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Old 01-09-2009, 07:13 PM
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Natasha, I loved seeing Connor come back to help his dad! I loved that when he got his memories back, he actually appreciated the sacrifice Angel made in giving him up so he could have a better life. It was refreshing to see him act mature instead of the whiny, spoiled brat we got in the previous season.

Don't worry, I cried a lot too I still can't get through even S1 without bawling at Doyle's death, it's so tragic!!! I loved Cordy and Angel's last scene, and it has so much more meaning when you find out about the premonition she gave him The Fred/Wesley thing is a doomed love story And then when Wesley died, and Illyria took Fred's form for him one last time She actually felt genuine emotion and sadness then, that was powerful. I freaking love, though, how she gets up and punches Va-I can't remember the rest of his name, in the face, turning from Fred to her true form in the moment, that was AWESOME!

Andrew is one of my favourite characters, I actually love him SO MUCH! I love how she says "vampyre" And how he tries to act like he knows what he's doing but just fails. I love when he followed Spike and tripped over His episode in S7 of Buffy, Storyteller, is another of my favourites, it's genius.

Yeah, we have to answer questions on 3 topics we've done this past semester, and we get approximately an hour to write each essay. I'm seriously scared about this, since it's a History exam, it means I actually have to remember proper stuff!

Fangirl!Twin At least he enjoyed it, that's something! And haha, his attitude kinda sounds like my dad's Do you just try to avoid arguments, because it's too frustrating?

Aah, Bradley Cooper is an Alias guy? Randomly, I was at the cinema today, and there was a trailer for He's Just Not That Into You, and it has him in it! Very nice The movie looks kinda crap, though, lol. And for general sake, I saw Bride Wars - don't ask, I was outvoted 2-to-1. It was fairly rubbish.

Hahaha, yay for knowing all the good deals! That must come in handy. There's a good one at one of the cinemas here where you pay something like £10 a month for a year and you get to go the cinema as much as you want. I'm going to get it when I finish uni and don't have a student discount anymore, so I can take full advantage, because you're right, we so won't stop

Yay, I'm glad you're enjoying it! And I'm so not surprised at the questions, haha. Well, I love Bill, he's probably my favourite character. Sookie is very cool too, but sometimes she bugs me, so she's not quite a favourite. But I totally ship them! I don't really like Eric, I don't see the appeal. I love Jason, too, even though the boy is an IDIOT. And I love Tara! I actually really like the idea of them together but I don't think that's really going to go anywhere for a while, if ever. Sam was someone I wasn't into at the beginning of the show, but he really grew on me throughout. And I love Lafayette, he's hilarious...does that cover it all? Your turn now!

Jordan and Danny finally kissed, YAY!!! I was bummed after she kept avoiding him, but then they got stuck on the roof, and she left him the note in his watch, so he went after her I'm so happy, hee. Randomly, that was also the episode with Cal and all the animals he got stuck under the stage, which was just hilarious I'm loving how funny the show is, I'm so sad by the fact it was cancelled! Why was that, by the way? Since I didn't watch it at the time, I'm a bit clueless as to what happened. Who were your favourites and ships on it, anyhow?
love is friendship set on fire.
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