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Old 07-29-2004, 01:22 AM
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FF isn't very entertaining, Lee. Only the B&E thread and JG board.

Yay for being done with one, B. Good luck on the essay one. You're even closer to be done today than you were yesterday. Whee!

Hee, Sam. Yeah, they sort of flew out of the box, into the air and landed on the floor. The reason you felt they never got here is cause they got sent to Bergen first. But now that I'm home at my parents's for the summer I've changed my addy temporarily. So the post office sends it down here after it's been in Bergen. If I knew you were gonna send during summer, I would've told you to send to my dad instead. But that's fine. They got here. Whee! Oh, dude, yes, I wanna taste the other flavors as well.

Jen, I'm absolutely obsessed with Tim Tams. When I was in Australia a few years back I got so into them it's not even healthy. And I've missed them ever since I left.

Sam, I'm so confused. How can you not have my cellphone number? We've been SMS'ing for ages. OR did you mean other numbers? In which case, no, you don't have them.
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Old 07-29-2004, 01:47 AM
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Bijal, I'm glad that the first part of the exam went okay. The essay one sounds like a nightmare.

LMFAO @ Eli and Tim Tams. They have them in Thailand too so whenever I saw them, I thought of you

I took a nap at 4pm and I woke up at 2:30am. I'm a little freaked because I have a test on Friday and I haven't studied yet. I was supposed to at 6pm, but I just kept sleeping

Sam, we should set up a phone date.
Arrested Development - "Are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over — an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist."
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Old 07-29-2004, 03:32 PM
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All. Done.

I'd rather do over my entire three years of law school than go through that again. *hopes she doesn't get a grader who's having a bad day and/or who's too anal* At the same time, I don't even care if I passed. Well, sure, I care, but I'll be damned if I'm going to worry myself into a tizzy about it until mid-November. If I did, great. If not, well, at least I know what to expect and I'll deal with that if and when it comes.

Other than that, lots of happiness and relief all around.

Now I must go pack like a mad crazy person so we can be ready to leave on Saturday morning. I can't believe tomorrow's my last day here. I'm sad, but excited to be moving, albeit temporarily. I could use the break. Plus, Philadelphia for a week. Very excited!

FYI, I'll probably be offline for most of tomorrow and the weekend and then on and off for next week, until I get home Saturday night.
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Old 07-30-2004, 01:41 AM
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Originally posted by yoshhh
Sam, we should set up a phone date.
Hee. We totally should. Let me know when your free to chat.

Congratulations Bijal. You must feel like the biggest weight has been taken off of your shoulders. I was going to say that I would cross my fingers for you until November, but I know you wont need it. I can't wait to hear how awesomely you did, chica.

I saw Farenheit 9/11 last night. Omg. Soooo sad, so funny, so disturbing, so Michael Moore. I loved it, it made me cry and all. I have to say that the most disturbing element of that entire documentary was when that soldier guy was talking about how they listen to CD's as they are killing and blowing up things, and in particular they were listening to that song by the Progidy (I think) that goes "We don't need no water let the mother ****ers burn. Burn mother ****er. Burn". And then he totally started singing it, and they juxtaposed that with images of people dying. So horrific.

I also watched The O.C Finale this morning. Awwww. Omg, I bawled, and bawled, and bawled, and bawled some more. Dude, it has been an emotion night and morning. Anyway, some random points:

- I don't think I have ever wanted to hurt a fictional character as much as when after Seth told Marissa (and rightly so) how it was basically her fault... and she said to him, that he only ever used Ryan to meet girls and get out of fights. Argh. Seriously. What. A. Bitch.

- Summer was adorable, and I loved her being all supportive etc. She's so cute. Although, chica... drop the Ryan/Marissa cheerleading. Jeepers. "There the perfect couple" Pfft. In what alternate universe?

- Omg. The goodbyes. So sad. Kelly Rowland just rocked that crying scene at the end, and the hug to Ryan, and I loved how Sandy was all "she doesn't usually hug". Oh lord. Killed me.

- Aw, the Seth/Ryan scene. Dude, it was so sad. How he gave him that Tahiti leaflet back and he just kinda threw it. And then stuck his earphones back on. He was hurting sooo bad. Which makes me hate Marissa even more. Saying that he only ever used Ryan. Hmph. He loved him bitch. Which is more than I can say for your selfish ass.

- Ah, all those throwbacks to the pilot. *bawl* The "Hallelujah" song, kills me. Just kills me. The "Chino" jacket. *bawl* The puppy dog eye scene as the car drives away. *sniffle* BMcK is soooo sigh worthy.
Michael: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.
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Old 07-30-2004, 01:15 PM
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Yay! Bijal, congrats on finishing the exam. Hats off to you for being able to cope with it all. Wow and Hugs. Now don't think about the exam. What's done is done. Go out and play. Go enjoy Philadelphia.

I just finished watching S2 of 24 and I don't get the Kate/Jack love. I did squeal when Jack/Sherry got up close and personal. They are just so sexy together. Pity she got arrested *sniff* I love Sherry Palmer. She is gorgeous even after having been stabbed. And oh yeah. WTF. WTF was Jenny from TLW doing in the finale? It was so bizarre and she had the most annoying voice ever. Ev-ah!
Arrested Development - "Are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over — an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist."
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Old 07-30-2004, 03:55 PM
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This week has been like emotional hell and god knows, next week will be the same.

Sorry I haven't been around as much, my crankiness has been preventing me for posting, that and my constant need to throw up. Yuck.

I was supposed to go camping today and instead starting feeling cranky and most likely PMS-y and decided not to...

Sorry for the complaining.
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Old 08-01-2004, 11:25 AM
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Alright, do I have to declare this thread officially dead? Do I need to change the title to "The Katie Thread: I Talk To Myself!" I?

Someone start talking to me, White Sox have lost the last 7 games in a row and it's depressing!! I need eee ooo Magglio!!!!! Come back!!

"Alllllllllll byyyyyyyyy myseeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllfffffffffffffff"
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Old 08-01-2004, 01:03 PM
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Oh boy, here she goes singing that again.

I'm here. Just came in the doors in my apartment (just and just, but you know). Back in Bergen now. I always hate leaving home, but it's good to be back in my own apartment again. Since I love it so much. :giggle:

Sorry to hear you had a sucky day the other day, Katie. But things seem better now.

Bijal, I sent email, but congratulations on being done here as well. You know how incredibly proud of you I am.

That's all I have to say right now.
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Old 08-01-2004, 11:27 PM
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Oh lord again with the singing. Hee. BTW, lmfao if you were to change the title of the thread, I'd opt for "The Katie Thread: I rant to myself alot". Hee. We have a new rant girl, ladies and gentleman.

I'd offer condolences on the Sox or whatever, but being a little Aussie girl... I don't even know what the hell it is. Baseball? Basketball? Lmfao.

Hee. Love, love, love your avatar Katie. *giggle* Jess is so adorable. I can totally relate to her ditzyness. Lmfao. I want her life, and her hard ab'ed boyfriend, oops... "husband".

Oh and your sig, dude... I have to say I was totally siding with Nick on that one. I was like "Duude!... its just a watch. It tells the time". Man, imagine having so much money you could spend 55'000 on a flippin' watch.

Awww, your home Eli. And yes Goodbyes SUCK.
Michael: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.
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Old 08-02-2004, 09:19 AM
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Heh. Whoo! I'm the new rant girl and with the way I have been feeling, I should do the job very, very well.

The boards were customized today...I think Rachel Bilson's board is my favorite out of her and Jen's but Jen's is very good too. Rachel's has the same color scheme as this board, but it's mainly pink instead of having white in it.

Samii: I love my avatar too! I just adore whenever Nick yells at her for spending too much..this was the other one that was going to be in my sig...

[discussing the new sheets Jessica bought]
Nick: How much were they?
Jessica: Huh?
Nick: How much? How much?
Jessica: $1400.
Nick: Jessica Simpson!
Jessica: What?
Jessica: Don't be mad. Oh, Nick, come on.
Nick: $1400 for sheets?
Jessica: Well, you sleep on 'em every night.
Nick: I sleep on the ones we got now every night. I don't have a problem.
Jessica: Well, I don't like them. I don't sleep good.
Nick: Holy crap. I better have a wet dream when I sleep on those sheets.

Then later...

Nick: [to Jessica] Even the washing machine thinks that $1400 is
[bleep] ridiculous. It refuses to wash them.

Heh. I love it!!
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Old 08-02-2004, 11:38 PM
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I love the one (I think it was the second episode) where Jess saw those dancers auditioning for Nick's video clip, and she got all jealous. Then went and spent 700 dollars on panties lmfao, and didn't relise until she got out, and was all "Baby, I messed up" lmfao.

And yeah I think Rachel's board looks better also.
Michael: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.
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Old 08-03-2004, 06:07 AM
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Ohhh, the JG board is so purty. Gorgeous colors. *squeals*

Dude, they have Tim Tams in Thailand, Pea? Aw, lucky you. And even more aw for thinking of me. :giggle:

Exam on Thursday. I'm kinda tired of studying. So I don't, heh. Was out on a boattrip yesterday. So much fun. And we got fish and ate it. Yay.

So, what's up with you people?

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Old 08-03-2004, 10:58 AM
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Originally posted by Samii
I love the one (I think it was the second episode) where Jess saw those dancers auditioning for Nick's video clip, and she got all jealous. Then went and spent 700 dollars on panties lmfao, and didn't relise until she got out, and was all "Baby, I messed up" lmfao.

And yeah I think Rachel's board looks better also.
That was hilarious. I just adore Jess. Seriously, celebrities have been pissing me off lately (mostly musicians) because I met quite a few over the past few weeks and they were all stuck up and gah...but one of the things I love about Jessica is that everyone seems to find something nice to say about her. I have a friend who won this contest thing and met her and said she was an absolute sweetheart.

Rachel's board is so pretty! I do like Jen's too..I didn't vote for that graphic but I'm glad it won because looking at it, I like much better.

13 Going On 30 came out on video today! I think someone might be getting it for me for my birthday but since I was up sick last night my mom saved me a trip and got it for me first thing in the morning. Seriously, usually with movies, I skip to my favorite parts but not this one..I watch the whole thing. I have to admit, I went and watched the bloopers right away though. I still have to watch the rest of the Extras. That DVD has the best extras I have seen in a long time!

Ugh. My friends are all up on Jennifer Garner again, I think I'm her only friend out of all my friends. One implied she was a tramp because she cheated on Scott Foley with Michael Vartan and that she got too big for Scott so she dumped him. Seriously, it's stupid. And now these Ben Affleck rumors? Complete crap. Seriously. The whole picture thing in US was from a year/two ago! Crap, crap, crap. Eli, hun, I know you have an opinion on this.
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Old 08-03-2004, 03:12 PM
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Katie, your mum is so sweet.

I am waiting for them to run out of board colors I have to say that my fav board color is this one. I just love how pretty it is. It makes me think of candies and watermelon.

I watched S3 of Scrubs and I loved Scott Foley's buzz cut. He looked sexy. It was heartbreaking though that he lost the girl again. He lost Jen to Dawson (right?) and Felicity to Ben.. that is just cruel.

Eli and I had the MV/JG/SF talk and agreed that it takes two hands to clap I can't hate any of them because I love them all.

Eli, you should study! Study! No more fishing! Did you gut the fishes yourself? Oh yeah, I read that Tom is ready for loooooove~ Heee. As long as it is with a certain red-head Aussie.. *sighs*
Arrested Development - "Are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over — an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist."

Last edited by yoshhh; 08-03-2004 at 03:19 PM
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Old 08-03-2004, 04:40 PM
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Tonight was not fishing (I did slash some fish throats, yes ). Tonight was out drinking beers with a friend. It was so much fun. Whee! It was so great to see her again after the summer. I'll study a little tomorrow, I suppose.

And yes, it better be Tom and Nic again.

Hee, yeah, Pea and I had a talk about that and it takes two hands to clap, indeed. I don't think Jennifer cheated on Scott. I think one of the reasons their marriage went straight to hell is cause they couldn't handle being in a relationship when she became famous. Or too famous, that is. I've heard from "insiders" (God knows a lot of people claim to be that these days) that Foley didn't handle her fame all that well. He was jealous and not as supportive as he seemed tracking two steps behind her on the carpet. So of course things will crash eventually then.

I don't think Jen and Ben are together. The US article was a rather fun read, though. Lots of crap and people speculating on all kinds of stuff. Btw, I don't think anyone's speculating on the picture. Everyone knows it's old. I'm very invested in this story, though (as I'm sure you can see if you take a look at the Ben and Jen thread at JG board), so I'm keeping a close eye on every comment all over the place. I think these rumors have gone overboard. It's basically a mix between recycling of old Ben/Jen rumors and him being in Vancouver to possibly shoot a cameo.

If Michael and Jen are still together, I don't know. I think (and hope) they are, though.

Katie, your friends should just take a serious chill pill. No one can prove any infidelity, so until they have definite proof she cheated on her husband they can just go **** themselves before calling her a tramp (no offense to your friends, but I'm tired of hearing people all over the place basically calling her a whore). No one knows exactly why the marriage broke and no one is supposed to. Taking the infidelity way just cause she got together with Michael shortly after filing for divorice is too easy. For all we know Jen and Scott's relationship had been rocky for a long time before she finally filed for divorce. And it's pretty clear the time after filing for divorce was a hard one for her. That's most likely how things went down. Things are usually rocky for a while before one or both of the parties finally give up. While I know she's an actres (and a good one) I doubt she would be able to play the "I didn't cheat on my husband" card convincingly in the long run if she did indeed cheat on him (there are a lot of people who think she's a big fake fraud, though). Also, even if she did cheat, get over it. Let me just make it clear once again, though, I don't think she did. She may have changed with Hollywood and she's most likely not as "perfect" as the image her publicists want to create of her (she isn't perfect and I don't think she really tries to be - of course she has bad days and less positive qualities like everyone else - it's just that they don't put attention to that in the same way), but some qualities don't disappear. She's a flirty and touchy feely person, yes, but that's not the same as sleeping with all of her male friends.

Your friends are in good company, though. That is, not good, but large. A lot of people say she cheated on Foley. Some people get so excited about the Ben&Jen rumors, cause they feel this gives them the proof they need to call her a notorious cheater. I say whatever to them. I don't think she is. But even if she was, I wouldn't lose any respect for her as an actress. I honestly don't believe she did cheat on anyone, though. I do think there's a chance she and Ben could have had a small flirt during Daredevil filming, but never crossing the line. Like I said, there's a limit to how much of an act one can put on. Cut the woman some slack.

Wow, I really did have an opinion on this. And believe me, I could talk about this for much longer. But I'm gonna spare you all the pain. Like we all know, I eat up everything I read about her, and I follow practically every discussion on lots of boards about her. People are insane. Of course, this is all speculating on my part as well. But I'm not hung up on killing her image just cause I want to, so I try to look at more than one side. I don't think she's perfect and innocent little angel and frankly, I don't want her to be. Let's not ask ourselves why I even care about all this in the first place.

This was messy and it might not make much sense. I have so much to say, and then it's not easy to collect it and make it readable at 2am.

You lucky bitch for getting the 13 Going on 30 DVD already, Katie. I want it toooooooooooo!

Last edited by Eliii; 08-03-2004 at 05:30 PM
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