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Old 05-15-2004, 10:51 PM
fleur captives
Passionate Fan

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taylor jennings ( played by jamison covington )

Taken By: fleur captives
Name: Taylor Jennings
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Junior
Song of Choice: "Man Without Skin" by Boy Hits Car
History: There were no skeletons in the closet or family secrets brushed underneath the table when, after six years of dating, Autumn Davies became the wife to her high school sweetheart. She was young and quite beautiful for her age, even though her physical appearance was the least of her likeable qualities. Whilst, he was tough and out for the world, registering in the military not long after he graduated from high school. Richard Jennings was never someone to put his heart into life without putting his soul there as well. Bravely, he served his country, though he did no more than any other person had - simply did what he was told to. Starting a family was an accomplishment in his eyes; Taylor, his firstborn son that would watch baseball games with him and eat Cracker Jacks. He was a treasured child for the young couple, even after two more children were born - his sisters Grace, fourteen, and Leigh, ten. He was used to being looked up to by the younger girls and adored the attention they gave him, knowing he reflected the same sort of respect upon his own father. Then, what seemed to be a wonderful family of five was changed as they relocated from their small West Virginian home to the lights and brights of New York City. Leaving behind the calm left an important piece missing and he quickly became like his surroundings - fast, sinful, and relentless.
Personality: Self-loathing is his middle name, but it seems that what he likes even less than himself is the world around him and those that live it. Embittered and cynical, Taylor seems to have no grey area in the way he thinks or in the manner he conducts himself, as there is no compromising with him once his mind has been made up. Either he trusts someone with all he has or chooses not to acknowledge them at all. He likes what he can't have and hates what he can, making him out to be a very confused teenager - but in this day and age, who isn't? Taylor is no different than those he claims to very well hate, but he'd never admit it to anyone.
Extracurricular Activities: Student Government. Honor Choir. Glee Club.
Current Tally: Eighteen and counting more up as time goes on. Although Taylor seems worlds apart from others of his sort, his name is often whispered about and it seems that no matter how many warnings are made about him, hardly anyone listens, and with his gentle charm, it is becoming easier to count new notches.
Played By: Jamison Covington
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