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Old 12-19-2014, 05:35 AM
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I would love to see the battle though with the dark one magic in 4b...will maybe a battle, we don't know anything at the moment damn it I need spoilers
Dear Santa, for Christmas this year, I'd like spoilers please. I've been good and nice all almost all several times this year.
What's altruism!?
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Old 12-19-2014, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Ser_Dragon (View Post)
Dear Santa, for Christmas this year, I'd like spoilers please. I've been good and nice all almost all several times this year.
Spoilers would be awesome, good spoilers that is.

I am intrigued about the teamup and am frankly rooting for the villains! Maybe one of them was screwed over by Blue and it will come out! I really want that pious flea to be confronted!

I don't want Rumple and the girls vs the heroes because I don't want to see Rumple as the villain pitted against Belle and his grandson. If the battle ends with the good guys winning, what will they do with Rumple? Frankly that scares me!
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Old 12-19-2014, 08:13 AM
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Well, I have a bad feeling about this. If it's Rumpel and QoD against Good Guys and off course we know the GG are going to win then I fear they find a way to banish him for good. Of course he would come back but maybe not before the end of the next season, or even worse in the next next one. I don't think he would happen, but with A&E you never know what they can imagine to torture us. Or maybe they find a way to put him in the same sort of cell he was at the start of the first season.

A few nights ago I had some difficult time to sleep and while I waited to fall asleep, I had a strange thought. What if in the end, if there is a battle and if/when the GG win, they decide to neutralize Rump for good by sending him again outside of storybrook but somewhere he wouldn't be able to come back? In my idea it was not in jail but in a asylum... and when I finally started to derive to sleep I had that mental image of Gold, struggling on a bed, restrained by some male nurse, begging and crying, calling Belle name.

Don't ask me why a PH, I wouldn't be able to explain. I think it was really a sort of semi sleeping dream.
What's altruism!?
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Old 12-19-2014, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Ser_Dragon (View Post)
Well, I have a bad feeling about this. If it's Rumpel and QoD against Good Guys and off course we know the GG are going to win then I fear they find a way to banish him for good. Of course he would come back but maybe not before the end of the next season, or even worse in the next next one. I don't think he would happen, but with A&E you never know what they can imagine to torture us. Or maybe they find a way to put him in the same sort of cell he was at the start of the first season.

A few nights ago I had some difficult time to sleep and while I waited to fall asleep, I had a strange thought. What if in the end, if there is a battle and if/when the GG win, they decide to neutralize Rump for good by sending him again outside of storybrook but somewhere he wouldn't be able to come back? In my idea it was not in jail but in a asylum... and when I finally started to derive to sleep I had that mental image of Gold, struggling on a bed, restrained by some male nurse, begging and crying, calling Belle name.

Don't ask me why a PH, I wouldn't be able to explain. I think it was really a sort of semi sleeping dream.
People have strange dreams all the time so I wouldn't worry about it. Also, they wouldn't make Rumple leave for an indeterminate time because they need him and they know it and Robert as well as Emilie have a 5 year contract and he is a main character!
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Old 12-19-2014, 10:03 AM
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She has used such a tactic on him in the form of "If you love me..." Which is passive aggressive manipulation.
But when? The one time I can think of that's close was when she asked him not to kill Regina and said "promise me and we can be together." Which was like five minutes after she got out of the asylum and two minutes after they were reunited. That isn't how she feels anymore. I don't remember her making their marriage conditional on him sparing Zelena.

As for the magic, I'm talking about when she see's him in the basement creating the potion so he can cross the town line. We know he was making it so he could cross the former town line, which he didn't tell her about and she just jumped to conclusions and ran away. Then when she get's kidnapped and nearly erased for the first time, Rumple saves her with magic and what does she do... she runs away again after telling him to stay away from her. That;s not accepting him magic and Rumple was willing to let her go, to spare her from future heartache over things he would inevitably do that she would see as "Wrong"
She said clearly that what she wanted then was for him to have the courage to let her in. The problem wasn't doing magic (she was thrilled when he showed her that the potion worked); the problem was him sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night and hiding his feelings from her. She had a right to ask for that from her partner (everyone does) and when he GAVE her that in the library, she responded by asking him on a date.

He was not ready for marriage and his spouse understandably rushed into it because she wanted to be with him before something separated them again. I am not denying they have true love, but as much as it pains me to say this, they should have waited.
This is true, but it has nothing to do with Belle wanting to change Rumple--it's about his grief for Neal and PTSD and how hard it is for him to function on many levels (let alone with having the greatest temptation the world has to offer dumped in his lap). He didn't need to change, he needed time to heal. But I think that Belle thought being married WOULD heal him (and her as well).

Well, I have a bad feeling about this. If it's Rumpel and QoD against Good Guys and off course we know the GG are going to win then I fear they find a way to banish him for good.
What's worse is that if the bad guys win, even temporarily, I don't trust how they would treat him either. They're old enemies; they might very well turn on him.

Dear Santa, for Christmas this year, I'd like spoilers please. I've been good and nice all almost all several times this year.
Only good ones for a change, though.
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Old 12-19-2014, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Ser_Dragon (View Post)
Oh my... I... I... TOTALLY agree with you. I thought the same thing, to be completely honest. Thank you. It's perfect. You summed my feeling pretty well. Really, thanks for that post.
I'm glad it made sense to someone

I'm just tired of this blame Rumple kick the fandom has been on. It's not entirely his fault and Belle isn't compeltely innocent either.

Originally Posted by crazy_diamond
Can I be greedy and say I want both of Rumple I love see the good man and the crazy imp, I'm greedy
Be as greedy as you like! LOL! I wants lots of that crazy Imp and I think we're going to get it. He;s going to be spending LOTS of time witht he Evil Trio! He's gotta show them he's stillthe Dark One! LOL! I can't wait!

It's time for the villains to get what they want!
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Old 12-19-2014, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Jinzle (View Post)
I found this quiz that you might find amusing. Which Once Upon A Time Character Are You? |

I got Rumple!

You are a complex person who loves to be in charge. You are cunning and alluring and dream about meeting someone special who will love you exactly as you are, flaws and all.

I got Rumple as well!

He didn't need to change, he needed time to heal
Heal. That's the right word! Belle wasn't trying to change Rumple, she was only trying to help him heal from his deep emotional wounds.

Originally Posted by ChakotaysLover
I'm just tired of this blame Rumple kick the fandom has been on. It's not entirely his fault and Belle isn't compeltely innocent either.
I never said it's entirely his fault or that Belle is completely innocent! The thing is, I feel for them both. At first I was angry with Belle for banishing Rumple, but then I thought about it further and now I understand completely why she did it. But I also understand where Rumple and his behavior are coming from this season, and I can sympathize with him.
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Old 12-19-2014, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Seamstress90 (View Post)
I got Rumple as well!

Heal. That's the right word! Belle wasn't trying to change Rumple, she was only trying to help him heal from his deep emotional wounds.

I never said it's entirely his fault or that Belle is completely innocent! The thing is, I feel for them both. At first I was angry with Belle for banishing Rumple, but then I thought about it further and now I understand completely why she did it. But I also understand where Rumple and his behavior are coming from this season, and I can sympathize with him.
I too think they are both at fault and I would like to see both of them acknowledge their mistakes!
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Old 12-19-2014, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Seamstress90 (View Post)
I never said it's entirely his fault or that Belle is completely innocent! The thing is, I feel for them both. At first I was angry with Belle for banishing Rumple, but then I thought about it further and now I understand completely why she did it. But I also understand where Rumple and his behavior are coming from this season, and I can sympathize with him.
I didn't say you, I said the fandom. Other places I have been, FB groups, they are getting on this kick that all is Rumple's fault and I guess I was just bringing that frustration over here. I've since left thoose groups cause those people are just a drag and constant haters. I'm just frustrated in general over what has been done to Rumple. I started the show for him and he is my ultimate favorite. So much has been done to make him this quivering fearful person hiding behind his power. I know he has deep running emotional scars from the people who has used him and tossed him aside, people who belittled him all his life driving home the tittle of COWARD over and over until that was what he was, then came Zelena who made him a slave, and now Belle went and used the dagger against him, something she implied she would never do. That kind of betrayal is just something I can't excuse..... but then again this is a TV show where the Heroes have different rules set for them and then rigged rules for the villains.

I can understand lying when one feels there is no choice, but it is still a heinous grievance. I was kinda hoping Hook would bite teh big one to be honest. He gets too many free passes as it is. But that dagger, using it to force Rumple was not the way. If she had used it to pry the truth from him, fine, cause let's face it Rumple needs to tell the truth.
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Old 12-19-2014, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by ChakotaysLover (View Post)
I didn't say you, I said the fandom. Other places I have been, FB groups, they are getting on this kick that all is Rumple's fault and I guess I was just bringing that frustration over here. I've since left thoose groups cause those people are just a drag and constant haters. I'm just frustrated in general over what has been done to Rumple. I started the show for him and he is my ultimate favorite. So much has been done to make him this quivering fearful person hiding behind his power. I know he has deep running emotional scars from the people who has used him and tossed him aside, people who belittled him all his life driving home the tittle of COWARD over and over until that was what he was, then came Zelena who made him a slave, and now Belle went and used the dagger against him, something she implied she would never do. That kind of betrayal is just something I can't excuse..... but then again this is a TV show where the Heroes have different rules set for them and then rigged rules for the villains.

I can understand lying when one feels there is no choice, but it is still a heinous grievance. I was kinda hoping Hook would bite teh big one to be honest. He gets too many free passes as it is. But that dagger, using it to force Rumple was not the way. If she had used it to pry the truth from him, fine, cause let's face it Rumple needs to tell the truth.
His dagger shouldn't be used at all because it brings out the worst in the wielder! I would like it if Belle gave Rumple back his dagger because it is the right thing to do. No one should have that power over someone and Belle used it twice. I wish he hadn't given it to her and will never understand why he used her to give him an alibi. They have a lot of issues and I want them addressed. I want some hope by the end of the season that they are on the right track to working things out.
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Old 12-19-2014, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Grace52373 (View Post)
His dagger shouldn't be used at all because it brings out the worst in the wielder! I would like it if Belle gave Rumple back his dagger because it is the right thing to do. No one should have that power over someone and Belle used it twice. I wish he hadn't given it to her and will never understand why he used her to give him an alibi. They have a lot of issues and I want them addressed. I want some hope by the end of the season that they are on the right track to working things out.

It should be locked away somewhere NO ONE can get it. Giving it to Belle was the biggest mistake he ever made. I swear these long waits between episode 11 and 12 are so not appreciated. they leave us with this mess of a cliff hanger where NO ONE is happy and we are left to spin our wheels and pick apart every little thing because we have nothign better to do. My frustration is still around. Not snapping at people, just snapping and snarling in general.
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Old 12-20-2014, 05:12 AM
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Damn those cliffhangers

I'm thinking though that maybe Rumple will be in the evil and good camp when the show returns, I think what happened to him in the mid finale has to have some kind of effect...hmm I'm sort of 'I don't know what will happen' mood at the moment
I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only want to see you laughing in the
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Old 12-20-2014, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by crazy_diamond (View Post)
Damn those cliffhangers

I'm thinking though that maybe Rumple will be in the evil and good camp when the show returns, I think what happened to him in the mid finale has to have some kind of effect...hmm I'm sort of 'I don't know what will happen' mood at the moment
I agree! fans are judging him too quickly!
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Old 12-20-2014, 07:59 AM
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I'm just frustrated in general over what has been done to Rumple.
Mostly by writers who think it's fine to show his motivations, conflicts, struggles, love, fear, and POV only in promises before the season and interviews after the fact.
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Old 12-20-2014, 01:50 PM
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Robert got an honorable mention for his acting in the winter finale!

HONORABLE MENTION | Time and again on Once Upon a Time, Robert Carlyle’s Rumplestiltskin chose power over all else, and that predilection cost him dearly, dearie, in the winter finale. After having his bid to crush Hook’s heart halted, the Dark One faced his darkest moment when his dagger-wielding wife banished the “beast” from Storybrooke. Carlyle crushed our hearts with his portrayal of a supreme sorcerer rendered inert, a magic addict who fell off the wagon one too many times. “Belle, please…. I’m afraid,” the all-powerful Rumple wept before being compelled across the town line, where he saw his true love vanish before him.

He totally deserves this, and it's so true. Robert went from the bloodthirsty, power-hungry Dark One to the terrified, sobbing lost boy just in seconds, and he did it so beautifully and heartbreakingly.. It was just amazing!
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