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Old 07-05-2015, 03:56 PM
Miss Cam
Elite Fan

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Joined: Apr 2005
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Baby Rumple

“For me, it’s a voyage of self-discovery. I’m able to go on a set and to explore situations, personalities, people and characters that are close to me, or maybe not. Through going there and experiencing these different people and their situations, it helps me to get oriented and develop as a human being. So, acting is fundamental to who I am.”

It gave me the opportunity to define this character for a whole new generation… certain parts you play all you’re thinking about perhaps is oh… voice or maybe movement. This was a combination of everything. I had to think about how he was going to move, how he was going to look, how he was going to sound… my six year old son is always wandering about the house with a strange voice saying [random noises] and I was like…”


“I feel with TV you’re allowed more freedom. With television there’s more time to create something through the episodes. The fact that you’re working harder on the surface seems more difficult, but you get into a way of working where if you’re not allowed to stop and breathe and think about it, you just go on instinctively, which is the way I prefer anyway. It becomes a more spontaneous thing.”



Future Thread Titles
"He is such a joy to work with".- Ginnifer
"I like Robert Carlyle's Rumplestiltskin. He does such a good job." - Jared
"I love how Carlyle says, 'I make gold.' He is amazing! - Jane Espenson
"He's amazing." - Emilie
“I really love what Robert has done with Rumple, and I love Mr. Gold." - Emilie
"They’re similar in a sense, obviously, but the subtle differences are cool." - Emilie
"He gives the character so much power, but in this episode his walls tumble down." - Emilie
"It's scary for him. And he plays that so beautifully." - Emilie
"You know what you love. Now go kill it."
"You owe me a favour. Something pre-cious."
Because he makes fairy godmothers go...*BOOM*
Because his agreements are always honoured.
"It is kind of hard to be afraid of you, as you're lovely and wonderful." - Ginnifer
"So brave, so gallant, so pointless...."
"Oh confidence. I like it"
"I mean, it's a miracle the timeline hasn't imploded already. Amateurs"
Memories are pain. Pain is Strength.
"Let's just say we bury the hatchet?" "Yes, but why not in your skull?"
Rumple bumple isn't here. Rumple bumple gone my dear
Dead. Dead. SO much better dead.
Round and round the circle of time, racing towards the finish line
A gentleman always makes amends for his failings.
"I'm not your doll"
"So be a good little Dark One , and go back to your cage"
All the voices in my head. Will be quiet when I'm dead.
Spinning. Cleans the mind, soothes the soul.
"And each time, I meticulously undid all the good. Neal is still gone, the town is still in danger and Belle, for better or worse, she knows who I am and that’s the man who always chooses power.”
"I love her for that, but I fear she's quite likely wrong"
"I'll be here too, spending every waking moment of my immortal life trying to rip your heart out."


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