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Old 05-15-2004, 10:02 PM
Elite Fan

FAIT_Accompli's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 25,725
Well … it’s that time again.

Before I go on, I just figured I’d give everyone a pre-warning. This is going to be long, partly because I was seriously not considering making this fifth installment, and partly because, well, there are a few things I would like to get out of the way before officially getting this underway.

First. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, this is Mariachica. After the end of the last game, I decided to take a break from FF for various reasons, and for a while there, I didn’t even think I was going to come back. A couple of months ago, I was scanning the board, and I started to miss the board. I knew I wanted to do a few things differently. First, the obvious: the alias.

The last couple of months I had been involved with the board before leaving, there was a lot of talk going around between a few members. I’d like to say that being called an “elitist” didn’t bother me, but it did. So, when I returned, I didn’t want to have that hanging over my head. I wanted a clean slate of sorts. A chance to come back, interact with some new posters, without having to have that stupid title hanging over my head. And that’s what I consider it by the way: stupid. I don’t consider this game elitist. If it were elitist, it wouldn’t even be on a public forum. I wouldn’t restart the game every time with the intent of inviting new posters. I wouldn’t open the game midway for new posters either. I really grew to resent that, and, in turn, somewhat unfairly, the board itself.

I’m over it now, and very much ready to start this new game. Now, if you still feel this is an “elitist” game, then you know what? I don’t care. That’s your porogative and I’m not going to change it, because that’s not my job.

Now, that’s over with, I figured I would get one more thing out of the way. The actual game. This is one of those really special few that has lasted longer than a couple of weeks every time I’ve posted it. On average, it’s lasted about five months. I intend for this one to last just as long, if not longer. So, with that said, if you join, please keep in mind that the storylines in the game will most likely continue on after just one skip. I’m also not going to put a limit on the amount of people that can join as of now. For the most part, there are pretty much always going to be “vacancies”. Unless of course 50 billion people decide to join. And, seeing as how I know that’ll never happen, I think it’s pretty much safe to say that anyone’s welcome to join at anytime.

That being said, I have a schedule planned out. One week to turn profiles in, and one week to turn crushes/targets in. That’s two weeks. Next Saturday I’m going to open the game for relationships, so that’s when I’d like the profiles to be in. This is merely for my own convenience, as I don’t get out of school till the 28th.

And … I think that’s it. I apologize for the length.

Wait! One last thing. I plan on reverting back to Mariachica on this board soon. Switching between names (I mod the Tru board after all) is becoming far too much of a hassle.

Okay, now I’m really done.
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."
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