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Old 05-19-2007, 07:56 PM
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Strider greaqt recap some parts made me crack up so much!
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Old 05-19-2007, 08:21 PM
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I really enjoyed this episode it went really fast for me....
I think Lana faked her own death, I think the body we saw was a fake and she is fine...I think she framed Lex, she needed to get him angry enough to hit her in the mansion because there is cameras in there filming it all and Lex threating her...Maybe she tipped off the police about the evidence in the mansion with the security footage..thats why he was arrested...if so she did well...but I do think she was the major character that was killed off that we were warned about, since everyone but her and whoever helped her will believe she is dead...just my theory

I dont think Chloe was dead, I think the force of using her power for the first time knocked her out or put her in a coma, there was no mention she was dead and if you look she was still breathing. I also loved the tear wasnt green like specualted, the first thing that jumped to mind was thank god it wasnt green.

I dont think Lionel will be dead either...there is still much for him to do and explain. Why he did everything he did...Im still wondering if he got Martha that job in Washington because he knew what was coming and we all know he loves Martha...he just wanted her out of the way and safe. Lionel I think does alot of the stuff he does because its stuff he knows Clark wont do and cant do...clark would never risk anybody...Lionel on the other hand would risk anyone for the right even thou he is technically on the right side, he is still evil in the way he does things...which makes his character magnificent...

I loved the Bizarro Clark, that was awesome, its seems he has all of his strenghts and none of his weaknesses...including human emotion, which is Clarks/Supermans biggest strenght and weakness. I cant wait for season 7 to see how they tie this up...I hope they do a good job..
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Old 05-19-2007, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Barb B (View Post)
Thanks for that -I thought I was making you feel bad. Anyway, I agree, you could be right - I just hope that you're not. I'm such a Clana fan
No, you weren't making me feel bad at all. It's just that I'm so not a Clana fan at all, because I love Lex&Lana. I have for six years, or well five and a half. Until, they twisted my ship and spit on my fanbase without so much as a care in the world. Plus, Clark's destiny should be moving towards Lois. (Lord, help me for saying that about ED!Lois. )

But really, I think Lana really *is* dead. Or well, at least I want her to be. Because, I don't think I could take watching another season of Lex and Lana hating one another.
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Old 05-19-2007, 09:28 PM
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I know I'm old and behind the times but usually I can figure out abbreviations -what is ED!Lois?
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Old 05-19-2007, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Barb B (View Post)
I know I'm old and behind the times but usually I can figure out abbreviations -what is ED!Lois?
Haha, nah. You're not old and behind the times. ED!Lois, is just my way of saying (Erica Durance's version of Lois Lane), because in my head she's nowhere near being the Lois Lane that I could accept. I mean, my version of Lois Lane is more like Teri Hatcher's portrayl of her.
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Old 05-19-2007, 10:37 PM
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Oh, I get it! I loved Lois & Clark - it was my favorite show at the time! Dean Cain was great but I gotta say Tom makes my knees weak He is soooo hot. Doesn't matter what he's wearing or how his hair looks, he just does it for me (yes, I'm married and my husband teases me whenever he gets the chance)
Gonna be a long summer!!

Thanks for the info. Never would have guessed that one!
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Old 05-20-2007, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Barb B (View Post)
I think everyone is reading way too much into what was shown on TV. As you may remember, at the end of another season, it sure looked like Chloe was dead but, as it turned out, she and her Dad escaped DOWN when the house blew up.
I know. I just had to cap it, it was driving me insane because others saw it and I didn't.

I do believe there's something/someone in that car. I also believe it's not Lana. If she wanted to frame Lex for a murder she needed a body. I don't think a doll would do. So I do believe there was a corpse in that car. Morbid - maybe. But still, I'm sticking with that theory until they prove me wrong on the show.
I also have a theory that Lionel gave Lana the hormones so she thought she was pregnant and would marry Lex to help him find out about that super army of Lex's to help Clark.
After finale I might actually get on board with this theory. Until Lex/Lana scene I was sure Lex faked the pregnancy. But he did look confused about what the hell she was talking about. Lionel might have his hand in that as well.
If he does, I don't care about his reasons and protecting Clark, if he ruined every chance Lex had to be happy like that, and got Lana to hate him - I will cheer when Lex kills him one day in the future (pure speculation on my part that Lex will be the one to do it).
Originally Posted by xjoyusx (View Post)
Do you mind, if I post the caps over in my journal for further speculation on my theory that she really is *actually* dead. I promise you, that I will give you credit for your caps with a link back to your journal.
Of course, feel free to repost caps anywhere you want.
No need to credit.

That's some review!
Originally Posted by Strider (View Post)
First, cudoes to SV for doing a good 90 seconds summary, at least to "remind" the casual viewers about what has been happening on the show during the latter part of S6.
"Previously on" was excellent. Season looked really good squeezed like that.
...the dialogue was in french...Quebec is after all in Canada and do speak their french there.
I kinda doubt they live in such 18th century conditions there.
Very creepy beginning. Very SPN-like.
Lex proclaims that Lion-El should get out of his life and that his debts are "even"
Was it just me or did anyone else expect Lex to stomp his foot there and pout? He was acting so ... well woobie like, and like a teenager.
Having Martha away now, gives Clark a reason to stay behind and "live in SV".
You know, that's an excellent point!
I took it as a reason for Clark to not have anything any more to hold him back in SV, but someone has to take care of the farm, they could explain it that way.
Personally, I'd love for this to be the last, very last Clana loft scene on SV. God knows we've had enough of that.

Plus, did she sign a prenupt. agreement?

I haven't even thought of that!
One may think he pulled some strings to get her elected or whatever the process was for Martha to step up and serve the remaining term of the formerly deceased Kansas state senator.
Didn't they imply that in Prototype?
Lana tells him he's incapable of "Love". Now that's cold and definitely not true.

Good recap of Lexana scene.
Lana leaves anyways, why didn't she report his butt for domestic violence? She could have technically had Lex throw in jail, even for a few hrs, it would have given her the chance to escape.
Because that would be a smart thing to do?
Clark tells Chloe that he told Lana everything, in return, was it just me or did Chloe act kind of jealous and surprised? I hope so. As much as I want Chloe to move on, I still think that she'll always love Clark.
Meh, I wish they would stop with that. It's painfully obvious by now that they don't plan to do anything romantic with Chloe/Clark, so let her move on, stop making her act hurt every time when there's some new Clana news.
Originally Posted by Gypsysue (View Post)
I think she framed Lex, she needed to get him angry enough to hit her in the mansion because there is cameras in there filming it all and Lex threating her...Maybe she tipped off the police about the evidence in the mansion with the security footage..thats why he was arrested..

I haven't thought of that, that's a great idea!

I also agree about Chloe.
I also loved the tear wasnt green like specualted, the first thing that jumped to mind was thank god it wasnt green.

Good to see I wasn't the only one who did this!
I loved the Bizarro Clark, that was awesome, its seems he has all of his strenghts and none of his weaknesses...including human emotion, which is Clarks/Supermans biggest strenght and weakness.
It will be interesting to see how will Clark be able to beat him.
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Old 05-20-2007, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Barb B (View Post)
Oh, I get it! I loved Lois & Clark - it was my favorite show at the time! Dean Cain was great but I gotta say Tom makes my knees weak He is soooo hot. Doesn't matter what he's wearing or how his hair looks, he just does it for me (yes, I'm married and my husband teases me whenever he gets the chance)
Gonna be a long summer!!

Thanks for the info. Never would have guessed that one!
Lois&Clark, was like the greatest thing ever for me. Dean Cain was way more sexy than any man should be allowed to be. Haha. Teri Hatcher, was amazing as Lois Lane. Maybe I'm a little bias, but I completely loved her portrayl compared to Erica Durance's. Somehow she just doesn't have what it takes to cut it, as Lois Lane, for me. Maybe I'm expecting too much or I shouldn't be comparing, but I can't help it.

Hey, at least I admit my bias. Haha.

Tom, is hot. But, his version of Clark Kent this year hasn't left me with a very good taste in my mouth at all.

Of course, feel free to repost caps anywhere you want. No need to credit.
Thanks a lot, hun. But, I already did end up reposting them and I also gave you credit for making them as well.

Lionel might have his hand in that as well. If he does, I don't care about his reasons and protecting Clark, if he ruined every chance Lex had to be happy like that, and got Lana to hate him - I will cheer when Lex kills him one day in the future (pure speculation on my part that Lex will be the one to do it).
Now, that I completely agree with. And I'll go even further to say that, if Lana had any hand in helping Lionel with setting up her death (which, I still believe she's dead and until I actually see her alive, I won't stop believing that) and framing Lex for her murder and is stupid enough to come back or get caught by him, then I'll also cheer when and if he ever gets to kill her as well as Lionel.

Until Lex/Lana scene I was sure Lex faked the pregnancy. But he did look confused about what the hell she was talking about.
See and I never believed that he was ever behind faking her pregnancy, because it didn't make any sense at to me in the timeline of events, for that to even come up at all. I mean, when was he supposed to have done all of this? Because, in Wither it was her decision to fully consumate their love and he wasn't pressuring her at all and in Static, he already had her and they were happy. She was the one in the mansion crying, wanting him to be back and not wanting to have to take care of the baby all by herself.

So, as far as I'm concerned there was really no reason for him to be that desperate, because he already had her. I'm thinking that Lionel had something to do with pumping her full of those hormones to make her body react as if it were pregnant and Lex was just another pawn in his damn game.

Personally, I'd love for this to be the last, very last Clana loft scene on SV. God knows we've had enough of that.
I fully second that notion. At least, if KK doesn't decide to come back to the show the good thing is that we won't have to endure any more Clana scenes. That's a plus in my book, honestly.

Plus, did she sign a prenupt. agreement?
If she did sign a prenup agreement, then they sure didn't show anything regarding that. It's just another one of the missing scenes in this whole thing, but surely Lex would be smart enough to know better than to go into this relationship and marriage, without at least having one drawn up.
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Old 05-20-2007, 05:02 PM
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I haven't watched all the eppies of this season but I managed to catch the finale and I have 3 questions that I hope someone can answer to me.

1) Bizarro mentioned how he said he took Clark's when and how did that happen?

2) Is the last phantom really Bizarro? if so, then I guess when Clark took out the 'Phantom Zone' piece on didn't work on him, right?

3) I guess Chloe's power is that she's able to switch one's soul/life with hers with a teardrop, right?

I don't think Lana is dead but I believe TIIC are leaving that ending open as to whether KK will go on for another season or not...or if TIIC have anything left stored for her character. I once loved Clana but to be honest with ya, I'm bored to death with them. I'm a Chlois fan and it's frustrating that TIIC keep revisting Clana at times.

Last edited by Jay; 05-20-2007 at 05:14 PM
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Old 05-20-2007, 05:41 PM
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OMG I love this episode! When The other Clark said he was more bizarre I immediate knew who he was. I'm so excited for next season!
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Old 05-20-2007, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Strider (View Post)
Why else is Aaron Ashmore also being brought back for 13 episodes next year? A big part is to be Chloe's bf on the show. So yes, it's speculation on my part, but I believe Allison isn't going anywhere and will be with SV for at least another year.
Oh man I never even thought of this! I thought for sure it was Chloe cause of many reasons (Lana's "death" being rather fake looking, the character of Chloe not being in any of the comics, the teaser about who was going to die and it saying the character was loved by many) but this really is making me rethink this! But maybe he comes back next season as an avenger or something....I don't know who he would seek revenge on but whatever I don't know, way to many possibilitys! It's Clearly either Lana or Chloe, I think Lionel will be fine.
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Old 05-20-2007, 06:17 PM
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Alfred Gough said in an interview that they will be exploring more of Chloe in season 7 so if she is dead he aint gonna be able to do that....the full interview is available on the cw source blog webpage..its quite one breath he says there may be more than one death next he is saying they are exploring Chole more in season 7 so...who knows

Until Lex/Lana scene I was sure Lex faked the pregnancy. But he did look confused about what the hell she was talking about.
Its too hard to tell who did that....Lex knew she wasnt pregnant somewhere along the line whether he set it up or not...he did kill the doctor and destroy all her medical if he truely loved her and was innocent he never would have let her believe she had a miscarraige when he knew the truth.

Lois&Clark, was like the greatest thing ever for me.
Oh man I really didnt like that show...but then again im not a huge terri hatcher fan...Dean Cain did make a good Superman I agree there but Terri Hatcher was no Lois Lane....Erica Durance is way better at it than her. I love Erica Durance as Lois Lane I think she is an awesome actress and does a great job. Thats what I love about opinions we all have them and they are all different lol..

It will be interesting to see how will Clark be able to beat him.
what will be interesting is how long it will take him to beat him since Clark stated that as soon as he has gotten rid of all the Phantoms he will start his training...or what else they will come up with to stop him from his training...could be the whole Martha going away he needs to run the farm thing!!! I just thought of that then lol
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Old 05-20-2007, 06:54 PM
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In my opinion (yep, I've got one too) Terri and Erica are both good. They are, of course, playing the same girl/woman but at very different times of her life. That's why I can really see Erica's Lois as a very young adult and Terri's Lois as a more mature woman. To me they could very well be the same person. Getting older does change people (not that I would know anything about that )
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Old 05-20-2007, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Strider (View Post)
Plus, did she sign a prenupt. agreement? If so, she gets nothing, or very little, if she didn't, that means she gets half of LuthorCorp! More of a reason for Lex to go after Lana and make sure she never tries to take him on in any legal battle.
If Lana didn't sign a prenup one will be forged for her never mind whatever judge she goes before even lawyer she has to represent her will probably end being bought as well. If there is one arena Lex is guaranteed to win in it's in the courts.
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Old 05-20-2007, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Gypsysue (View Post)
Alfred Gough said in an interview that they will be exploring more of Chloe in season 7 so if she is dead he aint gonna be able to do that....the full interview is available on the cw source blog webpage..its quite one breath he says there may be more than one death next he is saying they are exploring Chole more in season 7 so...who knows
Thats very interesting. I think thats one clue that says Chloe won't be dead but he could have just said that to throw everyone off. Someone in one of these threads (don't know who or where) was saying that they actually got AM to lie to everyone at the end of S3 saying she wouldn't be back the next year so it could be something like that. There are quite a few big hints though that Chloe is probably not the one dead because 1. What Alfred Gough said 2. Jimmy is returning next year 3. Because why would they give Chloe this awesome storyline where she has this power, gets to use it once and then dies? 4. If Chloe dies, we will never really know how her power works. Lois didn't see it happen and no one was there to wittness it and put the pieces together. Chloe will die with no credit whatsoever towards saving her cousin and even if they do figure Chloe saved Lois, they will never know how.
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