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Old 09-23-2017, 07:56 PM
Elite Fan

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I did The wedding was acually not bad, about 15 minutes and it was outside A little too warm but not enough to complain about. The reception however was like 3 hours at least But it's my cousin and I'll do about anything for family, so there's that.

Yeah, I get a lot around then too and even if I'm already in pain the winter doesn't help which is why the heat is a blessing sometimes

Yeah, it's a total mess, I still ask myself why I still bother Honestly it's only because the comics and first two seasons of the show now that I fell so in love with that I watch, I remember when I would talk months and months on message boards and couln't wait to watch live.. just none of that anymore is fun. Honestly the show should have been cancelled last year but AMC wants to ride the zombie wave out because personally I think the channel is screwed after that It could have been so much better!

Did you ever happen to read one of the emails that Darabont supposedly sent? He read a script and emailed someone at AMC and said "I was handed a script today and it was so ****ing stupid I wanted to find the guy and strangle him in his sleep" (about someone working on TWD) or something It was hilarious and true.

Talk to you later! Have a good day
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