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Old 05-15-2004, 10:01 PM
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Players 5 | New City, New Game - New players very much welcome

| Players 5 |
What you cant have, you cant resist.

| New York City |
Im sick of sleeping with these insipid Manhattan debutants. Nothing shocks them anymore.

New York City really needs no introduction. All clichs aside, New York isnt just an entrapaneur candy land or a musicians promoting venue, but for many, its a play ground; and for some, its a home. With virtually twelve million people taking claim to the citys citizenship, New York isnt just Americas most cluttered city, but one of the worlds. Everything is limitless. Tall sky scrapers serve to epitomize a dreamers boundless inspiration. Underground coffee clubs are accessed threw lower city ports. Tourists are the carnies of a big city circus. Bohemian artists find safe havens in the lack luster publicly run parks. Skinheads and gang bangers lay tucked away in the innermost run down sanctums of the city. Subways arent just an environmentally conscious means of transportation; their convenient. This list could go on and on and still never be complete, but what else can you expect from one of the worlds most renown cities?

New York never sleeps, and its patrons constantly reinvent new ways to pass the time.

| The Game |
My advice is to sleep with as many people as possible.

The further you journal through your high school experience, the more clichs you discover are not just false tall tells told to scare incoming freshmen. Perhaps the biggest clich of them all is the stereotypical player. The thing is, with many clichs, theres always a hint of truth behind them, and those quick to just write them off as stupid wives tales not worthy of the attention devoted to them would be ignorant when it comes to matters of the heart.

New York Public High School all on its own is nothing special. Big? Sure. But different in context from any other American school in the country? Hardly.

The names of those handful who walk the hallways are not easily distinguished either. Not everyone considers themselves a player, but the traits are universal. Some guys pump and dump quicker than a new car fills up on gas while others carelessly string their conquests along with little thought. Some boast proudly and make bets in regards to the more challenging of targets while others are more detached and less picky. Some wear their title proudly while others are oblivious to it. The methods vary, but the end result is always the same. Fragile hearts shattered to pieces unsuspecting victims humiliated in their own attempts to turn a player around for the better.

The process is doomed to repeat and collapse in on itself, and one could argue that the victims play willingly. High stake games are a rush and a Players heart is the Royal Flush of all plays. The line between the player and the playee has grown thin. Not ever girl who dances with the devil, dances ignorantly, but just the same, no one is ever entirely safe. This, perhaps, is what makes the game such a drug. Its both addicting and destructive; all-consuming and corruptive.

The end is simple.

In a high stakes game that everyone wants in on, the player who gathers the most hearts is the winner. So, its time to ask yourself a question.

Are you in? Or are you out

| The Other Stuff AKA Rules |
Lets start with the basics: For the most part, this game will be following the boy/girl rule. Exceptions will be made, but they must be first run by me as Id like to keep this game equal in regards to gender. You must also take a Player. The amount of characters you take are limitless, so long as you follow those first two rules. Grammar and spelling are always appreciated, and spell check is everyones friend. Please use it when you can. Now, this ones a big one: bold the subjects of your profile. Dont do it, I wont add you. Its too much work for me to go through and do it myself, and Im obsessive when it comes to profiles. Its a sickness. Finally, I expect this game to last a while. Months. Thats right, months. Because thats how long the previous four have lasted. Dont think you can hack it? Dont join. But if youre looking for something that has a very good chance of sticking around for longer than a couple of days or weeks, this is your place, and youre very much welcome.
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."

Last edited by FAIT_Accompli; 05-22-2004 at 01:24 AM
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:02 PM
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Well its that time again.

Before I go on, I just figured Id give everyone a pre-warning. This is going to be long, partly because I was seriously not considering making this fifth installment, and partly because, well, there are a few things I would like to get out of the way before officially getting this underway.

First. In case you havent figured it out by now, this is Mariachica. After the end of the last game, I decided to take a break from FF for various reasons, and for a while there, I didnt even think I was going to come back. A couple of months ago, I was scanning the board, and I started to miss the board. I knew I wanted to do a few things differently. First, the obvious: the alias.

The last couple of months I had been involved with the board before leaving, there was a lot of talk going around between a few members. Id like to say that being called an elitist didnt bother me, but it did. So, when I returned, I didnt want to have that hanging over my head. I wanted a clean slate of sorts. A chance to come back, interact with some new posters, without having to have that stupid title hanging over my head. And thats what I consider it by the way: stupid. I dont consider this game elitist. If it were elitist, it wouldnt even be on a public forum. I wouldnt restart the game every time with the intent of inviting new posters. I wouldnt open the game midway for new posters either. I really grew to resent that, and, in turn, somewhat unfairly, the board itself.

Im over it now, and very much ready to start this new game. Now, if you still feel this is an elitist game, then you know what? I dont care. Thats your porogative and Im not going to change it, because thats not my job.

Now, thats over with, I figured I would get one more thing out of the way. The actual game. This is one of those really special few that has lasted longer than a couple of weeks every time Ive posted it. On average, its lasted about five months. I intend for this one to last just as long, if not longer. So, with that said, if you join, please keep in mind that the storylines in the game will most likely continue on after just one skip. Im also not going to put a limit on the amount of people that can join as of now. For the most part, there are pretty much always going to be vacancies. Unless of course 50 billion people decide to join. And, seeing as how I know thatll never happen, I think its pretty much safe to say that anyones welcome to join at anytime.

That being said, I have a schedule planned out. One week to turn profiles in, and one week to turn crushes/targets in. Thats two weeks. Next Saturday Im going to open the game for relationships, so thats when Id like the profiles to be in. This is merely for my own convenience, as I dont get out of school till the 28th.

And I think thats it. I apologize for the length.

Wait! One last thing. I plan on reverting back to Mariachica on this board soon. Switching between names (I mod the Tru board after all) is becoming far too much of a hassle.

Okay, now Im really done.
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:06 PM
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cate delmar ( played by christina aguilera )

Taken By: fleur captives
Name: Catherine ( Cate ) Delmar
Age: Eighteen
Grade: Senior
Song of Choice: "Killer Queen" by Queen
History: For Emilia Delmar, life was not as easy as it should have been, given the lavish surroundings that were at her feet and the affection of friends and family alike. Her father was one of the wealthiest men on the Eastern seaboard and had always dreamt of having a little girl to call his own, yet, Emmy was more of a burden than a dream, and for this, he dreaded her very presence. At the meager age of twenty-one, a mercy marriage was planned to push her out of the household and put her in the charge of another man that would be more caring to her cause. Daniel Winslow, a lawyer seeking out a partnership with her father, was quick to accept the challenge - not realizing that the woman to become his wife was less than interested in being with him for the rest of her life. The night before the nuptials, she cleaned out her bank account and set out on her own, yet to reunite with her family. Emilia found out she was pregnant after making her way through the city, doing what pleased her and when she wanted to. Her twin daughters, Catherine and Audrina, were the result. Undeniably close from having made their way without assistance, life seemed near perfect until two summers ago when the close knit family of three became a distanced duo of mother and daughter, and the gentle girl Cate was turned three-sixty and she has never looked back.
Personality: Strongwilled and determined to match, she seeks out what she wants in life and goes after it with every bit of her being, whether it be achieving perfect grades or finding a date for a party on Friday night. Cate does what she wants, but could hardly be considered a wild child, for everything she does is structured and planned out to a tee. The order in which she keeps her life is deceiving, as her world hasn't been right since losing her twin sister, which causes her to smother her personality underneath the different facets of the world she seemed to have missed out on without Audrina there to throw out the routine she's always latched onto.
Extracurricular Activities: Art Club. Varsity Girls' Basketball, captain.
Editorial: She doesn't reflect upon the events of her own life as it is and goes on to do whatever she feels, regret never coming into play. Therefore, why would what someone else does impact her? Cate is a firm believer in live and let live, though much of her philosophy works simply for being as hardened as she is.
Played By: Christina Aguilera

Last edited by fleur captives; 05-16-2004 at 07:46 AM
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:15 PM
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Of course, I'm in.

I think I need a Justin Timberlake pb saved, I can't remember what we decided.

Also, Jonathan Jackson, AJ Cook, and Anne Hathaway. Subject to change and/or add more characters.
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:37 PM
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I'm in. After the past few hellish days.. I am so in.

For now, I'm reserving Rachel Bilson, Mischa Barton, and Ashton Kutcher. My other guy.. no clue yet.
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:43 PM
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Hey Spot please. No clue how many. probably just two or four.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:51 PM
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taylor jennings ( played by jamison covington )

Taken By: fleur captives
Name: Taylor Jennings
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Junior
Song of Choice: "Man Without Skin" by Boy Hits Car
History: There were no skeletons in the closet or family secrets brushed underneath the table when, after six years of dating, Autumn Davies became the wife to her high school sweetheart. She was young and quite beautiful for her age, even though her physical appearance was the least of her likeable qualities. Whilst, he was tough and out for the world, registering in the military not long after he graduated from high school. Richard Jennings was never someone to put his heart into life without putting his soul there as well. Bravely, he served his country, though he did no more than any other person had - simply did what he was told to. Starting a family was an accomplishment in his eyes; Taylor, his firstborn son that would watch baseball games with him and eat Cracker Jacks. He was a treasured child for the young couple, even after two more children were born - his sisters Grace, fourteen, and Leigh, ten. He was used to being looked up to by the younger girls and adored the attention they gave him, knowing he reflected the same sort of respect upon his own father. Then, what seemed to be a wonderful family of five was changed as they relocated from their small West Virginian home to the lights and brights of New York City. Leaving behind the calm left an important piece missing and he quickly became like his surroundings - fast, sinful, and relentless.
Personality: Self-loathing is his middle name, but it seems that what he likes even less than himself is the world around him and those that live it. Embittered and cynical, Taylor seems to have no grey area in the way he thinks or in the manner he conducts himself, as there is no compromising with him once his mind has been made up. Either he trusts someone with all he has or chooses not to acknowledge them at all. He likes what he can't have and hates what he can, making him out to be a very confused teenager - but in this day and age, who isn't? Taylor is no different than those he claims to very well hate, but he'd never admit it to anyone.
Extracurricular Activities: Student Government. Honor Choir. Glee Club.
Current Tally: Eighteen and counting more up as time goes on. Although Taylor seems worlds apart from others of his sort, his name is often whispered about and it seems that no matter how many warnings are made about him, hardly anyone listens, and with his gentle charm, it is becoming easier to count new notches.
Played By: Jamison Covington
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:53 PM
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Spot please. Saving Robert Schwartzman and Mandy Moore.
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:53 PM
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Of course. Just so long as you make a player too.

Thanks for joining guys. I'm glad to see some of the older players returning.
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."
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Old 05-15-2004, 11:33 PM
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Jean-Luc DeCuir - PB Tyler Hilton

And no, he's not related to Paris or Nicky.

Taken By: FAIT_Accompli
Name: Jean-Luc DeCuir
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Junior
Song of Choice: "Every You, Every Me" by Placebo
History: Darius DeCuir could easily be a character right out of Shakespeares Hamlet. The cute one who takes over Denmark in the end; not the deranged one who avenges his father by killing his uncle. That would be Fortenbras, folks. Before we get off track here, lets try to spell this out as simply as possible. Edmund LaBaeus clothing line was the crme de la crop of European fashion, and ran on runways right along side with Gucci, Versachi, and Prada. His empire and notoriety was world renown, and no French runway model could truly attain a level of prestige without owning a LaBaeu creation. Enter Darius DeCuir. Young, charismatic, and ambitious; he was to rebuild the design label his father created before being overshadowed by LaBaeu. The takeover proved rather easy in the end as the companys inner corruption made it collapse in on itself, conveniently in time for Dariuss unraveling of the dormant label. Success didnt wait too long to find Darius, and before long it became Edmund LaBaeu who?. Dariuss claim to fame earned the attention of American super model, Mercedes Albright, and after a whirlwind affair the tabloids and paparazzi had a field day over for three months, the two eloped and tied the knot. Suspicions regarding a probable incentive were later confirmed when Mercedes gave birth to a baby girl seven and a half months into the marriage. Flash forward twenty-two years later, with the power couple still gracing Cosmopolitan and GQ, and two additional children in toe, and youll find yourself with Jean-Luc, youngest of three (Giselle, twenty-one and Charlotte, nineteen), and by far the biggest black stain to the name. For reasons unknown to most, Jean-Luc left his boarding school in Liverpool and moved with his parents to the states. They figured his jaded outlook on life was in jeopardy of completely corrupting them. Boy were they late.
Personality: If were going by the book, Jean-Lucs really not that bad of a guy. He doesnt mutter obscenities in the middle of a physiology lab and hes never committed any kind of a felony. He doesnt make petty excuses for stupid things hes done, and he usually tries avoiding doing stupid things in the first place. Hes a polite person who still addresses his mother with yes, maam and is intelligent enough to know when to keep his mouth shut on a topic he doesnt know enough to argue for or against. Hes even got that quaint little accent that all the girls seem to dig, which is always a plus. Down on paper, Jean-Luc could easily be the perfect guy. If theres one thing all those annoying WB shows have taught us though, its that looks can be deceiving, and if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Just because Jean-Lucs not saying it doesnt mean hes not thinking it. If he thinks youre an idiot, he wont come right out and say it. Jean-Luc has more subtle ways of letting you know. And while he may look great on the arm of any girl, he should be kept on a short leash. Not every smile is genuine, and in spite of what most will mislead themselves into believing, there lies a very mordant cynic underneath the surface of his pretty face.
Extra Curricular Activities: Theater and National Honors Society.
Current Tally: Twelve And these are the girls he bothered to count. Jean-Luc doesnt count the mere one night stands as conquests. Its only a conquest when actual effort has been put into it. Throwing in all the brief flings hes had would easily put him in the mid to high thirties, though. Easily.
Target: TBA
PB: Tyler Hilton
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."

Last edited by FAIT_Accompli; 05-15-2004 at 11:39 PM
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Old 05-16-2004, 12:26 AM
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Well for christ's sake. Did you really think you could start this up again, and actually think that I wouldn't join up?

Save me... Emilie De Ravin and Wes Bentley. Oh yes. That's right...

And also expect some pretty recycled profiles. You know me. I'm not that original.
Bethany: I think God is dead.
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Old 05-16-2004, 12:31 AM
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Kat! -Jumps-

You're my hero, for various reasons. I'm so tempted to talk to you about a sister/twin story regarding Emilie, it's not funny.

But I won't. Ahem.

Everyone's in. And our first new person! I'm strangely excited.
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."
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Old 05-16-2004, 05:31 AM
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I'll take a spot, reserving Jessica Alba and Paul Walker.
he peeled off every vein I had, 'til there was nothing left
but a bloodless heart, still beating for him

Janine || [ ] [ ] [ ]
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Old 05-16-2004, 05:54 AM
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Tyler Hilton is a music God. But anyway, I'd like maybe four spots. Drake Bell and Kate Bosworth for sure.
I worry I weigh three times my body, I worry I throw my fear around.
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Old 05-16-2004, 07:15 AM
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It's Players! It's back! I'm disgustingly excited about this. I love you Letty. And I just used four exclaimation points. Of all the punctuation in the world I must inform you that I hate exclaimation points. I only use them on very special occassions. For this reason you must feel proud.

And I was thinking about my Players PBs since the last one sort of died. I'm sure whoever I pick they'll probably be an improvement on last time (Rob Marcato? What? Why? Could I really think of no one better?) but I'm Sarah and therefore it takes me a while to actually chose really good PBs that I know I won't get pissed off with in a week.

Screw it, save me Ella Hooper.
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