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Old 06-02-2011, 01:29 PM
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Now compare those two clowns

to bamf Elijah

Dear Elena, choosing has never been easier
I can hear your heartbeat - Always and forever - Elena/Elijah
Part of me always believed that you'd come back - Castiel/Dean
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Old 06-02-2011, 05:07 PM
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^^ Oh god, that pic of the Salvatores is hysterical!

Dear Elena, choosing has never been easier
Srsly. OPEN YOUR EYES GIRL. Elijah is glorious!

Well I have (day)dreams about them on a daily basis.
One was quite hot.
Elijah, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Damon followed Klaus' and Stefan's trail and they went to a renowned vampire club. There were lots of vampires and the rumor was Klaus would show up with his new wingman.
So while they waited for them, Damon and Elijah went over to the bar and Damon was already drunk and practically useless to do anything. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie, of course all in sexy dresses, started dancing to 'can't fight the moonlight' (don't really know why this particular song...) and Elijah got all hot and bothered by Elena's sexy dance. He already made his way over to her when suddenly the other vampires sensed her human blood and started harassing her. Elijah immediately ripped their heads off and took Elena in his arms. Then they started dancing to some kind of jazz music, I don't really know and finally Klaus showed up...
End of my dream. I really don't have a life if my mind is coming up with something like that
Whoa that is one helluva dream And your mind came up with that not because you don't have a life but because it has been overwhelmed with the awesomeness of EE It's understandable

Last edited by Black_Betty; 06-02-2011 at 05:12 PM
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Shereile (View Post)
Now compare those two clowns
These two, of course, cute guys, but that's it, that the GUYS. Elijah is a MAN with an incredibly attractive energy
I can't compare them

And if I could, it would look something like this

Originally Posted by Black_Betty (View Post)

Srsly. OPEN YOUR EYES GIRL. Elijah is glorious!
Yes! Please, open, Elena!
"I think that he enjoys who he becomes around her, even in spite of all the peril it has brought him." (D.G.)
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Old 06-03-2011, 06:00 AM
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Beautiful arts!
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Old 06-03-2011, 07:49 AM
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Loving all your EE dreams and the arts in this thread

Dear Elena, choosing has never been easier
Srsly. OPEN YOUR EYES GIRL. Elijah is glorious!
These two, of course, cute guys, but that's it, that the GUYS. Elijah is a MAN with an incredibly attractive energy
I can't compare them

There's a girl at LJ who has 100 prompts and people can request a pairing and she'll write it. I requested Wise through experience and EE, obviously. This is what she came up with.

You can't trust a Petrova.

There are very few rules which Elijah lives his life by, but that is the most important. No matter how unassuming they seem, no matter how much they swear they are not trying to trick you, when the cards done and their backs are against the wall, the Petrovas always look out for themselves.

He trusted the first Petrova, the one whose blood bound Klaus's curse, the one who allowed herself to be sacrificed just to ensure Klaus could not become powerful. Elijah swore to Klaus they could trust his beautiful wife, that her allegiance was to them and not to her family, but love is not important to Petrovas; blood is, and Elijah was not her blood.

He trusted Katerina, the beautiful girl with his dead wife's face, the one who seemed to radiate naivete and hope. Elijah was the one who swore to Klaus that Katerina did not need to be guarded, that she was too gentle of a soul to betray them. And while he hadn't wanted to see her sacrificed, Elijah always did not want to disappoint his brother yet again.

He trusted Elena, another girl with his wife's face, another girl built of goodness, sweetness, and light. He is not so young now, and he does not allow himself any softness with her. The terms of their agreement are concrete, and Elijah has decided easily that he will not allow himself to care if Elena is sacrificed in the ruse to draw Klaus out of hiding. And when her vampire suitor kills him with the dagger, when she kills him with the dagger, he is not surprised. After all, this is what Petrovas do.

As Elijah comes alive when she removes the dagger, he is disoriented for the first hour. He knows intellectually she is Elena, but he keeps seeing Katerina, keeps seeing his wife. As she drives him away from the Salvatore boardinghouse, he says, "I have no reason to trust you. The word of a Petrova means nothing to me."

Turning her brown eyes on him, she retorts, "Yeah, well, I'm a Gilbert."

He's never trusted a Gilbert before and he isn't sure what that means.

When she promises to return after attending to Jenna, Elijah expects to never see her again. She has gotten what she needs from him, and he's certain she has returned to her vampire loves.

When she walks through the front door of the Lockwood mansion, Elijah feels something akin to hope flutter in his chest.

Maybe she is different.
Here's the link to her page.

Fics of Fancy - 100 Fairytales Fic Table
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Old 06-03-2011, 09:01 AM
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omg. I died it's so beautifully written.
I can hear your heartbeat - Always and forever - Elena/Elijah
Part of me always believed that you'd come back - Castiel/Dean
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Old 06-03-2011, 10:04 AM
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Thanks for the link Caro! Lots of EE goodness there. I requested a prompt I really like this one:

She makes them all dance like puppets.

It is not her intention; Elijah understands this and does not fault her for it. There has always been something in the Petrova blood which makes men fall at their feet, which inspires loyalty no matter how entirely misplaced. Nonetheless, everyone who crosses Elena's path is drawn into her world, inspired by a desire to save her.

Elijah knows no one else in the world who needs less saving than Elena Gilbert. She is the only woman he has ever met who is utterly unwilling to play the damsel even when she is beating down Death's door.

He watches her, the subtle way she manipulates the brothers who love her. Sometimes he wonders if it is intentional, the way she can spin them 180 degrees from the direction they were headed. With Katerina, it was always easy to discern when she was playing a part, trying to stack the deck in her favor, but it's much harder to tell where Elena is concerned.

On the eve of the sacrifice, he finds her in the library of the boardinghouse, writing furiously in her journal. He doesn't say anything as he enters, and she doesn't acknowledge his presence until she is finished writing.

"You're awfully calm for someone who may die tomorrow."

Elena shrugs with nonchalance. "Well, you gave me your word I won't, so there's no reason to not be calm, right?"

"I find it interesting," Elijah begins, sinking into the seat opposite her, "you place such a high premium on my word given all that has happened between us."

"You never betrayed me," she points out. "And the only reason I betrayed you was because you were coming to punish me for what Damon and Alaric did."

"I was not going to punish you - "

"No, just hide me away until you could lure Klaus out, to hell with my life," Elena interrupts. "How is that not punishment?"

"Are you chastising me?" Elijah asks, genuine surprise in his voice.

"Maybe somebody should."

He struggles to swallow back the smile on his lips. "Not many people would have the kind of luck it takes to say something like that to me."

"I make my own luck."

She holds his gaze for several beats, and Elijah feels a stirring in his chest he has not felt since he was a human. If he was a normal man, he would identify it as a crush, but he is not a man.

And God knows Elena Gilbert has more than enough men who are not men in her life.

"I should get some sleep," Elena finally says, her voice softer, younger.

"Good night."

He watches the girl who holds all the cards disappear around the corner, and he longs to follow.

No good has ever come from longing after a Petrova woman.

And yet, like all the others, he allows himself to dance to her beat.

Last edited by Black_Betty; 06-03-2011 at 10:10 AM
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Old 06-03-2011, 10:33 AM
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They're all amazing This one's my favorite:

When Klaus has finally been killed, Elena cannot stop looking at his body. He does not look so scary, lying in bloody repose on the forest floor, but Elena finds herself still waiting for him to pop back up, to inflict more pain and suffering upon her.

Bonnie and Damon are taking care of the body, not trusting Elijah to do so. The Original accompanies her back to the boardinghouse where Caroline is keeping watch over Stefan, and Elena doesn't realize she is shaking until he sets a careful hand upon her forearm.

"He is truly dead, Elena," Elijah intones, his voice surprisingly soft, and it breaks something within her.

The tears come hard and fast, the culmination of months worth of fear, loss, and heartache; she is sobbing worse than she has ever done in her life, her entire body quaking, and, when Elijah slips his arms around her comfortingly, she clings to him.

When she finally calms, her breathing beginning to regulate, her eyes starting to dry, Elena is painfully aware she is curled up in Elijah's lap, her face buried against the soft skin of his throat. Embarrassed, she pulls backward to apologize only to see the most peculiar expression on his face.

His lips softly brush her cheek, and Elena closes her eyes at the contact. She feels the gentle pressure of lips against her eyelids, her forehead, the tip of her nose; he kisses her everywhere but her mouth, sighing her name each time as if it is a prayer, an apology, a benediction, a curse.

"Elijah," she begins, her hands rising to cup his face, her lips aching for the touch of his.

He pushes her off of him so suddenly, she nearly tumbles from the couch; her mouth is opening to protest when Damon and Bonnie enter the house.

Elijah will not meet her gaze for the rest of the night.
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Old 06-03-2011, 10:51 AM
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Damn that's good. It's a pity Damon and Bonnie RUINED THE MOMENT.

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Old 06-03-2011, 11:03 AM
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Elena finds herself staring at him a lot.

She tries to chalk it up to the fact that he is an Original vampire and probably terminally untrustworthy, but it isn't really that at all. She keeps looking at him because he keeps looking at her, and even though she knows it should make her uncomfortable, it doesn't.

Elena knows it is conceited to say so, but men have always looked at her, have always told her she is pretty. It's one of the few constants in her life. She still catches Stefan and Damon doing it sometimes, studying her face as if it holds secrets to the world. Since finding out about Katerine, she likes it less, feels the gazes much more acutely, silently wondering if the only reason they are looking is because her face is not her own.

But she doesn't wonder that when Elijah's eyes are on her. There is something in his gaze, something which makes her heart beat fast, her stomach clench, and fills her with a certainty that the only woman he is seeing is her.

It's the best feeling in the world...
I love it, because it's from Elena's POV
I can hear your heartbeat - Always and forever - Elena/Elijah
Part of me always believed that you'd come back - Castiel/Dean
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Old 06-03-2011, 11:16 AM
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I love that one so much. Sometimes I think Damon and Stefan are, on some level, living out some sort of wish fulfillment with Elena, that their love of Katherine informs their love for Elena. But I don't get that vibe with Elijah.
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Old 06-03-2011, 11:55 AM
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I agree. Both of them see in her the girl they wanted to see in Katherine. The sweet, angelic girl who runs around in the garden. And of course they're attracted by her beauty.
Damon even said 'You're so beautiful' in the promo of 2X22. duh
Of course katherine wasn't the girl they saw. She was more of a temptress. Damon and Stefan found the dreamgirl in Elena without the playful seduction part. Elena rarely does that.
Stefan even kept a picture of Katherine although he already was Elena's boyfriend which says a lot about his feelings.
They were both fooled by her act and constructed the perfect girl in their minds which turns out to be Elena in the end.

Now let's think about Elijah. He knew the human Katerina, the one who was already a bit cocky, but also naive and sweet. He got to know the true Katerina and he was enchanted by her, because she probably reminded him of the Original Petrova.
He cared about her wellbeing, but not so much as to outwardly go against his brother, meaning that his feelings for Katerina weren't as strong as to challenge his loyalty to his brother. He mistakes Elena as Katherine only by appearance while hallucinating. He's not conveying his dream image of Katerina to Elena, because at this point Elena far surpasses human Katerina. So there is nothing to convey, because he wasn't in love with Katerina per se. He already sees Elena as an individual in terms of personality, but denies his feelings for her (which are probably much stronger than the ones for Katerina) because he fears that he's going to get crushed by it.
But I also think that he already senses that Elena won't betray him again, so it will be much harder for him to find excuses. He probably also believed that love is a weakness for a very long time and the betrayal part convinced him to never care again. But now that Klaus did the ultimate betrayal, he won't be able to take his words seriously. His excuse that love is a weakness will be nullified, because in the end his brother's word means nothing. Now we only need to know about his feelings for the Original Petrova.

And Elijah is not the type to drool or trail after a girl, forgetting everything else in the meantime. In that he's more mature than Damon and Stefan which is also not surprising considering he probably turned to a vampire at hmm... let's say 35 while Damon and Stefan were younger when turned.
I can hear your heartbeat - Always and forever - Elena/Elijah
Part of me always believed that you'd come back - Castiel/Dean

Last edited by Shereile; 06-03-2011 at 12:16 PM
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:08 PM
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"All you need is a bed,
right babe?"
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:16 PM
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^^ If you guys squint and read the text you'll get a good idea of why I don't write fanfic It took me like fifteen minutes to come up with text that didn't sound too atrocious

I'm not a huge fan of the idea of either Klaus or Elijah being in love with the original Petrova girl. It's too much, imo.

He knew the human Katerina, the one who was already a bit cocky, but also naive and sweet. He got to know the true Katerina and he was enchanted by her, because she probably reminded him of the Original Petrova.
I dunno By the time she and Elijah did their frolic through the garden - like, as you mentioned, she would later do to try to hook both Salvatores - she'd already openly engaged in a relationship with a man and had his child (which was taken away, for which she has my sympathy). She meets Trevor at some point and goes with him to meet Klaus. Now, the only thing she knows about Klaus is that he's English (or English-sounding) and he's rich. This shows she's calculating. For a woman in those days that wasn't automatically a bad thing, but I don't want to be naive about Katherine. Katherine stated to Elijah that Klaus didn't come to her that night like she'd hoped meaning they were either already engaged in a sexual relationship or she was trying to start one. Now, she and Klaus did not seem to have an engagement so sex with him was risky. What if he had something? What if she became pregnant again? She'd done that once before, and perhaps you can chalk that up to her being young, but a second time? And when Katherine mentioned wanting more, love, Elijah asked if that was something she thought she could get from Trevor, effectively stating it was known she had two worms on the hook, so to speak. Which we more or less already knew from the episode Katerina. Then factor in that once she knew about vampires and hauled ass from them, once she arrived at Rose's house and turned herself, she used a woman as a human shield and said to Rose and Trevor, and I quote, "Better you die than I." IMO, sweet and naive and perhaps a bit cocky may have described Katherine before she had the baby but after I think she was looking out only for her own interests. I'm not saying I don't think it's understandable but it's not an excuse or a justification either. The writers on this show tend to get a little heavy-handed with the parallels and I still find it hard to believe the frolic in the gardens was accidental, or the fact that it not only occurred after Katherine realized she wasn't Klaus' sole interest but with his equally single, rich and titled brother. That's helluva coincidence.
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:30 PM
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I understand your arguments completely, but we don't know exactly if it was her intentionally seducing men such as Trevor. She was clearly seduced by Klaus. I agree with you that she was a bit of a loose girl and it might be that she tried to manipulate Elijah with her sweet talk and running around in the garden, but she never outwardly seduced him and with Trevor I didn't get the vibe either. So in a way she was not as outwardly seductive as with the Salvatores.
But yes, I completely agree with you that by the time she was already looking out for herself, but it happened in Katerina and by that time she already knew she was going to be sacrificed in a creepy ritual which might have counted as betrayal by her 'boyfriend' Klaus, a man whom she couldn't resist.
And I don't think Klaus was ever in love with the Original Petrova. He didn't care the slightest about Katerina when he saw her for the first time. There was only slight surprise, but then he immediately turned on his devil charm and played her well.
Elijah on the other hand might have been in love with the Original, but it's just speculation.
I described Katerina as naive,becauseshe easily felt drawn to Klaus and started a relationship with him without any hesitation. It was only after some time that she felt something was off and her concern was genuine, I think.
Sweet might be a bit too much, though, so I agree with you.
And she was definitely cocky. Just the way she walked and said "where is this mysterious host, I heard so much about? I just got that impression from seeing her like that.
I can hear your heartbeat - Always and forever - Elena/Elijah
Part of me always believed that you'd come back - Castiel/Dean
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