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Old 09-22-2017, 03:20 PM
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He better do a good job for how much they get paid

It's hot out I love it
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Old 09-22-2017, 06:10 PM
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Hi, Mark! Sorry I'm posting so late. I went to the movies to see Mother! with Jennifer Lawrence.

I hope your dentist does a good job as well. I take good care of my teeth these days because of all the braces and dental work I had as a teenager and in my early 20's.

Oh, and today is the first day of Fall! Which means summer is over.


In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-22-2017, 07:13 PM
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How was the movie? I saw people are making a big deal about the poster where half of JL's face is beaten up, go figure

I had braces too I don't know if my teeth got messed up because of the accident or what.

No, not fall. I guess as long as it doesn't climb into the fifties we're fine.
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Old 09-22-2017, 07:19 PM
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The movie was interesting. It was basically everything from The Book of Genesis to The Book of Revelation condensed down to two hours, with a strong environmentalist subtext. Humans destroy the Earth, themselves, etc. Jennifer gives a great performance. I think she's supposed to be the Earth.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mark. Just make sure the dentist fixes you up, okay?

Yeah, first day of Fall. After Halloween I get pretty depressed until April and Easter.

And I have to go to bed now, Mark, so I'll see you tomorrow! I have work tomorrow. Goodnight, and sleep well!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-22-2017, 07:22 PM
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Really? I might have to watch it, even though religion and all of that doesn't interest me that much but it sounds interesting

Oh, I will! They better do a good job for the amount of $$$ I'm shoveling out for them to get the job done

Fall? Yeaaah, I'm not so happy either. End of March is when my extra unhappiness ends when it's starting to get warmer out.

I just got finished watching Glenn/Maggie fan videos on YouTube and I'm depressed all over again, a certain event this last season pretty much makes me sad anytime I see his face

Good night! Sleep well! I have that wedding tomorrow but I'll try to get on
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Old 09-23-2017, 04:51 PM
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Well, it's metaphorical, Mark. Kind of like The Heart of Darkness or The Lord of the Flies and stuff like that. It's not technically religious, but it uses a lot of Biblical metaphors to tell the story. But it's structured like a suspense thriller. It makes you think you're watching a ghost story, then that you're watching Rosemary's Baby, and then it shocks you at the end when you realize who Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem's characters actually are.

Spoiler alert!


You make sure that dentist does a good job. I've made sure to never neglect my dental health after all the crap I went through as a teen.

End of March, huh? A little earlier than mine. For me, November through March is one long slog for me to get to Easter and Springtime in April. April and Easter through October and Halloween are my best times of year, with May, June, and July being my favorites.

Well, I saw that one coming. I knew what happened to Glenn in the comics, so it was only a matter of time, sadly. But I never forgave TWD series for what they did to Andrea, which is why I eventually quit the show. And now she's dead in the comics as well, and I question whether or not that would've happened had it not been for the show.

I hope you're having an okay time at the wedding, Mark! If I don't see you tonight, I'll see you tomorrow! Have a good night!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-23-2017, 05:36 PM
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Really? I honestly don't know if I can do that whole jig

Whenever it's nice and warm I'm a fan when it's cold...not so much.

Yeah I agree about Glenn and the tonic thing but they made you feel like everyone was safe after the first kill and then boom. Yeah I hated what they did to Andrea and. Ow michonne is his love interest

Have a good night! Talk to you later
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Old 09-23-2017, 05:47 PM
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Trust me, it's mind blowing. But you have to pay attention, because there's a lot of stuff hidden in the story.

So how was the wedding? You managed to get through it intact?

I agree, I hate the cold as well. Not to mention it's when I always seem to get sick.

The Walking Dead has just been a total cluster fk o problems, legal issues, show runner changes, network battles, etc. I'd be surprised if AMC didn't end up cancelling the show after this season just to get rid of the headaches. First the drama with Frank Darabont getting fired by AMC over budget disputes, then Glen Mazzara gets fired at the behest of Robert Kirman because they didn't like the direction he was taking the show(like killing Andrea), and now Kirkman and Gale Anne Hurd are both suing AMC, not to mention all the terrible creative decisions. It's just a mess, and it didn't have to be, Mark. It could've been so much better.

Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Mark! I gotta go to bed soon anyway, so take care, have a good night, and sleep well!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-23-2017, 07:56 PM
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I did The wedding was acually not bad, about 15 minutes and it was outside A little too warm but not enough to complain about. The reception however was like 3 hours at least But it's my cousin and I'll do about anything for family, so there's that.

Yeah, I get a lot around then too and even if I'm already in pain the winter doesn't help which is why the heat is a blessing sometimes

Yeah, it's a total mess, I still ask myself why I still bother Honestly it's only because the comics and first two seasons of the show now that I fell so in love with that I watch, I remember when I would talk months and months on message boards and couln't wait to watch live.. just none of that anymore is fun. Honestly the show should have been cancelled last year but AMC wants to ride the zombie wave out because personally I think the channel is screwed after that It could have been so much better!

Did you ever happen to read one of the emails that Darabont supposedly sent? He read a script and emailed someone at AMC and said "I was handed a script today and it was so ****ing stupid I wanted to find the guy and strangle him in his sleep" (about someone working on TWD) or something It was hilarious and true.

Talk to you later! Have a good day
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Old 09-24-2017, 05:36 PM
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Hi, Mark! Sorry for posting so late. I was doing a watch on the Heroes board as well as watching my Eagles beat the Giants 27-24 with the longest field goal by a rookie kicker in NFL history. 61 yards!

Well, I'm glad the wedding wasn't too bad for you. It was really hot here as well, almost 90 degrees. I hope the reception wasn't too boring or anything. Standing around in the heat isn't something I'd like to do. But I'd rather be hot than cold, and I hate freezing in winter. I just hope this winter isn't too bad. I feel like hibernating every January and February.

Well, I think that Hurd and Kirkman's lawsuit might be the final straw for AMC. They already had to deal with Frank Darabont's lawsuit after AMC fired him, and now they have their current showrunners suing them as well? It just seems that the creative forces on the show have always been at odds with the network, and I think The Walking Dead might've been better served if it had been on HBO or even FX.

Darabont said that? It doesn't surprise me. There were a lot of episodes from season two that were horrible after he was fired. When was that email from?

And in case you're wondering where I am if you don't see me, I'm watching Sunday Night Football, Oakland Raiders vs. Washington Redskins. I'm hoping the Redskins lose because they're in our division. So in case I don't see you, have a good night and sleep well! See you tomorrow!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-24-2017, 06:47 PM
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That's fine I've felt out of it too probably because of the sun but I'll talk to you later
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Old 09-25-2017, 05:45 PM
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Hi, Mark! Yeah, I wasn't feeling that well today either. I can't wait for my next vacation in October. And I'm sorry for posting so late. Trying to moderate three boards can get complicated.

I'm watching Monday Night Football, Cowboys vs. Cardinals. I'm hoping the Cowboys lose because the Eagles are in first place in the NFC east right now. So I might not be online for long.

So if you're not feeling well I'll take the post count for you today and you can do next week's okay? If I don't see you later, have a good night and sleep well!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-25-2017, 07:22 PM
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It's okay! With three boards I have to imagine it gets very busy It works out though because posting this last is probably the best time so it works out perfectly thus far.

I dislike the cowboys so I wouldn't be upset if they lost either I don't even know why, I've just never liked them.

Thanks for doing the post count! I was going to come back later and see if I could catch you but you had already done it I'll definitely do it next week.

I love that the first half of this season of Gotham is going to be very horror oriented :excited: I love that element to things and this weeks episode is called "The Fear Reaper" which is a Scarecrow (I'm sure you already knew that) centric episode! Fanboying out because along with Harvey Dent he's probably my second favorite batman character The first half is pretty much going to consist of The Long Halloween which has me satisfied already.

See ya later Have a good night and enjoy your football.
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Old 09-26-2017, 06:17 PM
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Hi, Mark! Yep, three boards isn't as easy as I thought, but I'm managing. I just wish it didn't mean I had to post here so late.

I dislike the Cowboys because of how pretentious they are. They've been calling themselves "America's Team" since the 1970's when they weren't even the best team in the NFL at the time, the Pittsburgh Steelers were. When you win four Super Bowls in six years, you get to call yourself America's Team.

Well, the Cowboys beat the Cardinals and are in second place in the NFC East behind the Eagles. It wasn't the most interesting game, but I never like watching the Cowboys unless it's when they lose to the Eagles. But we've got a pretty easy schedule coming up so we should be good.

I hope Samuel's okay. I haven't seen him in a while. And I'm glad to see Vicki back. I love it when our old posters show up.

You're welcome, Mark! Yeah, I wasn't sure if you were feeling well enough, so I thought I'd give you a break and let you do next week's count.

Since when is Gotham City not horror oriented? Bruce Wayne lives in a city that's like a Hammer Horror movie set. Scarecrow is perfect for the show because DC really improved him over the years, making him more like the Grim Reaper with fear toxin.

OMG, Harvey Dent is gonna be on the show? How old will he be? And they're doing The Long Halloween even though it's a Batman storyline? They can't do that before Bruce becomes Batman.

And I don't know when you'll see this post and reply, Mark, so if I don't see you tonight have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow! I'm off for two days after tomorrow.
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 09-26-2017, 06:55 PM
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Yeah, I can only imagine Well we can adjust the schedule whenever you want but it is nice to have a general timeframe Probably makes it easier to keep track of the boards too!

I feel that way with their fans. They are some of the most egotistical and obnoxious fans out of any sport and I don't even know what it is America's Team? Bahaha, okay.

Well maybe that's not exactly how I meant it I guess I should say this episode is going full out Halloween like.. Stephen King, basically. With the hallucinations and what not.

He was on the show already for about 3 episodes in S1 and 3 in S2 but that was pretty much it. They said they're following The Long Halloween so I don't know what their plan is He is starting to become Batman, though. He gets his first proto suit in either the episode this week or the one after. He kinda made an ass out of himself last week which personally I loved. It'd be really stupid if he went out on the prowl and just kept taking down enemy by enemy with ease. Gotham gets a lot of hate because it supposedly doesn't follow the source material and takes it's own liberties...but don't all adaptions? Like I couldn't care less if it didn't follow a single canon or go detail-for-detail I guess I don't get it

You have a goodnight too! I'll see you then
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