncomfortable situation. It also sets up things for if anything does go wrong with LL. The way things were left after 508 would have made the beginning of anything awkward if LL were to end. Lucas may feel resentment that Peyton was still there driving a wedge, even if that would be unfair. Now with LP having had a friendly scene and Peyton being more accepting of LL it clears the air between them somewhat and could help the beginnings of something in future.

Peyton was great and so strong in the episode for me. She kept herself in check and managed to be nice to Lindsey, which was great. I loved her moments with Chase and thought it was nice to see her smile. It’s nice when Peyton can lighten the episode and shows that she is more than just there for angst. I also loved how supporting she was of Brooke and Rachel. Giving them the support they needed in the way Brooke was there to support her when she needed it. I love the way she paid Brooke back double too, showing how much she really appreciates her help and also totally disproving anything of what Victoria said of her being a parasite.

Chase and Peyton were enjoyable; the favours they did for each other were cute. It allowed them both to smile when they may have actually both been hurting a little. It was also nice to have Stephen back for an episode, even if I’m not sure I’d want him back long term. He did seem to relish being fun though, rather than more serious like Chase was last season.

Brooke was great again. She was so strong firing Victoria, which was so long overdue. I loved how she was a great friend to Rachel and determined to help her, something which may have succeeded if it wasn’t for her mom. Her scenes with Victoria and then getting support from Peyton were really sad but also satisfying. Like she needs to cry to get past those issues and then move on, because she’s strong enough to do that now.

Victoria was a really awful person with no heart and I’m pleased she got fired. She deserved it completely and I couldn’t believe her nerve to try and play on Brooke’s good heart at the end, saying that she shouldn’t be fired because she’s her mother. Well you cut your boss out of meetings and treat her like crap, so she removed the personal element of business and fired you, so get over it. I just hope Brooke can keep her own feelings in her business, because that’s what built it, not what her mother did.

The Brooke/Owen and Chase stuff was funny. I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t put it together, but at the same time it did lighten the episode. Owen may have got opinionated again, but I loved how he explained that Brooke did a good thing for Rachel and he sees that. It’s also nice to see he thinks Brooke deserves better than how Victoria treats her, even if it may not have been his business to say anything. I really think that their relationship has been developing well and I hope to see it continue.

It was great to see Danneel again and I miss her on the show. I really felt for Rachel when Victoria put her down. I felt like she was on her way to potentially beating this addiction. However junkies need professional help, because they often have complicated lives and people who don’t like them. They hit roadblocks and this is what happens. Hopefully she has taken the money and checked herself in rehab, determined to beat it, otherwise the next news we get of her might be that she’s literally lying in a gutter somewhere. The only thing that I personally didn’t like about her actions is that she was willing to use Mouth and think of it as a gift to him. I kind of hoped she’d at least got past that, but then it doesn’t seem like the city helped her character growth at all, if anything she went backwards.

It was great to have Paul back and Dan is back to his awful best already. The scene just creeped me out completely. He seems quite dark already. It may be contrived that he’s out, because murder and five years? Yes it’s ridiculous. He’s been brought back because fans like him and his struggles with his sons. It’s part of the shows original concept. I like to see those struggles, so contrived as it may be, bring it on. I can’t wait to see what evil he has to cook up and then hate him for it .

Overall I just really enjoyed the episode. It felt well put together. There were some tonal issues with how the characters dialogue played out, but I think that’s due to having a first time director and writer on the episode. However I think they did a good job considering that. The episode didn’t feel choppy at all and really helped to push the story forward without being overdramatic or overbearing. To me it was an overall improvement in the quality of the last few weeks.
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Last edited by Paul1984; 03-12-2008 at 08:19 AM
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:12 AM
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Overall, I enjoyed the episode. There are a few parts that I didn't care for, but other than that it was enjoyable.

I really liked that Jamie isn't holding a grudge against Haley. Last week when he was all "I hate you" and everything, I was afraid that the writers would have that continue. But, this week, he just wanted his momma and daddy back together, in one house, and be a real family. Jamie is the cutest little boy ever, and I love how he makes everyone else in a scene with him shine. I love his interactions between Haley, Nathan, and Skills the most. I've loved Skills for a long time, and he cares so darn much about Jamie, and it is just so cute.

Also, when Haley was saying that she was done trying to change Nathan, why the heck didn't he speak up?! Because, (at least it is clear to me) Nathan did change. He still makes mistakes, but continuing on an inappropriate relationship with his employee (however dense he was during that whole thing, it was still inappropriate) should not be excused or seen as who he is. Because, that isn't who he is, and he should have made it damn clear to Haley that she was mistaken. But, I guess it is in character for Nathan to not speak up when need be, so...

Didn't care about Rachel. I was expecting more out of her storyline than just stealing Brooke's money, but hopefully this just means that there is more time for the NHJ/Skills scenes.

Hate Mouth. Millicent is really cute, and she is wasted on him. Ugh.

Why is everyone so damn calm about Peyton trying to steal Lucas from Lindsay?! Seriously, Brooke, Chase, and Skills (!) seem to want her to try to get Lucas to cheat on Lindsay with her. What? That makes no sense to me whatsoever, and it frustrates me to no end. Granted, I can't stand Peyton. But, still cheating should NOT be so cavalier to these people!

Oh, and Brooke and Peyton's comments during the Lindsay-tries-on-her-wedding-dress scene (also why I don't get why Brooke is gung-ho for Peyton to steal Lucas... she is making Lindsay's freaking wedding dress for crying out loud!)? Totally tasteless. "Nathan pulling a Jude Law with the hot nanny" and "Lying... you gotta start somewhere." Seriously? Get off of my screen.

Liked the return of Chase and Bevin.

Anyways, I am very excited about next week with the return of Karen, NH kiss/hopefully reunion (!), and to see how the wedding goes down.
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:14 AM
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^ Agreed Completely
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by elizardbreth1911 (View Post)
Why is everyone so damn calm about Peyton trying to steal Lucas from Lindsay?! cheating should NOT be so cavalier to these people!
This is exactly my issue too, it's all so blaze. They dont seem to find an issue with cheating on this show anymore, just because 'oh it's Lucas and Peyton.' And ok, we have come to expect this sort of behaviour from these two now, but accept it? Nuh uh. The ethics of the writers truly suprise me.
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by bitterkidxsweety (View Post)
+I don't think that Bevin was used as an LP prop. The last time Bevin saw them, Brooke was with Chase, and Lucas was with Peyton, so I don't feel that her comment was supposed to prop up LP at all, but rather an understandable observation that isn't to be taken too seriously. Also, when did Bevin become so perky and rambly?

+IMO, the same goes for Chase. The last time he saw them, he was going out with Brooke and Lucas was going out with Peyton, and just because he kissed Peyton because "Lucas was looking" doesn't automatically make him a LPsupporter. IMO, it was all in fun. And as for the "I always thought you were cute," I feel it was more flirting than anything else.
Thank you. I definitely agree. I don't see why everyone in here is so quick to assume that a nice or fun gesture automatically makes them a hardcore shipper. Weird.
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by welshgirlyUK (View Post)
This is exactly my issue too, it's all so blaze. They dont seem to find an issue with cheating on this show anymore, just because 'oh it's Lucas and Peyton.' And ok, we have come to expect this sort of behaviour from these two now, but accept it? Nuh uh. The ethics of the writers truly suprise me.
This is one of my big issues with the show. They act like cheating is okay and that everyone that is a fan of the show will support it because it is Lucas and Peyton and they are "meant to be". In my opinion wrong is wrong no matter who does it. As much as I love Brooke I would hate it if she was always kissing someone else boyfriend. They tried to do it with the crazy sex tape storyline that came out of no where last season and I was mad when they did it then.
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Old 03-12-2008, 09:20 AM
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was the sleezy cashier at Macy's that Dan slept with, the prostitute Peyton that Psycho Derek hired back in Season 4?
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Old 03-12-2008, 10:10 AM
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I really really enjoyed this episode alot. It had some great moments.

First off Bevin. Was anyone else simultaneously happy and disappointed that she married Tim? I was happy because TIM! but ater that whole thing with Rachel in the Pictures of You episode, I expected Bevin to be like, I'm a neuroscientist or something. But now I totally understand why Skillz was so bitter about her.

Which leads me to Skillz and Jamie and also Skillz 'n' Hales. I how Skillz planned the party with Jamie and recognized that he just wanted one moment with both his parents there. I also liked how he called Haley out because last season he told Haley that he would be there for Haley and her son and he came thru on that promise. Skillz and Haley are my favoite platonic relationship on this show.

I like where the writers are taking Nathan and Haley because I think it's realistic. I don't think Haley is mad or mean, just tired. And I think that's where Nathan is going to struggle; in getting her to fight again (or even want to fight).

Probably the bulk of my favorite moments were from Lucas and Lindsey. I just enjoyed really seeing how much they love and care for each other. From the moment that they decided to meddle in Nathan and Haley's relationship, to the moonbounce, to Lindsey sleeping with her head in his lap and him holding her. I like the calm of their relationship and I think Lucas really needed that. Someone who was willing to be there and just be calm with him (I would after the past 4 seasons of OTH ). I know Lucas' new book is probably All About Peyton 2.0 but I still love Lucas and Lindsey and that's not going to change right now.

I really liked seeing Chase again which was surprising because I didn't like him so well the first time around . I liked his flirtatious, half-smile the whole time. He was amusing and I liked how he helped out Peyton. I actually see more potential with 4-Years Later Chase and Brooke.

I thought Peyton was working her way back to form this episode. And I'm glad that she recognized that Lindsey was big enough to not call her out on the library thing to Lucas and she stepped up equally.

I liked Owen and Brooke and clearly Mark & Co. realized that Owen needed to tone it down a bit and he even apologized to Brooke. I was surprised and pleased with that.

Finally Brooke, I that she FINALLY stood up to Victoria. I that she realized her worth (even for a second). Victoria deserved it. She tries to play the "mother" card when she wants to be in charge but then she's always telling Brooke "It's business, it's business, you can't get emotional". For the first time, I'm glad Brooke took her advice.

Overall, a good episode and a great set up for the next episode. I can't wait to see Karen, I hope Deb and Whitey will be there too. Give me a Keith/Lucas dream sequence and I'll be in heaven. I hate that Dan's going to show up though. Seriously, not the way to endear yourself to the loved ones you hurt.
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Old 03-12-2008, 11:19 AM
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Except from Mouth/Milicent's scenes, this was the best episode of the season.
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Old 03-12-2008, 11:21 AM
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I enjoyed last night's episode. A very good ensemble eppy.

Best part of the night...seeing Bevin again and finding out she married Tim. I think I screamed!! So funny!

- Poor Nathan! He looked so sad and Haley looked so confused. Poor Jamie...caught in the middle. I just wanted to give him a big hug. I thought James did a great job last night as well as Joy. Next week looks like they will come closer to getting back together.

- I was wondering how they were going to bring Chace back. Enjoyed their double date.

Victoria - So glad Brooke finally gave her the boot.

Haley/Lucas - Loved the scenes we got with them last night. It reminded you how close they are and how honest they can be with each other.

And yes, the cashier was the girl that Psycho Derek dressed like Peyton.

Looking forward to #100 next week!
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Old 03-12-2008, 11:26 AM
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I thought the eppy was good,Naley was heart breaking,but they will make it and get passed nanny carrie fiasco at the end and so glad to see peyton being nice and mature about LL she not moping around like she did in the past 2 eppies.
Brooke finally saw her mother for the bitch she is ( even thought I agree the writing for Victoria is carrtonish ),but it give ya a good look where Brooke grown up outside of high school Peyton was her only family and was happy to see chase back Sofie got a better chem with him then this owen guy .
Finally we saw Bevin glad to see Mark is not forgetting about his high shoolers also Finally its about time Hales wake up about Lucas and Lindasy.
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Old 03-12-2008, 11:32 AM
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I didn't even notice that the cashier was PsychoDerek's hooker. First off, nice to see her moving up in the world: From psycho stalker to murderer. She's going places!

After reading some comments, IA about the whole constantly stating that Lucas and Peyton are true love. It is a bit heavy-handed and it would definitely ring more true if they just showed it more. And by that I mean actually have them work out and have the kind of comfortable thing that Lucas and Lindsey have. I'm all for passion and unrequited love but when it comes down to it, who doesn't want to just have quiet, affectionate moments with the person they love? Just my humble opinion but I would even apply that to where Haley is now. She's tired of having to fight to keep her marriage together. It's one thing to fight for love then to have your love be one continuous fight.
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