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Old 11-01-2023, 06:03 PM
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Kiki, I'm sorry you are still in pain. I know you'd be disappointed to push back your start date, but do not do too much too soon. It would not end well.

We've never had snow on Halloween! More times than not it's hot and uncomfortable to wear a costume. Last night it was really nice though. I'm sure the kids loved it. Last night was quiet for us. Baby M and I watched some West Wing...Holy season endings Batman! Season one ends in excitement.

We finalized a date for my aunt's service.

I looked for a pic of her tree from last year. I know I took one. I'm not sure where it wandered off too. I'll get a new one this year.
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Old 11-01-2023, 07:45 PM
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We have had snow on Halloween before. This year, it was 84 on Saturday but down to 50 by Tuesday for Halloween. My parents live in a cute little town, which borders a very dangerous crime ridden town. The parents from the "bad" town bring their kids to my parents town to trick or treat. They get slammed. I wasn't home so I didn't even buy any candy. I haven't had trick or treaters the last few years anyhow.

I was really hoping to get some insight into Britney's mental health by reading her book. I was disappointed. The last third was her saying the same thing over and over again. I look forward to hearing your take.

My new return date is the 20th. I am going to literally do nothing but relax and heal for the next two weeks. I am going to be so bored out of mind. Maybe go to a movie but there is nothing I want to see. Has anyone seen the Leo DeCaprio movie?
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Last edited by elherts; 11-01-2023 at 07:52 PM
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Old 11-02-2023, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by elherts (View Post)
We have had snow on Halloween before. This year, it was 84 on Saturday but down to 50 by Tuesday for Halloween. My parents live in a cute little town, which borders a very dangerous crime ridden town. The parents from the "bad" town bring their kids to my parents town to trick or treat. They get slammed. I wasn't home so I didn't even buy any candy. I haven't had trick or treaters the last few years anyhow.

I was really hoping to get some insight into Britney's mental health by reading her book. I was disappointed. The last third was her saying the same thing over and over again. I look forward to hearing your take.

My new return date is the 20th. I am going to literally do nothing but relax and heal for the next two weeks. I am going to be so bored out of mind. Maybe go to a movie but there is nothing I want to see. Has anyone seen the Leo DeCaprio movie?
Yes. It's long. 3.5 hours. I didn't know the story of the Osage. Everyone in Hollywood is in it. While it seemed evenly paced, with no placed that really dragged, it could have been told in a shorter movie. OM said it was edited weirdly. I didn't notice that so much, so maybe she is just being "filmy" about it. Overall, we all liked it. It's heartbreaking the way they were treated. Sadly, I can say that about so many people and situations. You would think we would learn to be better humans.
You go back just in time for Thanksgiving. That might really be great for you to ease into it, have a break, go back, and then Christmas break again.

Y'all. I may have made the best purchase of my life. In line at the grocery store, I saw a holiday recipes special edition of Magnolia Journal. ALL.THE.RECIPES!!! I am in heaven. They even have a recipe for Chex Mix, which they call Texas Trash. I grew up calling it TV trash. I love that! OM has thumbed through it and decided we need to abandon all known and traditional recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas and make only dishes from this collection. She has also decided that we should make only new dishes going into the new year. She said one favorite dish a month, but everything else has to be new. This could be fun or my undoing. I'm not sure yet. I have cookbooks to pull new dishes from. We do like to try new things and discover new favorites. I guess I should pull the cookbooks out and start making menus. When Food Network had cooking shows, I would try new dishes all the time. We found some keepers for sure! This will probably end in me wanting more cookbooks.
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Old 11-03-2023, 03:13 PM
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I just got a new oven that has an air fryer built in but have no idea how to use it and it's obviously not like a normal air fryer so air fryer recipes don't apply. I need someone to strictly do an air fryer recipe book for the GE oven air fryer.

I definitely remember show on Halloween but nothing significant like what we got.

I'm laying low because my friend has Covid. She wasn't testing positive when she was with me and we just went to the gym together but the next evening she did test positive. She'd been already battling/getting over a headcold and then this came on. I feel fine but I hate the idea of possibly exposing people if I somehow come down with it so I'm just hanging at home tonight.
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Old 11-05-2023, 04:36 PM
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My knee is feeling a little better, hopefully I'm over the flare-up or whatever it was.

NOW... my new issue. It's happened a few times over the last few months. .. quick bouts of vertigo (self diagnosed). Friday morning my phone fell off the bed and bounced under my bed. I hung over the bed to find it and everything went spinning. I'm not spinning fully now but I am dizzy and nauseous. It's been 3 days. I went to my primary on Saturday and he gave me some meds and told me to go to ENT. I am a little better today but just a little. What else can happen to me? Seriously? I can't take one more thing. Tomorrow I will call for an ENT appt. and hope they can get me in quickly. I tried a bunch of maneuvers that I saw online to try and right myself but they haven't worked. I'm getting anxious that it's something more serious.

That being said, I don't know if I will be up for an episode tonight Gabby. I'm in bed right now, looking straight ahead watching the Eagles game. I will try to make it to 9:30.
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Old 11-05-2023, 11:07 PM
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I’m glad your knee is feeling better? Do you own Macy*s yet?
The dizziness does not sound good. It would certainly concern me too.
Baby M was not happy about the Eagles game. The last 3 minutes were bonkers!
Vikings won, so yay!

I’ve had several compliments on my obituary for my aunt. It’s a weird thing to compliment, but I’ll take the win. My mom and uncle have now asked me to read it for the service. I wasn’t supposed to have to do that! It’s fine. I’m fine. Ugh.

I feel like making a cake. Emotional eating? You betcha!
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Old 11-06-2023, 02:38 PM
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Writing the obituary was probably very cathartic. Reading it aloud will be helpful too.

Dizziness day 4. I have an appointment on Wednesday with an ENT. I saw my PT this morning and he is pretty sure it's vertigo.
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Old 11-07-2023, 01:52 PM
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Maybe the tiny crystals in your ear came loose when you went to look under the bed. I had no idea this was a think until my boss suffered from it years ago. He was riding his bike and suddenly couldn't sit up straight and had intense vertigo. They finally figured out that was what it was. But it was so bad for him he was vomiting he was so dizzy. I hope you get some relief.

My dad's cousin is known for her reading/writing of eulogies, which is such a weird thing to be known for. She's a legit socialite here in Detroit if there is such a thing. She's on so many charitable boards and does fundraising for everyone that 9 times out of 10 when someone brings up something related to anything she's involved in they'll know her name. I went to a dinner where she was honored a few weeks ago and she gave a speech and she is a very good speaker, and I've been to enough funerals where she's given the eulogy to know she just has it in her to not break down and keep it together, even during my grandmother's funeral. But it is a skill, you should take it as a compliment.
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Old 11-07-2023, 05:09 PM
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I had a few quick episodes of vertigo over the last few months. This is the first time it's lasted several days. Today is Day 4. I am definitely better, but not 100%, but I have also been on prednisone and some other anti dizziness drug so it may be masked. I have an appointment with an ENT tomorrow.

I can't remember if I told you guys. I dyed my hair. It is way darker than I wanted. My niece told me to use "blue" shampoo to get the brassiness out. Showering/hair washing is such a pain in the ass still with my leg but I am going to give it a shot tonight.
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Old 11-08-2023, 05:57 PM
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I hope you start to feel better. Being and feeling off balance is the worst. I get vertigo at random times. Like if I'm on a treadmill and specifically look a certain way I'll get dizzy. Or as an example, there's a bridge over lakeshore drive in Chicago and the traffic runs under it and I almost can't even walk over the bridge seeing the traffic going the opposite direction under me. Also, at the mall near me there is a skywalk, same thing...traffic running opposite under me that I can see messes with me. I have to stop and hold on to something.

So is blue shampoo to brunette's what purple shampoo is to blondes? That's interesting.

I got new furniture and I'm kind of overhauling some of the downstairs of my house and of all the new decor items I've bought it's these stupid LED remote candles from Amazon that I love the most.
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Old 11-08-2023, 10:02 PM
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Yes! Crystals in your ear are a thing. My uncle had to have his reset once. He was amazed at the difference. He has to lay, on his back, for 24 hours after the procedure. That would be no fun. There are homeopathic remedies for vertigo too.

My aunt (not the deceased one) sent me an email today. She said she had so many compliments on the obit and that my aunt (the deceased one) had always said I was a great writer and that I should write a book. Hmmm....I read somewhere once that everyone has at leas one book in them. No clue what I would write about. Maybe OM and I collaborate on something some day. Funny enough, after the second or third time my aunt died but not really, I said I was going to write a book and I would NOT be changing the names to protect anyone. I think that's when I called her a turkey. I digress.

I just learned about blue shampoo this week. I knew purple was a thing.

My cheesecake was a bust! Recipe said to bake for 70-75 minutes. I checked it at 60 and it was grossly overbaked. It was awful. We threw it out.
I had too much batter, so I made a smaller cake too. It was MUCH better...underbaked, but so much better. My cake tester came out clean, but it was not baked in the middle. Underbaked was better than overbaked. I shall write down notes and make adjustments net time. This was the first time I made this specific cheesecake. I make a pumpkin one every Thanksgiving with success. Gingersnap crust and cinnamon whipped cream. SOOOOOO GOOD! I already have the ingredients for it for this year.

I have remote candles too! I love them so much, I bought another box of them.
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Old 11-08-2023, 10:14 PM
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I read about a bunch of maneuvers and exercises to help with the vertigo. My ENT wrote me a script for vestibular rehab. which my PT will do. I tried some of it on my own the other night and I think it worked some. I will keep you posted. I've definitely been a little better each day.

I have about 100 half written books. One day.......

My niece said blue shampoo is for orange brassiness and purple is for yellow. I didn't know about it either until she told me. It is BLUE! So dark. I looked like I strangled a smurf in the shower.

I just ordered a lot of groceries from Walmart with a promise to myself to cook more. I have been eating way too much take out. My lawyer told me to give him my DoorDash records as part of my lawsuit and I am too embarrassed to.

Can you post a link to the remote candles?

I have no plans this weekend as of now. I am trying to stay put with this damn leg still not great and the vertigo. I am going to stir-crazy.

What's the word on the new Priscilla Presley movie? Is it in the theater or streaming? I keep meaning to look.
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Old 11-09-2023, 09:12 AM
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The link to the candles. They even have almost a waxy feel to them. I primarily like them because no flame, no scent. I get headaches pretty easily so I'm super picky about my candles and don't always want to burn something scented. These come in a pack of six, I'm about to buy some more. Right now I just have some on the mantle in some vintage candle holders. I'm going to put more around the house though.

Battery powered candles

My weekend might consist of painting the dining room. I change my mind on the color in there all the time. I think I want to paint it, I just don't know if I'm going to have the motivation to tackle it this weekend. At least it's not a whole thing like take down wallpaper, caulk, paint the ceiling, patch walls. The walls in there were painted a few years ago so it's literally just changing the color.

People already have their Christmas lights up and I'm tempted to do that this weekend actually before Thanksgiving.
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Old 11-10-2023, 07:58 PM
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Are you hosting Thanksgiving? Painting might be stressful.
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Old 11-10-2023, 10:47 PM
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I typed up a lengthy reply to catch up on everything and it wouldn’t post because the server was too busy. Uggggghhhhhhh!!! Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow 🤬 .
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