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Old 07-22-2009, 05:04 PM
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The Everwood Rewatch Fest: "The Price of Fame" (S1, Ep. 13)

We'll keep this up for one week and then go on to the next episode. After you've watched the episode, you can comment on it anyway you'd like, big or small. You can focus on certain characters, scenes, quotes, or the episode as a whole. You can tie the episode to the rest of the series, or comment about it as a self-contained episode. It's all up to you! You can always give your thoughts after the one week period, as all rewatch threads will stay open for more thoughts and anymore discussion. Thanks!

The Price of Fame

Written By: Rina Mimoun
Directed By: Sandy Smolan

Much to resident thespian Dr. Abbott's chagrin, Andy begrudgingly auditions and is offered the lead in Everwood's production of "The King and I." As Dr. Brown struggles with his lines, Ephram struggles with his emotions when his intense feelings for Amy are complicated by Colin's desire to be his friend.

If you haven't already, please feel free to comment on our previous episodes:

The Pilot
The Great Doctor Brown
Friendly Fire
The Kissing Bridge
Deer God
The Doctor Is In
We Hold These Truths
Till Death Do Us Part
Turf Wars
Is There a Doctor in the House?
A Thanksgiving Tale
Vegetative State
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 07-25-2009, 10:56 AM
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I really don’t have much to say about this episode; it’s a cute little side quirk for the EW cast. Pretty laughable when Harold gets the role of “King’s assistant”.

I like the little “Arney” guy, he’s such a little weenie. There’s so many of the S1 characters I’m assuming they cut some out just to focus on the main cast. The casting for the series is so spot on. Minus the red hair lady: I’m glad she got cut out.

At first, I was quite annoyed at Amy’s turn of character towards Ephram. Total betrayal in the strides they took as friends but the more I think about it, this is who Amy had to be to become who she would become. We have to remember this is high school and we’re not all the best characters at this time and the characters are just showing their growth.

I’m loving Bright though; typical jock with those lines, hah!

And so, the more I watch S1, the more I appreciate where the direction of the shows is going.

- chibi
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Old 07-25-2009, 11:14 AM
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Some thoughts on the episode....

Funny lines:
  • "Shut up, Wendell!"
  • "Your thoughts exhaust me, Wendell."
  • "Imagine what they do to me!"
  • "But I'm a real boy. You just act like one."
  • "I don't know....maybe he thinks I'm pretty. "
  • "E? I'm E now?
  • "You're sensitive....extremely clean."
  • "I already have a Plaan. You are part of the Plaan."
  • "Even a God-awful actor like Dr. Brown deserves encouragement."

Oher thoughts:
  • Delia at the poker adorable. "I have expressive eyes?!"
  • I loved the Ephram/Colin bathroom scene. How nervous was poor Ephram...he couldn't look Colin in the eye. I guess he's just not used to having people tell him that he's cool with them that often.
  • This episode was the beginning of my real hatred for Amy.(of course that feeling would change in later episodes). It started with her cruelty to Ephram at the lunch dare she say that she hardly knew Ephram! Then in Ephram's insensitive.
  • I hated Bright calling Ephram a "whack job". Why couldn't Bright see where Ephram's tirade was coming from?
  • I don't understand why Andy had so much difficulty learning his lines. From what I know....medical school requires a huge amount of memorizing.
  • I liked Wendell....wished he remained on the show. He was really a good friend...wasn't jealous....encouraged him to sit with the popular kids...even though it meant that he wouldn't sit with him. Wendell was concerned about Ephram's well being.
  • Isn it amazing that Edna was able to find every member of the cast in the diner at the same time? Doesn't anyone in Everwood cook?
  • Question: Why did Edna say to Evelyn, "Are you sure you should drink that?" When was she told about Evelyn's condidtion? Edna appeared surprised to see Evelyn come into the bar and actually said, "I thought you were still in NY"
  • Very sweet Ephram/Andy exchange in the theatre.

Last edited by everwoodfan52; 07-25-2009 at 12:53 PM
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Old 07-26-2009, 09:38 AM
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I could ramble on about this episode and I have before in the past, LOL, but throughout this episode I was so annoyed with Amy. The scene at the Brown's even though whenever Ephram delivers the line of, "I don't know....maybe he thinks I'm pretty" cracked me up beyond words, to the cafeteria scene, Amy was really cruel and insensitive. I understand why whenever looking at the big picture but inserting myself as Ephram during those moments, I cannot imagine how he felt because that must been so painful. Amy was my favorite character throughout the entire series and that never wavered even throughout her bad moments and that's all thanks to Emily but I wanted to strangle her while watching this episode admittedly.
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Old 07-26-2009, 07:26 PM
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I'm not sure how much I like the Evelyn story or character (she's kind of a bitca, but that does play into how even our heroes can be tremendously flawed), but I do like the idea of exploring how people idolize others and make them into something that they just cannot possibly be. It works with Colin very well. Evelyn...well, at least it gets good when Edna gets involved and it's all comedic. Especially when she fires Andy, hee.

"I remember one winter in Calgary..." Hee. An inside joke I actually get! I'm assuming that making the actor known for a musical or two (Treat) a terrible actor is also an inside joke. Everwood didn't get meta very often, but some of them were pretty fun.

You have really got to feel for Colin. First, at the lunch table when he has no idea what's going on with Amy acting like a bitca. And when he doesn't understand why Ephram doesn't like him. Aw.

Betty got most of the funny lines, but I'll add two more:
  • Bright: "I've always been fond of you, I'm just... I'm shy, you know." Ephram: "Alright, name one thing you like about me." Bright: "Just one? How about a thousand? You're... sensitive, you're extremely clean..." Now that's Hoyay!
  • Edna: "If some person wearing all black asks me what's their motivation, I'm liable to smack 'em."

Ya'll already said it about this episode, so I'm going to agree with a bunch of things already said.

I like the little “Arney” guy, he’s such a little weenie. There’s so many of the S1 characters I’m assuming they cut some out just to focus on the main cast. The casting for the series is so spot on. Minus the red hair lady: I’m glad she got cut out.
Lots of funny and memorable S1 characters, for sure. But I definitely agree that it was good that some got cut out to focus on the main characters. The local townies could be fun, but it was always about the main cast!

Delia at the poker adorable. "I have expressive eyes?!"
She so does have them! Those final few seconds when she's in costume, you really see how expressive those eyes can be

I don't understand why Andy had so much difficulty learning his lines. From what I know....medical school requires a huge amount of memorizing.
Yeah, it makes absolutely no sense, heh--only eight episodes previous, "Deer God", Andy remarks about how he remembers everything he ever read in college--but I think that they chose Andy to be a bad actor because of the in-joke factor with Treat Williams.

Question: Why did Edna say to Evelyn, "Are you sure you should drink that?" When was she told about Evelyn's condidtion? Edna appeared surprised to see Evelyn come into the bar and actually said, "I thought you were still in NY"
I think that Edna can just see that Evelyn has some type of cancer because of the..whatever you call the thing wrapped around Evelyn's head, presumably to hide the effects from chemotherapy. Or Edna's psychic. Either one.

I hated Bright calling Ephram a "whack job". Why couldn't Bright see where Ephram's tirade was coming from?
I don't know, Ephram was pretty much acting like a "whack job" at that point, in my opinion. Sure, he was doing it because of Amy and he was frustrated and just wanted to be left alone, but he was so frickin' mean to Colin and unnecessarily dramatic. Use your quiet voice, Ephram, hee.

I could ramble on about this episode and I have before in the past, LOL, but throughout this episode I was so annoyed with Amy. The scene at the Brown's even though whenever Ephram delivers the line of, "I don't know....maybe he thinks I'm pretty" cracked me up beyond words, to the cafeteria scene, Amy was really cruel and insensitive. I understand why whenever looking at the big picture but inserting myself as Ephram during those moments, I cannot imagine how he felt because that must been so painful. Amy was my favorite character throughout the entire series and that never wavered even throughout her bad moments and that's all thanks to Emily but I wanted to strangle her while watching this episode admittedly.
Yay! So great to have you in the Rewatch, Michelle! I also love the "pretty" line so much, hee. Ephram's snark is a thing of beauty! And episodes like these are definitely when it's hard to be an Amy fan like a lot of us are. She's hard to like when she's being so childish. Especially when you see the look on Ephram's face. Aw, poor guy.

And, definitely, Emily's acting is the only reason why we can make it through some of this behaviour. Emily fully commits to both Amy as a great and nice girl, and Amy as a childish brat. She handles both with such care. I can see why Emily liked Amy so much, because she gets to play everything.

I do agree with chibiT's comment about how she really is still just a child at this point, so while her behaviour isn't easy to excuse, at least she definitely grows from it later on. Which is one of the more satisfying journeys for our younger characters.
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 07-26-2009, 07:55 PM
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Yeah, it makes absolutely no sense, heh--only eight episodes previous, "Deer God", Andy remarks about how he remembers everything he ever read in college--but I think that they chose Andy to be a bad actor because of the in-joke factor with Treat Williams.
This is another example of the writers being so inconsistent!

I don't know, Ephram was pretty much acting like a "whack job" at that point, in my opinion. Sure, he was doing it because of Amy and he was frustrated and just wanted to be left alone, but he was so frickin' mean to Colin and unnecessarily dramatic. Use your quiet voice, Ephram, hee.

Ewwwwwwwwwww.....sticking up for Colin, huh 'Tos? Poor Colin? Poor Ephram! Bright knew what was going on. Ephram was summoned to sit at the lunch table and ride in the truck with a guy who can't stand him......a girl that he loves who makes believe that she doesn't know him.....and a guy who the girl that he loves....loves.
Bright knew where Ephram was coming from....I frankly couldn't understand why, from the very first episode, Ephram was labeled a nut job. His only crime was moving to that town and being used by Amy to get his father's services for Colin. What else did he do to deserve that abuse from Bright?
And frankly, Colin was so freaking pushy. Ephram said, "No" politely several times...Colin kept insisting to the point of having Ephram sit on his lap!
I don't blame Ephram for blowing his top!

Shipper war, "Tos! Bring it on!
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Old 07-26-2009, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
This is another example of the writers being so inconsistent!

Ewwwwwwwwwww.....sticking up for Colin, huh 'Tos? Poor Colin? Poor Ephram! Bright knew what was going on. Ephram was summoned to sit at the lunch table and ride in the truck with a guy who can't stand him......a girl that he loves who makes believe that she doesn't know him.....and a guy who the girl that he loves....loves.
Bright knew where Ephram was coming from....I frankly couldn't understand why, from the very first episode, Ephram was labeled a nut job. His only crime was moving to that town and being used by Amy to get his father's services for Colin. What else did he do to deserve that abuse from Bright?
And frankly, Colin was so freaking pushy. Ephram said, "No" politely several times...Colin kept insisting to the point of having Ephram sit on his lap!
I don't blame Ephram for blowing his top!

Shipper war, "Tos! Bring it on!
Oh it is on, Betty! Hee. Ephram the childish, bratty, spoiled "wah, wah, wah, my life sucks" kid with daddy issues vs Colin the sympathetic, sad, angelic, nice guy with real problems (such as that can't even remember his own life).

Okay, so that would only barely last for this episode until Ephram is awesome next episode and Colin goes insane, heh.

Can we at least agree that Carl is going to be really annoying next episode?
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
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Old 07-26-2009, 08:23 PM
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I'm not sure it has to be inconsistent that Andy can't remember his lines -- memorizing a textbook is one thing, but memorizing something and then delivering it before an audience, in the guise of a character, might be something else entirely. [/attempt to absolve the writers of narrative wrongdoing]. I do enjoy the show's occasional in-jokes, though. My personal favorites are the two from "The Next Step," first with Andy telling Ephram that he was supposed to tell Europeans that he was Canadian, and then Andy joking about having a second family in Utah. Wow, Treat sure was given a lot of these meta moments, wasn't he? Hee.

Aw, Betty, you have me on your Ephram-loving/anti-Colin side! Well, first I have to actually rewatch the episode in order to weigh in more thoughtfully, heh, but I remember enough to know that I am never on Colin's side in these things. *sticks tongue out at 'Tos* And I don't remember a great deal about Amy's actions in this particular ep, but if the people who actually like her dislike her in this one, then I suppose I'd better make sure not to have anything throwable nearby when I watch. Don't want to do any irreparable damage to my television or anything.
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Old 07-27-2009, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by 'Tos (View Post)
Oh it is on, Betty! Hee. Ephram the childish, bratty, spoiled "wah, wah, wah, my life sucks" kid with daddy issues vs Colin the sympathetic, sad, angelic, nice guy with real problems (such as that can't even remember his own life).

Okay, so that would only barely last for this episode until Ephram is awesome next episode and Colin goes insane, heh.
I don't think that it can last another episode because it's really tough to stay in a fight with you. You're too nice!

Can we at least agree that Carl is going to be really annoying next episode?
Most definitely! I don't think there's anyone who likes Carl.....except maybe Leo. She likes everyone....even Amanda!

Where are you, Leo?

Can't wait to hear your thoughts after you watch, Thief.
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Old 07-27-2009, 07:48 AM
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Originally Posted by 'Tos (View Post)

Yay! So great to have you in the Rewatch, Michelle!

Whenever I first became mod I wrote novel-like posts on all the episodes so I feel like now I am about adding specific thoughts and/or commenting on others who are posting terrific thoughts.

I also love the "pretty" line so much, hee. Ephram's snark is a thing of beauty!
Exactly. That is what I love so much about Ephram, his snark, not only because Greg masters this aspect of Ephram, along with every other aspect of course, but because I feel like Ephram got through all of his pain through the snark and humor. It was purely his way to deal... and it worked for him, thankfully, because the guy was just battling his mothers death, the lack of relationship with his father, moving to a small town away from NYC, falling for the popular girl in the school who was constantly hot and cold with him, it was so much for Ephram. He dealt quite nicely, though, and the snark/humor was what got him through the bad times.

And episodes like these are definitely when it's hard to be an Amy fan like a lot of us are. She's hard to like when she's being so childish. Especially when you see the look on Ephram's face. Aw, poor guy.
I know it. It was heartbreaking. I understand what Amy was personally going through which is way more than a girl her age should ever have to deal with but she did handle it so immaturely and it was, at times, very tough watching her bitchiness because Ephram was the one who had to take the hits the most and it wasn't fair to him. Everyone within that group was dealing with tons of pain but it really was Amy who had the most difficulty being mature about it. Oh yes we did see the maturity eventually come out of Amy as the series moved along which was great to see. The growth that took place within her was very much noticed but what I liked best about it was it didn't take place in One Tree Hill fashion, aka in two minutes time, where you found it unrealistic and stupid. No, it was real, since this is Everwood we are talking about, so we saw how it took Amy a long journey on this path towards maturity and certainly, she had her setbacks as she plugged along but in the end she finally got there.

And, definitely, Emily's acting is the only reason why we can make it through some of this behaviour. Emily fully commits to both Amy as a great and nice girl, and Amy as a childish brat. She handles both with such care. I can see why Emily liked Amy so much, because she gets to play everything.
Right. I've said this a million times before... if Emily didn't play the character of Amy I probably would have hated Amy in this series or at least highly disliked her. But it was Emily who allowed me to like Amy throughout because we saw her flaws yet we still cheered for her at the same time, or at least many did. LOL. Nevertheless, for me, it was Emily who controlled the character of Amy in such a beautiful way because she manages to make this character so real, so flawed, but you still love her. It was a superb job on Emily's part and it is why I find her the best younger actress of her generation.
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Old 07-27-2009, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)

Whenever I first became mod I wrote novel-like posts on all the episodes
I remember, so many remember since they were outstanding.

Exactly. That is what I love so much about Ephram, his snark, not only because Greg masters this aspect of Ephram, along with every other aspect of course, but because I feel like Ephram got through all of his pain through the snark and humor. It was purely his way to deal... and it worked for him, thankfully, because the guy was just battling his mothers death, the lack of relationship with his father, moving to a small town away from NYC, falling for the popular girl in the school who was constantly hot and cold with him, it was so much for Ephram. He dealt quite nicely, though, and the snark/humor was what got him through the bad times.
Definitely. It was his protective shield and one that if he didn't have? He might have broken to pieces.

Right. I've said this a million times before... if Emily didn't play the character of Amy I probably would have hated Amy in this series or at least highly disliked her.
I second this. I imagine seasons 1/2 Amy being played by someone other than Emily and I know I would have hated Amy. Absolutely and completely.

But do you know what I don't understand? The Amy haters out there? And there are some... what I find really strange is how some will hate Amy and almost get a kick out of hating on Amy and usually most of this group worships Ephram, which, truth be told, Ephram was also a fit throwing guy at times as well, so yes... the Amy haters, there's this group that exists and they worship Ephram in the next breath... but? They ALSO don't want Amy with anyone else but Ephram. I have never figured this group out. I find it bizarre how you can claim to dislike Amy, love Ephram, but still want them together. I don't understand the logic. Sorry I went way OT there but I thought about this recently and it's still something that perplexes me.
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Old 07-27-2009, 08:35 PM
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But do you know what I don't understand? The Amy haters out there? And there are some... what I find really strange is how some will hate Amy and almost get a kick out of hating on Amy and usually most of this group worships Ephram, which, truth be told, Ephram was also a fit throwing guy at times as well, so yes... the Amy haters, there's this group that exists and they worship Ephram in the next breath... but? They ALSO don't want Amy with anyone else but Ephram. I have never figured this group out. I find it bizarre how you can claim to dislike Amy, love Ephram, but still want them together. I don't understand the logic. Sorry I went way OT there but I thought about this recently and it's still something that perplexes me.
I honestly believe it is possible for someone to like Ephram....dislike Amy.....and still want them to be together. I was one of them. Admittedly...I grew to really like Amy as the seasons progressed. But....season one and most of season 2...she was not my favorite person. I did want her with Ephram because that was what he wanted. I knew that would make him happy and I wanted him to be happy.
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Old 07-27-2009, 08:40 PM
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I'm to be in the minority, but I liked the Evelyn character. Sure she had a bit of an ego and her treatment of Any when he came to her home was a bit pointed, but there was something about her that was really endearing. Maybe it was the actress. But when she told Andy that was gonna be great...I dunno what it was, but it moved me. And then at the end of the when she was watching the play go up and Irv's narration was closing up, I thought it was a great way to finish the episode. This was another instance of the narration and score really heightening an episode. It's not a terribly important one, but it's very enjoyable. Mimoun comedy at its finest.

I really liked though, how she broke the Ephram/Colin story. Like Betty pointed above, Ephram's shyness and uncomfortableness really shone through. I was pretty much neutral on Ephram blowing up at Colin though--between Amy saying they have nothing in common to Bright forcing things, I see why he yelled. Colin didn't deserve to be on the recieving end of it, but it happens. And things get better...for awhile anyway.

The whole "E" thing cracks me up. Of course it was Bright! Bright and Ephram in the gym picking teams also brought the funny. Gregory played annoyance and distrust so well there!

I'm not sure it has to be inconsistent that Andy can't remember his lines -- memorizing a textbook is one thing, but memorizing something and then delivering it before an audience, in the guise of a character, might be something else entirely. [/attempt to absolve the writers of narrative wrongdoing].

Another injoke that I really loved was in Season 4 as well, with Eugene being a Newsweek guy and sort of slamming Time, which gave the show a bad review. And then thinking about the Pilot commentary, it just cracks me up. Heh.
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Old 07-28-2009, 12:20 AM
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I was pretty consistent in my feelings: I disliked Amy, loved Ephram, and never 'shipped them. I was a bit more in favor of them in the first few eps, because it was what he wanted, but Amy lost me pretty early, and after that I wanted something else for Ephram.

Episode thoughts!
  • I just really have no opinion on Evelyn, positive or negative, because her story just bores me. I've never been huge on the townies or the MEoW, with only a few notable exceptions, and she's a marriage of the two, so, there you go. She's useful in that she provides for cute stuff with Andy, Delia, and Harold, though.
  • "Everyone likes you, Colin." Sure, Amy. Okay, actually, actually, I think he's okay here, with Ephram. I'm okay with Colin in this one episode, for parts of it, probably because he's being very calm and just sort of confused about things. There, I said it. I feel dirty now.
  • Regarding one of Wendell's remarks, do teenage boys go for Gwyneth Paltrow? Did teenage boys in 2002 go for Gwyneth Paltrow? I'm honestly asking here. I could maybe see it in the '90s with some of the roles she was doing then, but this past decade? Really? (And it's a travesty that she won the Oscar in 1999 over Cate Blanchett and Emily Watson, and she was woefully miscast in Shakespeare in Love in the first place. Nanner nanner!) (Okay, I don't know where that just came from.)
  • Shut up, Amy.
  • Rock on, Ephram.
  • Shut up some more, Amy.
  • I love Edna for making people do push-ups, hee.
  • Enough has been said about the Bright/Ephram gym scene, but I'll add that it was another one of those moments that made me like Bright just a little bit more. "I'm just shy." Hee. Little did we know this would foreshadow the birth of a beautiful friendship, which would also be one of my very favorite things about the show over the next three seasons.
  • I just really can't fault Ephram for his meltdown. Yeah, it would look irrational to Colin, but seeing it knowing the context...I just can't have a big problem with it, and thinking of how uncomfortable it would be just to have the popular crowd attempt to rope you into hanging out with them, especially when Amy's at her Amiest, and, yeah. I get it.
  • "Well, menopause isn't normally contagious, honey. But then, it's also rare for it to occur in 9-year-old girls." Hee! Early Andy and Delia are so bloody cute. Aw.
  • I also enjoy Andy's total, blatant, ridiculous lies about Delia's extensive acting background in the program.

So, to sum up: Colin doesn't irritate me here, but I'm still taking Ephram's side in that parking lot scene, and Amy irritates me greatly. And Andy and Delia continue to be one of the best things S1 had going for it.
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Old 07-28-2009, 04:28 PM
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Another injoke that I really loved was in Season 4 as well, with Eugene being a Newsweek guy and sort of slamming Time, which gave the show a bad review.
And he was also slamming his son who got a lot of reviews from Time.

Regarding one of Wendell's remarks, do teenage boys go for Gwyneth Paltrow? Did teenage boys in 2002 go for Gwyneth Paltrow? I'm honestly asking here.
No. I don't think so. Jessica Alba is more their speed. I believe Ephram mentioned her on another episode.

I just really can't fault Ephram for his meltdown. Yeah, it would look irrational to Colin, but seeing it knowing the context...I just can't have a big problem with it, and thinking of how uncomfortable it would be just to have the popular crowd attempt to rope you into hanging out with them, especially when Amy's at her Amiest, and, yeah. I get it.
I think that you're outnumbered in your criticism of Ephram here, 'Tos. See..we all understand where Ephram was coming from.
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