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Old 08-30-2020, 02:54 PM
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On BB11 I liked Jeff and Jordan and rooted for them the whole time (That changed on BB13 mostly for Jeff, cause he turned into a cocky, self absorbed maniac IMO) I hated nasty Natalie and I hated Jesse on BB10 and 11 (I'm glad he isn't showing up every season any more, like move on) I think Jordan won a few comps at the end but I don't remember her winning a lot of them. She won the final HOH and sent Kevin home mainly cause she knew no one liked Natalie and wouldn't vote for her. She was just really likable, especially with the people she was up against. I hated those bullies Josh and Paul but in the end I ONLY wanted to see Josh win so Paul's obnoxious, cult bullying ass could lose TWICE IN A ROW so that was great to watch. Tee hee.
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Old 08-30-2020, 03:44 PM
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Really Jess, did you have have to quote that whole thing? Cant you just say you agree?
I fixed it. Sorry...

Agreed about Josh & Paul at the end. By that time, I only wanted Josh to win, even though I didn’t really like him, because I didn’t want Paul to win. And it was hilarious when Paul lost again to Nicole the next season.
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Old 08-30-2020, 06:21 PM
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Ugh Kaysar was so close, to winning! I like the talk between Kaysar/Davonne

Dani has become my least favorite. yep more than Memphis now.
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Old 09-01-2020, 05:54 PM
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I know! Poor Kaysar!

I wouldn’t mind seeing Kevin go this week, but I’m sure it will be Kaysar, unless he can pull out a Veto win!

Dani is THE WORST!

She flat-out told Cody about the voting for Janelle plan and then she keeps denying it right in front of him. Of course, he’s gonna suspect it’s you when you told him about it.

I would love to see Dani & Nicole go up on the block together.
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Old 09-01-2020, 08:02 PM
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I want Nicole and Dani to go up and out the most but until I see it, I bet they will target Bayleigh and Davonne before them RMFE.
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Old 09-01-2020, 09:12 PM
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I fixed it. Sorry...
It was just a lot of text lol

Yeah I loved Jeff on his first season but then he was an ass the one when he came back and ive heard some not great things about him. Such as hm being super homophobic.

Well Jess and April you will be happy to know that I am actually rooting for Tyler this season. I know, shocking, but thats how much I hate everyone else! For me, its bay/davonne first and then ian/tyler next. I genuinely cannot root for anyone else right now they are all so unlikable and annoying on the feeds.

Ddi you guys hear about the wall yeller??? They said 'nicole and cody are playing everyone.' They might even show it on the show since everyone heard it lol

I'd personally rather see Cody/Dani or Cody/Nicole F on the block because Cody is the core of a lot of these alliances.I also want to see Memphis go. Those four are the ones I dislike the most. Cody isn't that horrible as a person but he just is super whiney and thinks hes a mastermind.

REALLY praying that something interesting happens next week. I need Ian, Bayleigh, Da'vonne or even Tyler to win so we can get something big to go do own, otherwise Kevin and David or Bay/Da will go, and thats so zzzzz and predictable.

Last edited by Alexa; 09-01-2020 at 09:21 PM
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Old 09-01-2020, 10:14 PM
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I didn't hear that Jeff is homophobic, that is very disappointing to hear. Just more reasons I don't care for him anymore, obviously his popularity in BB11 went to his head RME. I'm fine with Cody going up too since he's the main one in charge, I'm just sick of that whole alliance. Tyler is part of their alliance and I feel if he wins HOH he will just do what his alliance tells him to do again so until I see otherwise still don't care for him much but he doesn't seem to be as horrible as the others. I love when someone yells information over the wall, it's the least that can happen since the season is so boring and predictable so far. Mix that up! Yeah, I'm praying Bayleigh, Davonne, or Ian win HOH otherwise it's another boring ass week on Big Brother Sheep Stars. Unfortunately they seem to be bad at competitions, but Ian seems to be pretty good and was just holding back on the comps he lost so maybe there is hope for him. I wonder if this week will be endurance.
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Old 09-02-2020, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Butterfly85 (View Post)
I want Nicole and Dani to go up and out the most but until I see it, I bet they will target Bayleigh and Davonne before them RMFE.
That would be interesting. Especially since Dani and Nicole are apparently close friends outside of the house.
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Old 09-02-2020, 06:40 PM
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I didn't hear that Jeff is homophobic, that is very disappointing to hear.

He also had a rant on a news show once, and he ranted about Dumbledore apparently being gay... SMH.

Tyler is part of their alliance and I feel if he wins HOH he will just do what his alliance tells him to do again so until I see otherwise still don't care for him much but he doesn't seem to be as horrible as the others.
He sort of is, but Tyler is more working with Christmas and was with David until David sort of ruined things. He also seems to protect Bayleigh a bit more. He also went to Enzo to try to tell him to backdoor Dani, he really doesnt like her. So that is great to me.

I have hopes that Ian might win HOH and it seems he might actually go after Cody and Nicole because he thinks those two are a duo now. Definitely Cody I think. Maybe Cody/Enzo or Cody/Tyler or Cody/Memphis. Any of those would be awesome.
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Old 09-02-2020, 06:58 PM
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Oh, I remember the Dumbledore thing so I must of forgot. I don't remember if that happened on the show or somewhere else but that rings a bell now. Thankfully out of sight, out of mind. I'm glad his overrated, prejudice ass isn't on this season. If that's the case with Tyler and he won HOH, he needs to prove it cause so far everyone talks all that crap about putting up or backdooring a big threat and they wimp out and put up non threats like Keesha, Nicole A., Kevin, etc. Wimps zzz. I'm really hoping for an Ian win even more now, with Bayleigh right after him. If it's endurance maybe they have the best shot since most of those comps are better for smaller people so here's freaking hoping we get an overdue shakeup cause so far this "All Stars" season is a boring disappointment.
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Old 09-02-2020, 07:20 PM
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He sort of is, but Tyler is more working with Christmas and was with David until David sort of ruined things. He also seems to protect Bayleigh a bit more. He also went to Enzo to try to tell him to backdoor Dani, he really doesnt like her. So that is great to me.
I can see why he would want to back door after tonight. lol she really put him on the spot in front of Nicole. about having a meeting with the slick six alliance. it was funny how he was trying to play dumb. lol
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Old 09-03-2020, 05:06 PM
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I'm watching the latest episode live right now!
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Old 09-03-2020, 06:09 PM
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at Kaysar speech.

Christmas winning HOH, will probably end up being more of the same. and she'll end up listening to the guys.
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Old 09-03-2020, 09:51 PM
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I'm glad he blew up their games before leaving but with Christmas getting a default HOH win (Dammit Davonne you had one job but when they do that dumb knockout comp the minority alliance is always at a disadvantage) it doesn't mean anything and another boring ass week has arrived! Time for Davonne and Bayleigh to be put up *snores*
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Old 09-04-2020, 12:08 AM
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DAY WAS SO CLOSE TO THAT HOH. FreaKng Christmas barely did anything and won, I am so upset right now. Because now Bay/Day are going up. And the black people have all noticed how the whole house is basically against them. A bit late, considering Jaysar tried to warn them before.... FRUSTRATING.

SUPER BUMMED that Kaysar was evicted, but saw it coming and I am glad he can go home to his family and see how loved he is. His exit speech was awesome and so old school. He also called the show/season boring, WHICH IT IS! These new players are so damn sensitive to this stuff, its a freaking game! Seeing Dani and Nicole pissed off made me happy. Why should he sit there and take getting evicted?

This season is just... ugh. Its going so poorly. So disappointing. I hope America has the chance to give out the powers so that we can give them to Ian, Bayleigh and Da'vonne or at least Ian/Bay/Tyler or something. IDK.

I am rooting for Tyler only because he wants Dani to go. I hope that it actually works. Maybe her an get in Christmas' head this week about backdooring her. Though, once again he is making deals with EVERYONE and not one person is catching on. Tyler will be at the end. Im not sure if its good gameplay (I will give him credit and say it is and I think he is actually even playing a better game this season, hes being more honest with people which imo was his downfall last year) but I also feel like ehe gets far just because people see him as the cool chill guy and want to work with him. I just cant believe no one is targeting him AGAIN! lol....

Not likely to be a good week, its probably gonna be Da'Vonne that goes, which is a dang bummer. because even if bay or day get veto, then christmas will probably put up david or ian and then the other girl will go. Tired of the girls leaving. So dumb. Those three boys (enzo/cody/tyler) are running everything.
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