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Old 11-30-2004, 03:21 AM
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Hope that's okay?
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- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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Old 11-30-2004, 03:29 AM
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It rocks, I just wanna get started..wait. oh the only thing is that I wrote that he dumped her in my profile (but I figure that's still okay for Jev to say it's mutual, because that's how breakups are, the lines of who was really the dumper gets complicated). And crut, I feel like a pain in the ass, but Jev is the manager at the hotel where Kat is a cook (along with Baily) at the hotel's restaurant, so they would see each other every day at work.

The Fiancee works as the manager at a hotel in Midtown.His ex-girlfriend also works there as a cook at the hotel's restaurant.She's still in love with her ex-boyfriend,but she's noticed her co-worker's eyes on her.He's a fellow cook who is an import from London and finds her very interesting.Will she forget about her past love for good and welcome a new love for a new year?
I feel I skimmed on my history, so I edited a bit more history...

Ship: Spuffy | Outlaw Queen | JavaJunkie | Prudence & Prejudice | Literati | Evil Regal
“I simply regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi, in which the world created therein has different rules than my regular human world.”-Mindy Kaling
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Last edited by goodbyegirl84; 11-30-2004 at 03:42 AM
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Old 11-30-2004, 03:39 AM
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Well, yeah...with the whole hotel thing, but that doesn't mean they have to actually converse with each other. They may see each other every day, but things may get so awkward that Jev avoids her, or the other way around. You know what I mean? Did that make sense?

For example, freshman year of high school, I liked this guy so much that whenever I saw him, I literally stood with my mouth open and couldn't utter a word. And I had the majority of my classes with him where I'd sit right near him. And not say anything. Then, eventually, we started talking, but...yeah, I went a good deal of the year without saying a word because I was so enamored.

We turned out to be very good friends, actually. =) He left after freshman year. LOL.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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Old 11-30-2004, 03:46 AM
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It's all good, and is it okay if I said that Jev had broken up with Kat cause he fell out of love with her? And is Jev moonlighting as a manager and a publishing mogul? I'm sleepy humour me?

Ship: Spuffy | Outlaw Queen | JavaJunkie | Prudence & Prejudice | Literati | Evil Regal
“I simply regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi, in which the world created therein has different rules than my regular human world.”-Mindy Kaling
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Old 11-30-2004, 03:52 AM
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He can be the hotel manager but also helps to run the business on the side. I mean, if you think about it, if a company is a big one, they'd hire a whole bunch of people, right? And the owners would only have to be there for super important things, right? Well, we can just say that for now. And his dad is running most of it on his own. Yay! We solved the problem.

Well, it'd be great if you could have that Jev broke up with her...but I don't know, 'falling out of love' seems to be like an overused cliche that I don't really like. Because I don't believe you could ever fall out of love. You'll always love someone in some way, shape, or form if you ever did in the first place. So, do you think you could have something else? I sort of hinted at constant fighting, if that's okay.

Also...I'm off to bed.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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Last edited by Starless Night 20; 11-30-2004 at 04:01 AM
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:31 PM
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- So thanks for getting those profiles in,MA.I heard your computer is screwy.Don't worry if you can't post.We'll temp your characters.

Anyway,so now we're gonna start since everyone's ready.This will start a week before Christmas.I'll say it's a Friday afternoon so your character can be at work/school or maybe they got out early...or maybe they took the day off.Also just info about one character,Lilly has just arrived in New York so Mikey doesn't know she's there yet.Tonight,there's a holiday party that the mayor,Fox,is throwing.He's throwing it at the hotel that Jev manages(and Kat and Bailey work at).All the characters should be going tonight - either they were invited(if they work there or have a connection to the mayor) or they are tagging along with friends since the invite is for one person and a guest.As for the college kids,maybe one of them is doing an internship for the mayor...I don't guys are smart and can come up with something.Darcy is going to be playing some songs off his Christmas album at the party.So...that's it.Oh..and just wanted to add that I decided that Elizabeth and Jev have been engaged for at least a month of two - since I'm having her give out invitations.

I walked down the street with my favorite red peacoat on and my hair pulled back.It was cold and I knew alot of people didn't like winter,but I did.I don't know what it was but Christmas time always made me giddy.I loved it.I remember when I was little,Fox used to make fun of me because I loved it so much.Which reminded me...I was going to his Christmas party tonight.I was actually looking forward to it.It was his first one..after all and plus I had convinced him to host it at the hotel that Jev managed.

I had gotten out work early.I was actually taking my Christmas break soon.I didn't have too much time before the party.I had to get ready in a few hours.But rigt now,I was on a mission.I was on my way to Andrew's apartment.I had stopped by the club and they had told me he was off at the moment.And why was I on my way to see someone I'd never exactly gotten along with? It was the wedding.I was just about to sned out the invitations,but Jev had said it would be better if I just brought Andrew his.Jev wanted us to be friends and he thought maybe it would give us a chance to smooth things out.I was up for it.I just wanted to make Jev happy.I took the elevator up to his floor and knocked on the door,hoping he was home.
Tag Andrew

I sighed as I walked down the hall of my apartment building towards my apartment.I had asked the take the rest of the day off because I had promised Fox I would go to his Christmas party.No one had a problem with me taking off.I worked alot...sometimes i even took extra hours.And after the whole lawsuit appearing,everyone had been urging me to take off more.It was just a nightmare.I couldn't believe it.I had always thought that Haley was a nice girl.She had always been flirty but I had always tried to just set her straight.And now look what she had done.It was just a bad holiday season so far.I took out my key from my bag and opened the door.I was actually glad to be home for the day."Anita?"I yelled as I walked in.I didn't see her,but I assumed she was cleaning one of the rooms.
Tag Anita
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 11-30-2004, 10:22 PM
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OOC: Okay, thanks about the whole computer thing. Bleh. I hate my compy, lol.

I had all intentions on posting tonight, but today was definitely not a good day and I'm lacking the enthusiasm to do much of anything, really. I only came online to do some homework I have to complete and then I think I might go to sleep. It was just a bad day, lol. We'll leave it at that.

So, I'm sorry I'm most likely not going to post tonight, but expect a whole bunch tomorrow. =)

In the meantime, my characters are open, if anyone is interested.
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

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Old 11-30-2004, 10:42 PM
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Girl now, guy later...


::I scrambled around my room, looking for my favorite pair of black high heels. They had to be here somewhere! I was making my way to the closet when I stumbled over something. I hit the ground with a loud thump, laughing. I had tripped right over my shoes::
"Well", I sighed. "At least I found ya."
::I smiled as I slipped them on. I wiggled my toes in them before heading over to my bed. I had a beautiful green dress layed out. I swept it up into my arms & slid it over my head. It clung to every curve of my body. I loved it! I strolled over to my vanity & started to apply makeup. Once I was done with that, I curled my hair, did a twirl in front of the mirror, & I was done. All ready for Fox's big bash tonight. I just had to wait for Trent to arrive home. I stared up at the clock. He was already fifteen minutes late. His work kept him longer than I would've like, but I understood. He was dedicated. I admired that. Lucky for me, the party didn't begin for another hour. I sat down gently on the edge of my bed, careful not to wrinkle my dress. I flicked on the TV, & sat, watching a rerun of Friends as I waited::
"He a storm."
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Old 11-30-2004, 10:52 PM
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She looked around the house, it sure was quite a huge house, much bigger than any she had seen in Spain. She always dreamed to live in the luxury house, and this was the closest she could get to it, so she didn’t own it, she felt like a mother, having to clean up after people who themselves couldn’t. But she didn’t complain, she got good money for it, not like she was at all doing it for fun, but it wasn’t horrible, or that horrible as other jobs. She basically had the house to herself since her boss was usually never home, well beside today. He seemed to have taken the day off. He seemed like he had a perfect life, and he would tell her something about being sued…a lawyer, that stuff. She didn’t know what it meant but for sure she knew it wasn’t good. Days, she would see him all stressed out, kind of down, and there was nothing she could do for him. Sometimes she felt of no use, but he never sent her away and she was thankful for that.

She heard a sound, a voice that she heard so often calling her name. “S_ Señor…um…Sir?” She called out coming from one of the bedrooms that she has happened to be cleaning. She looked around and walked into the room where she found him “Um…You…want me?” She said a bit broken and in her accent, but helped him understand in case he didn’t know what she was saying by pointing.


Trent sat in his office, he has been wanting to keep away from his house as soon as possible, and far away from his wife. He didn’t at all want her to know anything about this little affair he was having, he didn’t even want to know, but he had to, he was included in it, and he was hurting someone along the way. Some reason, this affair was making it more exciting, to have a secret to hide from others, and keep it between only those two people, but at the same time, he felt bad, but that spark between him and Lola just seemed to disappear and appeared within this client, Haley. He knows that maybe he shouldn’t do this, what would this girl do if he went and turned her down, she knew his wife, and maybe if he hurt her, she would find a way to hurt him back. But he couldn’t hurt her, and he didn’t want to hurt Lola, but so easily he already has. But tonight he would show her he loved her, somehow, and soon he would be leaving to change for that party.

He looked at the paper before him, no matter if he was seeing the client, he couldn’t help win the case unless he actually did some research. It was actually quite hard, everything he had to bring up was something the doctor had done good, but he had to make it seem like a bad thing, but this doctor had only a clean slate, but he wasn’t the guy I was helping to protect, Haley was, she told me that he force her and he touched this girl while she worked their. To think such a doctor while this credibility would do such a thing.
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 11-30-2004, 11:04 PM
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I saw Anita walk out of a room and gave her a small smile."Uh...hey...just wanted to...tell you..I was casero,"I said to her.I didn't know spanish very well,but I knew a bit.I had actually been looking at a few spanish books.I wanted to be able to speak ot Anita.We only were able ot communicate alittle.I didn't want to treat her like just a maid.It made me feel like my I was some rich guy who looked down on people who weren't as wealthy.I wasn't that guy."How is..the cleaning..limpieza going?"I asked her.I knew she knew the word for 'cleaning',but I was trying out my spanish.I hoped she would appreciate it and not think that I thought she was stupid and didn't know english at all.
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 11-30-2004, 11:57 PM
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She nodded as she listened to him, it was nice to hear him trying to say Spanish. Sometimes she wanted to laugh for he couldn’t really pronounce things correctly, but she held it in, for she didn’t want him to laugh at her for pronouncing things wrong in English. “Is coming…good.” She said making a thumbs up, she knew that was what it meant to be good, or hoped it was correct. Her boss was a good guy, he never treated her bad, and he was making an effort to learn Spanish as she was with English. “Tonight, you go partido? Um…par…party?” She asked kind of struggling with the word, she was making an effort to speak English for her being in America, she only wished that she and her boss didn’t have this slight barrier, she wanted to know more about him, but they couldn’t, they spoke two different languages, knowing just a little from each.
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 12-01-2004, 12:54 AM
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I had just gotten out of the shower after work. I heard a knock at the door, and I called out "One second." I pulled on a shirt over my pants and ran a towel through my wet hair before walking to the door. I scanned my apartment, something I was accustomed to doing just in case people were going to come and stay over or whatever. I opened the door, and the last person in the world I ever expected to be on my doorstep, Elizabeth, was standing there looking back at me. "Uh hi. What are you doing here?" While my voice might have appeared less than cheery, I was always happy to see her...excited to see her even.

"Thanks so much." I said to the cab driver and handed him money for bringing be into the city from the airport. I took in a deep breath of the cold air, and had nearly forgotten how much I adore this city. I had already gone to Uncle James' house and planned to go back soon, as I was tired from jet lag and everything, but I just couldn't not go see Mikey. I mean, he was one of the reasons I was here...And while I was really excited to see him, a part of me was terrified. I had been just friends with him for so long...and I had counted on him for just about everything...and then I was offered the scholarship at USC, and I needed to take it. And then there was that kiss...he and I had always had the potential to be something more than just friends...and I'm wondering if that is still there.

I walked up the steps to where my Uncle told me he last heard Mikey was living, and took a breath. I must have stood there staring at his door for about three minutes before I actually stepped to it and knocked. I shook out my hands and adjusted my coat, trying to get a hold on my nerves.
Tag Mikey

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Old 12-01-2004, 01:31 AM
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BAH HUM BUG. She thought to herself. It was a week until Christmas, and she was set to work through Christmas with only New Years day off- considering she would be decidingly hung over. She would get off in time to get properly sloshed for the 2nd New Years alone.

Around this time last year, she wouldn't have thought Christmas would be a lonely time- she had actually planned a nice get away for her and Jev last Christmas. She had bought the tickets to Paris and made all the reservations. She had even okayed it with his family that they would be gone Chrismas. She thought they had just been a little distant because work was crazy that month- and that being together in Paris would make everything right. But before it even happened. Hello breakupland. So she had gone to Paris by herself last year. Yes with his exchanged ticket she had bought a very nice coat- but she had the worst Christmas ever, surrounded by love in the capital of it. She had even stayed 3 months to study at the Cordon Bleu. She had been accepted months before but she had stayed to be with Jev. It was a good distraction for those three months- but by the time she had arrived back- and especially since she had heard about his recent engagement to her. The horrible part was that she still loved him- everytime she saw them together it crushed her which made tonights event just great.

She would be working hard and possibly late for the Mayors party, who just happened to be her brother. Of course Jev had been Jev and told the Chefs that after the dinner portion of the evening was done, and all the food was all out, they could join the party. Like she wanted to party and make awkward conversation with her. Although she had brought a killer new dress and shoes for the night.

What made is slightly worse was that she was working with Bailey who always brought out her clumsy side. Just moments ago she had ruined her lucky chefs coat. She was in the bathroom changing into her extra one. She glanced at the mirror after changing and touched her newly cut hair. She had done it on a whim cutting her really long hair above her shoulders. The worst part was that no one at work at mentioned it yet. Mind you she had just started 10 minutes ago, and killed her chefs coat 2 minutes ago... she got out and tied her white 1/4 apron around her waist as she walked into the large industrial kitchen heaven.

Then she was assaulted by the worst sound in the world.

"Bailey could you not hum that so loud it's distracting."

He was humming the most evil thing in the world.

Jingle Bells.


OOC: The picture of the chef coat

Ship: Spuffy | Outlaw Queen | JavaJunkie | Prudence & Prejudice | Literati | Evil Regal
“I simply regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi, in which the world created therein has different rules than my regular human world.”-Mindy Kaling
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Old 12-01-2004, 01:39 AM
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I sit down on my sofa, flipping through the channels. I wondered what was on TV. There was nothing on tv except commericals and talk shows. I wasn't in the mood for either of them. I was waiting for Loralee to come down here. She told me she would come over. I had the dinner planned out for us. I mean yeah I bought it in a store. I couldn't make anything to save my life. I flip through the channels some more as I waited. The door bell rang and I jumped up, running toward the door. I stopped and checked myself in the mirror before opening the door. I blinked slightly when I noticed it was Lilly. God...she looked beautiful then ever. She didn't change a bit. She still looked beautiful. I bite my lip and shake my head. What was she doing here? I mean....after all this...what was she doing here...I couldn't cope with this...not with Loralee here....I just couldn't.

"Hi....what....what are you doing here?" I asked, running my hands through my hair

Haley in a second
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 12-01-2004, 01:48 AM
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I smiled when I saw Mikey standing there. God, he looked really good. "Hey you. I'm here visiting my Uncle for Christmas." I stood there not quite sure of what to do. "So do I get a hug or what?" I say with a grin, hoping to break the tension a bit.

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