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Old 08-11-2009, 11:29 PM
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Fables #5: Tick tock goes the grandfather clock

The Story
Once upon a time…in the world of fairytales and stories, a great evil rose up known at The Adversary. The Adversary’s plan was to use his/her (the adversary’s identity is currently unknown) armies to take over all of the un-united fairytale lands. Some of the citizens (known as Fables) were able to escape through portals that lead to our mortal world (a world they refer to as the mundane where the people are called Mundy’s). Some time ago they moved to the new world and established a new place to live. They called this place: Fabletown. When making this community they all had to sign a document called “the accords” which was a binding promise stating that they could no longer hold past crimes against one another. Today they live and work around large sections of New York City…

The Characters:

Currently Called: Astra Starr
Story Origins: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Apparent Age: Late 20’s
Issues: Astra’s main issue is keeping people from knowing that she is a wishing star. She can grant small wishes to those who recognize her for what she is. Recently escaped from the homeland and trying to learn to live in this world.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Claire Danes

Currently Called: Max Angel
Story Origins: The Angel/Hans Christen Andersen
Apparent Age: Mid 30’s
Issues: Max drinks way too much, smokes too much, and sleeps around and among other things happens to attract children like crazy, so he tries to stay hidden in Fabletown as much as possible, so hordes of kids don’t follow him around.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Johnny Depp

Currently Called: Hunter Forrester
Story Origins: Hunter, Little Red Riding Hood
Apparent Age: Mid 30’s
Issues: Gets in to much trouble with his need for adventure.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Nathan Fillion

Currently Called: Gwen Veer
Story Origins: Arthurian Legends
Apparent Age: Mid/Late 20’s
Issues: Commitment Phobic. Gwen has an issue staying committed, even to those she cares deeply about. She loved Arthur, in her way, and very deeply loved Lancelot. She is now back in Fabletown after being in a Mundy nunnery for about eighty years.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Doutzen Kroes

Currently Called: Robert Wood
Story Origins: Robin Hood
Apparent Age: Early 20’s
Issues: Robin or Robert as he is now called, is a loving husband who wants nothing more than to be a father…but he’s afraid that he and his wife aren’t stable enough emotionally for a child. He has a great knack for finding trouble even when he wishes it were quiet, but he does love a good adventure.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Jonas Armstrong

Currently Called: Chris Hook
Story Origins: Captain Hook, Peter Pan
Apparent Age: Mid 30's
Issues: Chris is quite taken with the Deputy mayor of Fabletown but being a man with one fake hand, doesn’t think he should even attempt it. Yes, some time ago they replaced his hook-hand with a fake hand so he could blend in to the Mundy world more. He hates being on land more than just about anything. He’s a captain and feels like he isn’t treated to his station. Generally Chris Hook is a bitter and angry man.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Jack Davenport

Currently Called: Wendy Dee
Story Origins: Wendy Darling, Peter Pan
Apparent Age: Mid 20's
Issues: Wendy is the only one of the Darling family that made it out of the homelands. As such as she is very lonely and clings to Peter, maybe a bit too much. She just feels like she had no one else, which is mostly true. But she also is terrified that he loves Tinka and will end up with her.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Anna Paquin

Currently Called: Mary Lambert
Story Origins: Mary Had A Little Lamb
Apparent Age: Mid 20's
Issues: The ‘loose’ woman of Fabletown, has a lot of issues. She is a dancers at the Rat King’s strip joint: CandyLand.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Thora Birch

Currently Called: Patrick Frogger
Story Origins: Prince, Frog Prince
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Issues: His princess rejected him instead of keeping her side of the deal, therefore Patrick is a down in the dumps and cynical most of the time.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Topher Grace

Currently Called: Sanford "Sandy" Rogers
Story Origins: Sandman Lore
Apparent Age: Mid 30's
Issues: Being a very magical being, Sandy doesn’t do much without magic…what would he do without it? Also…he doesn’t open up to many people as he is therapist for a living and others are meant to open up to him.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Adrian Brody

Currently Called: Marigold "Ozma" Ozbourne
Story Origins: Oz Guardian, Wizard of Oz
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Issues: Marigold/Ozma can transfer into different forms so she has a bit of an identity problem with who she really is. She also has a thing against witches (bad ones, anyway) even those that claim to be reformed. Also is crazy in love with her oblivious best friend, Dot.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Amanda Seyfried

Currently Called: Alana Spooner
Story Origins: Spoon, Hey-Diddle-Diddle
Apparent Age: Mid 20's
Issues: After escaping many tortures of the homeland/Adversary with Astra Starr, and making it to Fabletown, Alana was discovered to have selective amnesia of almost everything before she was taken captive. Apparently her torture was so bad mentally and physically, and even magically that she seems to have started to mentally shut down. She doesn't know any of the people who claim to have been her friends, and no one has told her yet about the love of her former life...Clint Disher...
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Bryce Dallas Howard

Currently Called: Winter Springer
Story Origins: Princess, The Polar Bear Prince
Apparent Age: Mid to Late 30’s
She has just escaped from the homelands where she was being kept in a cage and tortured by a witch and...her husband? Yes thats right the witch that all those years ago tried to turn her husband evil and marry him, has really succeed this time. She has just come out of the portal and is looking for someone to help her get her husband back to normal and away from that hag's grip.
Taken By: JillyHalliwell
Played By: Kate Winslet

Currently Called: David Raith
Story Origins: Beast, Beauty And The Beast
Apparent Age: Mid to Late 30's
Issues: The Beast’s curse was solidified by the rebuke of the fey so very long ago. Though the spell was broken when true loves kiss was planted upon his lips the dissolved relationship between he and Beauty weighs heavily upon his mind. Can curses return? Because of this he’s been heatedly perusing “true love” being continually confusing it with “true lust” which doesn’t bother him so much but for the prospect of turning furry again.
Taken By: KervyQT16
Played By: John Barrowman

Currently Called: Nik Cain
Story Origins: The Water Nixie/Hans Christen Andersen
Apparent Age: Early to Mid 20's
Issues: The water nixie is predisposed to kidnap children and enslave them. Though she does not wish harm to children it is the nature of her people to draw children into their web to keep their youth and beauty. Nik does her very best to ignore children lest she be tempted into another such mess of the brushes, mirrors and combs. Nik, being a water being cannot be far from water for too long a period (a week would kill her) and is constantly struggling to remain hydrated which the Mundy lotion helps greatly with.
Taken By: KervyQT16
Played By: Keira Knightley

Currently Called: Oliver Swift
Story Origins: The Western Wynde, The Four Winds
Apparent Age: Early to Mid 20's
Issues: Oliver feels propelled into constant movement. It’s often he doesn’t finish what he starts as he’s distracted easily. Oliver is fairly comfortable in the Mundy world, enjoying besting Mundy’s in races on foot. He was a qualifier for the British National Team for the Summer Olympics when he was sixteen, he’d have placed first if he’d not been distracted by a decidedly green piece of track to the left of his lane. Oliver is also susceptible to the lull of a good tune (which once got in him a lot of trouble with the Pied Piper many years back) since his origins come from 16th century folk song.
Taken By: KervyQT16
Played By: Charlie Cox

Currently Called: Marian Wood
Story Origins: Maid Marian, Robin Hood
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Issues: As a handmaiden to Eleanor of Aquitaine Marian learned early on that women were not subservient to men and that the keen mind and good sword arm of a woman could easily defeat those who stood in their way, regardless of sex. Marian is very headstrong and feisty and own thinks before she acts. She’s landed in Mundy jail for small offenses and protesting there and because of that stays more closely to Fabletown than ever before. She loves her husband Robin very much, even after all these years, but his strong history of generosity and athletic prowess have caused her to become a bit reckless through no fault of his own.
Taken By: KervyQT16
Played By: Lucy Griffiths

Currently Called: Lawrence "Loki" Lightener
Story Origins: Norse Mythology (Loki, God of Lies)
Relationships: TBD
Apparent Age: 40’s
Issues: Loki the “lye-smith” has made a dangerous bargain. In turning to the Fables for sanctuary from his other godly counterparts (who want nothing more than to shackle and chain him) he’s essentially depowered (but for natural wit and his sole retain ability to shape shift into any person he sees) himself and found no way back into Asgard he is the only one of his ilk to lose his story completely. Loki’s survival is completely dependent on his ability to use his particular talent for lying, cheating and changeling appearance – there is no strength of tale to revive him should he die. Loki is now mortal. He is all about the Adversary, all the time, for his best hope of survival is at the hand of someone as ruthless (and less mortal) than he is.
Taken By: KervyQT16
Played By: Rufus Sewell

Currently Called: Annalise "Anne" de Monroe
Story Origins: The Little Match Girl
Apparent Age: 20's
Issues: Although having died at a young age after being found frozen to death in an alley, the adversary had brought her back to life with an intent to take finish off those who reside in the Mundy world. She doesn't have much of a memory of her former past, except for the memories leading up to her death. Why the adversary had brought back someone who was known for her matchsticks was a mystery to her since she felt she couldn't provide a lot for them. Maybe it's the fact she could blend in with the crowd? Annalise wasn't exactly sure.
Taken By: ~+Yamiko
Played By: Emily Browning

Currently Called:
Adrian Crane
Story Origins: The Pied Piper
Apparent Age: 30's
Issues: Although his days of seducing youths and ladies with his flute are far from gone, he had simply gone in to hiding ever since he had been unwittingly accused of being a spy for the Advesary, despite his knowledge of what has been going on in recent events. Very few fables know where he still resides to this day, being in an underground small studio. His reasons for being in Fabletown, however, aren't to do the adversary's dirty work, but to find Astra, the one who thwarted his plans many years ago during one of his routines. Truth is, however, there was more than just those plans of finding her.
Taken By: ~+Yamiko
Played By: Tuomas Holopainen

Currently Called: Lyssa Rivers
Story Origins: Little Red Riding Hood
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Issues: Even after the events of her and her grandmother being attacked by the wolf, Lyssa continues to seek therapy, which doesn’t seem to be going well. As friendly as her therapist is, at the end of the day, she wonders whether or not the doctor gets what she was saying.
Taken By: ~+Yamiko
Played By: Brenda Song

Currently Called: Violet Cassidy
Story Origins: Snow White
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Issues: Having divorced once again from numerous men who claimed to be "Prince Charmings", Violet tries to distance herself from other relationships for the time being by running her own bar in the heart of the town. The idea, unfortunately, contradicted herself as it only led her to coming in contact with them, especially with one certain person who seemed to have stood out from the rest. She still has an aversion to anything that dealt with combs and apples.
Taken By: ~+Yamiko
Played By: Zhang Ziyi

Currently Called: Dorothy "Dot" Angliss
Story Origins: Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Issues: Dorothy is usually taken advantage of by people. This happens alot because she's very naive and somewhat gullible. Which is why sometimes she's oblivious to things happening around her.
Taken By: shadow kissed
Played By: Kristen Stewart

Currently Called: Clinton “Clint” Disher
Story Origins: Dish, Hey-Diddle-Diddle
Apparent Age: Mid 20’s
Issues: After running away with his lover and finding out shortly after that cows don't really jump over the moon (metaphorically speaking) because his girlfriend, Alana, died, he's resigned to being single for the rest of his life. He's lost the only woman he has ever loved. He may be confident in his demeanor, but things like this make him sensitive.
Taken By: shadow kissed
Played By: Chris Evans

Currently Called: Glenda Wandler
Story Origins: Glenda, The Wizard of Oz
Apparent Age: Late 20’s
Issues: She's a very good person because she grants people wishes and she's great at making people happy, but sometimes she feels she's not appreciated for it.
Taken By: shadow kissed
Played By: Kristen Bell

Currently Called: Tinka Bell
Story Origins: Tinkerbell, Peter Pan
Apparent Age: Early 20’s
Issues: She always has a knack of always choosing the wrong guy to fall in love with. They are either in love with someone else or they're jerks. She sometimes wishes that she can fall in love with a guy who would feel the same about her
Taken By: shadow kissed
Played By: Blake Lively

Currently Called: Hamish Dickson
Story Origins: Humpty Dumpty
Apparent Age: Mid 30’s
Issues: Hamish did something really stupid one day. He sat on the balcony of his third story apartment and he sat on the ledge and since he was entertaining guests, he decided to be cocky and lean back. Little did he know he was going to fall off. He did and he was rushed to the emergency room. The doctors thought he wasn't going to make it, but he came out of his coma about a month ago and is doing better, even though he can't remember much about what happened.
Taken By: shadow kissed
Played By: Eric Mabius

Currently Called: Linny Smalls
Story Origins: Thumbelina
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Issues: Having a bit of a time adjusting to being 'regular sized', and may come off as mildly psychotic to some in the Mundy world when she insists on jumping on every. single. piece of furniture when she enters a room, playing with anything that seems remotely interesting, and generally acting like a hyper-active five year old. Despite this, she's actually rather mature for her age and is quite the house-keeper.
Taken By: dreamboat
Played By: Natalia Vodianova

Currently Called: Alice Carroll
Story Origins: Alice, Alice In Wonderland
Apparent Age: Sixteenish
Issues: Became addicted to hallucinogenic drugs shortly after arriving in Fabletown – her way of venturing back into Wonderland and escaping the horribly depressing drudgery of the Mundy world. Has a bit of a time making money to pay for her habit, thus resorting to stealing and pawning objects to get her fix. Inevitably feels horrible about it during brief periods of sobriety and isn't quite the bright, sunny young child she used to be, back in her own fable.
Taken By: dreamboat
Played By: Gemma Ward

Currently Called: Hayden Cutler
Story Origins: Hansel and Gretel
Apparent Age: Around 11/12
Issues: A rather morose, reserved child with severe abandonment issues brought on by his parents ditching him and his sister in the woods of his own fable. Arriving in Mundy's, without accompaniment by his sibling, only worsened this condition. Barely talks, doesn't trust anyone (particularly adults), and has a severe phobia of forests, sweets, and small, enclosed spaces.
Taken By: dreamboat
Played By: Hero Fiennes-Tiffin

Currently called: Jasmine Frost
Story Origins: The Polar Bear King
Relationships: Enemy of Winter Springer, the rest TBA
Apparent Age: early thirties
Issues: After enchanting the Polar Bear King Valmont, she has come to Fabletown to kill Winter, although that will be easier said than done.
Taken by: shadow kissed
Played by: Stana Katic

Currently Called: Ella Cohen
Story Origins: Cinderella
Relationships: TBA
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Issues: Ella has let her step-mother and sisters take advantage of her since she was child. She has a way of standing in the corner doing what she is told rather than sticking up for herself.
Taken By: TeamLaFox
Played By: Kenzie Dalton

Currently Called: Philip Price
Story Origins: Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty
Relationships: TBA
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Issues: After being in love with a woman for years she got into a horrible accident and ended up slipping in coma. She never came out of it and Philip finds himself struggling to move on.
Taken By: TeamLaFox
Played By: Adam Gregory

Currently Called: Isabelle
Story Origins: Beauty and the Beast
Apparent Age: early to mid twenties
Issues: Happily ever after didn’t last forever for this princess. What the fairytales neglected to mention was that the real beast had a bit of a wandering eye…and wandering hands for that matter. After catching her husband with another woman, Isabelle pretty much disappeared from the Fable’s social scene. These days you can catch her running a used book store and volunteering to read to children at the local nursery school. She wants a husband and children, but after having her heart crushed by her husbands infidelity, she isn’t going to trust anyone easily. She’s a quiet shy book worm with serious issues with men.
Taken By: Angelus’sslave
Played By: Summer Glau

Currently Called: Rowen Nevermore
Story Origins: Edgar Allen Poe’s The Rave
Apparent Age: mid thirties
Issues: Rowen is considered a bit…odd by those who don’t know her. She is not crazy, just…quirky. She has avery few relationships as her social skills are a bit off. She works best with other former animals.
Taken By: Angelus’sslave
Played By: Juliet Landau

The Once Played/No Longer Played/Up For Grabs:

Peter Pan
Amaltha (The Last Unicorn)
Reepicheep (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Fairy Godmother (Cinderella)

Link to the last thread w/ profiles -
thread #1 -
thread #2 -
thread #3 -
thread #4 -

Disclaimer: Opening under construction...

Last edited by Lain; 11-11-2009 at 12:12 AM
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