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Old 10-28-2007, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Everwoodian Kopite (View Post)
I kind of wonder how different my Everwood excperience would have been if I had discovered the show earlier. You guys had four years to take it all in, while I rushed through every episode in three weeks. Damn, those were three intense weeks

And so true, your experience is so different. If you don't mind, could you explain how you even stumbled across the show and how you ripped through the episodes, what you felt while watching? I'm very interested in hearing about your experience.

I can really relate to that in the way I look on relationships now vs two months ago. I've never been in a really serious relationship. I've been with quite a few random girls and had a couple of half-serious relationships, and I to be honest, I didn't want anything more than that, and was really happy with the situation.

I'm not saying I'm going to stop doing the things mentioned above right now, but seeing Ephram and Amy really inspired me. It made me feel like I'm missing out. Unfortunately real life isn't like Everwood, but if I can find something remotely close to what they have it would be nice.
Gosh, I totally hear you. Totally and completely, matter of fact. Ephram/Amy also "set the bar" for me as well. Watching the magic that these two had together and just "feeling" their destiny and fate that was all about being together really does give you hope that you also have someone out there who completes you in the way that Ephram/Amy completed each other. Sure, like you said, Everwood isn't real life but I think it was the TV show that is about as close to it as you can get, you know? There was always a sense of realness to this show. No doubt. Even more than that, there was a profound sense of "hope" that I think everyone was able to relate to and finding "your one" sort of falls in this category, especially whenever watching the precious story of Ephram/Amy and seeing that these fairytale endings sometimes really do come true.

My experience was really different, let me tell you and I won't bore you with the details but for years and years I thought I found the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with, I was with this person on and off for 10 years, yet I knew this person never made me feel that type of "magic" you technically should experience with the right person. Then suddenly, in the most amazing way I did meet that very person who fulfilled that "magic" and I knew right away this was the real deal and I found my one. Ironically we met and bonded over this very show, Everwood, if you can believe that.

It sounds weird but totally a fact that Everwood and Ephram/Amy, in particular, played a part in this experience for me. I will forever say this is the case.

In the meantime, it looks like the love of my life will remain Liverpool FC

Your dedication to your club is phenomenal, I love it.
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Old 10-29-2007, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Everwoodian Kopite (View Post)
You know you're addicted to Everwood when :
  1. You're staying up till 3 or more watching some clips, transcipts, music videos or talking Everwood on FF (Although it's more like 6 since I work evenings and nights.)
  2. You've watched every episode in chronological order twice in two months.
  3. You've once watched six episodes in a row with just quick bathroom/food breaks in between.
  4. You copy all the episodes to DVD just in case your harddrive fails and the torrents suddenly out of nowhere get removed from the web.
  5. You lie and tell your boss you're sick when you've just watched Foreverwood for the first time because you're too emotional and sad to work. (This one's really crazy, I know )
I'm seriously guilty of most of them as well. I even burned on 2 different DVDs every episode in case one suddenly dies...
I use to wake up at 5AM the day after everwood aired to be able to watch it before going to work... And I remember avoiding most boards the day ForEverwood aired cause it wasn't available in the morning and I took my laptop the evening, sheltered myself in the bedroom and said to my man not to disturb me for 2 hours unless the house was on fire.
Everwood was definitely special.

It's lovely to hear how Everwood inspired you. Certainely there's something magical about it that make you want to have this kind of love. With someone you can trust and talk with, someone who challenges you and is here for you. It was beautiful to witness those 2 evolve as indivuduals and as a couple. Really.

It's true that real life cannot be compared to something like that though you can always choose to see your own magic in a relationship, like Michelle said.
It may be less glamourous, but it's real.
What i liked the most about EA and Everwood in general is that despite all the universe that was beautiful (writing, music, athmosphere etc), its inner beauty to me was in those simple moments because simple things are beautiful.
Like seeing Ephram and Amy dance in the finale, no talk but just pure beauty. You could sense how it was to hold the person you love in your arms.
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Old 10-29-2007, 08:36 PM
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Michelle, you might be getting a bit more than you asked for here, but bare with me

Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)

And so true, your experience is so different. If you don't mind, could you explain how you even stumbled across the show and how you ripped through the episodes, what you felt while watching? I'm very interested in hearing about your experience.
Everwood has been shown almost consistently on one or another of the TV channels we get at our house, and every time I saw it during one of my zapping frenzies I changed the channel thinking it didn't look very interesting. I even remember the commercials for it when it was new, but I never even considered giving it a chance.

That was until the beginning of September this fall. I stumbled across a scene from Madison's birthday party, and I thought the "boy with older girl" seemed like an interesting storyline and kept watching. And then Emily VanCamp appeared on the screen. The first thing I though was "Wow!". Even though she looked so sad, she was so beautiful, and I could also see that she was a great acting talent. Then came the "We can always get more fries" scene. I immediately felt the chemistry between between those two, and that and the things mentioned above was all it took to get me hooked. I went to my computer and downloaded the first season and started watching it from the beginning.

Season 1
After watching the first couple of episodes I was a comlete addict. I must admit the E/A story was the driving force behind this, but most of the other stories were really interesting as well. The Andy/Harold affair was quickly established with me laughing in the background, and Ephram was a delight to see on the screen. He's not the typical annoying prettyboy you get on TV, and his character was also a rare kind. In a world where TV writers always want to show people the basketball captain and the head cheerleader, Ephram Brown was a pleasant break.

Anyways, there's one more thing I have to mention about this season, or actually it's about the second, but whatever... Colin's death. I actually shouted "YES!" when he died. I know that must sound cruel, but I was cheering so much for E/A that I was willing to walk over dead bodies to make it happen

Btw, where the heck did Wendell disappear to? I know this character was a bit silly in the first place, but they could at least have given the guy a decent send-off

Season 2
Actually, I didn't have a problem with E/M. I must be very liberal compared to the rest of the lot on this forum, but I don't think it was wrong or bad. I got the impression that they really loved eachother, and I don't think Madison would go through all the embarresment just to have a fling. I know she was mean to Ephram at times and that the age difference is the reason for that, but I got the impression she really tried.

Emily VanCamp. Here's when she proved herself to me as an actress. The way she portraits the depressed Amy in this season was extremely impressive. Also, it was great to see her chasing after Ephram for once. I also loved it when she spoke to Bright about him. For that reason the episode with the "Prom-o-vego" is one of my favourites, with one of my favourite quotes:

"You know Ephram what we were talking about earlier. I did love Colin, and, so I couldn't feel that way about you. But it doesn't mean that I wouldn't have..."

Although it might sound smalltime, I also kind of enjoyed Ephram messing with Amy's head in 2.21. After being on the "losing side" so many times with Amy, it felt kind of good seing him get back at her. It did make me a bit nervous, but it all turned out allright.

Season 3
It's rare to see a TV couple staying together without it getting boring(or filled with meaningless drama). Even though the baby-story was hanging over my head it was great to see these two together. There were so many beautiful scenes.

This I've seen mentioned other places on the forum: Hanna took way too much screentime away from E/A. Even though I liked her character I'd rather have seen more of the Greenies. Of course, the same thing has to be said about season 4.

Season 4
To be honest this season was just a wait for the big finalé. Of course I enjoyed the stuff in-between, but waiting for Amy and Ephram's reunion was the big thing.

Since I had watched the show so intesely over the last three weeks I had a bit of an emotional reaction after watching Foreverwood. It's very unlike me, but I cried, and couldn't even manage to get to work that day. I was so happy about Amy and Ephram, and so sad there wasn't anything left to watch. It felt like losing a close friend.

Anyways, I found this place, and it really helped when I found out that Everwood was far from dead.

Gosh, I totally hear you. Totally and completely, matter of fact. Ephram/Amy also "set the bar" for me as well. Watching the magic that these two had together and just "feeling" their destiny and fate that was all about being together really does give you hope that you also have someone out there who completes you in the way that Ephram/Amy completed each other. Sure, like you said, Everwood isn't real life but I think it was the TV show that is about as close to it as you can get, you know? There was always a sense of realness to this show. No doubt. Even more than that, there was a profound sense of "hope" that I think everyone was able to relate to and finding "your one" sort of falls in this category, especially whenever watching the precious story of Ephram/Amy and seeing that these fairytale endings sometimes really do come true.

My experience was really different, let me tell you and I won't bore you with the details but for years and years I thought I found the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with, I was with this person on and off for 10 years, yet I knew this person never made me feel that type of "magic" you technically should experience with the right person. Then suddenly, in the most amazing way I did meet that very person who fulfilled that "magic" and I knew right away this was the real deal and I found my one. Ironically we met and bonded over this very show, Everwood, if you can believe that.

It sounds weird but totally a fact that Everwood and Ephram/Amy, in particular, played a part in this experience for me. I will forever say this is the case.
Wow, that's really amazing. I can't belive that there's any other show than Everwood that can do things like this for people. I'm really happy for you

I guess I'll might have to wait many years to find something like that, but as I said earlier, for the first time I really want it, all thanks to Everwood.


Your dedication to your club is phenomenal, I love it.
Finding my soulmate would be nice, but it would have been even better to find a soulmate with a spare season-ticket at Anfield
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Old 10-29-2007, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by buffyannAlex (View Post)
I'm seriously guilty of most of them as well. I even burned on 2 different DVDs every episode in case one suddenly dies...
Stop it, you're making me nervous.

Maybe I should get a safe-deposit box in my bank?

I use to wake up at 5AM the day after everwood aired to be able to watch it before going to work... And I remember avoiding most boards the day ForEverwood aired cause it wasn't available in the morning and I took my laptop the evening, sheltered myself in the bedroom and said to my man not to disturb me for 2 hours unless the house was on fire.
Everwood was definitely special.

It's lovely to hear how Everwood inspired you. Certainely there's something magical about it that make you want to have this kind of love. With someone you can trust and talk with, someone who challenges you and is here for you. It was beautiful to witness those 2 evolve as indivuduals and as a couple. Really.

It's true that real life cannot be compared to something like that though you can always choose to see your own magic in a relationship, like Michelle said.
It may be less glamourous, but it's real.
I like what you said about creating your own magic. I mean, no-one's gonna turn up outside my house with a ferris wheel, but to find someone you're 100% comfortable with plus a bit of magic would be great.

What i liked the most about EA and Everwood in general is that despite all the universe that was beautiful (writing, music, athmosphere etc), its inner beauty to me was in those simple moments because simple things are beautiful.
Like seeing Ephram and Amy dance in the finale, no talk but just pure beauty. You could sense how it was to hold the person you love in your arms.
So true. "Beautiful" is the first word that comes to mind thinking about Everwood. Just beautiful without getting cheezy.
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Old 10-30-2007, 01:06 AM
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You know you're addicted to Everwood when..
  1. you wonder what key the main title theme is in
  2. you call your local newspaper Pinecone
  3. you start learning various pieces of music from the show on the piano
  4. you use Ephram's lines as jokes on friends/relatives/family
  5. you arrange a Thaw Fest in your hometown
'You're right. It's my fault. I should take up football and cow tipping. Then your friends would like me and I'd be the most popular boy in the whole school!'
~ Ephram Brown
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Old 10-31-2007, 05:01 PM
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Alex, gorgeous thoughts like this one:

What i liked the most about EA and Everwood in general is that despite all the universe that was beautiful (writing, music, athmosphere etc), its inner beauty to me was in those simple moments because simple things are beautiful.
Like seeing Ephram and Amy dance in the finale, no talk but just pure beauty. You could sense how it was to hold the person you love in your arms.
Certainly. You said it so nicely. It was those little moments, the moments that were so simple yet so beautiful. I think they show such realness and as a result, you can relate in your own life. Great example using the EA dance scene. EA holding each other, all you felt there was just about everything, viewing what it's like to hold your true love and how precious it feels to do so. It was that moment you gaze at the screen seeing the beauty that is EA, then ponder your own life, remembering how you feel being in the arms of the one you're meant to be with or having that hope that someday you will find that person to feel that with. Absolutely.

Originally Posted by Everwoodian Kopite (View Post)
Michelle, you might be getting a bit more than you asked for here, but bare with me
Oh you bet, but are you kidding me? I loved every minute of reading your words.

Your backstory was lovely. And wow, what a great way to get hooked, watching the Fries scene AND viewing the one and only, EVC.

Love your season 1 thoughts. Such a great point about Ephram being a rare character and EA being the driving force with you (me too ) along with Andy/Harold being so prevalent as well. And that's so funny you mentioned you cheered when Colin died. So did I. I actually really loathed that character, matter of fact. I found nothing about Colin that I could even relate to, I just didn't like him, period. Didn't like Colin/Amy, didn't like the Colin/Bright friendship, and certainly I couldn't understand why Nina said the entire town loved him. Huh? Why? LOL Colin's treatment of Ephram was pathetic as well. Sure some of that was due to his unfortunate medical condition but I think we also saw flashes of the real Colin and he just wasn't someone I liked in the least.

Btw, where the heck did Wendell disappear to? I know this character was a bit silly in the first place, but they could at least have given the guy a decent send-off
Another great point. He does just disappear. So true! LOL

Season 2, that's really a good deal that you were okay with EM, I wish I would have been. LOL Sure I had EA blinders on but I just couldn't warm up to them in any, way, shape or form. I wish I would have like you did.

Emily VanCamp. Here's when she proved herself to me as an actress. The way she portraits the depressed Amy in this season was extremely impressive. Also, it was great to see her chasing after Ephram for once. I also loved it when she spoke to Bright about him. For that reason the episode with the "Prom-o-vego" is one of my favourites, with one of my favourite quotes:

"You know Ephram what we were talking about earlier. I did love Colin, and, so I couldn't feel that way about you. But it doesn't mean that I wouldn't have..."

Although it might sound smalltime, I also kind of enjoyed Ephram messing with Amy's head in 2.21. After being on the "losing side" so many times with Amy, it felt kind of good seing him get back at her. It did make me a bit nervous, but it all turned out allright.
Agreed completely.

I've stated this so many times but seriously, if this show would have been on a major network, Emily would have gotten an Emmy nod for her portrayal of Amy's depression. She was just that good. Man, she shined. She was so incredible. And I'm so with you how it was nice to see Amy pursuing Ephram. I loved how the tables turned a bit then at the end of the season, they totally came together in such beautiful fashion. Absolutely perfect.

Your season 3 and season 4 thoughts are so well said and I agree with you so much. Ephram/Amy were rare in that they never got boring, and really, Rina had to make up ridiculous reasons to get them to fight such as the Madison band lie that was utterly out in left field and of course Madisongate as well. But the great thing about Ephram/Amy is that no matter what, you knew they would find their way back to each other and they did just that at the end of the series. That's what was so amazing about the Ephram/Amy lovestory, no matter what their title was throughout the entire series, romantic or not, they were always "together" and you just knew without a shred of doubt they were getting their happy ending and what an ending it was.

Anyways, I found this place, and it really helped when I found out that Everwood was far from dead.
I'm so glad you found this place.

Wow, that's really amazing. I can't belive that there's any other show than Everwood that can do things like this for people. I'm really happy for you
Awe thank you so much.

I guess I'll might have to wait many years to find something like that, but as I said earlier, for the first time I really want it, all thanks to Everwood.
Yep, exactly. I'm so glad that you have this desire, this motivation to find this true happiness due to this show. I know you'll get it, at the right time, and when it happens, it will be something else, trust me. It will happen too.

Finding my soulmate would be nice, but it would have been even better to find a soulmate with a spare season-ticket at Anfield
So cute.

Last edited by jediwands; 10-31-2007 at 05:11 PM
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Old 11-01-2007, 05:54 PM
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I'd like to give you a proper reply, but I've got to get some sleep as I'm leaving for Liverpool in four hours.

See you all in a week
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Old 11-05-2007, 12:14 PM
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I visit here everyday just to see if there is anything new posted! Hehehe...
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Old 11-05-2007, 01:50 PM
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Aww, that's a sweet one
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Old 11-11-2007, 02:36 PM
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That's awesome.
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)
Oh you bet, but are you kidding me? I loved every minute of reading your words.
Glad you enjoyed it

Your backstory was lovely. And wow, what a great way to get hooked, watching the Fries scene AND viewing the one and only, EVC.
Yeah, it was a bit of a strange way to discover the best show ever to be seen, but I mean, those were some absolute quality scenes, especially the "We can always get more fries" one that we all love so dearly.

Love your season 1 thoughts. Such a great point about Ephram being a rare character and EA being the driving force with you (me too ) along with Andy/Harold being so prevalent as well. And that's so funny you mentioned you cheered when Colin died. So did I. I actually really loathed that character, matter of fact. I found nothing about Colin that I could even relate to, I just didn't like him, period. Didn't like Colin/Amy, didn't like the Colin/Bright friendship, and certainly I couldn't understand why Nina said the entire town loved him. Huh? Why? LOL Colin's treatment of Ephram was pathetic as well. Sure some of that was due to his unfortunate medical condition but I think we also saw flashes of the real Colin and he just wasn't someone I liked in the least.
As I said earlier, I liked Madison, so Colin has no competition in "Matty's most disliked Everwood character" competition. That guy was the most "typical American teen drama charachter" in the history of Everwood. I guess Berlanti didn't want us to like him too much as he was planning on killing him off to lay the path ready for the greatest love story told. (and I really mean the part about the greatest love story told)

On most other shows the writers would have turned him into some kind of hero at the end.

Another great point. He does just disappear. So true! LOL
Don't worry. In some kind of paralelle TV-universe he's probobly wheeling and dealing at the moment.

Season 2, that's really a good deal that you were okay with EM, I wish I would have been. LOL Sure I had EA blinders on but I just couldn't warm up to them in any, way, shape or form. I wish I would have like you did.
The main reason I didn't find E/M as a negative thing is because of Ephram's maturety. As Madison said, he had an old soul. (And I also guess I could relate to the "older girl fantasy" from when I was younger )

Agreed completely.

I've stated this so many times but seriously, if this show would have been on a major network, Emily would have gotten an Emmy nod for her portrayal of Amy's depression. She was just that good. Man, she shined. She was so incredible. And I'm so with you how it was nice to see Amy pursuing Ephram. I loved how the tables turned a bit then at the end of the season, they totally came together in such beautiful fashion. Absolutely perfect.
Eventually she'll get her award. With her talent and looks there's no way they'll be able to overlook her in the future. If her career continues progressing after Brothers & Sisters she'll be a big, big star.

Your season 3 and season 4 thoughts are so well said and I agree with you so much. Ephram/Amy were rare in that they never got boring, and really, Rina had to make up ridiculous reasons to get them to fight such as the Madison band lie that was utterly out in left field and of course Madisongate as well. But the great thing about Ephram/Amy is that no matter what, you knew they would find their way back to each other and they did just that at the end of the series. That's what was so amazing about the Ephram/Amy lovestory, no matter what their title was throughout the entire series, romantic or not, they were always "together" and you just knew without a shred of doubt they were getting their happy ending and what an ending it was.
Let me ask you a question; How do you think an E/A spin-off would work?

When I become a muliti-millionaire I'll convince Berlanti, Emily and Greg to make it happen under my financial backing

Yep, exactly. I'm so glad that you have this desire, this motivation to find this true happiness due to this show. I know you'll get it, at the right time, and when it happens, it will be something else, trust me. It will happen too.
Let's hope you're right.
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Old 11-13-2007, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Everwoodian Kopite (View Post)
Let me ask you a question; How do you think an E/A spin-off would work?

When I become a muliti-millionaire I'll convince Berlanti, Emily and Greg to make it happen under my financial backing
Very good idea. Let's start a fund. I have 10 dollars.
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:55 PM
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I can spare $50 this month. And I have a few emptly bottles I'll get some money for when I return them to the store. They're probobly worth $15.

Damn, we're up to $75 already!

Shall we put them into the stock market to make them grow a bit quicker?
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Old 11-21-2007, 02:24 AM
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hey, maybe ? but we need something to make more money than that. I can sell cookies but we're still very far away from being a millionaire !
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Old 11-21-2007, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by buffyannAlex (View Post)
hey, maybe ? but we need something to make more money than that. I can sell cookies but we're still very far away from being a millionaire !

Hmmm... It's time for drastic measures. Tomorrow I'm gonna ask my grandparents if I have a rich unknown uncle somewhere.

And we always have internet casinos. If we hit the right colour on the Roulette enough times there's no stopping us. You could even go to Monaco, as it's just around the corner from you if I'm not mistaken?
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