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Old 10-12-2007, 05:42 AM
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Grey's Anatomy S&S # 28 Because Nobody Knows Where They Might End Up!

YouTube - Grey's Anatomy 4.04 Promo #1
YouTube - Grey's Anatomy CTV 4.04 Promo

General Spoilers
  • This was in the current National Enquirer:Meredith Grey's love affair with Dr. McDreamy is back on...George O'Malley starts his internship again and an injured deer gets treated in the ER.Welcome to S4 of ABC's smash hit Grey's Anatomy. The Enquirer has an exclusive sneak peak at the upcoming plot twists on TV's top rated hospital drama.One big surprise unfolded off camera when a skunk wandered onto the set while Dr. McDreamy was popping the question to Meredith Grey played by Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo, according to the ABC insider."Derek Shepherd was telling Meredith: 'I want to grow old with you...I want to spend the next 108 winters with you,' when a production assistant noticed the skunk," the source said."The timing was hysterical. Patrick was right in the middle of this big emotional scene, but everyone's eyes were focused on the skunk!"After a few minutes, crew members chased the skunk off the lot "without triggering a major stink." The source cracked.The new season finds a humbled Dr. George O'Malley who failed his exam during last season's finale now repeating his internship under Meredith's supervision. New regulars on the show include Richard Keith as Mitch Greenberg who interns under the supervision of Izzy.
    That's all there basically is, it goes on to say Chyler Leigh joins as Meredith's sister who we would remember as the bar girl who hit on Derek. The interns get a dose of reality when they deliver a baby on the first day and the strangest patient is a deer.
  • Sue in New York City: So, you were right about Meredith and Derek breaking up!
    Mmm. The good news is their relationship actually flourishes under this new arrangement.
  • Got any Grey's scoop? - Shelly
    Yeah, I got a little something for ya. You already know that Elizabeth Reaser's one time Jane Doe is returning to tie up some loose ends with Alex but what you may not know is, this time around they're going to do a lot more than just kiss.
    Gizzie: Though Callie will have to deal with her husband's infidelity, Izzie won't be able to quit George. "In the story of her life, Izzie is the hero - fighting for the thing she loves," says Rhimes, "which makes her the villain of someone else's life"
  • McSteamy: Former BFF's McDreamy and McSteamy may reconcile now that Addison has blown town. But withut Addison, Mark won't be left high and dry. "There are always nurses," Rhimes says, "He's a resourceful man."
  • Who;s In: Ava returns, causing Alex to "figure out who he is and what he wantsm" says Rhimes (we hear its a VERY romantic reunion!) Ben Vereen and Edward Herrmann also check in as a patient and a doctor. And Diahann Carroll is back as Mama Burke.
  • Question: I would love you as much as Patrick Dempsey if you would tell me something about Meredith and Derek's relationship! — Jenny K.
    Ausiello: Did you see that big Grey's cover story in Monday's USA Today? In it, both Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo basically confirmed that there are no major developments with Mer-Der in the early part of the season. "Meredith and Derek are sort of treading water," Dempsey said. Added Pompeo, "All of our scenes are the same — we're either breaking up or having sex." She then teased that the star-crossed lovers will have an on-call-room "date" in an upcoming episode. Onetime spoilerphobe Shonda Rhimes, meanwhile, teased that one couple will get divorced this season, "and not the one people are thinking of." Hmmm… I was thinking George and Callie. Does that mean I'm wrong?
  • Question: Grey's Anatomy spoilers would be appreciated. — Jerry
    Ausiello: The show is adding a new female character, described as a "girl-next-door type" and a potential love interest for one of the show's docs.
  • "I want to be clear that Derek loves Meredith," [Shonda Rhimes] said as if to put the debate to rest once and for all. "Derek loves Meredith more than anything and I can't imagine Derek going anyplace else other than Meredith." [...] "A lot of people aren't sold on Izzie and George," she acknowledged. "I think the mistake that everyone makes is that we are telling you Izzie and George are the love story of the century; they're not the love story of the century. And when other people find out about Izzie and George - remember, people don't know about them yet - other people might think that's not a good idea either." [...] I caught up with James Pickens Jr. on the red carpet and he teased that there will be some drama surrounding the Chief's living situation (i.e., you won't believe who's moving in next door).
  • Question: Did Shonda Rimes mislead everyone? Is she reviving Gizzie instead of killing it? It sure looked that way in the premiere and the preview for this week's episode.— Christine
    Ausiello: Oh, Christine. My poor, sweet, naive Christine. You should know by now that those promos only tell half the story. Take it from someone who has seen the entire episode — that's me! — Gizzie is dealt a setback this Thursday when George chooses… um… let's just say he makes an important decision that sets the stage for Episode 3, "Let the Truth Sting." Keep in mind, Shonda strongly hinted that Gizzie wouldn't start to come undone until news of their fling made its way around Seattle Grace. I believe what you witnessed in last week's opener was the snuggle before the s**tstorm. Another scoopbit: Derek also makes a decision at the end of the episode, and it's one that'll make all you Mer-Der fans swoon.
  • Question: Can you please provide some Grey's Anatomy scoop? Preferably on whether or not Cristina will get a new love interest.— Susan
    Ausiello: Before she can get a new love interest, she has to purge the old one from her system. And she'll do just that this Thursday when Mama Burke drops by Seattle Grace to administer a dose of tough love. And Cristina isn't the only person she goes all Dr. Phil on. As I teased in this week's Ausiello Report vodcast, Diahann Carroll takes Meredith to task for the "selfish" and "inappropriate" thing she did in last May's season finale. And don't even think of asking me for a hint. You know full well what thing I'm referring to.
  • Stamile, who has done numerous guest-starring appearances in addition to co-starring on WB Network's "Off Centre," will play opposite Patrick Dempsey, a.k.a. Dr. McDreamy, but the producers are keeping mum on a potential onscreen romance.
  • Ramirez's eyes widen and it seems to dawn on her that she let something slip with the 'emotional stuff' comment. She seems to mull her words and finally says, "Callie's not stupid. She knows. And she pretty much throws the gauntlet."Any further fishing attempts are met with coy topic changes, but she does assure me that her alter-ego will handle the situation in a shocking and empowering kind of way. I assume that means sex with someone new. She takes a deep breath and says, "I'll just say that it's a good thing that I'm friends with the wives of my co-workers because it would be awkward to film some of the scenes that we have filmed now and then see them if I didn't know and love them."
  • Question: Stanford?! Seriously?! Wow. To help you feel better, I thought I’d give you the chance to turn things around and share some Grey's scoop with us. You’ll feel better, honest! Ausiello: I don't usually put a lot of stock in alternative remedies, but I suppose it's worth a try. Dr. Hahn will be returning for the Halloween episode on Oct. 25, and she’ll make a controversial decision that causes a major rift between Cristina and Izzie. Also, the fallout from Gizziegate will throw Callie and Cristina together in a very unexpected way, and someone is fired from his/her position. OMG, you're right — I do feel better! Scoop is the new Prozac! Who knew?!
  • Question: Can you give us the scoop on this new actress cast on Grey's Anatomy? Is she Derek's sister or a potential new love interest? Ausiello: Promise you won't shoot the messenger? I mean it — promise. OK, she's Derek's potential new love interest. Hey, you promised!
  • Question: More Grey's please! — Marsha
    Ausiello: Someone from Mer's past is returning next month — and this person's identity is revealed in my latest vodcast! (in his vodcast the said is Thatcher and Mer should have some self defense classes - or smt like this)

    The Chief's wife, Adele, rushes their niece to Seattle Grace, the hospital where she once had her prom, Izzie reveals her feelings for George to a mutual friend, and the reaction is not what she expects, Derek teaches Cristina how to be a better teaching resident, and the world's oldest living intern, Norman, misdiagnoses one of Meredith's patients, on "Grey's Anatomy," one of the case of the week is that of Adam, a teen soccer player who seems to have wanted to quit playing for a while. The boy was injured during a game and his father says that he could have avoided the injury if he was a better player! The doctor tells them that in order for Adam to walk again, he'll have to undergo a risky procedure.
    Housekeeping Staffer - This is related to the Mrs. Blitzer case (the woman who was allegedly dying, gave up everything, and then the doctors find out that she isn't dying). Dr. Smith and Walters are arguing down the hallway. Dr. Smith (the sides indicate that she is a female - although the ortho that they tried to play off as male in the sides we are pretty sure has to be Callie, so it could be anyone) is yelling at Dr. Walters for not doing the "one thing" they were asked to do. They come upon Mrs. Blitzer's room and find the bed being made up by the Housekeeping Staffer, who tells them that Mrs. Blitzer left an hour ago. Dr. Smith is surprised that she's gone and has left the hospital. Dr. Walters responds asks Dr. Smith if they feel like yelling some more now.
    Just a note: This may be one of those scenes where they are trying to hide what is actually going on. First off, they give a room number for the hospital room which they rarely do -2231- which actually sounds more like a room at the hotel than a hospital room. Secondly, they are referring to the woman as Mrs. Blitzer, when in her set of sides she was not married and broke up with her boyfriend. So, it may be EXACTLY as is, but it does seem fishy.
    Courtney - As a note: There are no sides for "Doug", and it is mentioned that he is a doctor in the sides so he could be someone on canvas OR another possibility is that "Doug" is Edward Herrmann who is scheduled to appear as a guest star. Keep in mind, even though they mention that Courtney is Doug's daughter, they could change the relation (niece, sister, etc.) from the sides to the actual show. So, have fun speculating!
    Arlene and Doug tell Courtney that not only has her cancer come back, but it has progressed. Doug tells her that they have options, surgery and more radical chemo. Courtney has no desire to go through it. She knows she is dying and she doesn't want to die in the hospital - she wants to go home. Arlene argues with her that she is sick and can't make these decisions since she is too young and Arlene is her mother. Courtney responds that she is 18 and it IS her decision. Arlene begs Doug to talk Courtney into following through with the medical intervention.
    When alone, Doug tells Courtney that he loves her and as a doctor he has a medical plan that could keep her alive. He also tells her that he wants her to try because his life is better with her in it. However, as her father she is his little girl, and even though it will hurt him he wants HER to have what she wants since it ultimately is her life. Courtney is appreciative, and Doug tells her "let's go home."
    Will and Ruthie - They are an engaged couple in their late twenties, early thirties. Dr. Taylor examines Ruthie's foot and they tell him/her that they are getting married soon, since they had a deal that they would marry when Ruthie lost forty pounds. In exchange, Will would quit smoking. However, it seems that Ruthie has taken it to the extreme, with Will's blessing, and Dr. Taylor seems none too impressed by Will. Ruthie keeps asking for a painkiller, insisting that she's fine and needs to get back to her regime. Dr. Thomas (since its ortho its probably Callie) and tells Ruthie that not only did she fracture her ankle on the stairmaster, but she has two other fractures that went untreated. Dr. Thomas informs the couple that even if these injuries are repaired, unless Ruthie eats more and exercises less the repairs will not hold. Ruthie says she can't do that - she only has ten more pounds.
    Later, Dr. Taylor is explaining Ruthie's surgery to the couple. It seems Ruthie will need an eight week recovery period, and it will take longer if she doesn't eat. Dr. Thomas tells them that they may want to cancel the wedding, and Will picks up on the hostility and asks Dr. Thomas what his/her problem is. Dr. Thomas responds that he/she doesn't have one since they're not the ones marry Will. Ruthie starts convulsing and vomiting blood. They take her to emergency surgery.
    Dr. Thomas finds Will outside in the Breezeway. He has a cigarette in his mouth, and Dr. Thomas calls him on it. He responds that Ruthie would forgive him, but Dr. Thomas says she can't because Ruthie is dead, she bled to death since her body was weakened by the excessive dieting and excercise. Will protests that he only wanted Ruthie to be healthy, but Dr. Thomas tells him she was healthy at a heavier weight - he just wanted her to be hot. Dr. Thomas also says that Will could not have loved Ruthie, since "You don't destroy the people that you love." Will threatens Dr. Thomas, telling him/her to get away from him. Dr. Thomas asks if Will is going to hit him/her, because if so they've been looking for an excuse to kick someone's ass all day. Dr. Taylor enters.
    Stanley and Adam - Adam is Stanley's teen son. Adam was injured during a soccer scrimmage. When describing how he was injured Adam is interrupted by his father, who makes it clear that he thinks Adam could have avoided being injured if he were a better player (because, you know, all young American teens SHOULD play like David Beckham). Adam's injuries are very severe - he has smashed one vertebrae and compressed two others. The only thing that could make him walk again is very risky, and its not a sure thing either. Adam asks his father bitterly that if he is paralyzed can he NOW quit the team?
    The risky procedure from the sides sound like something out of "Saw". They drill holes into his skull and attach a harness to them, and somehow weights will be attached and Adam is going to have to lift them. Adam is going through the procedure, and begins to lose his nerve. One doctor gets to Adam by telling him he has to continue to spite his father. Considering that Adam is a teen and his father is a bit of an idiot, those seem to be the magic words. Adam completes the procedure.
    Ms. Bitzer- This seems to be the funny case. She is originally told that she is terminal, and she methodically goes about planning her end. She quits her job, breaks up with her boyfriend, gets rid of her apartment. Turns out, she's not dying. She begins to cry again - why? Because she is now going to live and she has no job, no boyfriend, etc.
    Arlene - This was interesting since other characters appear in the sides (Laura and Doug) but there are no sides for them. There are sides for Courtney, however. Arlene is Courtney's mother and Doug's wife. It seems that Courtney was having lunch with Laura when she couldn't breathe. Unfortunately for Courtney, her cancer is back and she does not want treatment. Arlene and Doug are going to try to convince her to have the treatment.

    Ryan and Alie: We first meet Ryan in a scene between Dr. Swanson and Dr.Thomas. Dr. Swanson tells Dr. Thomas that there's a partially deaf boy looking for him. Ryan steps out from behind Dr. Swanson and says "Daddy?" to Dr. Thomas. Dr. Swanson gets a good laugh at Dr. Thomas' reaction and hands the kid a twenty for the good work. Ryan tells Dr. Thomas that he's not his father, but he wants him to fix his ears.
    Dr. Thomas is sitting with Ryan in the conference room when Dr. Brown comes in. Ryan is obviously a bit of a charmer and a schemer, as we'll see more of. Ryan tells Dr. Thomas that Dr. Brown helped him find Dr. Thomas. Ryan tells the doctors that his mother works in the cafeteria and he'll go get her if they want. Dr. Brown notices a stack of bills and handwritten letters on the table, and Dr. Thomas tells her that they were written to him. Ryan's classmates took a collection and wrote letters to Dr. Thomas asking him to fix Ryan's hearing. Ryan read online how Dr. Thomas has been performing a surgery where hearing aids are implanted inside the ear, and he could hear better and look "cooler." He also thought if he came in with his little pile of money he could get Dr. Thomas to feel pity for him and do the surgery pro bono. Dr. Thomas hesitates, and Ryan volunteers that he almost got hit by a car several times on the way there because he couldn't hear. Dr. Thomas tells him that since a pro bono surgery involves more people than him and he can't ask anyone for favors because he's never done one for anyone once, so he can't call any in. When Dr. Brown sees the disappointment on Ryan's face she says that she can do it and make it happen.
    Alie is Ryan's mother. It seems he didn't tell anyone who he was coming to see or why. She's also not a cafeteria worker.
    Nurse Jolene - Dr. Swanson approaches Dr. Walters, smiles and greets her. Dr. Walters tells him not to smile at her. Nurse Jolene approaches and tells him not to smile at Dr. Walters, and not to smile at her, either. Dr. Swanson is confused unti the ladies explain that they compared notes and Dr. Swanson used identical moves on both of them. Dr. Swanson apologizes, and then the women inform him that there are other women and they have formed a club.
    James - He is a business man in his 40's who is obviously nervous. Dr. Gardner approaches and he asks her to please remove his right ear as it is not his. It's causing him to lose sleep. He insists that he's not crazy, but he needs a surgeon to ds tcut off his perfectly healthy ear. Dr. Gardner refuses, but she obviously sends him home because in the next scene he's in a trauma room and has tried to cut off his own ear. Dr. Young in now there. They are discussing how to proceed and repair the damage, but the only thing James is concerned about is the fact that his right ear remain off. After surgery, when James wakes up he is not happy that the right ear is gone but then gets crazy about his LEFT ear and demands that IT be removed. Dr. Young tells Dr. Gardner to sedate James and call Psych (may have been a good idea for Dr. Gardner to START with that one).
    Jack and Erin - Jack is an older man who needs a heart transplant. His daughter, Erin, is yelling at Dr. Cruse, who is wearing a Halloween costume (pigtails and freckles - always very confidence building for a doctor). It seems the hospital is short-staffed, and Jack's medication is late, there's no water by his bed, and his TV Remote is broken. Erin points out that in his weakened state he cannot do these things for himself. Jack asks his daughter to calm down, but Erin says its not too much to ask for basic care when the staff has time for Halloween Costumes (good point Erin!). Dr. Thomas intercedes and Dr Cruse is grateful.
    Later on, Dr Cruse and Dr. Harrison break the news to Jack that his daughter Erin was injured by a Halloween prank gone awry - someone threw a brick and it went through her windshield and crushed her skull. She is now brain dead. Dr. Harrison says that it probably happened quickly and she felt no pain. Dr, Cruse mentions that Erin is a donor and Jack tells them to get out. Dr. Cruse leaves, but Dr. Harrison stays behind and offers to take Jack to his daughter. Jack is bereaved at the sight of his daughter, and sits with her while Dr. Harrison runs some final tests. Jack says to Dr. Harrison that he probably cannot understand how he can't just do what Erin wanted, but Dr. Harrison compassionately tells him that he cannot imagine what this must be like for Jack. Jack asks them to bring in the papers, and they can take Erin's organs.
    Fingerless Guy - The genius patient of the episode. It seems that he thought carving a pumpkin with a chainsaw was a great idea, and severed his own finger. He wanted to win, he tells Dr. Harrison, who is obviously unimpressed but humoring the guy. He mentions how he was carving and then suddenly blood spurt out and got all over the pumpkin, which only made it look better for the competition. He tells Dr. Harrison that he had the finger, and that it got caught in his chainsaw which he brought to the hospital. Dr. Harrison tells him that the cut is not clean enough to repair the finger, but he is only interested in the fact that someone took his chainsaw (could this possibly be what James uses to cut his ear off?)
    The fifth episode of the season will be a Halloween one. In the episode, some of the ladies working at the hospital formed a sort of club of women who have been hit on by a certain male doctor (Mark?). Erin, the daughter of a man waiting for a heart transplant, gets angry when his father’s state worsens due to the fact the hospital is short staff and that those who are working seems to be more into Halloween than patients. Later, Erin becomes a patient when a Halloween prank goes wrong. A man wants one of his ears to be removed saying that he can’t sleep because of it. When the doctors don’t want to perform this wacky surgery, the man takes matters in his own hands… Ryan, a deaf kid who has a lot of tricks and some lies in his bag, wants to have hearing aids implanted inside his ears and hopes that the doctors will do it pro bono. The doctors also tend to a patient who cut one of his fingers when using a chainsaw to carve a pumpkin.

4.06 - Kung Fu Fighting
    With his marriage in turmoil, the Chief turns to his fellow male surgeons for a "gentleman's evening," Cristina and Izzie heatedly compete for the same surgeries and the favor of the doctor performing them, Meredith treats the survivor of a skydiving accident, and the doctors treat two injured finalists who are competing in a promotional competition
    Jackie, Helena, Jason, Mike, and Contest Judge: The two women are fighting with each other on the same gurney as the paramedics take them out of the ambulance. They are fighting over a huge bronze key. Jackie has a dislocated shoulder and a fractured leg, while Helena has a broken nose, cuts, and a chunk of missing scalp. It seems that the ladies were in a contest to win the house of their dreams, and the first one to grab the key wins. Dr. Martin admonishes the two women, and tells them to get their priorities straight and let go of the key. The ladies mull this over, flat-out refuse, and the fight continues. Finally, Dr. Brown has an idea. Dr. Kale (who from a slip on the sides we know is George) is going to be the proxy for Jackie so she will allow Dr. Martin to take her and reset her shoulder. However, when Dr. Martin examines Jackie she finds that her shoulder is much worse than thought and she cannot reset it without surgery. Jackie refuses the surgery at first.
    George is talking to Helena. She says that she knows he thinks she is crazy, but she does not have a choice. George tells her she does, she could just let go. Helena explains to him her situation - her mother has done everything possible to help her get settled ever since she got engaged. Her mother is a woman of modest means, and Helena knows she will bankrupt herself to give Helena the life that she didn't have. It's important to her that Helena's life be perfect, since after Helena's dad walked out on her, her mother's life wasn't. George seems to respect this. Later, we learn that Helena needed surgery. When she comes out of it, she learns that her spleen had ruptured and she needed emergency surgery. Also, George had let go of the key so Helena won the house.
    Note: The Contest Judge is hysterical. He ultimately begs the doctors to medicate him.
    Mr. Arnold - A man in his 30's. He is nervous, and is complaining of shortness of breath which makes it impossible for him to do his bird calls. Mr. Arnold is an avid bird watcher, and now he is planning to go see a bird that was previously thought extinct but now they have found in Louisiana. However, he will not be able to fulfill his dream due to his heart condition and he is not a candidate for surgery. He is devestated. For some reason later on he IS in surgery, but its neurosurgery. One of those cool "Derek is operating on someone awake" surgeries. Mr. Arnold, however, gets a little nervous and starts freaking out when he realizes that...well...his brain is exposed and everyone can see it. So, one of the doctors calms him down by making him pretend that the people in the gallery are birds he can watch. It works.
    Rick and Sally - Sally is Rick's rock climbing instructor (mountain climbing metaphor again - oh you tricky Shonda!). It seems that Rick took a fall while they were climbing, and by all rights should be dead (a near-death experience? IMO if this is NOT Meredith's case they are losing a REALLY VALUABLE opportunity). Sally is very concerned, nervous at what happened to Rick, and tells him that they are going to break the tapes of the climb. The doctors watch the tape of the climb, see the fall, and they hear Rick call to Sally as he was falling that he loves her. Sally didn't hear it above her own shouting. One of the doctors ( MUST be Meredith ) tells Rick that the clarity and everything else he feels right now will fade, the clarity goes away, so tell people what you have to tell them now.
    There are a new set of sides. In this set of sides there is a patient who almost dies rock climbing from a fall and his instructor (maybe significant other)
    watches in horror. This must be Meredith working with the patient and she realizes what Derek witnessed and Derek's state of mind. The patient is talking about "this is his only scar" and the doctor says "The feeling. That feeling you have right now today, that feeling like you could do anything, the clarity, it goes away. It goes away and then you'll go right back to being the coward who can't tell the person you love how you really feel. You have to tell her now how you feel while you still can. You survived. You have a second chance to tell her what's in your heart."
    So I would say that the kiss maybe a "goodbye kiss" or a "need some space" kiss. I don't think Derek goes anywhere but realizes himself the state Meredith is in. That makes sense with the sides from episode 4 where he is telling the patient to "fight to prove his father wrong".
    Derek is working on Mr. Arnold. The gentlemen has some type of injury that they think they cannot operate on because he is allergic to anesthetic but it is brain surgery and it must be similiar to the spelling bee boy from last season. In surgery the man panics and Derek tells him to look at the gallery and pretend the people are birds (he is a bird watcher) and then Derek calms the man by asking him to describe each bird.
    The next group is a group of contestants who must have to stand and hold a key the longest and get into a fight. The fiancees are there too. This must relate to Izzie/Callie/George and fighting over your dreams. It about winning a house.One has a broken leg from falling off the podium. The other a broken nurse. So its all Callie's patients. The doctor is noted as "seeing Helena as hardcore - in a good way" that would be fighting for what you think is rightfully yours.
    So to me we have a fight going for George and his magic penis.

    Theresa- 30 something woman who runs in holding her baby. She obviously rushed in since she is wearing a nightgown and is crying. She tells the doctors that she was carrying the baby down the stairs and she fell. During the fall the baby hit her head, and while she was crying before she is now eerily silent. Teresa is terrified, and at first refuses to hand the baby to Dr. Smith. Finally, she is convinced to hand the baby over and Dr. Smith tells her that the baby is just sleeping, but needs a neuro consult. Teresa hugs Dr. Smith, only to fall to the floor. Dr. Smith calls for a crash cart - Teresa is not breathing.
    Sean - Teresa's husband. Rugged mechanic. Dr. Martin tells Sean that the baby's CT was fine, but there were some things they want to keep an eye on. Sean tells Dr. Martin that he cannot even concentrate, since his wife is about to go into surgery and he needs to go be there with her. Before he leaves Dr. Gardner stops him and asks him the baby's name since they need it for the records. He tells them that they didn't pick one out, but they did have a nickname for her - Carl! He head mechanic where he works is bald like the baby, so it became an inside joke between them.
    Something happens that isn't included in the sides, since later we see Sean approach Dr. Gardner while she is eating her lunch. He's apologizing for something he said or did, but Dr. Gardner dimisses saying that he was under stress and she understands. He then tells Dr. Gardner that he and Teresa struggled to get the money to have the baby, and now they only get to enjoy it for one week and then this happens, he's back in struggle. He also says that he cannot raise the baby alone, the baby needs its mother. He simply cannot do this without his wife.
    Jane, Don, & Brian - Jane and Don are an arguing married couple and Brian is their eight year-old son. Brian has swallowed pennies while Jane left him unattending shopping online Don angrily informs the medical staff, and Jane retorts that if Don was home once in awhile he would see what she was buying. Brian tells Dr. Keller that it was only one penny and Dr. Keller tells them it just has to pass. Brian uses the situation to make them promise to stop fighting They return later on and with Brian, who is doubled over in pain. Turns out that he has eaten MANY pennies, and Brian is in serious danger. While Brian is sleeping, Dr. Keller comes over to Jane and tells her that Brian will have a long recovery but he will be fine. Jane tells Dr. Keller that she and Don never should have gotten married - there was an instant attraction and they wound up in bed together and stayed there basically the whole summer. That, she says, is where it should have ended. Still, she cannot leave him because the sex is still so good. She asks him if he knows how hard it is, to give up the one person you want most in the world.
    Harriet - A 40 something woman who is in for a chin procedure. Dr. Jackson is working with Dr. Green. He begins to explain the procedure, but what she wants is a procedure that will make her look like Dr. Green who is very pretty. Harriet continues, pointing out that Dr. Green is already getting worry lines and asking what she has to worry about. Dr Green says she has nothing to worry about. She also points out that Dr. Green now has a scowl and is getting frown lines and advises her to fix whatever is wrong in her life quickly since it is making her ugly. Dr. Green comes in after the surgery and tells Harriet to get up and mobile, but Harriet tells her no and to stop scowling at her - she tells Dr. Green that she is getting uglier by the second.

    Tricia and Ariana - Tricia is the captain of the pom squad (yes, its different than cheerleading for many reasons which I just learned reading these sides). When we first meet her, she is humiliated that all the interns are in the back watching her be examined by Dr. Taylor and Dr. Martin since her backside is totally exposed. She is being treated for a gash to her face, a fractured femur, and a shattered tailbone - or as Tricia eloquently puts it she broke her ass. Tricia is very upset to learn that she may have some facial scarring, but she is devesated to learn that due to her injuries she will be unable to dance or be in a state competition.
    Ariana comes in under the guise of trying to be supportive to Tricia, but in reality she is rubbing in her face that she is replacing her as team captain. After all, Ariana prayed about it and God thinks its the right thing to do, and God also thinks that Ariana should improve on Tricia's movements (Okay - with wars going on in the world and children suffering every day the Almighty has time to work on cheerleading moves? This girl is obviously in need of some help). She also tells her that she may have convinced Randy to still take Tricia to homecoming even though her face and her ass are messed up. Dr. Martin tells her to go, and thank you for that because if this girl is half as annoying in the show as she is in the sides I'm going to need a drink for her scene alone. Well, Tricia cries telling Dr. Martin that her life is over.
    Post-Op, Dr.Martin tells Tricia that she is healing nicely, but Tricia's emotional state is obviously not and she is lamenting her inability to dance for a year. Dr. Martin sympathizes with the girl, and tells her that she was recently fired from her job as kind of a "team captain" (this sounds like Callie has lost Chief Resident because, you know, George cheating on her with Izzie is not enough to deal with) but sometimes when things happen that you didn't plan it can be a gift. Dr. Martin is happy not to deal with the scheduling crap and is happy to be back to being just a surgeon.
    Marissa and Danny - Dr. Smith is examining Danny, who is telling him what happened. It seems some of the "dumb jocks" in their Chem Lab class were not listening to the teacher and mixing solutions which caused an explosion. A piece of glass went flying all the way to the back of his eye, but the two teens do not realize how serious the injury is until Dr. Smith tells an irate Danny that he should calm down due to the danger in the pressure in his eye growing. Danny asks how he can calm down, and Dr. Smith tells him to just think that in a year he will be out of high school and he will never have to see those kids again, and in the future while he is doing great things with his life the "dumb jocks" will be wondering what went wrong with theirs (LOL! I guess that these doctors are all dumb jocks I guess!). Later, when they are wheeling Danny to surgery Marissa is teasing him, telling him he'd better not go blind because if he does then he can't go to their school and she doesn't want to go back to 11th grade without him. Then the doors close behind him.
    Dr. Acker is also on the case, but she avoids giving Marissa updates on what happened and the onus falls on Dr. Smith. Danny did not make it through surgery. Basically, his brain swelled until it had nowhere else to go. Dr. Acker watches from the Nurses' Station as Dr. Smith comforts the collapsed, sobbing Marissa.
    Emma and Janie - This is the funny part of the episode. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Thomas are enjoying some lunch when Dr. Thomas realizes that two teenage girls are checking Dr. Taylor out. Dr. Taylor says that he gets that a lot and motions the girls over and asks if he can do anything for them. Well, his ego quickly deflates when he realizes that they were looking at him because he looks exactly like one of their fathers (HA!) Then they see an attractive younger doctor and go off to follow and talk about him. Dr. Thomas COULD NOT LOVE THIS MORE.
    Marcus - An old high school friend of one of the doctors, who gushes on about how smart she is and yadda yadda yadda. He has a slight heart problem. I think this may be a friend of Lexie's.
    Lauren - One of the doctors comes over to her and she tells him not to give her that look. When he is confused she responds that he always gives that "look" when he wants something, and it would be cute if it weren't so manipulative. He says he's sorry for something he did before, that he was dismissive of her in surgery. She responds that he doesn't even know her name, and that is odd because she has scrubbed in on many of his surgeries and he still doesn't know her name. If he doesn't know that, they why is it important that she accepts his apologies. He surprises her with the fact that he does know her name, and even though he had to ask someone she is suitably impressed.

    The Young Family - Jacob, the father has just had heart surgery and was released yesterday from the hospital. From the car crash, he now has a piece of metal embedded in his leg. Dr. Smith informs him that not only will he need surgery for that, but he will also need surgery for a post-operation infection that has hit the bone of the sternum and the tissue surrounding it. The family, most notably the youngest child Lucy, is truly upset (there are six children in the family, and there are sides for a few of them but not all. There also isn't a set of sides for his wife, Danielle). Lucy pulls on Dr. Smith's coat and she bends down to comfort the little girl. She her that the surgery will make her dad better, and then the little girl asks if she's coming back. Dr. Smith smiles at the little girl and tells her yes, that she isn't going anywhere. Dr. Smith also comforts Jacob when they are alone, as he is upset that his family, especially his children, have to go through the ordeal again of him being operated on. Dr. Smith assures him that all his children want is for him to get better, and he visibly relaxes.
    Mary - She took a seizure while driving and seems to be the cause of the accident. It is implied from the sides that she is involved in the medical profession somehow, since she tells one of the doctors that its strange to be on the other side of this. She asks for her friend Shane while Dr. Jones attends to her broken arm, and she tells Mary that he is being seen by another doctor. The neurologist comes in and orders a CT scan. When he comes back with the results, he tells Mary that she has a tumor that they can remove easily, but where it is located is the problem. It seems that removing the tumor could cause her to lose her balance, and therefore impair her ability to do her job. While Mary is digesting this piece of information, she seizes again and the neurologist orders her head braced and for some other medical things (I'm not kidding, the sides say get "Medical!" and "Medical!" now) to be done STAT!
    Nick - He has a huge neck tumor and is being seen by Dr. Moore. He is openly hitting on her, and tells her that he is definitely available since the girl he was seeing dumped him because of the tumor. He confides that he thought she was a nice girl diguised as a "vapid narcissist" but it turns out she was simply a vapid narcissist. Dr. Moore tells him that she can't date him - she's a doctor and he's a patient (and that stopped people in this hospital when?) He tells her that he won't be a patient too much longer, so she then tells him that she's kind of seeing someone who is a nice guy disguised as a jerk. Later on Dr. Moore returns, and she is visibly angry. She tells Nick that the guy she was kind of seeing was not a nice guy disguised as a jerk, he truly is a jerk! Nick then repeats his offer and Dr. Moore seriously considers it until he passes out and the alarms start going off.
    Shane - From these sides we learn that some of the doctors have gone to the actual crash site since some of the victims need to be cut out of the car. Shane tells the doctors what happened at the site. He also complains of lower abdominal pain, but he refuses to let any of the female doctors examine him. Even though they are all hands on deck, and they warn him something could be seriously wrong, he refuses the help of a lady doctor.
    Stan - He and his friend Rick (no sides for Rick) are trapped in the car and the medical personnel is losing a battle against time to get them. They are trying to talk the two through, but both men say that they aren't going to make it. They do manage to get them an IV line to administer fluids and pain medication, but it does not look too good for the two men.
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Last edited by *Babi*; 10-16-2007 at 04:49 AM
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Old 10-12-2007, 05:49 AM
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Yay someone made a new thread, thanks for that!! Just bringing this over from the last thread, posted by me, lol:

Okay there is this fantasy game thingy on the sidebar of the abc mb and they have these questions, who do you think this is going to happen too in the next episode, one of the questions is: Who will say the words: I want to marry you, in this episode??

The choices are Derek, Mark, George, Izzie or none of them.

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Old 10-12-2007, 05:50 AM
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I couldn't link the image of the last thread. does anyone has a link to another image?
Also I typo the title (grrrrr), does the moderators can edit thread titles? If so, please, correct nobody knowS

Originally Posted by tonka17 (View Post)
Yay someone made a new thread, thanks for that!! Just bringing this over from the last thread, posted by me, lol:

Okay there is this fantasy game thingy on the sidebar of the abc mb and they have these questions, who do you think this is going to happen too in the next episode, one of the questions is: Who will say the words: I want to marry you, in this episode??

The choices are Derek, Mark, George, Izzie or none of them.
well in fact your spoiler made me to do a new spoiler thread... I loved it because I'm so sure is Derek
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Last edited by *Babi*; 10-12-2007 at 06:23 AM
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Old 10-12-2007, 05:51 AM
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sorry double post, my fault
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Old 10-12-2007, 06:14 AM
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Love love love the title.
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Old 10-12-2007, 06:38 AM
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The sentence could be joke-y like "Oh my God, you're awesome, I want to marry you!" So it could be anyone!
alex&izzie | denny&izzie | morgan&garcia | chuck&blair | owen&cristina | chuck&morgan
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:00 AM
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I couldn't link the image of the last thread. does anyone has a link to another image?
The S&S cast one?

The "I want to marry you." is probably Derek.. if anyone.
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:06 AM
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I think the "I want to marry you" will be Derek to Meredith.
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:36 AM
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I agree I think it's Derek to Meredith Or none of the above Or (like someone said) it may be said as a joke.
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by p&j =true luv (View Post)
The S&S cast one?
Yes... I don't know why I linked showed a image saying that the image was removed.
But now just worked!
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Last edited by *Babi*; 10-12-2007 at 08:59 AM
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by ruenschen (View Post)
Where is that "I want to marry you" spoiler/article?
Tonka posted:
Okay there is this fantasy game thingy on the sidebar of the abc mb and they have these questions, who do you think this is going to happen too in the next episode, one of the questions is: Who will say the words: I want to marry you, in this episode??
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:19 AM
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Marina ITA - I think the cafeteria scene is going to be funny. And then of course likely emotional when all the bystanders find out what has happened.

I haven't been thrilled with Izzie since about half way through last season, but I do think I'll enjoy seeing her in this scene. And I'm hopeful I'll come to like her again. I adored her initially and with Denny. And I do think I could like G/I in time, I'm just not keen on how it all went down.

I think I would dig for Callie to show off her strong, independent confident self again. I want to see her successful in her position and having some man woe her for a change. Just end any possibility for triangle crap.

Why is Alex such a dick again? I didn't understand for a second why he felt the need to do that to George in the elevator. It came from nowhere and was intended solely to be cruel. And I don't care about Alex/Ava AT.ALL. They were force fed after Kate got her own show and they decided to nix the hotness and build up that was Alex/Addison.

I can't say I love the back and forth of D/M, but despite that I can't help but adore them everytime they are on screen. Their chemistry blows me away, and I just honestly believe and see that the two characters are in love. They are flawed for sure, but I never doubt their feelings
HOLY hotness

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:36 AM
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I don't think people will know why Izzie and Callie are fighting because the affair isn't supposed to become public knowledge at the hospital until episode 5. I think Callie wants to have a chat with Izzie and that this is the face to face conversation Sara Ramirez hinted at in that interview. I bet she still thinks George and Izzie just had sex and she's going to confront Izzie and they shall exchange words about them sleeping together, with Callie confident that it was just sex because George hasn't told her differently. Now of course, if Cagefighter Callie asked me to meet her in the cafeteria at noon all "let's duel"-like, I'd be thinking there could be a fight too. There won't be one though, I'll bet you anything.
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:36 AM
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Thanks for the new thread.
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by hoydenish (View Post)

I can't say I love the back and forth of D/M, but despite that I can't help but adore them everytime they are on screen. Their chemistry blows me away, and I just honestly believe and see that the two characters are in love. They are flawed for sure, but I never doubt their feelings
ITA with you
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