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Old 03-12-2018, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
But this is not about TV. This is about majority of people. Like I said it's a proven fact that most women are SF everywhere in the world no matter the country or the region. Expectations are not based on the TV. They are based on the majority of people. Society is tuned into expecting certain things just because they have seen them the most. It's how people think.

This is part of the personality theory. I agree with you that we should not base everything on TV because well they do not show everything. If you believe American TV you would think that all American women are blondes.

We will have to agree to disagree. What I am saying here rings true for every NT woman out there though. NT women do not meet the expectations and as a result they quite often get treated as one of the guys because well they have more in common with men around them than women . Can they find men that will appreciate them? They can, but it's the minority. For most men NT women will be insensitive cold bitches. It is what it is.
Oh okay. When I heard you say you read or on TV I assumed this played a part.

I’m just glad I don’t deal with this sort of thing, lol. Family, friends in three huge states... I’m not around this or have ever witnessed it... which could be why I find it hard to believe as a majority sort of thing.
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Old 03-12-2018, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
That’s probably true. I’ve just never heard men outspoken about this sort of thing because most American women would tell them to shut the hell up.
They would never tell them in their face . They would just never talk to them .
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Old 03-12-2018, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
True . You are right. People that enjoyed their childhood usually miss it. I can't say that my childhood was bad. I was just not interested in being a kid. I wanted the responsibility because I wanted the freedom of being an adult .
Rare breed is you.
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Old 03-12-2018, 10:23 AM
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I still think it's funny how some people thought Rowling was an INFP:

I had some slight confusion over INFJ and INFP but that's because I was trying to explain away a tests result that was happening due to not filling it out properly... *dumb me*

But it's plain as day JK Rowling is an INFJ. I think people believe the Harry Potter Series is very INFP and while many aspects are on the surface... the deeper meaning is way more INFJ... there's endless Spiritual components. She writes her INFJ characters to perfection too (Dumbledore and Lupin) because she IS them. She's said more than once she is them. Luna Lovegood (love her) is a classic INFP character.

But yes, I know the reason why I am so obsessed with Harry Potter is because I'm drawn to Rowling's personality type (we are the same!) and the World (the way it works) in general is so INFJ with sprinkles of every personalty type within all her characters.
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Old 03-12-2018, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
I still think it's funny how some people thought Rowling was an INFP:

I had some slight confusion over INFJ and INFP but that's because I was trying to explain away a tests result that was happening due to not filling it out properly... *dumb me*

But it's plain as day JK Rowling is an INFJ. I think people believe the Harry Potter Series is very INFP and while many aspects are on the surface... the deeper meaning is way more INFJ... there's endless Spiritual components. She writes her INFJ characters to perfection too (Dumbledore and Lupin) because she IS them. She's said more than once she is them. Luna Lovegood (love her) is a classic INFP character.

But yes, I know the reason why I am so obsessed with Harry Potter is because I'm drawn to Rowling's personality type (we are the same!) and the World (the way it works) in general is so INFJ with sprinkles of every personalty type within all her characters.
Why do you think people think that Rowling is INFP. What do you think makes them believe this?
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Old 03-12-2018, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Why do you think people think that Rowling is INFP. What do you think makes them believe this?
Harry Potter World and imagination. That's it. Not her personality in general.
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Old 03-12-2018, 11:05 AM
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I think she might be getting sick of people thinking INFP based on the Harry Potter World (which, if they actually thought about it, has some INFP but the overall theme is clearly INFJ)... not only does she say she's INFJ on Twitter more than once, but Rowling makes the disclosure in the acknowledgments of her crime novel, The Silkworm, too.
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Old 03-12-2018, 11:13 AM
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I love her even more knowing she watches sports and an aggressive sport such as Rugby at that.
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Old 03-12-2018, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
Oh okay. When I heard you say you read or on TV I assumed this played a part.
TV could be used as an experiment. I find that quite often all TV series follow the same formula as far as characters composition. It's like they choose the same 10 groups and they need to have representative of each group.

I’m just glad I don’t deal with this sort of thing, lol. Family, friends in three huge states... I’m not around this or have ever witnessed it... which could be why I find it hard to believe as a majority sort of thing.
You are not NT woman. In general as far society goes F and S type are easier accepted than N or T types when it comes to women. Same goes for Feeler men. NT women have hard time fit in society unless they learn to fake stuff. Same goes for NF men because they are minority too.

Now of course my parents accept me the way I am. My best friend accepts me as well. Other friends do not know the real me so we can't know how much they accept me. Male co-workers have no issues with me for the most part (we all know how the jerk and ex boss feel ) but they are also involved so they see me as one of them. We talk about work and the NT mentality is quite useful in those cases.

This article mentions some of the NT women struggles.

“I just wish it was socially acceptable to be an NT. I feel like women are ‘supposed’ to like and be outwardly friendly toward everyone they meet. Just because I don’t warm right up to you or care about making small talk doesn’t mean I am a bitch, and it doesn’t mean I don’t like you. I probably don’t care enough to have an opinion of you right away.” –INTJ, 28
“NT women are caught in a conundrum. There’s the stereotype of the overly emotional woman and a type of dread that lingers around dealing with her emotions, but when confronted by an NT woman – whose primary view of life is not through an emotional lens – our very womanhood is questioned. Some people wonder why women ‘just can’t be more rational/less emotional,’ and then they finally interact with an NT woman and call her ‘frigid’. Women as a whole just can’t seem to win! NT women actually have a surprising level of depth to their emotions; we are still human after all! I find that my natural inclination towards seeking all viewpoints, outcomes and opinions leads me to have an overwhelming sense of understanding of our interconnectedness. I feel very deeply because I have an acute awareness of the effect that just one action can have on an entire group of people or a personal situation. This makes me cautious in social situations, aware of my impact on my loved ones, and provides me with a strong sense of wanting the people in my life to feel complete and fulfilled. I’ll run myself ragged trying to help a close friend or family member accomplish their dreams – and also feel personally responsible if they fail somewhere along the way. (Because of course, I should have seen that problem/hurdle coming, right?)” –INTJ, 31
Most probably NT women are way more sensitive to being compared to the stereotype so they also notice more when people treat them that way.

Interesting podcast about ENTP woman and her struggles -

I so relate to her when she says that she does not feel offended when people talk about women and whether they can be leaders because truthfully the emotional people can't be leaders and if a woman is that emotional to let her emotions cloud her judgement then yeah she is not good for leading position. I feel the same way. I am not a man, but I also do not identify with women. I see myself in the middle where basically I talk about women as them/they and about men as them/they and I do not identify with any of the group.

I also relate to her when she talks about the concept of sisterhood or female friendships. It does not work for me either. In fact I can't even be in the same room with more than 2 Feeler other women. I have no idea how it happens, but gather more than 2 Feeler women in the same room and they start discussing this boring topics about kids and how they partners suck and I just can't relate. I have never had a close female friend to be honest and it's because I can't relate to women in that sense.

They are also correct that NT women never fully integrate in a full women group and sisterhood. It never happens. It's also true that Feeler woman can't fully understand Thinker woman and the other way around.

It'a also true that in most cases Thinker women are like either the only ones in their group of people around them or quite in the minority so there is definitely feeling of unbalance. It's draining.
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Last edited by secretk; 03-12-2018 at 11:11 PM
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Old 03-12-2018, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
I think she might be getting sick of people thinking INFP based on the Harry Potter World (which, if they actually thought about it, has some INFP but the overall theme is clearly INFJ)... not only does she say she's INFJ on Twitter more than once, but Rowling makes the disclosure in the acknowledgments of her crime novel, The Silkworm, too.
It must be weird people to tell you that often that you are some personality type when you know that you are not. So yeah she might get sick of it. It's weird that people are so adamant to claim that she is INFP.
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Old 03-12-2018, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)

I love her even more knowing she watches sports and an aggressive sport such as Rugby at that.
This is so funny .
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Old 03-13-2018, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
TV could be used as an experiment. I find that quite often all TV series follow the same formula as far as characters composition. It's like they choose the same 10 groups and they need to have representative of each group.

You are not NT woman. In general as far society goes F and S type are easier accepted than N or T types when it comes to women. Same goes for Feeler men. NT women have hard time fit in society unless they learn to fake stuff. Same goes for NF men because they are minority too.

Now of course my parents accept me the way I am. My best friend accepts me as well. Other friends do not know the real me so we can't know how much they accept me. Male co-workers have no issues with me for the most part (we all know how the jerk and ex boss feel ) but they are also involved so they see me as one of them. We talk about work and the NT mentality is quite useful in those cases.

This article mentions some of the NT women struggles.

Most probably NT women are way more sensitive to being compared to the stereotype so they also notice more when people treat them that way.

Interesting podcast about ENTP woman and her struggles -

I so relate to her when she says that she does not feel offended when people talk about women and whether they can be leaders because truthfully the emotional people can't be leaders and if a woman is that emotional to let her emotions cloud her judgement then yeah she is not good for leading position. I feel the same way. I am not a man, but I also do not identify with women. I see myself in the middle where basically I talk about women as them/they and about men as them/they and I do not identify with any of the group.

I also relate to her when she talks about the concept of sisterhood or female friendships. It does not work for me either. In fact I can't even be in the same room with more than 2 Feeler other women. I have no idea how it happens, but gather more than 2 Feeler women in the same room and they start discussing this boring topics about kids and how they partners suck and I just can't relate. I have never had a close female friend to be honest and it's because I can't relate to women in that sense.

They are also correct that NT women never fully integrate in a full women group and sisterhood. It never happens. It's also true that Feeler woman can't fully understand Thinker woman and the other way around.

It'a also true that in most cases Thinker women are like either the only ones in their group of people around them or quite in the minority so there is definitely feeling of unbalance. It's draining.
Interesting stuff. Thanks for it! I'm going to look into this more. I find this fascinating. It makes sense.
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Old 03-13-2018, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
It must be weird people to tell you that often that you are some personality type when you know that you are not. So yeah she might get sick of it. It's weird that people are so adamant to claim that she is INFP.
From what I gather, the ones that figure she's an INFP are... INFPs, lol.

Not only that... most are basing it on the Harry Potter World. They figure if Rowling created that world, somehow she has to be an INFP too. But like I said, the world is actually way more INFJ than INFP even if there's a mixture.

That said, Rowling's personality is textbook INFJ. She doesn't have a shred of INFP to her.
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Old 03-13-2018, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
This is so funny .
It really is!
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Old 03-13-2018, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
Interesting stuff. Thanks for it! I'm going to look into this more. I find this fascinating. It makes sense.
It definitely helps NT women to understand why they feel different.
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