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Old 08-29-2016, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by crazy_diamond (View Post)
about Matt, shame really that they aren't more reporters out there like Matt who cover all characters, ridiculous really..

Oh I love Granny/Belle scenes , I hope we get a few
Granny really cares about Belle - it's so sweet. I think it's a really good sign that Beverly has been filming quite a bit - today, included (perhaps even more than Emilie, lol? I laugh, but I always get nervous when I don't hear about her........... even though, I know, studio...)
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Old 08-30-2016, 04:47 AM
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Don't even get nervous, considering what we have been through in seasons past, I'm just going with the Belle is in S6 flow..
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Old 08-30-2016, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by crazy_diamond (View Post)
Don't even get nervous, considering what we have been through in seasons past, I'm just going with the Belle is in S6 flow..
LOL true..........I just have to remember that, thus far, we KNOW she's been in episodes 1, 2 and 4...........that's not bad, for her, lol........ I also truly think that since the pregnancy storyline is significant (it's not just "let's have Belle pregnant because we can't think of anything else for Rumbelle"), she will be in S6 quite a bit.
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Old 08-30-2016, 12:35 PM
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I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only want to see you laughing in the
purple rain
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Old 08-30-2016, 02:26 PM
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That's adorable and true
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Old 08-31-2016, 04:43 AM
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it is both
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Old 08-31-2016, 05:39 AM
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Hmm…………. a blue screen in the forest? Bobby in a wig?

I would think it IS a FB - but in an episode where the FB relates to Jasmine? I can only think it’s a FB to perhaps before Rumple got back to SB?

Ooh, maybe it’s Rumple calling on Morpheus ? I think he’s wearing the same suit from the premiere …


Look what finally came in the post today! Skimming through it quickly because I’m about to have lunch, but this is pretty much the only mention of Rumbelle in the interview with Kitsowitz:

D23: It was implied that Rumple is going to a new realm. Will we be following that journey for him?
Horowitz: We will absolutely be seeing what happened to Rumple and Belle and whatever that saga may be.
Kitsis: It could definitely realign him. I think the one thing that we can always count on for Rumple is he will do what’s best for himself. We know that he has a past with Jekyll and Hyde - or at least Hyde - so we’ll explore that and what happened to him and his relationship with Belle and the new baby.

If anybody is interested in anything else from the article or the issue I can take more pictures and stuff later this evening.
It feels like they are being purposely vague about Rumbelle - the most we got at CC was the stuff about chaos. I tend to think the Rumbelle arc is exciting and significant and they don’t want to give specifics. I’m guessing that most of what they said about others is same old, same old.

The realign reference is interesting. Adam did say that Rumple would be growing …

Too bad no questions about Belle…I really hope the “happened” stuff isn’t ominous…its just so odd that they would use the past tense several times…
I’m very excited and hopeful, but it would be nice to get some positive comments from Adam and Eddy

Oh and this:

As far as I’m concerned, Rumple has his priorities firmly in order by focusing on Belle and their unborn child....instead of the "heroes" and the characters from the Land of Untold Stories. Why is it ok for Snowing to put family first - well THEIR family, certainly not Maleficent’s - but not ok for Rumple? Eddy’s comments about Rumple doing things for himself were fine in regards to 4A, but they do not fit for anything he’s done in 5B and in S6 as far as we can tell. It’s almost as if Belle (and now the RumBaby) should be considered afterthoughts………….. NOPE NOPE NOPE.
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Old 08-31-2016, 11:44 AM
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Betsy remember the spoilers tag

I'm tired of Eddy saying he's looking out for himself, same old and same wrong, unless in his mind trying to save his child means being selfish

Regarding the spoiler pics, someone speculated it could also be a 6x01 reshoot since everybody is wearing the same clothes. I don't see why they'd FB to Rumple in 6x05
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Old 08-31-2016, 12:19 PM
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Yeah, I think it's probably a reshoot.

I'm tired of Eddy as well.. Why must he talk about Belle and the baby like they were just extensions of Rumple?
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:20 PM
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Eddy just hasn't got anything interesting to say

I'm going for split in two..
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Old 08-31-2016, 02:07 PM
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More "spoilers"..

Question: Will Once Upon a Time be giving Rumbelle fans any sweet, pregnancy moments — like discussing names, etc.? —Betsy
Ausiello: Maybe, eventually. But “the ride there is pretty bumpy,” warns series co-creator Eddy Kitsis. Adam Horowitz meanwhile promises moments of “reminiscing” for the oft-estranged marrieds, “and discussing what it’s going to mean when their child is born.”

Question: Will Once Upon a Time give us an explanation for Mr. Gold’s new haircut? —Rebecca
Ausiello: Though Robert Carlyle was able to lose the mustache he donned when filming this summer’s Trainspotting sequel, his indeed brought Begbie’s cropped ‘do back to Storybrooke. The loss of Rumple’s salt-and-pepper mane “will absolutely be addressed,” says Horowitz. “And the answer isn’t that he went to do Trainspotting 2.”

I'm not sure what they mean, but can we just skip the "bumpy ride" and go straight to the sweet moments?
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Old 08-31-2016, 02:40 PM
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Thanks for the links!

Question: Will Once Upon a Time be giving Rumbelle fans any sweet, pregnancy moments — like discussing names, etc.? —Betsy
Ausiello: Maybe, eventually. But “the ride there is pretty bumpy,” warns series co-creator Eddy Kitsis. Adam Horowitz meanwhile promises moments of “reminiscing” for the oft-estranged marrieds, “and discussing what it’s going to mean when their child is born.”
“maybe, eventually” sounds pretty ominous to me , but following with “the ride there…” tells me that they will, they are just trying to not give things away too much. “moments of reminiscing” makes me think they are not together for awhile but EdR in an earlier interview did say they would be apart for awhile but implied it wouldn’t be permanent, so I’m holding onto that!

Question: Will Once Upon a Time give us an explanation for Mr. Gold’s new haircut? —Rebecca
Ausiello: Though Robert Carlyle was able to lose the mustache he donned when filming this summer’s Trainspotting sequel, his indeed brought Begbie’s cropped ‘do back to Storybrooke. The loss of Rumple’s salt-and-pepper mane “will absolutely be addressed,” says Horowitz. “And the answer isn’t that he went to do Trainspotting 2.
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Old 08-31-2016, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by crazy_diamond (View Post)
Eddy just hasn't got anything interesting to say

I'm going for split in two..
That first one was my question!!!!

I think it’s likely (which I hoped wouldn’t be the case) that they are going to be apart for awhile. I feel like Rumbelle will probably decide that they can’t be together and that they will just concentrate on their unborn child and how they want to raise him. I mean, that could make for amazing material, and Bobby/Em will kill it, but it’s NOT exactly hopeful. I REALLY don’t want most of S6 to be this depressing. At least it means screen time for Emilie and Em/Bobby.

I think Raven is right that when Adam/Eddy answer stuff like this, they aren’t typically long term - and really, we pretty much got this much at CC, but I was HOPING for at least confirmation that we WOULD get lovely pregnancy stuff. Instead we get “maybe”s…… although I’m pretty sure that “maybe” is a yes……….In fact, I'm positive.

It's interesting how Eddy is ALWAYS the one who's downbeat and Adam more hopeful

YES to confirmation that we're truly getting short-haired Rumple!
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Old 08-31-2016, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by IrishWristWatch (View Post)
“maybe, eventually” sounds pretty ominous to me , but following with “the ride there…” tells me that they will, they are just trying to not give things away too much. “moments of reminiscing” makes me think they are not together for awhile but EdR in an earlier interview did say they would be apart for awhile but implied it wouldn’t be permanent, so I’m holding onto that!
Yeah, I have a feeling that there won't be a lot of sweet moments until Belle's about to give birth/the baby is born. I just don't have that much faith in this how anymore..

I think "reminiscing" most definitely refers to Belle's dreams, though. I've always thought that Morpheus takes Rumbelle to revisit some events from their past via Belle's dreams, hence the Dark Castle spoiler and Emilie saying that we'll learn something about Belle's past and family. I think that's what the "reminiscing" bit is about.
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Old 08-31-2016, 03:14 PM
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I don't see how you can reminisce while sleeping and dreaming, though. I think Adam was referring to Rumbelle having conversations about their relationship........and like he said, what it will mean when their baby is born. In any case the dreams are only in one episode.....

Still psyched that my question was answered!

Anyhow, I posted this on Tumblr. I'm still excited and hopeful.

For one thing, it seems like this is going to be a significant arc - and that Rumbelle will get real screen time together. I’m pretty sure that Rumple will be focusing on Belle and their baby as opposed to being all over the place all the time with everyone.e

I DO think it’s likely (which I hoped wouldn’t be the case) that they are going to be apart for awhile. I feel like Rumbelle will probably decide that they can’t be together and that they will just concentrate on their unborn child and how they want to raise him or her. I expect that that will make for amazing material, and Bobby/Em will kill it !!

Eddy said the “ride there" (good catch, Irish)….which means we WILL get those moments, just not right away. If they’re reminiscing, it probably means they’re on fairly good terms - just not as far as their relationship goes.

I REALLY do think this is going to be an incredible ride……..and Rumbelle will have EARNED their happiness.

Maybe, eventually. But “the ride there is pretty bumpy,” warns series co-creator Eddy Kitsis. Adam Horowitz meanwhile promises moments of “reminiscing” for the oft-estranged marrieds, “and discussing what it’s going to mean when their child is born.”
You find goodness in others and when it's not there, you create it. You make me want to go back, back to the best version of me...and that never happened before.

Last edited by Betsybelle; 08-31-2016 at 03:53 PM
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