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Old 01-22-2009, 06:34 PM
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Hestia - After doing a quick search, Revolutionary Road has 3 nominations and Kate Winslet is nominated for The Reader. No Leonardo though.
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Old 01-22-2009, 08:16 PM
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Mel I watched the First half of the LOST Premier (Missed the second half due to the fact that I was watching CSI NY but i'll catch it at and I SWEAR that show just draws you in ,I'm more Lost then I was before and yeah sure they answered some questions but now More are popping in my head, My latest OKAY SO when they got rescued last season Kate told the Press that she left her Sons father on the Island now assuming she meant Sawyer,
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Old 01-23-2009, 12:34 AM
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Mel It's thrilling! I can't wait until it gets worked on more so we can get some details. I heard that'll it will probably take place around her college graduation, I think that's a good idea. It's going to be interesting since three years would have passed by, I wonder what everyone will have going on.

I wish Leo would have been nominated, he was great.
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:14 AM
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Natasha You're more than wlecome about the video. I just had to share it! It's easily one of the best Chlark vids I've ever seen. The effort that must have gone into it is immense! I love how all the clips are timed to fit with the music and the voiceovers at the end are really beautiful!

And that quote. That's one of my fav SV quotes ever. It's a shame the SV writers screwed it right over in the new season. I hate how they brought it back only to deface it with Clois Urgh

Bestie Have you seen the new ep of SPN? I haven't had a chance yet, need to wait for my sis to get back from work again, but I'm really excited!

Haven't had a chance to watch UB either so I need to go do that too!

And hee. Your icon/sig combo totally wins at everything! I love the irony, considering the fact your reason is totally true, it was just the one time where it wasn't. Same with the kids thing, cos he gets along great with NORMAL kids


Steph! Congrats to your sister on the engagement! Come back soon, we miss you!

How's everyone's been? Had a good week?
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Old 01-23-2009, 06:47 PM
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Sumona There are some seriously talented videomakers out there, it's so impressive.

Originally Posted by SmilinStar (View Post)
And that quote. That's one of my fav SV quotes ever. It's a shame the SV writers screwed it right over in the new season. I hate how they brought it back only to deface it with Clois Urgh
Wait, what? They did? It seems like it's a good thing I haven't seen much from this season.
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Old 01-24-2009, 02:42 AM
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I'm sorry I took this long to catch up! I knew it would take a huge chuck of time and alertness so it was hard to find an ideal time. Anyway, hugs to all, I hope everyone is awesome!

Sumona!! I missed you, too, hun! ER was originally supposed to air its final episode in March (March 12th I think it was), but they recently renewed the show for three extra episodes. The current tentative finale date is April 2nd, I believe. It's going to be a 3-hour event with an hour retrospective with cast members and then the two-hour finale. I'm already dreading the end, but I'm also anxious to see if our Roomies get their happy ending. Right now Shane is only scheduled to do one last episode that's airing in February, but hopefully they extend it to two since we have a longer season. That would be incredible! By the way, you haven't been watching the show since Shane's not on, right? Well, anyway, last week’s episode was really, really good. It was a Neela-centric episode, which was amazing. There were a lot of Ray mentions, too. They're definitely making sure they bring Ray up in every couple of episodes, which is getting my hopes up, but they’re still pimping Brenner and Neela, too. P.S. Because they’re adding those three extra episodes they found a way to write Parminder’s pregnancy into the show! (Did you here that Mindi got married last weekend? *runs around like mad* I’m so happy for her!!)

They completely took Eli Stone off the lineup. It's so sad. There are four episodes left that they filmed and who knows if we'll be able to see them.

Natasha No one really plays sports in my family anymore, except for my dad and his cricket...which I don't regard as a sport too much. My competitiveness is kind of like Kelly from The Office with the ping pong. All smack talk with nothing to back it up, lol.

I have to get up super early two days in the week, but the rest of the days are nice and late! You made an awesome schedule for yourself!! How’s it going with that so far? I’ve taken online classes before and I usually always prefer them to the live ones. I’m so sorry you were sick, by the way! It’s so late after the fact, I know, lol.

OMG, Ross the Divorcer. I love that he tried to make a nickname for himself, but it didn't catch on. Right now all I can think of is that New Years episode where Ross was like "No divorces in 99!!" and someone reminded him that his divorce to Emily hasn't been finalized. LOL. And yeah, I can't believe he was married three times on the show, too, though his marriages to Emily and drunken Rachel didn’t actually have the best beginnings.

Melissa I’m so sorry that you can’t find anyone to be Betty for the RPG.

Mel Thanks about the avie! Roomies icons are like my base right now. Did you hear Clooney finally agreed to come back for the finale? I’m so excited to see Doug and Carol again!!!

You're totally right about Vanessa forgiving Nate so much. I still stand by that he really doesn't deserve her, but V deserves to be happy. And right now Dan and Serena are back together and back to warming my heart, but I know it's not going to last long. The Chuck and Blair stuff have been the most interesting I have to say. Oh, and Erik is totally my favorite character at the moment.

Awesome about True Blood! People seem to be so addicted to that show! Even though I don’t watch, I was so happy for Anna on her GG win. The Globes, by the way, were boring but I loved Kate and SM’s domination. That was the best, especially Kate’s second speech. She and Leo have the cutest friendship. I was dying when she told him that she’s loved him for 13 years and that he has her whole heart while he kept blowing kisses, lol. Other highlights were Ricky being hilarious as usual and seeing Colin Farrell doing so great!

The Oscar nominations had quite a few surprises. I was shocked at the little Revolutionary Road and Clint Eastwood love, but I can’t complain because I was just holding out for SM and Anne Hathaway…which I got. What about you?

I read that Hilary Duff will be doing an episode of Ghost Whisperer so I decided to watch tonight to begin preparing for the scariness. It wasn’t as bad as I thought, but I still got freaked out during a couple parts. It’s really late right now so the freaked out state has intensified into paranoia. Seriously, any noise I hear is making me do a double take. I always wanted to watch GW because I really do adore JLH, but it’s so hard!! I might have to just watch Hilary’s episode and let that be it until I work up the nerve to endure more.

You’re not alone! I really want to see He’s Just Not That Into You, too. The cast looks great and there are quite a few people I adore. My sisters want to see Bride Wars with all the hoopla going on around us and I’m into the idea because of Anne and Bryan.

Jessica, sorry it's so late after you posted the petition.

Amanda This is extremely late, but I use AVG and Spybot. I'm sorry your computer has been giving you problems and I hope everything is resolved now! By the way, did you start watching Boston Legal because you knew Betty White was on the show? I finished season one of BL and I LOVED it! I don't know when school's going to let up so I can continue, but thank you for the recommendation. I love Denny and Alan!! They do have a total bromance. I think the only duos that could rival their love are Cory and Shawn from BMW and JD and Turk from Scrubs.

SOULMATE!! I missed you! And I also feel the need to reply to your convo with Mel, because you need to watch Alias! You’d love it, I’m sure, because it’s so you. Oh, and Bradley Cooper is definitely squeeworthy, along with Michael Vartan.

I’m sorry about your choking fit that was induced by Capri Sun, hun, though it did make me laugh just reading it. I love that you take breaks, too. This is random and maybe a little TMI, but my butt starts to hurt if I’m sitting at the computer for too long, lol.

You know I’m with ya on everything you had to say about Ruby and GC as Ruby which is why Uriel’s total disgust for her joys me. It honestly made me love him more. He’s actually way more badass than her surprisingly. I have to say that I love how they depicted these angels. It’s totally not “Touched by an Angel” or what you would see on other shows. They’re already developed and complex, it’s amazing. And ha, I don’t ship Castiel and Dean either or Sam/Dean. Getting back to my Ruby rant, though, I actually got a little sad at the beginning of this past week’s episode when I saw her name appear at the bottom, haha. I hate that the boys kind of fell out of sync with each other and that they’ve been keeping things from the other. I was in total HATE when Sam met up with Ruby at the end. Oh, and I don’t buy that Sam loves Ruby. I mean when she just arrived at his hotel room he was like, “What are you doing here?” with that annoyed look on his face. About the main s/l of the episode, though, I enjoyed the magicians plot a lot except for the sad ending, but my favorite part was Dean getting all giddy after seeing the executioner act.

Hee. I figured already that you didn’t ship Dean/Jo since you never mentioned her or them. I liked them/her unrequited crush, but it was pretty much doomed to go nowhere.

Aw, I still enjoyed Ocean’s Twelve, but it was a letdown from the first one for sure which was so, so disappointing. I do think the three main guys (George, Brad, and Matt) have tons of chemistry which makes the jokes and everything that much better. Oh, and I love Matt Damon, too! *high five* He’s one of my favorites, as well. He’s talented and takes on great roles, but I love that he doesn’t really seem to take himself too seriously, too. And I love that he’s always doing favors for people like making special appearances in their movies, etc. Sin City does look really different and creative. The cast does sound awesome. I’ve actually never seen Mickey in anything, but there’s so much buzz around him now with The Wrestler so that’s cool he’s in the movie.

I LOVE the Friends blooper reels. I think they might be my favorite ones to watch. The Matts are especially hilarious. I love how they purposely ruin takes all for a good joke. My favorite parts are when someone unintentionally messes up and then one of the guys mocks them in the next take. It’s the best thing ever. Matt and David had some hilarious outtakes like the napping scene and the rock-paper-scissors-fire joke…oh and the meat/cake creation. My favorite blooper from those two is probably the one where Chandler walks into the apartment and the two guys come out from behind the fort and you just hear zippers going up. I completely share your sentiment. I wish they’d do a movie. There are always rumors surfacing every now and then.

We actually haven’t finished the scrapbook yet, but it’s not our fault this time, ha. We’re just about finished except for needing a couple of key pictures that only my sis has. She said that she needs time to go through everything, so it’s all on her.

The fact that you’re thinking about the American version of The Office makes me SO happy! It’s so funny and all of the characters have their own special quirks to them. It’s great.

This is so late, but I’m so sorry about your exam, sweets.

I’m so excited for Dollhouse, too! You just expect epic-ness with Joss. There’s an Eliza billboard up by my house (for some movie she did…Noble Son, I think) so the show is definitely on my mind. I’m really excited to be getting Amy again, too. The last time I saw her was on an episode of How I Met Your Mother.

Slumdog Millionaire is such a beautiful movie, right? I’m so glad you saw it. I haven’t read your review but I’ll check it out later. I always love reading what you have to say about things!

I’m sorry I didn’t update you sooner!! I always plan on posting after I finish reading a chapter for class or something like that, but I usually fall asleep before I even make a dent. And I’m sorry I missed another epic icon.

It's getting close to 5 am here and I haven't gone to bed yet so TTYL.
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Last edited by Trip & Run; 01-24-2009 at 02:51 AM
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Old 01-24-2009, 12:23 PM
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Steph - You really are beginning to know me too well. I saw on TV Now that Betty was supposed to be on BL in season 5 so I watched the two episodes she was in and then the series finale. I think it was the finale that actually hooked me in.

I'm so glad you love BL now! You're quite welcome for the recommendation. I actually bought season 2 on Sunday because it was only $20 and the bromance goes even deeper from what I've seen so far.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:27 PM
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Steph No you miss understand I HAVE a Betty I AM BETTY ,I dont have everyone else because they all ditch me and treat me horribly and I cant find new people to play them (I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY Need a Daniel)
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:37 PM
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Amanda I really am. As soon as I saw Betty I thought it was a little too much of a coincidence. Shelley also did an episode in S1! It was such a nice surprise, but her role was pretty crazy.

Awesome about getting S2!! I read up on the finale and their bromance can't go farther than that.

Melissa Sorry for the misunderstanding!! I'm so sorry you have no one else doing the RPG right now with you and even more that they treated you awfully.
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:43 PM
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I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Melissa - Yep, that's Lost for you. Every time we get a few questions answered we have a million new ones. Totally draws you in though like you said. I love it.


Natasha Yep, it's totally exciting. I can't wait for more details too. I heard the same as you about it taking place around her college graduation.

Sumona How's your weekend going?

Steph I did hear about Clooney. I'm so happy about that.

I love Erik too.

I agree about the Globes. And yes, the Kate/Leo stuff was love. And Ricky was awesome as always.

I'm really blah about the Oscar noms this year.

You crack me up. Ghost Whisperer isn't the least bit scary. But, I know I'm scare immune. I really like the show but I haven't watched this season at all. But, I will at some point. I figured you'd want to see Hilary.

Bride Wars was fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Fangirl!Twin - I saw The Wrestler today. I couldn't believe that was the end.
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Old 01-25-2009, 12:27 AM
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Steph *shrugs* Yeah well all I can say is i'm fed up NOT to mention one of my So called Friends (I actually met on here) dissappeared refusing to talk to me yet I KNOW she's been around but oh well *sighs*
Mel to be honest I think thats WHY we watch because we keep thinking we'll get our questions answered and Yeah we do but then another one pops up
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Old 01-25-2009, 08:21 AM
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Mel! I first heard Clooney will be in the series finale, but then I read something that said we might see him next month. I don't know! Shane's episode was originally scheduled for February, but I haven't read anything about him filming, etc. I guess it's going to be closer to the finale. Did you know that they're writing Mindi's pregnancy into the show in some way? She's starting to date Brenner now so I'm kind of worried. A lot of people are bashing Neela for it, though.

You are immune to all that scariness! It's unnatural. I figured you haven't been watching GW, but yeah, Hilary's episode is definitely a priority. Hee. I was really excited that NBC gave her a TV deal and everything, but I'm so disappointed about the show's premise. I just don't think Barely Legal is going to last very long. I'll be watching, of course, but I wish they gave her something else to work with.

Melissa, I'm sorry about that. Maybe that person got really busy?
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Old 01-25-2009, 11:48 AM
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Melissa - Exactly!

I don't mind Sawyer/Juliet kicking butt together or working together or whatever, but I don't want to see it go the romantic route for sure. Skate all the way!

Steph I heard the same about Clooney, so I don't know either. But, I'm just glad he'll be back. I've been keeping my eyes out for Shane filming news but haven't seen/heard anything. We better get our Roomie happy ending. I really need to catch up on the show as I haven't been watching. I heard about the Brenner stuff though. And yep, I heard about Mindi's pregnancy being written in. Interesting.

Yep, I heard about the NBC Hilary show, but I have the same feeling as just doesn't sound like something that is going to take off.

I have to work all day today.
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Old 01-25-2009, 11:53 AM
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Steph - Four Fifths of that episode was on youtube the other day so I watched it. Too bad it's not there anymore though. She basically was Sam Malone except she paid money.

Well the fact that it's non sexual and they're still both two heterosexual men means it could go another level if they actually wanted to. A lot of the fanfic about them goes to that level.
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Old 01-25-2009, 02:56 PM
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Fangirl!Twin Outta curiosity, what's the first Gossip Girl book called? I've been wanting to read those too. That's interesting about book!Tara being different than show!Tara in True Blood, it could pose a problem, because I love show!Tara! She's one of my favourites

I'm totally glad I wasn't spoiled for MBV, it definitely made it more fun watching the film, since I couldn't work out who the killer was! There were too many effective misleads.

This won't surprise you, but I was a fan of Goosebumps too! Even though they scared me

Haven't had a chance to see Seven Pounds yet but I'm hoping sometime this week I'll be able to go. My friends and I are going to see Valkyrie aswell, actually!

By the way, I haven't had a chance to watch LOST yet!!

Ooh, also, I read up on all the Oscar nominations, and wow, crazy love for Benjamin Button! It's out here in February so I won't get to see it until then, but I saw a trailer for the first time last week, I'm excited. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is out soon too, yay! Ooh also, I wanted to ask, have you seen Milk?

Melissa, I'm glad the internet thing worked out in the end!

Natasha I'm glad you managed to improve your bedtime slightly How's it going now? And yay for having a good first day back! That's good that you're into these classes, it always helps being interested, kinda makes the work easier Kudos on doing philosophy by the way, I don't think I could hack it, it makes my head hurt

Umm recently I saw Slumdog Millionaire, Role Models, The Wrestler and My Bloody Valentine 3D All of which were at least really good, so it's been fun! I'm hoping to see another couple of things this week, and I want to watch MBV again while I can...which is insane, because I NEVER rewatch horror movies if I can help it. But that's what Jensen does to ya!

Thanks for the luck on the job hunt I am quite anxious to find something new, yeah, I'm really not happy with the way things have changed at work recently so I just need to get out and get a change. I went hunting on Friday actually, but it was a bit of a bummer since I only handed out one CV! It feels like hardly any places are looking, which doesn't bode well. Hopefully I'll have more luck this week, and I'm going to check online and see what comes up too.

Hey Amanda! Been a while since I've seen you around, how're things?

Bestie Thanks, I figured you'd like it! And that's funny you mentioned the irony of both the reasons being true, but the avatars not really showing it, because that's what I'm going for I thought it'd be more amusing this way

My week was alright, I went to the cinema alot Kinda chilled at home a couple of days after, then Friday I went job-hunting, though it didn't go too well

How has everyone been, anyway? Hope you've all had a good weekend!

Steph YAY for you being back!!! Incase you see this before I get back, I'm not ignoring you, just going to make a cup of tea and stretch my legs before I settle in to reply to your post
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