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Old 12-01-2004, 01:57 AM
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I brushed my teeth again as i looked in the mirror. I was going over to Mikey's. The problem was, i was already late. I yawned a bit, ugh i was tired today. I put some more pink lipgloss on as i smacked my lips in front of the mirror. There. I smiled to myself as i grabbed my coat and put it over my white and pink slinky dress. I grabbed my purse as i walked down the sidewalk, it was getting cold already. Great, i bit my lip as i got to the Mikey's apartment as i walked up the stairs.

Suddenly there was this girl in the doorway and Mikey was looking at her weird. "Uh.."
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
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Old 12-01-2004, 02:37 AM
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"7 PM tonight" She repeated back to the person on the phone as she tapped a pencil on the desk. "Formal" Why would you wear casual to a christmas party the mayor is throwing? Is this person stupid? Oh wait, it's Fox's cousin. Good thing she didn't say that outloud. For once she kept it in instead of letting it out. "I'll tell him you're coming. Thank you" She hung up the phone and let out a sigh, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

The party was tonight and she was still trying to confirm with some people on the guest list that they're coming. Her work is never done. Some of the people on the guest list were not very nice. No matter how much she tried to say calm and not bitch them out, there were a few that just needed to be bitched at. Needless to say they will not be attending the very exclusive party tonight.

She moved hair out of her face and grabbed the list, standing up. She had to make a reminder to call her brother later and tell him to sing her favorite song off his album. Fox probably didn't even know that he had booked her brother to sing at his party. He'll be confused as hell when she runs up to Danial aka Drake giving him millions of hugs. It's been ages since she's seen him what with him being a big rock star and what not. That is one thing she was looking forwards too at this party - seeing her big brother again.

She purpously pulled down on her shirt to show more cleaved as she walked towards the mayor's office. She got rid of the smirk on her face and replaced it with a nutual face. Lifting a hand, she knocked on the door once to let him know she was there. She then opened the door and walked in. "Sir, I have the revised list for the party tonight" She spoke to him as she approached the desk. She saw him look up and when he did that, she bend down and put the list on his desk, purpously showing her cleavage. She gave him one of her infamous inncont but sexy smiles and stood up. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

OOC: shirt, skirt, boots (but black)


He hummed and bobbed his head lighty as he stood over the stove, stiring a chocolate sauce in a pot. He always loved this time of the year. It wasn't just being in America that was doing that too him. Even in Britian he was always jolly around christmas time. He stopped humming when he heard Kat make that quite bitter comment. He glanced over his shoulder at her. "Quite sorry, Kat. I didn't know I was doing to that loud. My apologies" He wondered what made her so bitter about the holidays? She was a regular ol' Scrooge. She was a beautiful Scooge though. She didn't have one once of ugly on her whole body. Oh how he wished she wasn't still in love with her ex. He might have a change with her if she wasn't.
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 12-01-2004, 01:39 PM
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I nodded at what Lilly said. I still couldn't believe she was here, standing on my door step. She looked as beautiful as ever. She always looked stunning, that's the first thing I noticed about her. She was the one that was responsible for helping me. If it wasn't for her I'd still be on the bottle. She helped me get off and for that I was thankful. I haven't touched the bottle at all since then. I let out a small laugh. "Yeah" I said as I reached out and hugged her. I got a cault the wiff of her strawberry flavored hair. I loved the smell of her hair. It smelled like strawberries. I smiled a little....feeling that same feeling that I did back then...that conforting everything was ok. No one else made me feel this way....not Loralee. I loved Loralee, she was a great girl but I was unsure of myself around her. I knew I loved her but I was afraid of commentment. It was just a scary thought. That's all.

I jumped when I heard someone elses voice. I realized that I have been hugging Lilly for way to long. I pulled back from her, giving her a weak smile as I pulled down on my jacket. I looked over my shoulder and bit my lip as I looked at Loralee. I looked back and forth between both girls as I continued biting my lip. Oh god...this wasn't good. Not at all good. I stepped in between them. "Ummmmm....hey didn't introduce you to each other, this is girlfriend" I said turning to Lilly. I turned back to Loralee. "This is Lilly" I said with a nod. I wonder how long before the claws would come out and I would have to run for cover
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 12-01-2004, 05:19 PM
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When he hugged me, I felt so safe. I'd forgotten how I felt when he hugged me...and how well I just fit into his arms. I'd missed that, a lot. I smiled up at him when he let me go, and realized there was someone else in the hallway. I turned to look to see a very pretty woman standing there, and it seemed like a haze when Mikey told me she was his girlfriend.

Of course she was. I mean, we'd never been official, never said we'd wait for each other or anything...I hadn't been with anyone since him though, not seriously anyway...I think he ruined every other guy for me. I realized I must have been standing there like a doe in the headlights, and noticed that Mikey looked more than a little uncomfortable. But I could at least make it a bit easier on him. "Hi." I said cheerfully, giving this girl a smile. "Loralee? Pretty name." I extended a hand. "I'm an old friend of Mikey's, I just stopped by to surprise him and say hi."

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Old 12-01-2004, 06:13 PM
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"Good..,"I said with a smile.Then she asked about the party.I wasn't feeling up to it,but Fox was one of my good friends and I knew he wanted me there.He had said he would be surrounded by alot of rich guys he didn't like and that he wanted friends there so they could keep him from going crazy.I had known Fox since college.Most people don't stay friends for 16 years,but we had.He was a good guy.And at this point,I needed all the true friends I could get.

"Yeah...there's a party...uh Mayor Fox Sullivan's...he's my..amigo,"I said with a small laugh.Great use of spanish in your sentances,James..really.I had to bring someone to this party though.James had said bringing a guest was mandatory.He was worried about me after the whole lawsuit.I had been on a date since the lawsuit came up.That was awhile ago.I thought for a second.Anita could go,right? It would be a nice holiday treat for her...and plus..I wouldn't have to go with some woman I had to talk to all night long." wouldn't happen to want...venido con mĂ_,would you?"I asked her.

I stepped back a step as Andrew opened the door.So he was home.I gave him a smile.I looked behind him at the bit of the apartment I could see.Nice.I had obviously never seen his apartment.We weren't exactly friends.His hair was wet...I probably disturbed his shower.His tone sounded...well not excited to see me.That was understandable."Uh..well..I was getting ready to send the invitations for the wedding,but I thought maybe I'd just drop by and give you yours personally...and y'know,make sure you're planning to come.Not that you wouldn't because Jev does want you as his best man..but yeah..still,"I rambled.Nice rambling.
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 12-01-2004, 08:57 PM
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btch alert.


I watched them hug. They hugged a little too long for my liking. I licked my lips as Mickey finally noticed me. Wow. I looked at him long and hard as i watched him look from me to her. Then i noticed something;

It was her. It was the girl that Mikey tries to see everytime he looks at me. She was the girl he brightened up when he talked about her. He was the girl that was his 'past'. But really, he meant his past-but-wished-to-be-future girl. So automatically, i knew i already hated this girl before she said one word to me. Loralee pretty name? Wow, i though she would have thought up less of a fake name. I watched her carefully as my eyes turned into a slight glare.

"Yeah, i noticed" I told her while she said she was an old friend of Mikeys. If you didn't notice. I have eyes, and i'm also allowed to look at old pictures. I said in my head as my eyes dropped. This felt like high school, though high school in my school. If someone had a problem with another girl they'd b!tch fight then actually get into a fist fight. So it wasn't my fault that my tactics and my first reactions were dirty. I squared my eyes on her, i might as well be dumped now. It wasn't like she was the prettiest thing on the earth, but she has charisma, something that i lacked. "Well.." I started off in a cold voice looking at Lilly as i switched my gaze to Mickey. "..Was it a nice suprise?" I asked in a evil tone.
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
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Old 12-01-2004, 09:33 PM
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OOC: Going to cry- have lost large post for the second time. Sorry- am pissed at computer- will post properly when at home tonight- will get home around 11pm.

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“I simply regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi, in which the world created therein has different rules than my regular human world.”-Mindy Kaling
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Old 12-01-2004, 09:37 PM
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Whoa, talk about an ice princess. So the whole being nice thing wasn't going to work. So this was the girl Mikey went to after me? Huh. I'd dealt with people like Loralee my entire life, and wasn't about to back down just because of a glare and some rude tones. I stuck my hands in my pockets and followed her ice cold glare to Mikey, it wasn't his fault I'd stopped by, and the last thing I wanted was for him to be put on the spot. I guess I'd just thought he wouldn't have someone...or if he did...that she would be like her. Well, let the games begin then.

I reached out and took the invitation from her, nodding and looking over it. "Yea well, being the best man I don't have much of a choice." I said with a slightly unamused smile. I hated being rude to her, I really did, but it was the only way I could protect her and Jev...and myself from getting hurt. I was not about to kill a good thing between her and my best friend just because of my own selfish desires.

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Old 12-01-2004, 09:47 PM
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I'm at a total lost with what to do with I'm gonna leave her open. If someone tags her then I'll loooooovvvvvveeee you for life

Catfight....meow...hiss hiss...I love this teehee...Poor Mikey
I gave a weak smile to Lilly. I could tell she was trying to be friendly. I loved that about Lilly. I always remembered her as being the really friendly type of girl while Loralee on the other hand...Loralee was Loralee. I knew she met well. She did have a good heart. If she didn't then I wouldn't be with her. She was a great girl. I loved her but there was something Loralee didn't have compared to Lilly. Lilly was the first girl who I ever met. She was the first real love of my life. I was going down hill. I thought no one gave a damn about me but then she came in. She teached me something that I never knew. I wasn't living before...she made me alive. Everything about her absorbed into me and made me better. If it wasn't for her, I would still be going down hill. Lilly was the first love of my life and things like that just can't go can't forget your first love. You'll always compare things to the first person. You'll always say you can't do any better then what you lost so you settle with less. I loved Loralee...don't get me wrong. In the beginning, it was more me getting over Lilly. It was more fun and games but Loralee grew on me and soon I fell in love with her too. I never really showed her my love and affection to Loralee. I was scared of that. I was scared of letting her in to much. I couldn't take having my heart broken again. I just couldn't

I looked at Loralee and bit my lip when I noticed her attitude. She was giving Lilly attitude. I wouldn't blame Loralee. If one of her ex's came marching back into her life, I would be pretty hostile too but Loralee had nothing to worry about. I loved her...not Lilly. Lilly and I had our chance back then. It didn't work out. Seeing Lilly again brought all those feelings back to me. They hit me like a wave. I couldn't think straight. I just couldn't do anything. Was it possible? No it can' just can't. I'm not going to hurt Loralee. She doesn't deserve it. No...I love her. I felt Loralee kill me with X ray vision eyes. "Loralee" I said in a voice when your trying to keep the kid away from touching a hot stove. "She's just a friend....that's all.....let's be cival" I said, sharing some unspoken words with Loralee. I walked over to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Maybe that would show Loralee that it was her...just her. I looked at Lilly and blinked my thoughts away. I couldn't think like that. "How about we go get a cup of tea...all together? I know you guys will get along" I said with a nod. I know they wouldn't. Nothing was ever that easy. I wondered why I suggested it. I just didn't want Lilly to walk away out of my life for good again. I missed her and I was ok if we were just friends. That's all we could possibly be. That's all I would allow us to be at the moment
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 12-01-2004, 10:15 PM
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I glared at Mikey as he told me to be civil. Civil? Civil? He wants me to be civil? I coughed a bit as i looked up at him. How could i be civil with this girl? It wasn't like i was attacking her, it was more like defensive. See, your on defensive, you use all the tricks in the book. I finally figured out the feeling of knowing. You know that your going to loose your boyfriend to this goody girl. You know it because even as you look at her, you know that she's better than you. You can fight, scratch, scream your lungs out but you can't be better than her. It's impossible. She was like one of thoes girls in high school that sweept one of thoes bad boys off their own black-boot feet. You just can't beat someone thats already won the race 3 years ago.

I watched Mikey come over and put his hand on me. I twitched, i didn't want him to touch me. Don't touch me i said in my head, though if i pulled away the little angel would sense something. Tea? Excuse me, was i a soon to be ex-girlfriend of a idiot? Tea? I didn't even like tea. Let along drinking that disgusting stuff across the table from her. That was so below the belt. "I think i'm just going to go back home" I told Mikey.
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
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Old 12-01-2004, 10:51 PM
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She smiled at him, he put the most simple Spanish terms that she knew in English, but it was nice, to hear someone speaking her native language. She nodded and just stood in front of him as he thought. She didn’t know what he was thinking of, all she was, was Spanish, she wasn’t a mind reader, but she knew his look of thought on his face. Then again he spoke, something about if she wanted to go to the party. “Realmente? Usted quiere que mĂ_ vaya a un fiesta?” She asked, and blinked, she was actually asking herself out loud pretty much. “Yes…I…like to. Thank…you.” She answered back, she hoped she translated what he was correctly or she’d feel like an idiot. She basically hated that feeling, but going outside to shop and that stuff, it was hard to feel such a way. If she translated it right, then what was she going to wear to the party? She might have had something, but how would it have fitted? She needed to go check it out after their little talk.
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 12-01-2004, 11:11 PM
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The last thing I wanted was to cause trouble, and I have to admit that seeing him wrap his arm around her made me feel more than a little twinge of jealousy. Had I stayed, that could have been me he was adoringly looking at. I knew that what I felt wasn't one sided, but I wasn't about to bring in trouble at the moment. It would be better just to talk with him one on one.

I held up my hands. "No, actually I need to go. I'm um..I'm having dinner with my Uncle so I should get going. I'm staying with him for the holidays. It was good to see you again Michael." I smiled slightly and looked at Loralee, my smile fading. "Sorry to have interrupted. It was...well, it was interesting meeting you." I gave a look back to Mikey and smiled slightly, turning to walk back down the hall, kicking myself for thinking he'd still love me like I loved him, and for putting myself in that position.

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Old 12-01-2004, 11:35 PM
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I looked to him and nodded.God..I felt like a complete idiot coming here.How did I let Jev talk me into coming here? I was trying to be friendly,but I just felt like I was completely unwelcome and I really didn't want to be that person that shows up when you don't want them to and then won't go away.I would probably end up making him hate me even more.That would be real great."Ok..well..then I'll put you down as 'will be coming',"I said with a smile.I was done,right?

But I felt like I should say more.Maybe I could thaw the ice alittle more.I didn't know what to say,but suddenly I heard myself say,"I was also wondering if maybe you'd like to come to the holiday party my brother is throwing tonight.I know that Jev told you all about it and he said you weren't interested,but I was wondering if you maybe changed your mind.Jev is going to be working and everything and I'm not really good friends with the rich business guys that will be there so...." I could not believe I just invited him to the party.It was like I had gone out of my body for a second.

I smiled.Good.It was settled then.Anita would go and everything would be fine and Fox would probably be impressed since Anita looked like a model and I would just nod along and say that I had just met her.Right.Good."Good..then uh..well the party starts at 7 so if you just..come here at 6:30,that would be..good,"I said to Anita.Then I thought about her getting ready.I wasn't giving her much time,was I? Nice...James."Uh..and for a dress,I could uh..prima del dinero del dĂ_a de get a dress or you could always borrow one,"I said to her.I remembered that my ex-girlfriend had left some of her clothes at my place.She hadn't bothered to pick them up because she hadn't even wanted to see me again after the lawsuit.
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 12-02-2004, 12:03 AM
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She looked around, he had dresses? How strange, maybe from some girl he had before she ever came to work for him, that must have been it. “You have dress…here?” She asked him, she was actually excited to go to the party, she hasn’t really been out too much so this was like a first, and to go with such a highly respected man. Hopefully this lawsuit thing wouldn’t interfere with anything. Then she would know more about who he was, meet his friends, this would have been most exciting, and she was going to be able to dress up. Never has she really been able to, she never had the money to get anything expensive, of course sometimes her mother would make her a dress, maybe it wasn’t as lavish as royalty, but to her, it was beautiful. But those dresses, they got ruined so quickly, she need something new, and borrowing was good enough for her.
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 12-02-2004, 12:13 AM
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OOC: Any open characters?
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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