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Old 01-19-2009, 09:33 PM
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Yeah like I said I might go see it and leave before the end
Ugh I really hate not having my internet typing stuff out on my Iphone is so hard
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Old 01-19-2009, 10:05 PM
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Fangirl!Twin - I hate it when I lose a post. Arrgh. Very frustrating.......especially when it's a long one.

Yep, Dexter was based on a book also. I actually haven't read them. But, my friend gave them to me for Christmas so I will at some point. I have so many books to read right now.

Well considering they aren't going to keep the books and the show the same I don't think you have to worry. Gossip Girl is like that too. The show is very different from the books though they use elements from the books here and there.

Enjoy the movie. Look forward to hearing what you think. It wasn't scary to me at all though. But very suspenseful.

That's what I've heard about the Wrestler. I can't wait to check it out for myself.

I might check Role Models out on DVD.

Sumona - I just got got done watching SpN. Nice to have our boys back.

I read your post Sadia about the episode and no surprise my thoughts echo yours. Except for enjoying it being a MOTW episode. They really tend not to be my favorite though there have been some great ones. And I do like the scare/horror elements they sometimes offer.

Melissa - Yeah, it's hard to type alot on those.
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Old 01-20-2009, 12:59 AM
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Sumona Hee, yeah for making sense. I never understood Clark's fascination over Lana, ugggh. Chloe's so interesting and intelligent with passions and personality.
I've watched some Chlark videos before, but OMFG that was breathtaking! One of the best videos I've ever seen. Thank you so much for linking me to it. Wow. I loved the voiceovers at the end, beautiful. What they have is real, honest, and true.

I want to let you in on a little secret, Clark. I'm not who you think I am. In fact, my disguise is so thin, I'm surprised you haven't seen right through me. I'm the girl of your dreams masquerading as your best friend. Sometimes I want to rip off this façade like I did at the Spring Formal, but I can't because you'll get scared and run away again. So I decided that it's better to live with the lie than expose my true feelings. My dad told me there are two types of girls: the ones you grow out of, and the ones you grow into. I really hope I'm the latter. I may not be the one you love today, but I'll let you go for now, hoping one day you'll fly back to me. Because I think you're worth the wait.
I love this I had to quote it.

Hey Mel I was kind of disappointed SPN was a MOTW too, especially for it being the first one back since the hiatus. I wanted the bigger storylines to move forward more.

Sadia Thanks, nice being back. I got sick last week, but I'm feeling better now, just tired mostly. Other than that my break has been great, lots of relaxing which is of course awesome. I am ready to go back to school, I loved the time off, but I'm excited about my classes.

Too funny you think Roseanne was part of your childhood. I didn't watch it when it originally aired, a few years back I watched a lot of reruns on TV.

Hee, thanks for linking your thoughts on SPN, I loved reading them. I liked it, but I was hoping it wouldn't be a MOTW episode. Dean's reveal at the end was completely heartbreaking. But definitely understandable, can't say I was expecting to hear that though.

And also when Danny started playing catch with some unseen force in his wardrobe. WTF?! Is he mental?! You don't just sit and play, you run in the other direction, stupid!
That's what I was thinking!

I would be fine with NEVER seeing that image of sis biting into a live rat ever again, kthxbye.
Ewwwww, yeah I had to look away, that was the creepiest thing for me.

Because if he didn't feel guilt, and didn't seem affected by what had happened in Hell, then we'd have reason to be worried that he'd never get better. But he does, because that's just the type of person he is, and I have faith that gradually, he'll turn back into the Dean we know and love.
Very good point. And I completely agree.
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Old 01-20-2009, 04:14 AM
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Bestie Sometimes it has been! But then it can usually be covered in snow through some of spring aswell I was saying to some people yesterday, I'm sure it'll snow again, but at a stupid time like March/April. And it's usually heavy snow too!

And snow really is so beautiful, particularly when it's on tree branches and on the ground in one big unspoilt blanket.
Totally agree with this, lovely description!

Ha, yay for Cineworld! I do love it, I think it's the cheapest cinema we have in Edinburgh. But considering a student ticket is £4.50, isn't saying that much, but it's something, at least And it's the only cinema that has a 3D screen, so you gotta love it I hope you get a chance to do more fanfic writing soon! I'd love to read something new from you, your stuff is always so amazing Hee, I think I have an idea of what you'd like, I can't promise anything yet but I shall try to deliver

Melissa, I feel your pain! I don't have an iPhone but one of my best friends does, and the last time we met up he made me write out an email for him because essentially my grammer is better , and it was such a pain trying to get used to typing on it! And then I lost the whole thing and had to do it again, I wasn't happy I don't envy you, haha.

Fangirl!Twin, I'm just glad my last post wasn't of epic proportions like they tend to be sometimes!

Ah, that's cool! What's the first book called? You'll have to let me know what you think when you get round to reading it. I feel you on having too much to read, my bookcase is full of unopened books. I'm actually re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia right now, 'cos my sister was reading them for the first time and I felt nostalgic, so I got her to lend me then. They're classics!

I remember you talking before about how different the Gossip Girl books are I'd like to read those too but I don't know if I'd enjoy it, because I have a feeling I'd keep picturing the people from the show as the characters, and that'd be weird.

It wasn't scary to me at all though.
That's because you're immune to all things scary, you big Queen of Horror! But you know me, littlest thing and it'll scare the crap out of me, so I don't know how I'll handle all this in 3D I saw a trailer for this new horror called The Unborn yesterday, and I jumped at that!

MOTW episodes aren't usually my favourite either Mel, but sometimes when the show has been heavy on the mythology, it's nice to just get back to the simplicity of them, y'know? This one was seriously lacking on the brotherly stuff though, which I didn't like at all.

Natasha, I'm sorry you were sick! That sucks, but I'm glad you're better now I hope you get some rest so you're not too tired before school again. What're your classes this term?

By the way Roseanne might've been a part of my childhood but I haven't seen it in YEARS so I barely remember it anymore! I don't know if that still counts

Yeah, TPTB that SPN headquarters have a lot of making up to do, for the lack of brother stuff in the last episode, but really for the lack of brother stuff in the season as a whole, so far. The boys have never been this distant before and it is actually killing me watching them just drift away from each other. They're at the heart of the show, how much of this can we put up with?!
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Old 01-20-2009, 05:39 PM
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Hey guys!!!!!! I know it's been two weeks now since I last posted in full. I was supposed to get caught up this weekend, but things are back to being super crazy. My cousin came to visit for the weekend and then we spent the whole MLK day yesterday dress shopping for my sister. She found her dress!! Did I mention my other sis got engaged? I don't remember, but she did a little after our other sis got married. It's crazy! Anyway, her wedding stuff have already begun to monopolize my free time even though she promised we'd wait five months after the other wedding, haha. Um, sorry for being so random. I just wanted to explain a little as to why I disappeared again this time. Back to my main point, I MISS you guys and hope to get caught up on Friday. (I have a test, paper, and quiz before then so I don't have time at the moment. )

Anyway, I hope everyone is awesome! P.S. Soulmate, your icon OWNS!
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Old 01-20-2009, 07:01 PM
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Sadia - Oh thanks It helped that I was able to stay home when I was sick and that I didn't have school or anything. I'm going to really try hard to go to bed early tonight because I don't want to be falling asleep on the first day of class. Tomorrow I have two classes, calculus and philosophy. Those are the only classes I'm taking on campus. And I'm taking two online which are psychology-counseling (multicultural issues/America) and sociology (cultural and racial minorities). I did some stuff for the online ones today. So now your regular classes start in February right? What have you been up to?

Sure it still counts. I won't quiz you.

Gosh, I know. I've really loved the way they dealt with Dean coming back from Hell, bringing on the angels and all that, but we do need more Dean/Sam togetherness. I hope we do get lots this week.

Steph Aww, sounds like you are crazy busy, good luck with all the school stuff. Congrats to your sis on her engagement. I hope it doesn't take over all your free time though.
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Old 01-20-2009, 07:41 PM
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Mel I know its just UGH lucky we hardwired my moms laptop from the Modem to the computer so atleast I can talk more on here its easier then the phone
Sadia Its hard but atleast I can get on the internet while my stupid internet isnt working *sighs*
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Old 01-20-2009, 11:15 PM
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Natasha Yep, you know how I feel about those..............especially when we're coming back from a hiatus. Dean's scene at the end was certainly interesting though. Jensen has been so fabulous this season.

I've been meaning to ask you if you've heard about the Veronica Mars movie?

Fangirl!Twin The first Dexter book is called Darkly Dreaming Dexter and is by Jeff Lindsay. And yeah, I'm so bad about books. I keep buying them even when I have tons I haven't read. I've actually been wanting to re-read The Chronicles of has been ages since I've read them. Definitely classics.

Well I feel like that now reading the True Blood books. I'm picturing the characters/actors on the show.

That's true..............I don't scare easily.

That Unborn trailer played on TV so much here. Pretty freaky.

I hate it when the brotherly stuff is lacking.

Steph Thanks for the update.

That's good Melissa.
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Old 01-21-2009, 08:11 AM
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SOULMATE!!! I've missed you so much lately, where have you been?! That's crazy your other sister is now engaged, but also awesome, congratulations to her! Poor you though, because it barely feels like the other wedding has finished, and now you're stuck in wedding planning all over again Good luck!

GOOD LUCK with your paper, test and quiz! Man that's a lot to do And thanks! Although you missed my previous icon, I have a feeling that would've made you laugh too

Hopefully catch you with you soon!

Natasha Not having anything to do when you're ill is the best I hope you got to bed on time and your first day back at school wasn't too hardgoing! By the way, your classes sound really interesting When I did Modern Studies in high school, one of the topics we looked at was ethnic minorities in America, I really enjoyed that topic, so cool stuff!

Yeah, my timetable starts officially on the 9th, but the week before that I have to go in for a inter-trimester meeting thing, and also our tutor has organised some course-related stuff for us, like a career talk and creative writing class, which could be interesting. I haven't been doing much, to be honest, I've been to the cinema like four times already Chilling and watching movies is the way to go! I also want to find a new job so I'm going to go out tomorrow and trawl the town with my CV, see what I can find.

It's the magician episode this week, right? I still can't get over the title of that episode Hopefully it'll be a good one!

Melissa, that sucks your internet isn't working! I'd go crazy if mine's was down, what's the problem?

Fangirl!Twin Thanks for the Dexter book info! I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere. That's too funny you want to re-read the Narnia books too It turns out another friend of mine is actually re-reading them now aswell! Our brains are all on the same wavelength!

See, that's my worry! Does it bug you that you're picturing the actors as the characters, or is it an enjoyable reading experience anyway?

Mel, I saw it yesterday and OMG SQUEEEEEEEEEE, IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!! I squeed more about it here, if you want to know what I thought, but I just have to point out, I WASN'T AS TERRIFIED AS I THOUGHT I'D BE!!! Honestly, even sitting in the cinema with my friends before the movie started, I nervously squeed "I'm so scared!!" , but even though there were a couple of moments that made me really jump, the scares/gore didn't bother me that much! I'm shocked! But in general, totally loved the film, thought it was great

We saw the trailer for The Unborn again yesterday before MBV, and it actually looks really creepy! My friend seems to think it might be inspired by one of the Goosebumps short stories, which had a similar story about a twin who died but was living in the mind of the other twin I was like "I don't think it's quite Goosebumps, but maybe." Also, we saw a trailer for Friday the 13th, which totally made me squee!

I think next on the list of films to watch is Seven Pounds, though
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Old 01-21-2009, 11:39 AM
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It's Lost day!!!!

I'm so freaking excited.

Fangirl!Twin You're welcome. And whenever I do get around to reading it I'll let you know. It will probably be awhile though. And yay for being on the same wavelength. Freaky.

It hasn't bugged me so far. But, there are some noteable differences..........namely Tara is nothing like show Tara.

I read your review/squeeing. I'm glad you loved it and I agree with everything you said about Jensen. And aren't you glad you weren't spoiled? And yay for it not scaring you too much.

I probably won't see Unborn in the theater, but on DVD for sure. It looks creepy. Interesting about the Goosebumps thing (I used to love reading those).

Yay for Friday the 13th

I really want to see Seven Pounds but it's not in the theater here anymore. my mom, dad, and sister all saw it.
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Old 01-21-2009, 07:58 PM
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Sadia I dont know the exact details of it but Comcast came out and fixed it today it had something to do with my router and how it wasnt hooked up right so anyways alls well now.
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Old 01-21-2009, 11:37 PM
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Just got done watching the Lost premier.
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Old 01-22-2009, 02:53 AM
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Mel Dean's scene at the end was unexpected, I was truly surprised to hear it.

Oh too funny, I kept wanting to ask you about the Veronica Mars movie too, but somehow it's managed to slip my mind. I'm glad you brought it up. So yes, I have heard and it's awesome! I know there's been talk about it ever since the show went off the air but I had doubts it was ever going to happen, I'm happy that isn't the case. The thought of seeing Veronica again is the coolest, she was taken away from us much too soon so to ger her in a movie is amazing.

Sadia I went to bed not early, but not as late as I had been staying up, so it was a little improvement. First day back to school was good, the worst part was hearing my alarm and having to get out of bed, but the actual classes went smoothly. The philosophy class seems like it's going to be a cool one. I'm more interested in each class I'm taking this semester than I was last.
Oh that's awesome that you studied ethnic minorities in America a bit, I think it will be interesting.

The career talk and creative writing class sounds like it could be beneficial. That's nice there are things like that set up before going straight back to your classes. Yay for relaxing and watching lots of movies! Hard to beat that. What have you seen recently?
Good luck with the job search. Are you anxious to find something new?

Yep, it's the magician episode. omg I know the title is so weird. I'm looking forward to it! And UB!
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Old 01-22-2009, 11:16 AM
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Natasha It surprised me too, but I totally felt for him.

I know, I can't believe we didn't mention it to each other sooner. But, yep, so psyched that we're actually going to get it. There was talk of one ever since the show ended but I had kind of lost hope of it really happening so I'm insanely excited it's a go. I can't wait.

Oscar nominations were announced this morning.
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Old 01-22-2009, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Enigma (View Post)
Oscar nominations were announced this morning.
Did Revolutionary Road, Kate Winslet and/or Leonardo Dicaprio get any nominations?
My fandoms are frustrating, angsty, and full of reboots... and yet I keep going back to them.
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