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  1. Message Board Closure Notice
  2. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  3. Salem Post Count #2
  4. Salem Hangman #4: Hanging on every word.
  5. Salem Last Letter Game #2
  6. Board Customization
  7. [Broken Vows] John & Mary #2: "I love you. Please don't leave me."
  8. Salem Unconventional Ships #1 - Bring out your ships! Bring out your ships!
  9. Besides Salem, what are you watching? #2
  10. Salem 2x13 - "The Witching Hour" Episode Discussion (June 28th) [SEASON FINALE]
  11. Salem 2x12 - "Midnight Never Come" Episode Discussion (June 21st)
  12. Salem 2x11 - "On Earth as in Hell" Episode Discussion (June 14)
  13. Salem 2x10 - "Till Death Do Us Part" Episode Discussion (June 07)
  14. Salem 2x09 - "Wages of Sin" Episode Discussion (May 31st)
  15. Salem 2x08 - "Dead Birds" Episode Discussion (May 24th)
  16. Salem 2x07 - "Beckoning Fair One" Episode Discussion (May 17th)
  17. Salem Hangman #3 - Here we hang letters, not witches!
  18. Salem 2x06 - "Ill Met by Moonlight" Episode Discussion (May 10th)
  19. Salem 2x05 - "The Wine Dark Sea" Episode Discussion (May 3rd)
  20. Salem 2x04 - "Book of Shadows" Episode Discussion (April 26th)
  21. Salem 2x03 - "From Within" Episode Discussion (April 19th)
  22. Salem News & Media #2: Because we love cast interactions!
  23. Salem 2x02 - "Blood Kiss" Episode Discussion (April 12th)
  24. Salem 2x01 - "Cry Havoc" Episode Discussion (April 5th)
  25. History of witches
  26. pourquoi est-il un conseil pour Salem?
  27. Salem Anti-ABC Thread #2: Anticlimactic, Boring, Cheap
  28. Salem ABC Thread #2: Apple, Box, Creepy
  29. Salem Hangman #2 - Guess the Letter!
  30. [The Native Son] John Alden | Shane West #2 - "I would rather die than have Salem's finest control my fate."
  31. [The Coven] Off Topic #2: Witches, Captains and Preachers oh my!
  32. Salem Word Association Thread #2 | salem - beards - boys
  33. #Heathens Happy Birthday Thread #1 | Because we love to throw a party!
  34. Salem Last Letter Game #1
  35. Standard Avatars 2014
  36. Salem Confessions #1 | Tell me all your secrets...
  37. [Beard Buddies] John & Cotton & Isaac #1: You call it facial hair. I call it awesomeness escaping through my face.
  38. Salem Survivors #1 – Favorite Episode [FINAL ROUND - Vote for the winner!]
  39. Please welcome goldstaar as your new moderator!
  40. Salem Fanfiction #1 | "So all these books...tell you exactly nothing."
  41. Salem 1x13 - "All Fall Down" Season Finale Episode Discussion (July 13)
  42. Please welcome miki_cza as your new moderator!
  43. Salem Three Words Game #1 - We love witches!
  44. Salem Hangman #1 - Guess the Letter!
  45. Salem Shag, Marry, Kill #1 - You choose!
  46. Salem TPBM #1 - Can't wait for Season 2!
  47. Salem TPAM #1 - Is happy we have the board.
  48. Salem 1x12 - "Ashes, Ashes" Episode Discussion (July 6th)
  49. Increase & Isaac #1 - "Like all cretinous failures, you say to yourself: 'But I never get the chance.' But it just ain't so, is it?"
  50. [Under a Spell] Cotton & Anne #1: "I fear I may have judged you too harshly, Reverend Mather."