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Old 01-04-2009, 05:21 PM
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Fables #2 - Take my hand, we'll make it out of here somehow, someway

Link to the last thread w/ profiles -

Taken characters

The North star/The wishing star– Taken by JillyHalliwell
Woodsman from Little Red Riding Hood – Taken by JillyHalliwell
Guinevere from King Arthur - Taken by JillyHalliwell
The Angel - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Robin Hood - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Captain Hook - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Wendy Darling – Taken by JillyHalliwell
Mary had a little lamb - taken by JillyHalliwell
Frog Prince - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Sandman - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Princess Ozma - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Spoon - Taken by JillyHalliwell
Peter Pan - Zania1
Cinderella- Zania1
Beauty- Zania1
Tarzan- Zania1
Beast - Taken by KervyQT16
Water Nixxie - Taken by KervyQT16
Western Wynde - Taken by KervyQT16
Maid Marion - Taken by Kervy QT16
Prince Charming - Taken by KervyQT16
The Little Matchstick Girl - ~+Yamiko
Snow White - ~+Yamiko
Pied Piper – ~+Yamiko
Little Red Riding - ~+Yamiko
Reepicheep – Jezebel In Hell
The Last Unicorn/ Lady Amalthea - Jezebel In Hell
Dorothy Gale - Kiss and Tell
Dish -Kiss and Tell
Tinker Bell - Kiss and Tell
Humpty Dumpty - Kiss and Tell
Glinda - Kiss and Tell
Fairy Godmother - Michelle Ling
Prince Charming #1 - Michelle Ling
Prince Charming #2 - Michelle Ling

Skip information
In thread two its a few days after the snow in and Christmas is coming up (Its the day before christmas eve). THe adversary's agents have a plan to kidnap several fables for their plans....and all goes down (or begins to) asap, tonight.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]

Last edited by AtomicEmpress; 01-06-2009 at 02:44 AM
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Old 01-04-2009, 07:18 PM
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Lyssa had been in Sandy's office for the past twenty minutes, having gone through the ritual of meeting up with him every Tuesday and Thursdays. Lying on the couch, she stared up at the ceiling above her. Although she was grown up now, she couldn't help but feel ashamed that she still gets jittered because of a childhood event involving a wolf. Most of the Fables had managed to overcome their issues back from the homelands, but Lyssa apparently still had trouble getting over hers.

"I know it's stupid. For some reason, every time I hear barking, I always thought there were wolves in the area. Even if it isn't common here. Turns out to be dogs though..."

Tag: Sandy


Now that they were finally out of that mall fiasco, Violet had finally gotten around to buying a few gifts. Being back in the bar she ran, she had to force herself to reopen it since the money she spent for the few gifts and herself had almost drained her of her secret savings. Sure, she could have used the charge card she kept, but that one was needed to pay for the shipments.

She kept the gift bags underneath the counter on her side of the bar. Only two gift bags, really. Using a washcloth to wipe the glass and shot glass, she looked over the empty bar, surprised that no one had shown up. Either they were still in the mall or didn't dare brave the cold. Then again, she knew a couple of others that needed the drink to relax themselves from the holiday rush.

Still, she wasn't sure if the stuffed animal she bought for Max was enough. When Violet went shopping with Phillip, she had eventually given up on what she could get him so she went to the store and bought a stuffed elephant. Bears had already sold out, and giving a pig or horse seemed rather odd.

The other gift bag next to his was much smaller than the other. She thought Phillip was nice enough to attempt to help her out so she got him a monocle while he looked for something. She had considered getting one for Max but had a feeling that it would probably be cracked by the second day.

Tag: Open


First day on the secretarial job. Sandy had basically shown Annalise how to handle the calls and paperwork. Other than that, it wasn't much. Or maybe it was the fact that it was the holiday season and not a lot of people came around.

The phone that she had always carried in her pocket had buzzed in silence. Almost startled, Annalise had realized that it was just her phone. Noting the text message, she knew who it was from before she could open it. The Adversary rarely called her unless if it was really necessary so they sent her messages.

Reading the message, they had sent her the list of those that they were to go after. She couldn't help but wonder if Mary had gotten the assignment.

Still, it would have been risky to do her job at the moment. Especially since the files for Sandy's patients were in his office. Annalise would have to wait until he left in order to gather some information that she needed.

Tag: Open


Adrian's eyes suddenly opened after having a dream of the Adversary. Normally, despite a few connections he had of those who still work under them, the Adversary didn't always cross his mind. Or dreams for that matter. As far as he knew, if anything that dealt with the Adversary intermixed with his dreams, he knew something was going to take place.

What exactly their plans were is something he wouldn't know. Although he had an idea what they're capable of. And that placed any Fable in danger. Especially the shooting star. Adrian couldn't help but feel a bit angered at the fact that they had planned on thwarting in his plans of dealing with Astra in the first place.

Adrian glanced up the giant fish tank that was built in to the wall, standing from the floor to the ceiling. There was a door beside it led behind the wall with a staircase that went up to the near top of the tank. Apparently, the last owner of the house was someone who was in to sea life. Or so he found in the stray of documents that were left behind when he first moved in.

Making his way towards it, he looked up at the water nixie who slept in the water. With a single finger, he tapped the glass, wondering if she was still sleeping.

Tag: Nik
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Old 01-06-2009, 01:49 AM
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OOC: My characters are open
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Old 01-06-2009, 02:12 AM
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OOC - More to come.

He looked at her.
"That's not at all abnormal. That just mean you rhaving flashbacks or memories trigger by a stimulus..."
He explained.
"It could happen in anyones case, in any kind of event."

Max Angel walked into the bar with a wrapped box.
"I know it's not christmas yet but..."
He looked around.
"Where is everybody?"
He asked, raising an eyebrow oddly.
"Oh well, they're loss."
He said with a charming grin.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]

Last edited by AtomicEmpress; 01-06-2009 at 02:49 AM
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Old 01-06-2009, 03:39 AM
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Violet was almost startled when she heard the door swing open. A small sense of relief came over her when she noticed it was just Max with a...wrapped box?

"I guess they'll come around or they still think I'm on vacation." Violet gave a casual shrug before glancing at the box he placed on the counter. "Who's the lucky person?"


"I don't know. I just have this weird feeling that I might end up like the boy who cried wolf." Lyssa let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head. "Seeing a wolf that wasn't really there. Puppies are kind of cute. Not as vicious I suppose, but the grown ones..." Her voice trailed off, knowing the stupidity of her own fear. Why would wolves wander about in town?
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:06 AM
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"We could try to do stimulus and dream therphy and ease you into hearing these sounds as you are in a restful and calm state....would that be of intererst to you?"

"Who's getting lucky...?"
Max asked and grinned, teasingly.
"You. It's for you."
He walked over to her and handed her the box.
" it, then!"

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:24 AM
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Violet felt her face turn a light, scarlet red when Max had told her the box was for her. Not only because it had been the longest time since she had received any personal gifts from anyone, but all and all, it came from Max. Sure, he had always frequented the bar but he was one of the only few she could tolerate.

"Really?" She let out a nervous laugh as she took the box in her hands. Shaking it a little to see if there was anything inside, she set the box on the counter and began to pick apart the bow and wrapping paper.


"What's it supposed to do? If anything, if you're going to try use any dream therapy on me, it might be more of me being caught in a nightmare." Her eyes traced the lines on the ceiling. Then again, his dream therapy had put some of her agitation at ease before.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:24 AM
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She floated on the top of the water, defying surface tension, with eyes closed. She was not asleep but at peace. She was so happy in her new home for she could more easily move and there was company there. She blinked her eyes open, staring into Adrian’s brown eyes with her own. She flipped over, submerging her lower half and waving at Adrian through the glass. “Good Morning, Sir!” she said loudly.

“They’re beautiful, I’ll take them,” Marian said, having the rapier properly stowed and gladly handing over the money. New York was quite a place where nothing was too difficult to find, thus was the way of progressive cities. She’d found a remarkable armory with a man of great craft. He was not Fable but he was talented man who told her than he had traced his linage back as far as it would go and that at least one of his family members, in each time, worked in a similar field. As she said goodbye she could not help but thank her lucky stars to have sussed out her problems with weaponry with such ease. She exited onto the street with a smile on her face, and finely hewed swords bundled in her arms.

The Mundy world and David Raith were perfect complements. He was a man appearing not to be of his times, he spoke in clear sentences to any media who sought him, kissed women’s hands, sipped champagne and designed women’s wear with a panache infusing Renaissance into suitably modern styling. He was also tabloid fodder. Yes, he had adapted well to this world and he would confess if pressed that but for the missing history and being forcibly torn away from the Homelands that present circumstance and location didn’t trouble him much. He flipped a Mundy paper open and read the headlines before flipping to sports and then to arts and culture. No one would have picked him as a Fable if they did not know better and he was not sure if that were a good or bad thing. He reached across for sugar for the coffee that sat loosing its steam and reveled in the deliciously dull feeling of a lazy afternoon, just after a snow when the city was alive with smells and people walked past with no concern over you at all. As he took a sip of his black coffee, sweet as sin and getting cold he felt deep within him that such pedestrian joys could not possibly last.

He had never known such joy, such unheralded bliss. Astra, his Astra, his star had been returned to him. He had pulled her tight into his embrace, sure that he would crush her. His kisses tasted of her and his salt tears which had come with such abundance they’d left paths upon his cheeks. He had said to her in the darkness of the store where they’d found each other “Please do not let this be a dream, however sublime this dream would be for waking from it would break my heart,” He had kissed her with honeyed kisses and at once his enthusiasm broke into concern and his next touches with light and tender, afraid to bruise her. He’d not let her out of his sight since then and he had superstitiously sent presents to the Sisters Fate who resided in the Bronx far from the other Fables in thanks.

He turned on his side, watching Astra with a rapt reverence. “Good Morrow, Wishing Star! Wilt thou be mine on this fair winter day and ever after?” He rarely spoke with such courtly words, but his godfather David had schooled him in these words of romance and they held fast now, the only things he could think to say that encompassed all the happiness he felt. “Or maybe I should say good morning Astra, I love you and I’d follow you anywhere like a lovesick puppy.”
[Tag - Astra]

Ooc: I'll work on a baddie maybe tomorrow.
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 01-07-2009, 02:24 AM
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Arching an eyebrow, he had to bite back a laugh at that odd remark. Simply because it wasn't technically the morning but mid-afternoon. Then again, it was difficult to tell since the sun didn't quite hit his only window.

She should really stop calling me sir one of these days. Adrian shook his head to himself. Although he was capable of doing numerous things to her, Nik really had nothing to owe him except her trust and loyalty. He had trusted her enough to lead her to where he had been hiding from the mayor and other authorities.

Still, with the possible plans of an attack by the Adversary, this had jeopardized his own plans. He was unsure of who else they had planned to take away other than the shooting star but upon knowing Nik, she might be of use to them. Something he wasn't quite counting on from them.

Lost in his own train of thought, his head lowered, away from Nik's gaze. His fist balled up, trying to figure out what exactly was on his mind when it came to letting Nik float free. She had slightly reminded Adrian of Astra in terms of curiosity and innocence. Something about her...


Knowing the doctor had been in his office still, and the office phone not ringing as much, Annalise began to forward the list to her comrade, along with a note attachment to it:

"Have you been sent the names?" She texted on her phone before she hit send.

Tag: Mary
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Old 01-07-2009, 03:16 AM
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It was the day before Christmas Eve and despite the fact that she did end up doing her Christmas shopping, she had an urge not to wait til Chrismas to give Marigold her present. Sometimes they did wait until Christmas Eve, but an extra day to wait wouldn't cut it. Honestly, not even another two days would. But, she thought that if she could fight this urge, she could let Marigold wait a little while, but what kind of best friend would she be? Before being able to sprawl on her bed, Marigold suddenly stood in front of her.
"Hey," she greeted a little ticked off. "You know I hate it when you do that."
Tag Marigold

Clinton *Clint* Disher
Clint was bored. It was Christmas Eve Eve and all he was doing was walking around the town aimlessly. It was cold so he crossed his arms over his chest as he walked so he could feel the warmth. Clint did like Christmas, but as he got older, he had lost interest, as some people do tend to do. He walked and then stopped in his tracks when he saw something through a window of a store. It was a little Santa and his reindeer. It was just something he couldn't tear his eyes away from, plus, it was better than walking. For now anyway.

OOC: My other characters are coming and they're open so feel free to tag. My baddie will come soon too.
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Old 01-08-2009, 02:13 AM
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OOC - OKay I have an idea that would be for a princess (a little known one) to be captive in the homelands by some of these baddies, and her prince (He's actually a king but you know) and daughters would be trying to get the mayor and others to let them go back and get her...anyone willing to play the king and/or the daughters (some of them at least there were three but we can always say one moved or that one didn't make it or something) Anyway pm me if you want to know more! Posting soonish.


He made a face.
“Hey! Don’t shake it!”
He said and then when she opened it he watched on as she opened the box. From it came a snow globe. It was of medium size and had a large silver snow flake in the center. Engraved on the silver base it said ‘No one else like you’. And it had a knob where it played music. He watched her in more than a bit of fear for her reaction.

“The kind of therphy I had in mind for you would be the two of us looking back on your past through stimulus in dreams….basically, when your ready, confronting the source of your fears…and facing the incident.”
He explained to Lyssa.

Came the text back to Annalise. Yes, that’s write the not-so-innocent Mary Lambert was in on the wrong side of things these days. Why? Because she knew the adversary’s end game plans, more or less – or thought she did – and didn’t want to be part of the crowd on the wrong side of that. She pocketed her phone and started from her apartment towards the strip club.

“Merry almost Christmas!”
Gwen said cheerfully to David as she looked down at him. She had no intention of staying and bothering him but she knew if he saw her walk by and didn’t say hello it might be weird. She liked David a lot but wasn’t sure if either of them were ready for any more then what had already occurred.
Tag David

“I love you.”
She said softly to Oliver.
“It’s sad almost….Just thinking about the time we’ve lost…”
She shook her head.
“But….let us not worry over that. Instead.”
She leaned over and kissed his nose.
“Instead…we’ll enjoy this day and each one that comes at us, yes?”
The star asked him, raising one eyebrow slightly.

She laughed and walked over to the small tree in the corner and put a present under it.
“For you….”
She said and walked back to Dot.
“You know…it seems every time I show up your in bed…”
With a chuckle, Marigold looked at her best friend.

Alana Spooner, had….no memory of a big chunk of her life in the homelands….in fact all she really remember was being tortured and then the wishing star helping her break free and them both running to the Mundy world to be free. Of course, not everyone knew she was alive, or about her memory. So when she walked up next to Clint Disher and looked into the window with him and then smiled at him, she had no idea of their history.
“Very….eye catching, isn’t it?”
She commented casually.
Tag Clint

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]

Last edited by AtomicEmpress; 01-08-2009 at 02:50 AM
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Old 01-08-2009, 03:21 AM
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Immediately, she stopped shaking the box when Max had informed her to not shake it. Opening the box, she was surprised to find a snow globe. She wasn't usually one to enjoy snow globes since she had found them to be tacky when she passed by the gift shops. Although the musical ones do get kind of catchy. Violet appeared to be flustered as she looked over the snow globe, but it wasn't because of the gift itself. It had been years since she had personally received anything for the holidays, or any occasion for that matter. Second, the gift made her present for him tacky by comparison.

"Thanks." She gave Max a small smile before she reached underneath the counter and handed him a gift bag. Her head hung a bit low though still raised enough to be able to catch a glimpse of him. "I guess mine's isn't exactly as fancy as yours." Violet let out a nervous laugh before she put the snow globe back in the gift box and placed both underneath the counter.


Lyssa was a bit hesitant at first to try out the method. Not because of her doubts on whether or not it would work. But confronting one of her fears with wolves. A childhood event that had not ceased to disappear any time soon. Of all Fables, she had assumed she was the only one who had not quite grown up from the whole incident.

After a few minutes of mulling over the decision, however, Lyssa finally nodded. "I guess we could try it out."
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Old 01-09-2009, 11:48 PM
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She turned her back to him, looking into a wardrobe of black metal which she’d mounted to the wall a bit above the water level. The edges of it were already beginning to rust, be she didn’t care, it reminded her of the rust which accumulated on ships, adding more to a sense of home. “What makes a girl pretty? What makes a girl prettier still, not just in looks but in feeling? What makes someone attractive?” she asked, turning to look and noticing that he was not looking at her and that he held a certain tension in his arm. “Oh dear, whatever is wrong?”

“Merry almost Christmas, Gwennie,” he said softly, standing and offering her the other chair. “I’m glad to see you, have you been hiding from me?” These next words were infused with his usual charm and candor. She had caught him initially in a state of reverie which if took him only a second of two to pull free from. “That would be naughty, and tis’ not the season to be naughty,” By the time he said that he was fully himself and no trace of sadness lingered on his masculine features.

“Each day as it comes,” he grabbed for her waist, resting his hands on her slender hips. “And so long as I’m with you it’ll be merry,” In there days together he’d struggled with what to ask her about their separation and how hard to push. He’d been distressed over it even and had made a late night call to Glenda to assess her feelings while hiding in the bathroom trying not to wake Astra who slept in the next room. He had decided not to ask, to wait, wait and see if she would volunteer the information. He promised himself that however curious he was that he would not prod and would put it out of mind. Oliver Swift was having a difficult time. “I can’t believe you remember that I like having my nose kissed,” he said with a laugh. “You don’t forget anything. “ After he said that it occurred to him that that might not have been the best thing to say.
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 01-10-2009, 02:13 AM
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"It wasn't about being was about me wanting you to know that your unique...and...special."
He said softly and then took the bag from her.
"Want me to open it now?"
He asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"We could wait for another time if you don't feel your ready today."
He told her, making her aware they would go at her pace as was only right in his mind.

"Oh...but David..."
She said teasingly.
"I really did think, for you anyway, it tis always the season to be naughty."
She smiled, not wanting to bring up the moment unless he wanted to.
"I haven't been hiding...I had settling in to do and all of that. But I do need a favor. You said you'd go with me to the Rat King's....just to make there's no word of Lance or Arthur?"

"Not a thing."
She said softly and looked at him.
"What do you want to know?"
She could sense there was something he wasn't asking that was bothering him and he hoped to get past that if possible.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 01-10-2009, 02:40 AM
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Adrian's fingernails scratched along the surface of the glass as he found himself pondering over the Adversary's potential victims other than the obvious. He only managed to snap back to attention when he had the feeling that Nik had been watching him. Relaxing his arm, he opened his hand, pressing it on to the glass.

With a straight face, he watched Nik floating inside the aquarium tank. She seemed oddly happy, relaxed than how she was when he had encountered her a few days ago in the mall.

"It's nothing." Adrian simply replied. What else could he really tell her?

He dropped his arm to the side, still keeping an eye on Nik.


At that point, Violet almost felt an arrow struck her back, more so out of the awkward feeling and the bit of fear she had. The snow globe he gave her looked a bit pricey, as the wind up ones tend to get a little more expensive than the ones that's normally shaken. Though she couldn't help but smile a little at his attempt to flatter her. The words...they sounded so familiar. So overused by the other men she had dated that she had stopped believing it.

Why it was different when it came from Max, however, wasn't something she could quite understand. Nor she didn't have the urge to get snarky with him as she would have with some of her other customers.

" can open yours." Trying to keep herself busy, she began to rearrange the bottles underneath the counter before she spoke. "I'm sorry it's nothing spectacular or anything. It's just that I'm not really good in buying gifts for anyone...and I don't know what to get you..." The words came out jumbled, almost as if it were one long syllable. Even she was surprised at how her words came out.


"Yeah, actually, it might be..." She stopped at mid sentence, thinking over her decision. After all, she had to bike back to her apartment and knowing how many places she'll have to pass by hearing the dogs or have them staring at her. "...a good idea."

Lyssa remained firm about her answer, but the idea at the same time had made her a tad nervous.
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