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Old 01-06-2009, 11:56 PM
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Hey guys

I was wondering if you all can sign a petition for me

Originally Posted by jessica3311
New Nikki Project *URGENT*-"Sign the Nikki Blonsky to Present at the 2009 Golden Globes Petition"

So since we are such supporters of Nikki, I have another little project I know a bunch of us were bummed that the Golden Globes were canceled last year and Nikki and the Hairspray cast couldn't attend. With all the new stuff happening for Nikki, what better way then for Nikki to attend this years Golden Globes as a presenter.

Here is the link to the petition:
Sign the Nikki Blonsky to Present at the 2009 Golden Globes Petition

The Golden Globes is on 1/11/09 so we need as many supporters as possible. Send it to everyone and anyone you know that would want to sign. .

Thanks so much

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Old 01-07-2009, 12:19 AM
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Mel My sister introduced it to me so I'm a newbie to the flavor as well but I totally love it and THIS coming from someone who hates coffee
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:20 PM
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Sumona I stopped watching Heroes too. I've only seen a couple episodes of Smallville this season, I don't know if/when I'll catch up. I wasn't crazy about where things were going either. Who do you like on the show? Chloe's my favorite.

Melissa - Yeah, though there are times where I am really not in the mood for anything sweet.

Mel - That's cool True Blood is so addictive. Did you watch The City?
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Old 01-07-2009, 02:06 PM
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Mel I've loved Michael Vartan since he played the teacher in Never Been Kissed. That's one of my fav chick-flicks.

Natasha My favourite character's Chloe too, and I was a Chlark shipper, hence why I'm so disgruntled with this season. I know Lois and Clark are 'destiny' but they are really forcing it down our throats this season, and they've given Chloe a total personality transplant and it just really aggravates me I could rant about SV all day!
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Old 01-07-2009, 04:46 PM
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I need everyone's help or input. What is the best free anti virus program that you use on your computers? I'm planning on connecting the router to the computer tomorrowish and my laptop will finally get the Internet. I just really want to keep it protected from stupid viruses.
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Old 01-07-2009, 05:28 PM
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Amanda I use the free edition of AVG. I've been using it for over a year, and I think it's quite good. Hope that helps.
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Old 01-07-2009, 07:43 PM
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Natasha see I have a Major sweet tooth which I know is bad but I cant help myself *smirks* my family and Friends always say to me "would you like more Sugar Water" because I put ALOT of sugar in my tea.
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Old 01-07-2009, 08:39 PM
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Sumona Oh yay for your favorite being Chloe. I'm a Chlark shipper too. I've heard some of what's been happening. She kissed Davis while engaged to Jimmy and that she was kidnapped on her wedding day. I don't know much. Has she done a lot of OOC things this season? I don't feel Lois/Clark either, that situation annoys me to be honest since they made Lois her cousin.

Amanda - I hope Sumona was able to help you out, I don't know much about that.

Melissa - That's funny. You sound like my sister, things aren't ever too sweet for her.
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Old 01-07-2009, 10:35 PM
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Melissa - You really have me wanting to try it now.

Natasha - I didn't have time to watch any more eps today. And yep, I did watch The City. Good stuff!

Sumona I love Never Been Kissed too. Such a cute movie and Varty definitely steals your heart,

I haven't watched any of Smallville yet this season. Is it that bad?

Amanda Sorry I have no clue. But, Sumona's rec sounds like a good one.

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Old 01-07-2009, 11:19 PM
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Natasha I'm so bad seriously You should see my Candy Stash here at my Apartment okay GRANTED most of it comes from my trips to Disneyland but still
Mel being as the holidays are over I'm not even sure they sell it anymore but hey *shrugs* theres always next year.
"Talking to you makes me feel really good, and safe,
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Old 01-08-2009, 02:51 AM
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Mel - Hee, you have now. How much is there to catch up on?

Melissa - I don't eat candy very often, but usually when I do I have a bunch of it. What's your favorite?
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Old 01-08-2009, 07:43 AM
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Natasha for being a Chlark shipper too! Yep, Lois just grates on me. And it's not because I'm a Chloe fan, but because of the way they've written her. The whole 'her being Chloe's cousin' just makes it worse. To me, Chloe has been OOC this season. Some would argue it was because of all the stuff that happened with Brainiac but her no longer being interested in journalism is just wrong wrong WRONG. The only reason they did it was because for some silly reason they couldn't have both Lois and Chloe working at the DP, which bugs me no end. Even though we're not gonna get Chlark, I'd at least still want to have the smart, kickass Chloe we've known for the past seven years.

Mel Oh I know, I just loved Sam/Josie in the movie. It was beyond adorable And SV? In many ways it has been an improvement what with Clark more willing to accept his destiny and being generally less mopey and infantile. I'll admit to missing Lex terribly, although Tess is a good baddie and Doomsday is cool too. I'll also admit to the fact that I'm not missing Lana AT ALL , but what I really don't like is the Clois being shoved down our throats. They are being ridiculously heavy-handed with it, so it feels like it's come out of nowhere. I think I could have grown to accept Clois eventually, if the SV writers had just learnt the meaning of the word 'subtlety'.

That was quite a rant.
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Old 01-08-2009, 09:50 AM
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Hey girls!! Sorry once again for my abandonment over the past few days, but thanks for being so lovely about it, and for looking after the place while I've been gone! Ok, so big catch-up time, lol.

Bestie Your new shoes sound awesome! That's too funny about what your sister said to you, I get the same thing off my mum I'm definitely not a heels kinda girl, give comfy flats any day. The kinda shoes I saw were (unsurprisingly) skater-type trainers, like Etnies and DC, there were a few good ones on sale, and also Rocket Dog slip-ons, which I LOVE. They're the comfiest shoes in the world and they're really quite funky and cool. Also Babychams, which I want so badly. They're so colourful and quirky!!! But I'm gonna save a bit more money before I spend it all on shoes.

And yeah, the dress in the picture was the one I meant! I totally feel you on the whole dress-wearing issue, haha. And seriously, that HMV sounds AMAZING. I'd never be out of it if I lived near it. Go you and your self control, by the way! I can't show any when it comes to HMV, for about the past 8 years, every time I go in, I buy something. I have so an HMV whore.

Fangirl!Twin That's a shame about Yes Man! Did your brother enjoy it at least, since you guys put up with it for him? I haven't seen Zooey Deschanel in anything apart from Elf, to be honest, but she was good in that. And I don't know who Bradley Cooper is but after seeing you and Sumona's slight squeeing about him, I feel like I'm missing something, haha. I feel you on high priced tickets though, they're fairly expensive here too. But the good thing is I get a student discount so I pay a reasonable sort-of price, even if it is higher than it used to be. I'm not looking forward to not being a student anymore and having to pay proper prices, especially considering how much I go to the cinema, I'll be broke all the time!

I saw you said you were starting True Blood Have you watched much of it so far? What do you think of it? It's one of the shows I'm most looking forward to coming back later this year!

Interesting about Sisterhood 2, it's a shame they messed up the books for you. I haven't read them so that won't be an issue, but I'm sorry it wasn't as good as the first. Hmm, I will still watch it, for America, but I don't think I'll expect much.

Soulmate This is totally late, but you're welcome, I'm glad you like it! And the hug picture just had to go in there, I remember you and Hestia talking about this a while ago, lol, and how there were so many. It's true though, I don't do it as much anywhere else either.

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply in here! That's hilarious about you taking breaks in between replying, I do the same, lol. That's actually why I didn't reply here after my crazy posting over the whole board the other day, because I knew it would take the longest time and proper concentration, so I left it til I felt prepared for it I totally agree with you about needing to reply to everything though, we rock like that *hugs and high five* This post actually took me a stupidly long time to write 'cos my internet kept screwing up in between, grr arg. And ack, OT but I'm drinking Capri Sun and just had a choking fit.

Aah, your Ruby-hate makes me so happy, lol. I totally agree about how GC changed the role, I agree KC's version was arrogant and in your face, but this one being all meek and soft-spoken just...ARGH!!! And when she tries to be a badass, she just fails. And how she's all lovey-dovey over Sam? *shudders* Please, don't make me sick. There is no way I believe she's in love with him, or he with her, that's just absurd and wrong and AWFUL. Even the whole sleeping together thing was just disturbing and completely horrible, but I sort of made my peace with Sam doing it. However, if it turns out it happened more than once, or if it happens again...I will cut a bitch, I swear.

And that's okay about the spoiler thing, I understand why you assumed that, lol *hugs*


About Misha, heh, I probably would've been a fan if he'd been evil or not, yeah, lol. We are totally hopeless. But if his character had been evil and trouble for the boys, I definitely wouldn't have liked him. But I'd still think he was hot I'm so predictable that way! I'm beyond happy that his character has been so amazing though, I don't think anyone has ever loved a guest on that show as much as they have with him. It's like, he appeared at the end of LR and then the fandom exploded XD

I also cheered when Uriel called Ruby a demon whore, I was like "woo-hoo!" And a stain, lol. I love how much he hates her, I just wish he could've smited her ass when he had the chance. I LOVE Dean and Castiel's dynamic by the way, but in a platonic way, I don't slash them. But they're so awesome, I loved that Uriel mentioned the weakness thing. And then Dean saved Castiel at the end of the episode, YAY!! I can't wait to see what happens with them next. I agree about Anna and Dean's interaction, but I'm going to have to pass on Jo, lol. I'm sorry hun but I wasn't really a fan!

Randomly, ONE WEEK LEFT TIL THE RETURN OF SPN!!! I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! *cheers and bounces*

You should definitely watch Sin City when you get a chance, it's excellent. It's like watching a live-action graphic novel on the screen, it's SO good. And the cast is just amazing! I love Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke in it especially, and their storylines, but the whole movie just pieces together so well. And hee, mad love for Matt Damon!!! I freaking love him, he's one of my guys, lol. He definitely has a bigger role in this film, it's actually hilarious. I quite liked Ocean's Twelve too, though! I know a lot of people like yourself didn't enjoy it but I also rewatched that recently (I rewatched the whole trilogy), and I'd forgotten how funny it was, there were loads of laugh-out-loud moments for me.

Have you ever watched the Friends blooper reels? They're as funny as the show itself, and there's a BRILLIANT one to do with the napping scene, I was in stitches the first time I saw it. I love how close the cast was and how much fun it looked like they had together. I wish they'd do a movie!!!

I love that after you give the scrapbook to your sister, you never want to see it again XD I'm sure you love it really, lol :-P Have you guys finished with it now, and did your sister like it? I hope she did, and she didn't say anything less in front of you two, 'cos I can just imagine death-glares if she said she liked it but thought you could've done better XD

Hahaha, hopeless indeed with you falling for Chris Pine's hotness :-P But I don't blame you, 'cos I know I'll do the same for Star Trek, lol! It's funny you mentioned the American Office, because I have been thinking about watching that for a while now, and I love Steve Carrell too, so I definitely want to!

I'm glad to hear about Valkyrie, I think I might end up seeing that. I don't really like Tom Cruise, but he's a good actor.

My weekend was okay, thanks love. I had that big essay to do so after I worked on Saturday, I pretty much spent all my time downstairs, holed up in the living room with my laptop, trying to write it. It was a nightmare - since Friday night to yesterday, I'd slept about 22 hours in total, but I caught up with a lot of it last night, so it's all good! I feel a bit better today.

Just randomly, I am SO excited for Dollhouse!! TV is what Joss does best so I cannot freaking wait for the show to start, it'll be awesome. I just hope it's given a chance and it doesn't get cancelled.

Natasha Spike is like, the best thing about S5 of Angel. EPIC LOVE!!! How far into it are you? He has some seriously classic moments, and especially with Angel, their dynamic is brilliant. They just bicker and fight all the time, I love it! But I won't say more incase it spoils you, hee. That's nice you got to watch the rest of the show unspoiled, though! I agree that you couldn't have seen the Cordy/Angel thing coming, but again, I'm SO ANNOYED that they didn't get their chance! About my issues with S4...


Woah, big rant. Sorry!!! When I said I had issues, I meant it

Spin The Bottle was definitely like Tabula Rasa, which I also loved!! Amongst all the darkness and angst, it was a nice break. And I adored seeing Wesley revert back to his geeky state of S1, considering how serious he'd become. Everything in that episode makes me laugh, I couldn't breathe the first time I saw it!

I'm really glad you're enjoying your break! You deserve to, after the craziness before. And wow, the 21st huh? Nice! Uni technically started back for us this week, but it's the inter-trimester period so there's no real classes on for anyone, just final deadlines and exams. I had my big deadline yesterday, and an exam next week. ARGH! I really hate exams But the good thing is after that, I'm not back for the new semester until the 9th February

Bestie, I saw the MBV trailer for the first time on TV recently too!!!11!!1 I totally freaked out, and my sister told me she'd actually seen it a few times already, so that was exciting. OOH, and yesterday, my friends and I went past our local cinema yesterday, and they had a big pop-out stand-up for it outside!!! I totally freaked out again But they know how excited I am for this and why, so they just laughed. Seriously, I cannot wait, there's only a week left for it now! I'm so nervous though, because I know the horror/gore is going to kill me.

Jess! I already signed the petition, but I like how you're spreading the word Good luck with the rest of it!

Amanda I second Sumona's suggestion, the free edition of AVG is excellent. You can download it here, I hope that helps!

Randomly, for anyone else who is a fan, I started watching Studio 60, and I freaking LOVE it!! It's so sarcastic and witty and funny, very much my kinda thing. I love Matt and Danny, both together and individually, that goes without saying, but I also love Jordan, and I'm totally rooting for her and Danny to get together. I kinda started seeing the sparks in the 2nd, or 3rd episode, and last night, I watched the Christmas episode, where he told her he was falling in love with her, which made me so happy!!! So now I'm like "bring it on" I don't know anything about what happens though, so don't spoil me, please!

Aaaand, I think I'm finally done Phew! I'm off to eat, that took a lot out of me
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Old 01-08-2009, 11:36 AM
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Bestie I'm not surprised that took a lot out of you, that was an epic post!

I had a feeling the shoes you wanted would be colourful, quirky and flat! Yeah, I live in my converse, hence why I walk horridly in shoes. My friend said I looked like a duck when I was trying the shoes on in the shop and walking around! And the Oxford St HMV is awesome. They have an entire floor of DVDs, and boxsets for every single show. I go a little loopy in there.

Yep, I'm both excited and terrified at the prospect of going to see MBV. I know critics prob won't look favourably on the movie, what with it being a horror remake, but I hope they at least say good things about JA, enough that he gets some worthy recognition in the media. Also, I am so looking forward to seeing him on all those talkshows he's gonna be on this week! Squeeeee!!!!!
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Old 01-08-2009, 01:03 PM
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Hee yeah, I'm predictable that way, aren't I? My aunt always calls me a tomboy But that doesn't mean I'm not girly at times, too! I love Converse too, though, I have a pair of black pinstripe ones. They were actually my sister's but she wore them once and decided she didn't want them, so I got them! I was like "free shoes, I'm not complaining" Don't feel too bad about apparently looking like a duck because I can't walk in heels either!

Actually my dear, there's been a few reviews out about the movie already, and they've been quite good so far! I'm really glad and relieved, because like you said, horror remakes and some horrors in general can get slated for just being awful. Which is fair enough if they are bad. But nah, MBV seems to be doing well. There was one review that was less favourable than the others, but Jensen got a special mention for his performance, so yay! I think it'll do okay, at least

What've you been up to this past week anyway, hun?
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