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Old 05-16-2004, 06:46 PM
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Okay then, here we are:

Taken By: The Fifth Element
Name: Bianca McGowan
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Song of Choice: "Stand Up" - Ludacris
History: Bianca is a daddy's girl -- she was born a daddy's girl, and she will remain to be a daddy's girl until there is no more daddy existent. Don't get me wrong, both her parents love her very much. But since it is just her, their love gets multiplied by just a bit. Growing up in New York with a successful lawyer for a father who was born in El Salvador and moved to the US with his family decades ago, and a French-born restaurant owner for a mother who helps the family with her dead father's inheritance, she's pretty much gotten whatever it is she may want or need, and she has no problem knowing that fact. After high school, she plans to attend Columbia, just like all her family before her, and once she's out she wants to pursue a career in journalism, or some time of communications field. With her social skills, she was made for that kind of thing.
Personality: If you could sum up Bianca in a word, you might want to use the word 'damn', just by the looks of her. But then she'd call you a perv and slap you or something for being so shallow but secretly like that fact that she was admired. But honestly, she wasn't that much of a complex character. She's fun-loving, energetic, sarcastic when she needs to be, charismatic and charming when she doesn't try to be, and an all-around nice person to hang out with.
Extra Curricular Activities: Dance Club, NHS, Varsity Diving Team
Current Tally: Three...Bianca's a knock-out, not a ****. She's only slept with the guys who've been her boyfriends, and they have since gone on to a better place...or easier girls, whichever. She likes sex just as much as the next hormonal teenager, but she doesn't go after it like she's not meant for anything else besides it. Oh the world we live in, feeding women these lies...breaks a girl's heart.
Target: TBA
PB: Jessica Alba


Taken By: The Fifth Element
Name: Damon Bryant
Age: 37
Courses: Homeroom; American/English Lit; World History
Song of Choice: "Immigrant Song" - Led Zeppelin
History: There's not really a whole lot of drama to Damon's existence. He was born in Santa Monica to Marcus and Noreen Bryant in...well...37 years ago; he grew up there, had lots of love and good times, then he moved to NYC to go to Columbia on an academic scholarship, where he graduated from and received his masters in History, Literature and Philosophy. He has pretty much lived in NY most of his adult life and has enjoyed every second of it. He was basically made for the night life. Only 8 years out of college did he decide he wanted to try out his wings in the teaching field. Relating to the students in a different way than being the guy who'd possibly dated a lot of their single mothers was a good change for him, and it stuck. He stayed.
Personality: Damon's pretty laid-back, doesn't make a fuss about ***** that isn't ultimately worth anything, which most ***** isn't. He tells it like it is, he doesn't ***** around, and if you're looking for someone who will let you wallow in your sorrows and appease your ego, don't come to him. Even though he is a bit stoic, he has a soft side that makes him quite balanced and fun to be around. He can make you laugh without being funny (intentionally), and he's always got an ear waiting should you want to talk into it. My kind of guy...
Extra Curricular Activities: Rock climbing, painting, working out, and eating...and collecting materials for making home-made bombs...oh wait...
Current Tally: He should've been keeping track? Bah well. We'll say in the early teens. He had a very "memorable" childhood, and being the resident pretty boy of his neighborhood, there wasn't a whole lot of no's being thrown his way, no matter what the question was. He is, of course, a one-woman man...he's only with one woman at a time. He would like to eventually marry and settle down, but I did use the word eventually for a reason. He's not a player though -- he knows how to treat a lady; they just don't always know how to treat him, hence, the 'never settling down' bit. I know what you're thinking..."Well why the hell hasn't he come to visit ME yet???"
Target: He's a teacher for Christ's sakes...that's beyond illegal...not for me, for these girls it is. Doesn't cancel the prospect, but it's still illegal.
PB: Brad Pitt

I had a perfectly wretched time searching for Brad pics...perfectly wretched I tell you...

*looks at sig and cackles maniacally*

I took out Paul Walker because, well, I can only handle two characters in a new RP right now...and Brad is enough man for me . Oh and Robbs darling, you bring on that PB -- you just bring it.
he peeled off every vein I had, 'til there was nothing left
but a bloodless heart, still beating for him

Janine || [ ] [ ] [ ]
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Old 05-16-2004, 06:55 PM
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Then I'll make my fourth a teacher. I hope I can find someone Brad Pitt worthy.
too little too late but we can't say no, it's too much to feel, tie my right hand to the bible.
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Old 05-16-2004, 07:09 PM
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PoP NoT SoDa: "My goodness Brad Pitt" is right.

Robbs: Let me know how I can be of any service...finding Brad-worthy actresses can be tough, but not impossible, given my rapidly-growing girl crush harem.
he peeled off every vein I had, 'til there was nothing left
but a bloodless heart, still beating for him

Janine || [ ] [ ] [ ]
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Old 05-16-2004, 07:15 PM
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my other profiles will come tomorrow.

if you want someone worthy of brad pitt just go the easy route..jennifer.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 05-16-2004, 07:41 PM
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I'm hoping to find someone to play the "friend" of the guy's parents that Cameron is staying with. Dana's playing the little sister of the guy (Majandra Delfino). Any takers?

Cameron Raymond Atler <Kevin Zeggers>

Taken By: FAIT_Accompli
Name: Cameron Atler
Age: Nineteen
Grade: Senior
Song of Choice: Higher Ground by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers
History: A psychologist would probably have a field day with Cameron Atler, not to mention get a trip to Cancun out of it as well. With a mother who skipped out on him at twelve (she went to pick up a pack of cigarettes and never came back), and the closest thing to a father figure when growing up working at an adult video store, its no wonder the kid isnt anymore screwed up than he already is. Cameron Atler is one of the few kids youll find wholl wear their Queens upbringing proudly. After all, its quite a long ways from the Park Place mansion grandeur he lounges around in lazily these days. Camerons father worked at an army depot during the day and tended bar at a local night club at night to cough up the money needed for food and rent. Cameron would stay with his neighbor: a bear bellied ex-hippy, mentally challenged after years of inhalants and municipal herbs. Cameron endeared a good sixteen years of this until the parents of a friend; the pity-filled good Samaritans that they were, got a birds eye view of the TV-dinner cluttered, mildew drenched degradation he was living in. The Dimeras, bless their humble hearts, offered to give Cameron a place to stay in their cellar turned den, which Cameron just shrugged off with a sure. What the Dimeras forgot to mention was the dens dwelling underneath one of Park Avenues three story gated Mansions, complete with a butler and two cooks. Needless to say, Cameron wasnt exactly complaining. Three years later with a position on staff as the pool boy (he gets paid pretty much to just lounge around and do nothing except fish leaves out with a net), and Cameron is still living off the Dimeras. His father probably still doesnt even notice hes gone, and his mother could be a Donna Summers impersonator for all he cares.
Personality: The one good thing about Cameron that you can always count on is his blunt, open-book nature. Cameron wont lie to you. If you ask him if you look fat in a dress, hell tell you. If your girlfriends cheating on you for the shmuck down the street who can barely spell his own name, hell tell you that too. It takes too much of an effort to lie to someone for one thing, and when it comes to the art of being lazy, Cameron has perfected it. Aside from often being too blunt for his own good and find a conspiracy in just about every little aspect of his life (though its mostly just for show), there are plenty of other reasons why Camerons not someone you want hanging around you. For one, hes not going to lend you a shoulder if you need some place to cry on. Chances are hell tell you to first, drink away your sorrows, then hell tell you to get over it. Hes also a little slow in regards to anything having to do with the romance department. Those guys that give their girlfriends generic shampoo for their first month anniversary? Yeah, thats Cameron.
Extra Curricular Activities: Cameron once tried to create an Anarchist club, but didnt get enough signatures. Needless to say, he's not really into anything "extra curricular".
Editorial: Cameron cant really say anything against them because hed be somewhat of a hypocrite. He likes girls. Hed be lying if he said he wouldnt mind having more than one. Hes just not the type to go out and purposely screw with one of them, partly because hes lazy, and partly because he doesnt see the point. Girls can be really annoying in case you havent noticed.
Crush: TBA
PB: Kevin Zeggers

Brayden Adia O'Connor <Britney Spears>

Taken By: FAIT_Accompli
Name: Brayden OConnor
Age: Eighteen
Grade: Senior
Song of Choice: Chinese Burn by Curve
History: OConnor. Its amazing how just one word can strike both fear and nausea into those who have ever been associated with it. Everyone knows the OConnors. That sickingly perfect family with prettier children than that annoying 7th Heaven family, but with less of the dramatic shit youll find on One Tree Hill or The OC. Catharine and Landon OConnor did everything the quote, unquote right way. They met sophomore year in college during a criminal justice course, dated for three years, and waited another year after they got engaged to tie the knot when both were financially secure in their careers. Both even waited to have sex for the first time until their wedding night. Yeah, shocker, I know. It wasnt long before Catharine popped her first one out though. Ten months into the marriage, Jayden, the oldest, was born. For the next four consecutive years, four more followed to complete the large, close knit family that they are today. In retrospect, anyone whos ever encountered an OConnor sibling finds themselves questioning how the hell such conniving, devious, and down-right manipulative little bastards could be produced from two loving and caring parents. They all take turns saying grace at the dinner table and attend church every Sunday. Catharine and Landons marriage has never been trifled with by an outside harlot and neither of the two have ever laid a finger on their children. They could easily be the Ward and June Cleaver of the twenty-first century, yet their children have somewhat of a variation between the Lisbon children and the Osbornes tongues. If Catharine and Landon knew of their childrens less than virtuous activities, the extent to their crass materialism or the size of Braydens superiority complex alone, theyd probably die of heart attack.
Personality: Its having brains to go with the wet dream inspiring looks that makes girls like Brayden O'Connor every other girls public enemy number one. Shes pretty and shes smart, and whats more, she knows it, and knows how to use it to her advantage. Brayden doesnt have to crave the spotlight; it finds her naturally. She radiates confidence and thrives off an audience. Its not enough for Brayden to know she's untouchable; others have to know it too. Dont let that pretty, jaded face of hers mislead you though. Shes earned the reputation for being a venomous calculating ice-princess on the pretence that she goes after what she wants, all the while dancing on the graves of anyone stupid enough to get in her way. Everything about Brayden screams trouble. She lives life on a whim and does as she pleases with little regard for the people around her. And where some people will just take chance opportunities as they come, she thrives off the anguish and destruction of others. Nothing about Brayden is a farce either. She doesnt suffer from neglect and her heart has never suffered betrayal. She has absolutely no reason to be the manipulative, evil little wench that she is. She just is.
Extra Curricular Activities: Master Peace Dance Squad (Co-Captain) and Student Council.
Editorial: Braydens very much aware of the archetype, but holds them all with very little regard. She doesnt look down on them so much because they screw around with various partners, but moreso because they get caught.
Crush: TBA
PB: Britney Spears
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."

Last edited by FAIT_Accompli; 05-18-2004 at 12:01 AM
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:09 PM
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I'm in. 4 Characters. At the only moment the only reserved PB I can tihnk of is Dominique Swaine.

I chose a road of passion and pain
sacrificed too much and waited in vain
Gave up my power ceased being queen
Addicted to love like the drug of a fiend
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:12 PM
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Taken By: LaurieLaur
Name: Jeremiah Spradley
Age: Sixteen
Grade: Junior
Song of Choice: The Devil SongMarcy Playground
History: What defines success? If the answer is that of material gains, the Spradley family has been extremely victorious in life. If you, on the other hand, feel that love is all you need to flourish in life, the Spradleys are another sad tale of lascivious individuals whole lack moral high ground and live within the realm of conspicuous consumption, caring only for themselves and never for one another. Maliah Lincolnformerly Mrs. Spradleyis a high society whore, hell bent on marrying every geezer who will turn over his fortune to her when on his deathbed (ala Anna Nicole Smith). She was once married to someone her age, albeit unhappily, the man being the music industry mogul that is Jackson Spradley. A relationship largely resulting from lust, it resulted in two children, and a nastily bitter divorce. Some people simply should not procreate; Jackson and Maliah are two of them. What was the end result of their decision to have children? Four certifiably damaged children who can easily contribute all their problems to a lack of parental attention and affection.
Personality: A beat boxing extraordinaire who knows the meaning of Big Pimping better than Will Smith himself, Jeremiah Spradley is the sort of multi-faceted individual that forces others to take notice. Hes friends with just about everyone, capable of stealing every talent show and the sort of extroverted individual that misleads people into thinking they actually know what hes about. The truth of the matter is simple; for the most part people dont know Jeremiah Spradley, they merely know of him. If they were truly aware of his bad temperament and self-indulgent tendencies, rather than being idolized Jeremiah Spradley would be vilified. Luckily for him, Jeremiah Spradley is one of the stars of New York Public High and will most likely remain popular, regardless of his actions.
Extra Curricular Activities: Ebony Club, Step Club, Peer Mediators
Current Tally: As far as Jeremiah is concerned, he isnt a player. He prefers the term pimp. The ladies love him before and after theyve been played, ask all fourteen of them. Once you go black, you never go back and luckily for Jeremiah, hes one of the few brothers capable of adding flavor into the lives of his female peers.
Target: TBA
PB: Jarell Houston
I feel like we're standing on the edge of something big. Take a leap of faith with me...

Last edited by LaurieLaur; 05-17-2004 at 09:38 PM
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:17 PM
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Gonna reserve right now Seann William Scott, Diana DeGarmo, Amelia Vega, and Willa Ford

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Old 05-16-2004, 08:20 PM
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I am putting a couple of characters in. I am unoriginal and recycle characters, so sue me heh I enjoyed playing them in other RPGs, so I am just gonna recycle them. I changed some of their names and some of their history to fit here too. As well combined some of my favorite characters heh

Taken By: The Seannaholic Wench
Name: Gareth Tegan
Age: 40
Grade: hello he isn't any any grade.
History: Starting out in life Gareth was born to a 15 year old girl in the country side of Wales. Back then, times were different. Her parents didn't approve of the fact of her having a baby out of wedlock with a boy barely 18. The age alone made them unhappy...they forced a marriage on the two kids without much like from both parties. The father just graduated from high school when Gareth was born...his mother had to drop out of school to raise the baby they had. The family struggled to make end meet after that, but the babies one after one after one came till by the time Gareth was 18, he had eight younger siblings.
That was then when he decided to leave the nest so speak. College came next in the states. He managed to pay for school working three jobs to cover tution. Four years later, he graduated with a degree in secondary education.
At the age of 23 he got married. By the age of 35, he was divorced with three kids. Typical story...for the last five years he has been teaching History at New York Public High School.
Personality: Gareth is what you call a smart ass, even as a teacher. He has an aura of being wise beyond his years. Looking out for himself sometimes. At times, he come off bitter...others friendly as they come. It just depends on his mood.
He is a teacher, but that doesn't mean he is perfect. Not by any means. He has his pit falls. He likes to have a drink or two. He enjoys a good curse word or two outside school walls. Sometimes he can even come off as looking out for number one. And he always goes with the winner.
Extra Curricular Activities: He is the advisor for the history club. Drinking. Listening to blue music. Sword collecting
Editorial: Life is too short. Sure, he was a young lad he had a bit of his fun times. But times are different. Diseases are more wide spread than ever. He just hopes those boys use some form of protection. And he bloody well knows when his daughters are teenagers, they better turn their heads the other way or he has a sword with their name on it especially for them. He knows how to use it big time to switch them from male to female in a heart beat.
Crush: Um, okay. He doesn't have crushes. He has attractions, but he isn't an idiot. Attraction is just that. Attraction. Look or more so glance, but never touch. Jail isn't what he wants to end up spending his golden years in.
PB: Peter Wingfield

Taken By: The Seannaholic Wench
Name: Mateo MacLean
Age: 18
Grade: senior
Song of Choice: "One Night Stand" by JC Chasez
History: Mateo's life started out as an arranged adoption. Mateo was an unexpected pregnancy to Maria Perez who was a junior in college. (The father who happened to be a married professor, so he didn't want anything to do with the baby)She couldn't give her baby the best, so she decided to have an open adoption. Looking for the perfect people to take care of her baby. She found that in Duncan and Sarah MacLean.
Shortly after the birth, he was giving to the MacLean and he was legally adopted. The birth mother only had one small request. To name the child Mateo after her own father. So they agreed and that was how Mateo got his name.
The first several years were almost perfect. Two years later, they adopted another baby they called Olivia.
Growing up Mateo was a happy little boy. He got in trouble like most kids his age, but nothing over the edge. He even discovered a love of football when he started to play in the peewees. It was the only place he truly felt was his calling, even as strange as that sounds, but outside sports, he was sorta thought as the slow one out of all the kids. It wasn't his fault really.
During the third grade, they discovered why he wasn't doing so well in school. They found out he had a learning disability. But he never let anybody know it outside his family and teachers. He dreads even till this day somebody will find out his deep dark secret. That he doesn't learn the same as everybody else....that sometimes it takes him longer to pick up things. He feels that if anybody else finds out that they will think he is a retard...even though he knows he isn't. Even in school now, he takes special classes...but all of his classes are mainstream, but they are co-lab(Where they have two teachers. One teacher is a special ed teacher and the other one is a regular teacher. The classes are mixed with regular and LD students.)
Anyways, everything was going fine for the family until a tragic event happened. When Mateo turned 12, his world came to a stop. While out for a drive, Duncan was in a terrible accident. A drunk driver had collided with his car and killed him on impact. This crushed Mateo because he was the closest out of anybody else to his father. He shut everybody out and became cold for several months after his father's death.
The thing that changed him the most was the day his mother remarried when he was 14. He didn't like the guy, but he never gave him a chance. He felt like his mother was betraying their father by remarrying. He never forgave her for that. Shutting out his new stepdad, he turned nasty and tactless. Not soon after, he turned into the guy everybody knows today. Going through high school, playing girl after girl. Drinking the pain away, but never letting anybody knows.
Personality: You know this guy...yeah you do. Don't deny it for one minute. He is the one person everybody wonders why they even hang around half the time. Yeah, he thinks he has friends, but when you think about it. He seriously doesn't. Everybody is just friends with him because of the killer parties he throws. Popular by being the king parties type of guy. Sure he thinks he has friends and deep down he knows he is a complete ass w*pe, but does he care? Nope not one bit...well at least on the surface. Deep down he does have feelings, but he isn't exactly the type to know how to show them proper like.
Lucas could be a great guy if he knew when to shut his damn mouth up. Don't get me wrong, he does have some positive things about him. As I stated before he can throw great parties. He also can be there when you need him in bad situations. He might come off as only worried about himself, but when the chips are down he can be loyal as a mofo.
He speaks his mind even if it isn't that tactful.
And at times can seem like pig only looking for a piece of booty. Putting on a show of sweetness if he really wants something. He has really never truly like a girl more than for sex before and that in part is why he acts the way he does. He wouldn't know the first thing to do if he did actually have real feelings for a girl beyond one night stands. If he did like a girl for more than that, he might surprise people. He could actually come off as being sweet.
I feel this quote by Seann William Scott can sum up Mateo best, "He is harmless because he just doesn't know what the hell he is saying.
He is just an idiot lacking some serious social skills."
Extra Curricular Activities: Partying...sleeping with the
Current Tally: 20 to 30
Target: TBA
PB: JC Chasez

Over the next couple of days I bring a couple more.

Last edited by The Seannaholic Wench; 05-16-2004 at 08:26 PM
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:29 PM
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yes, i am leigha

Kat, darling, I live or something close to it. With two weeks of high school left, this should be a piece of cake - even though the family problems haven't died down. Man, do I ever have an update to write about what's been going on lately. And Tina, I used Jamison just for you, to see if I could make you come back to the game. Glad to see it worked. Is it wrong I feel guilty for using him as a player, though?

No, I didn't have to change my name, or even felt that I had to, but it was ironic that Letty and I did it within a few weeks of each other and without knowing. I just left off from here on a sour note - do I even want to describe my opinion on some site people?

Scarlet, I think I'm going to play Chandler as a teacher / teaching assistant, so I will beat on whomever takes Kate Hudson.
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:35 PM
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Taken By: Angel_wings05
Name: Brooke Belmont
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Song of Choice:My Skin (Natalie Merchant)
History: To understand Brooke one has to understand her past, her family, the people she came from. Nobody told Brooke her life could be perfect, they told her it would be perfect at all costs. Some people wonder how parents couldn't love their own children, so many chose to not believe the truth. Brooke isn't one of those people though, for she witnessed it first hand. Her parents were never the best people. Rich, Stubborn, and Selfish they decided to have a children for the sake of being respected by those who have children. Brooke was the only child. Her father and mother both sleep around, they are only together to show the facade of family to the people in their rich society. Hell, Brooke doesn't even know if her father is her real father. Instead of raising her, caring for her, and loving her they threw her into boarding school, and every little thing they could get their hands on. They wanted their daughter to be perfect, they wanted everyone to see how perfect their daughter would grow up to be, Brooke still naive and shy did as she was told. She did everything they wanted to and she tried her hardest to gain her parents approval. However, nothing she did was ever enough. She grew cold inside and out, she changed herself as fast as most people changed their clothes. She was turning into her mother. As Brooke rebelled and changed her attitude as well as her sophistication. She tried doing things the way her mother wanted her to, still it was never enough. Her father didn't really want anything to do with it, he let her mother deal with Brooke while he was off seducing his latest victim. Her mother still criticizes her and tells how she is doing everything all wrong. Brooke trys not to let her get to her, and instead she blocks her out without even realizing she is still dreaming of the day when she will have her mothers approval. Brooke turned into a manipulative, seductive, unsatisfied girl. She always says she always gets what she wants, but in reality will she ever get what she really wants?
Personality: Brooke is not exactly your average girl. She has to play a little bit of both sides, the b*tch and the goody good. Shes learned in her years of experience in order to accomplish her goals she most play different parts. Shes an actress, she knows how to fool people, and she knows how to gain peoples trust. Its all in the attitude. One thing Brooke has never lacked is confidence, or so every one believes. In her world with everyone else she appears to be this confident girl who would never dare doubt herself. Yet when shes alone, she may be lacking in both confidence as well as satisfaction. Brooke never seems to be really satisfied, maybe she got that from her mother. She's calm and usually pretty patient. She believes you can't change someone in one night, just likeyou can't plant a seed and expect a flower the very next day. Everything takes time, even though shes had times where her targets were just way to simple for her liking. She likes a challenge, yet its hard for her to find one these days since she is so damn good at what she does. Brooke has always been very clever. Her parents started her in school earlier then most of the other students, they wanted to impress people. It worked too, because if they hadn't put her in early, she'd be a junior right now. Shes one of the top students in her school. She seems to excell in everything she does, everything she touches turns to gold. She likes to have a good time, she likes sex, but most of all she loves a a challenge. Acting like Mary Sunshine 24 hours a day seven days a week isn't easy, but its something she does.
Extra Curricular Activities: Student Council, Dance Team, Drama, and she writes for the school paper.
Current Tally: Brooke's not a whore, by all means shes a girl who loves to have sex, but shes not one to give it away unless she is really just in the mood plain and simple. Sex isn't really anything to her, its just something constant in her life. Making poor innocent men fall head over heals in love with her is something that comes oh so natural. She isn't one to tally her sucesses, she believes those who do are quite ridiculous and people she'd rather not associate with, she finds them immature, yet she still is surronded by them. If she'd have to pinpoint her tally it would be somehwhere between eight and sixteen..or something like that, to tell you the truth she doesn't even have a clue.
Target: TBA
PB: Katherine Heigl

Yea I was being rushed at the end of my mom wants the computer lol. Others will be in tomorrow.
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side

Last edited by angel_wings05; 05-16-2004 at 08:46 PM
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:55 PM
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And, the people continue to return ..makes me happy.

I'm here for no reason 'cept to reserve Milo Ventimiglia. I'm up for doing six characters, now that everyone is coming back.

Also, Kevin Zegers ..rawwwwr.
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Old 05-16-2004, 09:06 PM
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Seeing as how Cruel Intentions is dying and Alicia and I want to continue playing out the storyline we had there, I'm reserving Lennon Murphy.

And I'm keeping Eliza in reserve, because while I'm not going to bring in her character this skip, I'm still bringing her in later.


Oh, and just so you all know, I'm still listing all girls under "Others", as the Players will be all guys. Feel free to continue on the route of the girls being players themselves, though. Because it has been known to happen.
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."
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Old 05-16-2004, 09:13 PM
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Has anyone made a PB for the Josher? Meaning Josh Hottnett? Just curious, 'cause he's really tasty. I could check, but the way I see it, I'm lazy.
he peeled off every vein I had, 'til there was nothing left
but a bloodless heart, still beating for him

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Old 05-16-2004, 09:15 PM
Elite Fan

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Joined: Apr 2002
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Taken By: Otep
Name: Sinclaire Lawson
Age: Eighteen
Grade: Senior
Song of Choice: Change-One True Thing
History:Sinclaire can not say that she was born to Justin and Samantha Lawson, because she was not. Truth be told she does not know who she is the spawn of. All she knows is that she was adopted by Danica and Brent Lawson when she was just five years old. When Sinclaire was born, she lived with her parents until she was one year old, and then they apparently could no longer handle the calmess of a one year old daughter so they took her to the police station. She was then taken over to the oprhanage where she lived for five years. You would think many people would rather adopt a baby then a todler, but apparently that was not the case for Sinclaire. Not many people wanted a child that was as quiet, and loud at the same time as Sinclaire was. When she was old enough to form real memories, she started making friends with some of the older kids at the orphanage, but as she made a new friend, a home was found for them and she was forced to say goodbye. Usually not hearing from them again. Not many kids wanted to be reminded of their time in that place. As a way to stop her from crying, one of the adults gave her a notebook and a pencil, and she began to draw. At first just stick figures but as time went on she taught herself how to draw porttits, scenery, she learned to paint, and everything. Drawing has always, and will always be the thing that she does when she needs to get herself out of what ever mood she is in. Finally when she was five years old she found the thing she had been searching for. A home. When she met the Lawson's, all she knew was that these were it. These were the people who would give her everything she ever wanted. And that they did. They took her home, and introduced her to a whole new world, a new life. They showed her a world of decent people, but of course her shy attitude did not go away. She at least does not feel abandoned anymore.
Personality: Sinclaire used to be very social, very outgoing, very open, very happy. When she started school. But then Junior High hit, and then high school and her happy attitude slowly vanished as she learned the truth about people. That being nice is usually just a mask, that most people will do anything to tear you down. Break you apart. Pick at your scab until it is fully exposed again, scare you into running. As each year passed by slowly, Sinclaire found herself breaking away from her peers and going back to her drawing book, losing herself in her art. It seemed to be the only thing she could do that was real anymore. The people around her, the coments, the all scared her too much and she built up a wall. A wall that she will not allow to break down. She needs to protect herself, and to do that she needs to remain as quiet as she is...scare people away from her.
Extra Curricular Activities:National Honors Society, Yearbook, Newspaper...
Editorial:If you were to ask her what she thought of a player a few years ago, she would probably shrug and answer with a simple "misunderstood" but now if you were to ask her well...she has a whole laundry list of complaints on them. She thinks that a person who classifies themself as a player is just a lost soul who feels they need to find comfort with whatever warm body comes their way. Or, she could answer with her honest thoughts. Which is that they are heartless, souless moronic bastards who love the joy they get out of seeing a person cry or break down. They don't know what a soul is, or if they do they must have sold it to Charles Manson because he so clearly to her is not as bad as they are. You see? She is even comparing the players to a serial killer. That is how she feels about them. She thinks a serial killer is a better person then them. Not good.
Crush: .
PB: Melanie Wills
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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