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Old 01-08-2009, 01:53 PM
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Yay to free shoes! Black pinstripe sounds cool. I have two pairs. Black with pink rim, and another that's grey with a skull and crossbones background print, and pink flowers over the top. I wouldn't say I'm a tomboy, since I do like girly things but I'm not a girly girl, if you know what I mean. Like, make up? Nuh uh. Not going there! My mum has to chase me around the house with eyeshadow whenever we're going out, but I just hide behind my dad and get him to defend me!

And to mostly positive reviews. I was afraid it was gonna get slammed, so I'm really glad it's not doing so badly and that JA's getting praised. Yay!

Originally Posted by Wynter (View Post)
What've you been up to this past week anyway, hun?
Not much. Wasting time mostly. I have an essay to write. It's due in February but I was hoping to get it done this holiday so I wouldn't have to worry about it later, but in the past three days all I've managed to do is an intro! How about you? Did you hand in your sci-fi essay ok?
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Old 01-08-2009, 02:30 PM
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Sumona I am not a big Lois fan, I don't hate her like I do with Lana, but something about her bugs me. You know I expect the Clark/Lois romance to happen, but to mess with Chloe's character to help achieve that is ridiculous! I hate that she's not working at DP anymore, and it always annoyed me that Lois waltzed right in and got a job no problem when Chloe actually worked for it. I don't understand why they both can't work there either, it's lame. And I wouldn't probably have such an issue with C/L if it wasn't being all forced like it sounds it is.

Even though we're not gonna get Chlark, I'd at least still want to have the smart, kickass Chloe we've known for the past seven years.
So much word! I really don't have any desire to catch up now if Chloe is acting all out of character, I hate when shows do that.

Sadia I finished the series. Spike in S5 was fantastic!! He and Angel are so hilarious together. The Girl in Question was a riot, I have serious love for that episode. All the flashbacks to when The Immortal screwed with them before with Darla and Dru!! And the jackets they were given! ha, I was dying.

I understand your issues with S4. I agree, I mean it plays into 'everything happens for a reason' and that's not something I believe. I don't think things are predetermined, I think we have more say in the matter. So yeah it was annoying hearing that everything that took place previously was for Jasmine to be born. And OMG Connor/Cordy make me sick, that was painful to watch. Like you said she was a mother figure, she held him in her arms when he was a newborn! Ick. Watching them have sex was just wrong, I felt like Phoebe in that one Friends episode where she sees Chandler and Monica through Ross's apartment window 'My eyes, my eyes!' And then poor Angel has to see them too.

It is nice getting episodes like Spin the Bottle, especially when there's so much darkness you need something light every once in a while.

The series finale was amazing! I just love how they all came together, then parted to fight a battle, and reunited to take on what was coming. The whole S5 was great, though very depressing with the deaths of Cordy, Fred, and then Wesley. After I was done I was like Nooo, that can't be it.

That's interesting about the inter-trimester period. I had just assumed you were back in classes. That's cool you won't be until the 9th! Good luck with that exam next week sweets. I hope it goes alright.
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Old 01-08-2009, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by SmilinStar (View Post)
I wouldn't say I'm a tomboy, since I do like girly things but I'm not a girly girl, if you know what I mean.
That's exactly the way I am And the extent of my knowledge on make-up is black eyeliner, lol. I don't mind it in general, but I'm fairly hopeless at it. My sister knows more about all that kinda stuff than I do!

Your Converse sound awesome, by the way

Originally Posted by SmilinStar (View Post)
Not much. Wasting time mostly. I have an essay to write. It's due in February but I was hoping to get it done this holiday so I wouldn't have to worry about it later, but in the past three days all I've managed to do is an intro! How about you? Did you hand in your sci-fi essay ok?
You have an essay due for February and you're writing it already? There lies the difference between you and me, I wouldn't even bother about that until probably the week before it was due! But that's not a good way to do stuff, so kudos. Yeah, I got my essay handed in fine, thanks! Had to take it to uni to print it off, and I had an initial panic because I thought the file wasn't going to open on the PC, but it did, so phew! It was all good, and my friends and I went to Frankie and Benny's for lunch afterwards, yum We were all pretty tired though, so we called it a day fairly quickly, haha.

When're you officially back at uni, by the way?

Natasha The Girl in Question is what I wanted to talk about before but I restrained myself incase you hadn't seen it, but I FREAKING LOVE that episode!!!! It's one of my favourites, and that whole slow-motion fight in the bar, ending with the punch on the nose is one of my favourite scenes ever Also, the moped!! You know Dracula's moped in Monster Movie from SPN totally made me flash back to the two of them on it

Originally Posted by colorful_dust (View Post)
Watching them have sex was just wrong, I felt like Phoebe in that one Friends episode where she sees Chandler and Monica through Ross's apartment window 'My eyes, my eyes!' And then poor Angel has to see them too.
OMG, I know, my heart broke for him when he saw that! It was such a shame, Cordy was the first woman he loved after Buffy and then to have that basically stolen from him, by his SON? Urgh. Bad bad bad. How annoying was Connor in that season, by the way? He really got to me, but the thing is, I really liked him in his little comeback in S5, and I was like "why couldn't he have been like that when he was a regular?!"

Nice comparison by the way, that scene was definitely an eye-burnage one

Originally Posted by colorful_dust (View Post)
It is nice getting episodes like Spin the Bottle, especially when there's so much darkness you need something light every once in a while.
Randomly about that episode, I watched the commentary and apparently it was just as hilarious filming it, David talked about how they kept making each other laugh and in one of the scenes in the hotel, they couldn't look at each other because they kept cracking up. I think it's easy to spot if you rewatch it and notice how whenever someone talks, he refuses to actually look at the others for fear of bursting out laughing

Originally Posted by colorful_dust (View Post)
The series finale was amazing! I just love how they all came together, then parted to fight a battle, and reunited to take on what was coming. The whole S5 was great, though very depressing with the deaths of Cordy, Fred, and then Wesley. After I was done I was like Nooo, that can't be it.
I know, I love the finale I remember the first time I watched it, I was in shock for ages afterwards like "...did it just end? Seriously, did it just stop right there? When the battle was gonna start? IS IT OVER?!" It's epic though, I love how each played their separate part. I agree about the awesomeness of S5, it's one of the best of the show. I'm glad Cordy came back, even if they did kill her again And the Fred/Wesley stuff was just Shakespearean tragic. Though Illyria is VERY cool. Oh, but how awesome was it seeing Andrew again?!

Thanks for the luck, my dear, I'm going to need it! It's a 3-hour Modern Scottish History exam, I think I might just die.
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Old 01-08-2009, 07:15 PM
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Sadia Oh that's funny you wanted to mention The Girl in Question, yeah definitely one of my favorites, that episode well all the Spike/Angel stuff was funnier than countless episodes of sitcoms. OMG the moped, yes! I just saw an icon of that scene and it cracked me up. I totally remember you mentioning SPN reminding you of something in Angel, ah, it all makes sense now.

Yeah, I tried liking Connor, I really did because I understood *some* of the time where he was coming from, but damn he didn't make it easy. I wanted to smack him a lot of the time because I felt for Angel so much and what he was going through. His episodes in S5 were awesome! I was very happy to see him back and get those memories restored and accept them, Angel needed that. And he came back to help his dad. So sweet.

That commentary sounds like a fun one. I can imagine the episode wasn't an easy one to get through, now I want to go back and watch it again to spot that scene.

Cordy coming back for that one episode was great, her last scene with Angel was sooo sad. I cried. This show made me cry a lot. The Fred/Wesley stuff just hurt, really badly. OMG the way she died in his arms, her last line 'Why can't I stay?' I won't ever get over it!!! Then Wesley's death was equally just as sad, how Illyria took Fred's form.

Illyria was a really interesting character, I would have loved to see more from her.

Andrew is made of such win! I floved seeing him back and all wise. Him hugging Spike was the best. And omg in the first episode he came back in when he pulled out that lunch bag with his name and flag on it I died. And every time he pronounced vampire!! Love him.

You're welcome. Eeek, that does not sound like fun at all. 3 hours??
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Old 01-08-2009, 07:50 PM
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Natasha I dont really have a favorite *Shrugs* if its sweet and tasty I eat it But I will admit at Disneyland I bought this candy in a bottle type thing (Its supposed to be a treasure Pirate bottle thing) and THATS the favorite of what I have it sort of tastes like Runts but a bit sweeter
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Old 01-08-2009, 11:11 PM
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Melissa - Yeah, I looked at Starbucks today and they don't. I'll have to remember next year.

Natasha - Season 1 only has 11 episodes, so I have 5 more to watch. I heard filming for Season 2 starts this week. Probably won't air for quite awhile though.

Sumona - I totally agree.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will get to it eventually. I'm with you as you know on Clois. And Lex was my fave (aside from Chloe), so I knew that was another strike against the season.

Fangirl!Twin Thanks. Yep, he did enjoy it so it was all good. He really aggravates me about movies sometimes though. he gets something in his head against a movie and there's no changing his mind.

Zooey has done alot of stuff...........some mainstream but alot of it has been indies and smaller stuff.

I can't believe you've never watched Alias.

hee...............yay for a student discount. There are still deals to be had. I know the theaters and times that are the best prices. But, sometimes you want to go at night and that's when it's most expensive. But, yeah, the movie lovers we are I know we won't stop going.

I've seen 6 episodes so far, so half the season. I'm loving it. Who is your fave? Who do you ship? You know I gotta ask those questions.

It's worth at least a one time watch. It's cute if nothing else. All the girls are great.

I'm excited for Dollhouse too!

I'm glad you're enjoying S60. The writing was pretty sharp and great cast of course.
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Old 01-09-2009, 03:24 PM
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Melissa - I love Disneyland candy. That sounds good.

Mel - Awesome you're more than half way through and will definitely be caught up by the time S2 airs.
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Old 01-09-2009, 07:13 PM
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Natasha, I loved seeing Connor come back to help his dad! I loved that when he got his memories back, he actually appreciated the sacrifice Angel made in giving him up so he could have a better life. It was refreshing to see him act mature instead of the whiny, spoiled brat we got in the previous season.

Don't worry, I cried a lot too I still can't get through even S1 without bawling at Doyle's death, it's so tragic!!! I loved Cordy and Angel's last scene, and it has so much more meaning when you find out about the premonition she gave him The Fred/Wesley thing is a doomed love story And then when Wesley died, and Illyria took Fred's form for him one last time She actually felt genuine emotion and sadness then, that was powerful. I freaking love, though, how she gets up and punches Va-I can't remember the rest of his name, in the face, turning from Fred to her true form in the moment, that was AWESOME!

Andrew is one of my favourite characters, I actually love him SO MUCH! I love how she says "vampyre" And how he tries to act like he knows what he's doing but just fails. I love when he followed Spike and tripped over His episode in S7 of Buffy, Storyteller, is another of my favourites, it's genius.

Yeah, we have to answer questions on 3 topics we've done this past semester, and we get approximately an hour to write each essay. I'm seriously scared about this, since it's a History exam, it means I actually have to remember proper stuff!

Fangirl!Twin At least he enjoyed it, that's something! And haha, his attitude kinda sounds like my dad's Do you just try to avoid arguments, because it's too frustrating?

Aah, Bradley Cooper is an Alias guy? Randomly, I was at the cinema today, and there was a trailer for He's Just Not That Into You, and it has him in it! Very nice The movie looks kinda crap, though, lol. And for general sake, I saw Bride Wars - don't ask, I was outvoted 2-to-1. It was fairly rubbish.

Hahaha, yay for knowing all the good deals! That must come in handy. There's a good one at one of the cinemas here where you pay something like £10 a month for a year and you get to go the cinema as much as you want. I'm going to get it when I finish uni and don't have a student discount anymore, so I can take full advantage, because you're right, we so won't stop

Yay, I'm glad you're enjoying it! And I'm so not surprised at the questions, haha. Well, I love Bill, he's probably my favourite character. Sookie is very cool too, but sometimes she bugs me, so she's not quite a favourite. But I totally ship them! I don't really like Eric, I don't see the appeal. I love Jason, too, even though the boy is an IDIOT. And I love Tara! I actually really like the idea of them together but I don't think that's really going to go anywhere for a while, if ever. Sam was someone I wasn't into at the beginning of the show, but he really grew on me throughout. And I love Lafayette, he's hilarious...does that cover it all? Your turn now!

Jordan and Danny finally kissed, YAY!!! I was bummed after she kept avoiding him, but then they got stuck on the roof, and she left him the note in his watch, so he went after her I'm so happy, hee. Randomly, that was also the episode with Cal and all the animals he got stuck under the stage, which was just hilarious I'm loving how funny the show is, I'm so sad by the fact it was cancelled! Why was that, by the way? Since I didn't watch it at the time, I'm a bit clueless as to what happened. Who were your favourites and ships on it, anyhow?
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Old 01-09-2009, 08:11 PM
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Mel Well if III can remember next year i'll remind You
Natasha Yeah I know Disneyland Candy is the Best I'm suprised I havent eaten the whole bottle yet though *smirks*
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Old 01-10-2009, 06:14 PM
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Natasha - You'll have to check it out eventually.

Fangirl!Twin Yeah, I do because he just doesn't budge. I try sometimes though.

Yep, he was in Alias. I actually really want to see He's Just Not That Into You! It looks cute but it's probably mostly because of the cast.

And I saw Bride Wars too. It was cute. I was in the mood to laugh today so it was nice therapy.

That's a great deal. One of our theater chains did that deal for awhile but I haven't seen it anymore sadly.

The questions are a must. I'm not done watching so some of my opinions may change. I love Jason. You're right, he's an idiot, but he cracks me up so much. I was dieing when he first took the V and drank the whole thing and OD'd. And then when Tara took him to the doctor and he had to be subjected to the needle. I know it's not funny but man. I love Tara too. I'm a bit torn on who I ship her with. I ship her and Jason though I can't really see them together...........until much further along in the show or maybe at the end. I've liked her interaction with Sam as well so I don't know. I love Sam. And Lafayette is great! I sort of ship Sookie/Sam but I also ship Sookie/Bill. I haven't read any of the books but the first one, but I hear Sookie/Sam do happen at some point. Not sure where the show will go. So, yeah, I'm kind of multi shipping a bit right now. I like Sookie and Bill both as well. I just watched the episode where Gran died............amazing episode! all came down to ratings sadly.............they just weren't high enough for nbc. I shipped Matt/Harriet and Jordan/Danny. The guys were probably my favorites.

Thanks Melissa.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

I'm actually off for the whole weekend for the first time in quite awhile.

I saw Bride Wars today and just did alot of running around with my brother and dad. For the rest of the weekend I plan to just relax, sleep, read, and watch TV. I didn't watch DH, Grey's Nip/Tuck, or Damages this week so I have all of those to watch. And I want to keep going with True Blood.
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Old 01-11-2009, 12:12 AM
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Okay this may be way off base for me to ask but I figure this is OT and I need people but I have a "Betty" Ugly Betty Myspace Role play account I know some of you arent interested because I think I asked before but do any of you know anyone that might be *sighs* because i'm desperate here
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Old 01-11-2009, 04:49 AM
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Sadia - It was a huge relief seeing Connor take the news that way instead of turning on Angel or being mad at him like he always was before.

Doyle's death was sooo upsetting!! The end of the episode killed me, man, just thinking about it now makes me want to cry. I wanted him to be on the show longer, he was an awesome character!

She actually felt genuine emotion and sadness then, that was powerful.
Yeah that was quite something, it brought on this incredible aspect to the character.

Storyteller was a great episode, Andrew had me rolling through the entire thing. That scene he had with Anya, in the second to last episode I believe, where they're talking about the big battle and he teases her about loving humans is one of my favorites! And I adored him for telling Xander that she died saving him. He really didn't have to do that, but it spoke volumes that he did.

Uggh, I hate writing essays when I'm being timed. And yeah like you said it's history so there's lots to remember. Do you know what the topics will be ahead of time?

Melissa - How long ago did you get it?

Sorry, I don't know of anyone for the role play.

Mel - I had a feeling it was going on the list.
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Old 01-11-2009, 06:01 PM
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Natasha I got it Last summer But usually My Candy doesnt even last a month due to the fact that not only do III eat it My Nieces and Nephews do as well.
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Old 01-11-2009, 06:24 PM
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Melissa - That's impressive. When I get candy I love it doesn't last long.
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Old 01-12-2009, 12:16 AM
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Like I said mine doesnt usually Either but I hid this from my nieces and Nephews so thats problaby why its still around.
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and curious about life, I can tell that you're special"- Evan "Buck"
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