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Old 03-01-2010, 09:53 AM
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Thank you. I like how everyone (well FE-ers anyway) love to say this is Freddie's POV and that's why we didn't see any of Effy's perspective and that's why Freddie took care of her the best he could, but when it comes to her family/friends caring, they simply don't because none of them were there. You can't have it both ways. It's utterly ridiculous to say Freddie is the only person who cares for Effy. There have been plenty of instances that told me otherwise, but go ahead and keep overlooking them if it makes you feel better.
Well whose pov was it Sheph? Not Effy's for sure.
Freddie would have taken care of her the best that he could,not matter whose pov the story was being told from.
And regarding her friends/family who was actually there? The best effort I saw was from Katie,KATIE.
Maybe it's ridiculous for you,but in this episode I didn't see that much care/interest from anyone else,maybe in Effy's episode we will but for now I can't see it.
I don't need to feel better,I already feel great,thanks
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:54 AM
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Thank you. I like how everyone (well FE-ers anyway) love to say this is Freddie's POV and that's why we didn't see any of Effy's perspective and that's why Freddie took care of her the best he could, but when it comes to her family/friends caring, they simply don't because none of them were there. You can't have it both ways. It's utterly ridiculous to say Freddie is the only person who cares for Effy. There have been plenty of instances that told me otherwise, but go ahead and keep overlooking them if it makes you feel better.
Hi, I'm an FE-er and I don't think Freddie is the only one who cares about Effy. We got to see Cook, Katie, and Anthea caring and I'm sure we'll see everyone else's concern for her in these last 3 eps.
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Karma Police (View Post)
No need to point fingers. Uhm yeah I was one of them and I still think the writing was bad and that the stage they showed Effy at was weird because they should have indicated how bad it was, much more earlier. And if somebody is already at this stage, I'd assume the friends would have realized it earlier.

It's sad how they neglected their friendship this season.

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I know what you mean. I think most people have a problem with the way the severity of her illness was portrayed. And I understand also that people don't think Freddie helped Effy soon enough (it was really strange when she looked at him and said she was happy - I was kind of like 'uh..' - but Freddie was like KBAI). I think Freddie did the best he could in this episode, even though I don't agree with the way he went about it. My main problem with it was again, how they portrayed her illness. It was like JB googled 'crazy illness' and pulled out every stop in the book to a show cinematic level of crazy. IE: pictures on the wall, headshakes, seeing monsters, and a crazy laugh. It was all too over the top for me.

Thanks, babes.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:00 AM
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and oh! there was a total lack of Karen's resident bitch presence too. but i love how she and Freddie's dad was there for him they knew how important Freds was to Freddie and how it must have been for him to undergo something like that again.

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Old 03-01-2010, 10:03 AM
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Maybe it's ridiculous for you,but in this episode I didn't see that much care/interest from anyone else,maybe in Effy's episode we will but for now I can't see it.
You totally and completely missed my point. I'm saying you didn't see many people caring in this episode because it was Freddie's POV. I don't really understand how you could say Cook didn't care either. He asked what was wrong with her a couple times and looked pretty shocked to see her state when he did. For once, Cook minded his own business. Had he done something like try and comfort Effy (when she didn't want it) or show up at the hospital (when only her boyfriend and family were there), you people would still be blaming him for crossing boundaries. It's a lose/lose situation. Cook did the right thing and was there for the person who would let him be there.

Hi, I'm an FE-er and I don't think Freddie is the only one who cares about Effy. We got to see Cook, Katie, and Anthea caring and I'm sure we'll see everyone else's concern for her in these last 3 eps.
Thanks, Ali. I was just making a huge generalization like someone did in the previous thread.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:07 AM
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You totally and completely missed my point. I'm saying you didn't see many people caring in this episode because it was Freddie's POV. I don't really understand how you could say Cook didn't care either. He asked what was wrong with her a couple times and looked pretty shocked to see her state when he did. For once, Cook minded his own business. Had he done something like try and comfort Effy (when she didn't want it) or show up at the hospital (when only her boyfriend and family were there), you people would still be blaming him for crossing boundaries. It's a lose/lose situation. Cook did the right thing and was there for the person who would let him be there.
Can I have my own opinion?
From what I've seen & from what I usually expect from Cook,he didn't care enough for Effy.
I was happy seeing him being there for Freddie but for what concerns Effy I didn't see much care.
I'm not saying he didn't care or that's a fact,I'm just stating how I see it.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:12 AM
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come on everyone, peace and love

TONY!~ there is no way he was going to let something like that happen

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Old 03-01-2010, 10:14 AM
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I'm sure Cook cares for Effy. I think it's silly to think that he didn't/doesn't care. They're friends after all. But my argument was against those who suggested that Freddie was being selfish in hogging Effy and should have told all her friends earlier. I'm saying that Cook (and JJ and Pandora and Thomas for that matter) had opportunities to inquire further - after all, at the carnival neither Freddie nor Effy were telling Katie to back off. Rightly or wrongly (in this case I believe Cook did do the right thing by backing off) Cook left Freddie to handle the situation with Katie's help but the suggestion that Freddie was hogging Effy is ridiculous considering that the events happened within the span of ~24 hours.

Amber - I like Tony. He's my favourite character on Skins ever. But he didn't seem to especially care very much when Effy wasn't speaking. Clearly both him and the rest of the family missed opportunities there for early intervention. (Which again amuses me as to the blame ascribed to Freddie for not acting sooner. Effy had not been speaking for years and her family didn't seem to be particularly concerned! I don't see them being ascribed culpability for not acting sooner.)
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:15 AM
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A Tony mention would be highly appreciated!
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:15 AM
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The episode was from Freddie's POV, so we were only going to see his perspective but I still saw Katie, Cook, and Anthea all show concern for Effy. Even JJ and Thomas asked where she was. We saw Pandora and Katie's reactions at the party when they saw the goodbye on the wall. Freddie and Effy had isolated themselves but that didn't mean their friends didn't care or that Freddie was the only one that cared.

I think there was a reason why they decided to put Effy's breakdown in Freddie's episode. I mean Freddie's mother committed suicide and now the girl he's dating is contemplating it and almost succeeded...that's pretty heavy stuff. All Freddie could think about was that he didn't want to lose Effy. He thought that he could do things differently this time, which is understandable since clearly he hadn't healed from his mother's death. Freddie was not thinking rationally and honestly what character on this show has. He should've asked for help but he was scared. Also I think it showed that no matter what Freddie did for Effy, it didn't matter. The only thing that would help her get better was a doctor. I adored all the things he did for her though and to me that really showed, how much he loved Effy.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:16 AM
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It was shown from Freddie's POV, so why should they give us Effy/other people scenes? In Freddie's mind, nobody else cared, thus the way it was portrayed.

I think most people have a problem with the way the severity of her illness was portrayed.
That was my main problem with the episode. Effy was always portrayed somewhat unstable but the way they portrayed her in last week's episode...I was a bit confused that she was at this stage and that they didn't really have a proper build up for that.

Also my arguments/opinions are not a cheat. Thank you.

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Old 03-01-2010, 10:20 AM
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let's all just relax, we can all agree though that this episode sparked so many points of views and brought to light a very sensitive issue!

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Old 03-01-2010, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by quicksand (View Post)
My main problem with it was again, how they portrayed her illness. It was like JB googled 'crazy illness' and pulled out every stop in the book to a show cinematic level of crazy. IE: pictures on the wall, headshakes, seeing monsters, and a crazy laugh. It was all too over the top for me.
To me those things had a decent purpose, not random stuff picked up from googling at all. Like wall pics represent the art project from s2, having unseen monsters around goes with the voices in her video diary. The crazy laugh, do you mean when Freddie finds her in Anthea's room doing the collage? That seemed to fit the context, it was a nervous sort of laugh. I can understand it not seeming right to some viewers, but all those aspects worked for me.

JB didn't write this one tho, he gets his crack at mental illness with Effy's ep That one will probably be controversial too

Even JJ and Thomas asked where she was. We saw Pandora and Katie's reactions at the party when they saw the goodbye on the wall.
Agreed, but I did think it was a bit ridiculous they all peaced out after Anthea called. How would you not stick around to see that she's ok when there's a big goodbye on the wall and her bf's just run off like something urgent is going on? That seemed clueless, but not bad intentioned.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:23 AM
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They built it up as well as Skins can when theres only 8 episodes and they're more character based. They showed the start of it in Katies episode and where it had progressed to by Freddies.

I know other people care about Effy. We're going to see those people in her episode I am very very sure. But I'm not sure what we could say about it in this one. Like Justin said, it all went down in a matter of 24 hours. Its not like Freddie was keeping her locked up in her own house. She did that on her own actually.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:23 AM
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It was like JB googled 'crazy illness' and pulled out every stop in the book to a show cinematic level of crazy. IE: pictures on the wall, headshakes, seeing monsters, and a crazy laugh. It was all too over the top for me.
That laugh was a bit OTT lol. The other things didn't bother me. I kind of loved the wall. Your icon is gorgeous, btw.
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