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Old 04-28-2012, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
I've been asked to do one imagining what would have happened if he visited her in Detroit during filming the film Sparkle. We'll see if I have time today or this evening.
Hmm..that should be interesting. Take your time!
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Old 04-28-2012, 11:46 AM
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Kevin Costner: interviews, quotes & so on

20 April 2012

"I'm not Robin hood!:When it comes to love, I'm an outlaw!
Interview to OGGI Italian magazine, 1993
Kevin Costner is in Milan for two projects that involve him as a producer and the launch of Robin Hood in VHS that is defeating every sale record!He's handsome, tall, athletic, tanned,
but he's also very kind, modest and even shy, he looks a type that loves keeps aloof
he doesn't like interviews, but as he knows they are a part of the game, he accept them but he says:
I would give my celebrity back to gain my previous life,again I know that it's difficult to understand but there are some aspects of celebrity that everybody wouldn't like,at all.

For example, My wife Cindy should have come with me, but she couldn't becouse we got a letter with threats and she was very shocked by that,so she had to stay home and visiting Rome was one of her dreams.What about the sex symbol story?It's just a nonesense,once you are on the top list of the most handsome, the day after you're out of it, it means nothing to me it's just absurd!It doesn't help me in my job and for sure, it's difficult for my wife accepting that I'm desired by other women.No woman would really love to be in my wife shoes!Yes, becouse women think that being my wife is simple, but it's not like that, moreover,most women don't love me, they love my characters which is a different thing.The secret of my success isn't in myself it's the movies I make, that's it.Probably, if those women knew me they would find me rather boring, I'm quite a regular guy.I'm not a perfect husband, at all, I've lived with the same woman, my wife Cindy for 18 years, we know each other,well,but having a long wedding doesn't mean that it's always a happy one, we had bad moments, but we need to be mature and responsable we must try to understand our partner's point of view and not being selfish.As a father, I think I do my best I'm not as great as my father was, but with the kind of job I have I think that I live my children very much, I adore them, they are the most important thing in my life and I want them to grow up and find their own way, and not live in their father's shadow.I love playing with them, a lot and When I do it, I feel a child, myself, again!I have the same firends, I had When I wasn't famous, I live in the same house, I have the same hobbies, hunting, fishing, diving, but something inside of me changed a little, I can't be as natural and genuine as I used to be, I can't say What I really think,anymore becouse people study me, and judge me and I can't stand that.I detest being an object to gossip about. Magazine:What about money?Money isn't so important to me, When I was young I couldn't even imagine to get rich,a successful person isn't a rich person, for me being successful means doing What you love and you have always dreamed to do in your life, that's it, money isn the right reason to make things.In fact he refused a great deal of money to be in Platoon becouse He thought it would have been a kind of offence towards his brother that went in Vietnam and lived that hell, for real.I'm not particularly smart, my choices are just lucky ones,He's really modest and humble and he detests playing the divo: I'm not a movie star, a divo or Whatever, I'm an actor, my job is exceptional, but I'm not, at all!That's it."

You can find more info from the link below.

Kevin Costner & My Secret Garden: Kevin Costner: interviews, quotes & so on

Here's another good interview. This man wants to live forever. He admits it.

One day at Costeners home

old Italian interview, 2005

Question: in Upside of Anger you look fat
KC: I put on weight just for that movie becouse Danny is an ex baseball player that drinks too much beer and let himself go
Question was it difficult?
KC: well I like sweet things, I eat a lot of buiscits and drink milk so When I have to put on weight I eat these things, a lot, but When I have to come back to my shape I can do without them!
Question: you had a lot of success, failures, success again your career has a lot of ups and downs
KC: Well, you know I'm stubborn, I could have filmed the Bodyguard, dances with wolves 1, 2 3, four always the same movie and got a lot of money ,but I like fresh things, I like the risk of it
Question how did you spend your 50 birthday?
KC in Acapulco with my wife and a very little group of friends, at my wedding there were about 300 people and I didn't want another crowd to my birthday party,too!
Qustion age, does it weight on your shoulders?
KC Well, When I was a very young man if I met a 50 years old man I thought he was not old, but ancient! Now, some might think the same of me, but I feel like the same boy I used to be
Question: that is to say?
KC:I'm not so different from the young man of Silverado, of course I can't play the same roles I used to but, really making movies makes me feel full of enthusiasm, romantic and a bit of a child ,too
Question: so experiences haven't taught you anything?
KC: On the contrary, I've just learnt that my life is much better than movies, Life was hard to me, but It was becouse of myself, but now it's time to move on and make everything I haven't made, yet
Question: A list?
KC traveling the World but there are places that probably I won't be able to vosit, this world is polluted in every kind of way, people can be really bad and brutal,at times
Question: are you still so surprised?
KC: I'm naive, ain't I?But fortunately, I'm also surprised by beauty, and by good things I find out
Question: Do you want your youth back?
KC: I would like to live forever, to stay always with the ones I love and protect them Whenever they need me
[/B]Question: How do you justify the fact that you are married [/B]with a woman 20 years younger than you?
KC: Hey, I don't have to justify for that, at all, it happened, I didn't planned it, at all, after my divorce I went out with women that were more or less old as good as me, then I met my wife we spent five years together before getting married it wasn't just a crazy thing to do for me.
age might be a problem When it comes to children, Christine has always wanted children, While, I have already children and I thought it was enough for me, but recently, I have changed my mind, so I hope to have another child...
Question there's something that you don't like about women?
KC: you don't understand think there are so many wrong things about us, but it's not like that, we are different, we are made in our own way it's only natural
Question: so women come from Venus and men from Mars...
KC: Yeah, well for example When we are silent and you ask us What are you thinking about?
Well, it really gets on my nerves, becouse if we don't say anything it's probably becouse What we are thinking could ruin the rest of the day... or hurt you
Let me guess What it could be...
KC: see, you wanna know it, but I don't tell you!
Question: maybe you are thinking to a pretty woman you saw on the street....
KC: Yeah, brava he said, in Italian!
Question: was it difficult to tell your children you were going to get married, again?
your wife gets on well with your children?
KC: now, it's ok, but at first, it was really hard especially with my two girls, they were jealous of another woman so important in my life, she was patient and suffered for this,too. ,But today, my childrern are grown up they are ready to have their own lives.

Last edited by Philo-Nantucket; 04-28-2012 at 12:07 PM
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Old 04-28-2012, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by whitney&kevinforever (View Post)

Kevin Costner Reflects on Whitney's Funeral |

Yep, He should just stop talking to the press about this but it is also good for us fans that he does because he comes out with gems like this last one every time and makes our hearts go AAAWWW!!!

"Costner reveals the most poignant moment of Houston's service was when her iconic song I Will Always Love You was played."That was big. It was like a.. kind of a score to our life together a little bit," he said. He added that the moment felt "perfect," and that family members were clearly moved. "People were suffering, the people closest to her were truly, truly suffering, and that song kind of... it did kind of bring everything back together but it was an absolute goodbye."

Ladies, after another "mindboggling quote" like that one, I say the next thread needs to be called "Kevin says IWALY is the score to their life together (him and Whitney)"

The more the dude talks, the more he reveals what he probably does not want us to know. One day he is just going to blurt "it" out and there will be no erasing that tape. He needs to shut up and go grieve in peace. If I understand what he is trying to say then he is saying that like the song, he and Whitney fell in love with each other, wanted to live together but realized they would only be in each other's way?? INTERESTING!!! but then we already knew that, right?? because that's what transpired worldwide from his eulogy.

awww I almost missed watching this clip, can't believe he actually came out! gotta love Kevin awww God bless him. It was rather hard to watch though
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Old 04-28-2012, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
I wish people (not you, kikio7) would stop rumors about a divorce from the second wife. They have very young kids and it would be so hard on them if they split up. Plus, what's the use of divorcing when you are almost 60? He might not wax poetic when talking about CB the way he does with Whitney or his first wife Cindy, but he's content. A lot of people would like to be that good-looking, talented, successful and with all your kids healthy (knock on wood) and beautiful.

KC had obviously lived and learned and been humbled by life's experiences. That's the way it should be. I hope he gets what he prays for, to be able to live long enough to raise his kids and be the one to teach them about life.

A teeny part of me wonders why he didn't say he wants to live long enough so that he and Christine can both teach their children about life together. I'm not trying to over analyze, but it strikes me as a weird thing to say. He's married. He has help, and ought to be able to trust that his partner whom he respects is more than able to finish raising the kids, should be fall. People sometimes say that when they see troubling flaws in the other person. I don't know these people at all, I'm just going off of situations among my friends that I've observed.

Maybe he just doesn't like talking about his wives, or they ask him not to. I'll go with that.
I agree. I have absolutely nothing against Christine; she is not relevant in this thread. She showed up in Kevin's life years after The Bodyguard and as much as I believe that he had a strong crush on Whitney or even loved her then in the Bodyguard years, she made a clear chice to be with Bobby. He 'elected to let her have her life' then, and he moved on with his. He was dating several women, fathered anothe child then settled with Christine. If he is content with his life I'm very happy for him.
I wonder how he really feels when he is asked all these questions about Whitney in all recent interviews. I wonder if he knows what people say about Kevney relationship; if he changed something in his speech if he knew how big a deal it will become; if he knows how many hits on You Tube his speech has. I find it encouraging that he never denied that there was something going on in his heart back then in 1992. Even the 'one true love' statement he commented as 'sweet'. Didn't laugh it off or denied. I know it's been 20 years and she is no longer with us, but I hope he realises how powerful on-screen couple they've made. It's one of those couples that will be remembered for many years, like Ange and Brad or Richard and Julia R.
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Old 04-28-2012, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Whitneydreams (View Post)
She is right. Music today is not like back when I was a kid listening at Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and Diana Ross. Everything is so wierd,dark and creepy. I hate it. I usually just listen to older music now. Whitney was more about God and love in her music and I love her for it, MJ and Diana too.

Kevin really need to stop doing interviews and go heal his mind because lately he has been saying too many different things. I'm praying for him because he clearly not thinking straight. I think people like his wife is not helping either.
Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
We know they had relationship, love, friendship and business ship. He needs to stop now. Kevin is not thinking right and he is stressed. This is not good. We know he did he can turn these people down.
Originally Posted by prettygirlA (View Post)
EXACTLY. Took the words out of my mouth, it's just way too early in the grieving stage to be speaking about it. His thoughts are too scattered....
Hi girls--that's exactly the type of lack of clarity of thought I was referring to recently when I wrote things like this:

Originally Posted by casual observer (View Post)
... What on earth did he get himself into here? That poor man. I really mean it, as responsible as he is for his role in the relationship (no one held a gun to his head afterall), obviously he was not thinking clearly enough to see right through her and unfortunately must've had nothing but 'yes men' around him to talk him down and bring him back to his senses. I hope he has an iron-clad pre-nup protecting him financially as well as an NDA clause because the first thing she'd probably do if he dumped her would be write a book disclosing all the dirty laundry and try to go on a book tour with anyone who'd put her face on camera.

The sad thing is that his decision-making in relation to Whitney (and his career moves up to that point) was spot-on. And forgive me girls for saying this girls, but I get the general impression from him that he is not that bright in the IQ sense--he is creative--but in terms of flat-out analytical ability and left-brain thinking he seems at best of average intellect. So to me it confirms that he was Divinely Guided in the early part of his career because given his lack of clear-headedness post-Bodyguard and post-divorce it makes me think that he had a Divine Wisdom guiding him before. Perhaps all the carnality on his part (i.e., adultery and general womaninzing like there was no tomorrow) interfered with that Divine channel, thus the perpetual missteps.....
Originally Posted by casual observer (View Post)
Just to be clear--my remarks were not intended as a putdown--but as an observation that his decision-making abilities in his early career, especially those exhibited during the making of The Bodyguard--were truly remarkable--as in a 'genius' sense-- in spite of what appears to be a lacking of genius ability in the IQ (human) sense of the word. I didn't mean he was 'stupid' or even remotely close to that--just not 'brilliant'--iow not on the right-tail of the IQ scale. There's nothing wrong or questionable about being in the middle part of the distribution, but when you are performing at a genius-level and that suddenly disappears it indicates something other than your own intellect was guiding you--iow you were Divinely Guided. And I'd rather be Divinely Guided because Divine Wisdom always trumps human intelligence. It just seems he lost it somewhere along the reflected in his decisions later on.......
Originally Posted by casual observer (View Post)

Please understand, I was definitely not calling him 'slow'--just no longer making the same high caliber decisions later in life that he did when making the Bodyguard and prior to that. And I'm not judging him, I can--however--see the man's countenance quite clearly and he is no longer the happy radiant person in his later years as he was earlier in his life. So that strongly implies to me the road he took to this state of sullenness was lined with sub-optimal decisions on his part. And as I said--Divine Wisdom trumps even human genius anyday, anytime, anyplace--so I agree 'lighted by God is waaaaay more important' than having a high IQ..
I continue to think that given his disjointed mentality when it comes to Whitney and their relationship he doesn't have anyone to talk to or to provide a mental backboard in discussing anything that requires a clear head to sort through. And hasn't for many years. The facts as we know them are incongruous--the 'new' scenario portrays Cissy almost as clueless for inviting him. Well, common sense will tell you she had her reasons and there's a backstory here that's not being revealed--in fact it's deliberately being hidden. I am almost at the point where I don't know what to believe. I still think one of the names of a future thread should be 'He Doth Protest Too Much'. Something must've happened sometime, somewhere between these two that Whitney confided to Cissy. That makes the most sense, but with his attitude, back-tracking, etc. he's trying to obfuscate it. It seems like he's having a brain glitch where there is some misfiring on his mental cylinders because he's talking in double-speak and confusing everyone as much as himself. He is clearly hiding something (and maybe our new group member Kiki has provided the answer--or at least part of it).

And to Kiki07--welcome to our little group of shippers--I'm relatively new here too--only found this forum recently and created this account just to post about the Kevin-Whitney phenomenon--as did quite a few of us it seems.

Philo-Nantucket--thanks for those old interviews--never saw them before.

Gobsmacked--I truly enjoy your input, but regarding your not wishing a discussion of divorce from #2--I saw the recent comments posted elsewhere on another site regarding a divorce in the works between him and #2--and to let you know I was not the one posting them--and to make it clear, I've seen nothing to suggest there are legal proceedings underway--but as you know--IMO it would not only not be surprising, but it would also not be a bad turn-of-events for him, but instead a very beneficial, long overdue one-.. And I must beg to differ, 57 is not that old and he should not have to pay the rest of his hopefully long life for a mistake he made when he was not thinking clearly. Time to move on and be happy instead of merely 'content'. Being "content" is really not good enough--not for him, not for anyone--not by a longshot.....
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:04 PM
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Narada knew Whitney Houston. Listen to him yall.

Narada Michael Walden on Whitney Houston - documentary - YouTube
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:14 PM
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FYI Ladies: From now on if any of you guys write/post up any new Bodyguard stories or update any of your previous stories that you have on here please put them into the Rachel/Frank thread only because in reality that's where they should be going, this thread is for Kevney, not Rachel/Frank and besides that's why that thread is there in the first place. So please abide by this.
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by casual observer (View Post)
Hi girls--that's exactly the type of lack of clarity of thought I was referring to recently when I wrote things like this:

I continue to think that given his disjointed mentality when it comes to Whitney and their relationship he doesn't have anyone to talk to or to provide a mental backboard in discussing anything that requires a clear head to sort through. And hasn't for many years. The facts as we know them are incongruous--the 'new' scenario portrays Cissy almost as clueless for inviting him. Well, common sense will tell you she had her reasons and there's a backstory here that's not being revealed--in fact it's deliberately being hidden. I am almost at the point where I don't know what to believe. I still think one of the names of a future thread should be 'He Doth Protest Too Much'. Something must've happened sometime, somewhere between these two that Whitney confided to Cissy. That makes the most sense, but with his attitude, back-tracking, etc. he's trying to obfuscate it. It seems like he's having a brain glitch where there is some misfiring on his mental cylinders because he's talking in double-speak and confusing everyone as much as himself. He is clearly hiding something (and maybe our new group member Kiki has provided the answer--or at least part of it).

And to Kiki07--welcome to our little group of shippers--I'm relatively new here too--only found this forum recently and created this account just to post about the Kevin-Whitney phenomenon--as did quite a few of us it seems.

Philo-Nantucket--thanks for those old interviews--never saw them before.

Gobsmacked--I truly enjoy your input, but regarding your not wishing a discussion of divorce from #2--I saw the recent comments posted elsewhere on another site regarding a divorce in the works between him and #2--and to let you know I was not the one posting them--and to make it clear, I've seen nothing to suggest there are legal proceedings underway--but as you know--IMO it would not only not be surprising, but it would also not be a bad turn-of-events for him, but instead a very beneficial, long overdue one-.. And I must beg to differ, 57 is not that old and he should not have to pay the rest of his hopefully long life for a mistake he made when he was not thinking clearly. Time to move on and be happy instead of merely 'content'. Being "content" is really not good enough--not for him, not for anyone--not by a longshot.....
Man, C.O., you are here to keep us in line! I can't get away with any backsliding at all around you! It's cool though. Helps liven up the discussion.

Well, let's say I hope he is genuinely, on a certain level, happy with Christine. Maybe he is and he just hasn't said it publicly. Although I don't know why not. Maybe he doesn't want to jinx it. But then there were things I saw in other interviews that were weird. Like on the Stagecoach interview a few threads back. He looked annoyed at the part when he was talking about CB's giving him the push to perform his music and tour. He said: 'It's like your pushing your husband out on the road, or something.' I thought: ouch! But couples get over those things.

Oh, and one last thing I forgot to add about his recent erratic comments. I think they were basically friends, but I'm convinced that that's how the relationship operated, due to their life circumstances. I still have a gut feeling that Whitney, with her beautiful, youthful, loving spirit, that face, that voice, that presence, just knocked Kevin back on his heels and he fell for her. He had to act like a professional during filming and TRY to be a responsible family guy afterward, but he just plain, good old-fashioned loved Whitney. My gut has never been wrong about things like that. Especially not when you read his damn body language when he talks about her. The American press smells smoke, too, and they are probably DYING to find a smoking gun and question him until they get a confession. So don't worry. I ain't backsliding. I just think the guy is suffering in some way. No need to add a divorce, too. It might be better if they do NOT split, because otherwise reporters will start to hound her for any little crumb or insight into what KC was like whenever the subject of Whitney came up.
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:55 PM
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Let me say this. He knows why he was invited. I do believe Wh told Cissy some things.

As for Cb she is different from the first wife. Cindy got half because Kevin was neither rich nor famous when they married. You bet he has a pre-nup. A year or so after the marriage there were rumors of a divorce.

I'm sick of hearing about her. My feelings are these, she married a superstar. She knew the deal she also knew he was forever linked to WH. This happens with all famous who are linked to other famous people.

He is out promoting a band now. I think Kevin should go to counseling in private and only he and his doctor should know. Even if he has to pay the man to meet him somewhere else. He is in shock. We are in shock.

Personally, I can't believe it yet. I can't wrap my head around it and so you know how it is for others.

I completely agree that Cissy knew why and it is private. I have my ideas.
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:25 PM
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Question- does anyone here ever check their personal messages? Just wondering.

Also, here is a clip from Muhammad Ali CFN and the speech. Will look for more later.

CFN_Kevin Costner speech.flv - YouTube
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
Question- does anyone here ever check their personal messages? Just wondering.
I always check my PM's why do you ask?
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Old 04-28-2012, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
Question- does anyone here ever check their personal messages? Just wondering.

Also, here is a clip from Muhammad Ali CFN and the speech. Will look for more later.

CFN_Kevin Costner speech.flv - YouTube
Thanks for the video.

Yeah, I check my PM's when I get messages in my inbox.

Have you guys seen theses

The Bodyguard dolls of Whitney and Kevin, Aww their cute.

Last edited by Whitneydreams; 04-28-2012 at 07:16 PM
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Old 04-28-2012, 07:21 PM
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Five-Hour Window

One or two people asked me to imagine what might have happened if KC called or visited Whitney during the shoot for the film Sparkle. Well, here is what I came up with:

WH: (dials on her iPhone!!! It rings and picks up) Hello Mr. Costner.
KC: Whitney!! A phone call from the stratosphere.
WH: No, I'm quite down to earth. How are you? How are the kids? What are you up to?
KC: Watching a Christian channel. There's a special report about an ongoing brawl in Heaven. Apparently the angels are STILL fighting over who gets to sing you Happy Birthday.
WH: You're telling a fish story. My birthday already passed.
KC: That's what's so interesting about the whole thing. These angels know no time when it comes to you. Can't help themselves.
WH: Angels are well-behaved. Maybe in your version of Heaven they act like rascals, but in mine, they don't.
KC: Well, you're right. Are you calling about the delivery? You like?
WH: Very much. But you do too much. First the flowers and then the bracelet. Which is gorgeous and unusual, BTW.
KC: I knew that piece was for you when I saw it. Stumbled across it a few months ago in an estate and vintage jewelry store. I thought: man, that's perfect for her. I have to give it to her. And there is something else. Guess where I am, though?
WH: No idea. I can barely keep track of my own schedule, let alone yours. You have two sets of families, you know.
KC: Tell me about it! Keeps me young. I've got a private loft on -----. I'm here for one night. We're having dinner and dancing. Sound good?
WH: No. Not really. What about my schedule? Did you even check to see what I'm doing? I'm working here!
KC: Already handled it. I carved out five hours.
WH: Says who? How did you manage to get on my schedule? Who knows about this?
KC: Don't stress. That's your problem. I've got it under control.
WH: Last time I put a man in control of my life, it didn't work out too well. Did you do something to Pat? Kevin, you need to ease up, now.
KC: If you don't settle down, I won't give you the matching earrings.
WH: (pauses) Well, OK; I guess.
KC: Just tell your bodyguard that you going to ---- this evening. It will all work out.
WH: Matching earrings, huh?
KC: Yep.
(Hours later. A car carrying Whitney pulls up to a secure building. It pulls up and KC is there to open the car door.)
WH: Smooth. Very smooth, Mr. Costner.
KC: Quit calling me Mister. I'm not your math teacher. (kisses her slow, long)
WH: No. You're not that at all. (hugs him tighter, then pulls away) It's getting chilly. Let's head inside.
KC: Initiative! She's catching on. Only 19 more years, and she'll actually try to kiss me first. (Whitney laughs. In the elevator up, they hug and caress and kiss. Elevator opens inside a private loft/apartment. Modern place with city views and a fireplace, etc.)
WH: This place is beautiful. (steps out onto a balcony) You can see for miles. Isn't it something how a city that used to be so big is now so small and so much dimmer and poorer? I heard about a guy who hunts and barbecues racoons in the parts of the city that are back to nature. Can you believe that?
KC: (hugs her from behind) Not interested, quite honestly.
WH: I'm just saying it's weird. And sometimes ... I feel like ...
KC: I know where this is going. Don't compare yourself to Detroit. Just forget it. It's not beat up on Whitney day. (pulls her inside. They eat dinner, talk about the movie, talk about his music. They're sitting on a couch, by the fire)
WH: So where is your guitar?
KC: I didn't bring it. We don't always have to talk about the music. (picks up her hand and plays with the bracelet)
WH: Keviiin. Is there at least a piano around her? (looks around) No. What kind of setup is this? i need music if I'm going to have will power.
KC: Oh, come on! I've got all the will power you need right here.
WH: Nothing's going to happen, you know.
KC: Who said anything has to happen? I'm a gentleman ...
WH: Who is married ...
KC: Last time you were married ...
WH: That's totally different. You were a free man. It's weird. Everytime we fall for each other, you're married with three kids. So forget it. I'm not a glutton for punishment.
KC: How is that different? You know what? Forget it. We're wasting time. Take that shirt off, please.
WH: You did not ask me!
KC: I said please! (shakes his head) I won't survive this. My girls boss me, I have one ex-wife, a younger wife, a baby mama, and you're five times all of them combined. (pulls her closer. Rubs her back)
WH: Stop doing that.
KC: Just be nice to Kevin, please. (kisses her)
(Hours later, Whitney is sitting at a vanity in the master suite, fixing her hair and makeup. The bed is trashed. But the rest of the room is OK. Kevin comes near her and bumps her aside for a seat.)
WH: Excuse me, please. Man, you were sweeter to me when you were trying to hit it. Now the courting is all over ...
KC: Never. I come bearing gifts. Open this. (puts a box down in front of her)
WH: Let me see these epic, antique earrings. (she opens the box. they are not a perfect match for the bracelet, but very close) Wow. They're exquisite, Kevin.
KC: Let me put them on you. (He fastens the earrings on, taking every chance to stroke her cheeks, jaw, neck)
WH: (Grabs his hand and kisses it.) They are perfect. But we're out of time. I have to leave you now.
KC: (kisses her) So we'll see each other in what, 13 years? 20?
WH: Don't sound like that. Maybe if we are lucky, we can have a Camilla and Charles ending. No more complications or bad timing. No more sad partings and tears. No more pain.
KC: You're an optimist, after all. (takes her wrist with the bracelet, and holds it up to her face, close to the earrings) I knew it. Those angels don't have anything on me.
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Old 04-28-2012, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Whitneydreams (View Post)
Wow those are adorable! thanks for posting up the links.

Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
One or two people asked me to imagine what might have happened if KC called or visited Whitney during the shoot for the film Sparkle. Well, here is what I came up with:

WH: (dials on her iPhone!!! It rings and picks up) Hello Mr. Costner.
KC: Whitney!! A phone call from the stratosphere.
WH: No, I'm quite down to earth. How are you? How are the kids? What are you up to?
KC: Watching a Christian channel. There's a special report about an ongoing brawl in Heaven. Apparently the angels are STILL fighting over who gets to sing you Happy Birthday.
WH: You're telling a fish story. My birthday already passed.
KC: That's what's so interesting about the whole thing. These angels know no time when it comes to you. Can't help themselves.
WH: Angels are well-behaved. Maybe in your version of Heaven they act like rascals, but in mine, they don't.
KC: Well, you're right. Are you calling about the delivery? You like?
WH: Very much. But you do too much. First the flowers and then the bracelet. Which is gorgeous and unusual, BTW.
KC: I knew that piece was for you when I saw it. Stumbled across it a few months ago in an estate and vintage jewelry store. I thought: man, that's perfect for her. I have to give it to her. And there is something else. Guess where I am, though?
WH: No idea. I can barely keep track of my own schedule, let alone yours. You have two sets of families, you know.
KC: Tell me about it! Keeps me young. I've got a private loft on -----. I'm here for one night. We're having dinner and dancing. Sound good?
WH: No. Not really. What about my schedule? Did you even check to see what I'm doing? I'm working here!
KC: Already handled it. I carved out five hours.
WH: Says who? How did you manage to get on my schedule? Who knows about this?
KC: Don't stress. That's your problem. I've got it under control.
WH: Last time I put a man in control of my life, it didn't work out too well. Did you do something to Pat? Kevin, you need to ease up, now.
KC: If you don't settle down, I won't give you the matching earrings.
WH: (pauses) Well, OK; I guess.
KC: Just tell your bodyguard that you going to ---- this evening. It will all work out.
WH: Matching earrings, huh?
KC: Yep.
(Hours later. A car carrying Whitney pulls up to a secure building. It pulls up and KC is there to open the car door.)
WH: Smooth. Very smooth, Mr. Costner.
KC: Quit calling me Mister. I'm not your math teacher. (kisses her slow, long)
WH: No. You're not that at all. (hugs him tighter, then pulls away) It's getting chilly. Let's head inside.
KC: Initiative! She's catching on. Only 19 more years, and she'll actually try to kiss me first. (Whitney laughs. In the elevator up, they hug and caress and kiss. Elevator opens inside a private loft/apartment. Modern place with city views and a fireplace, etc.)
WH: This place is beautiful. (steps out onto a balcony) You can see for miles. Isn't it something how a city that used to be so big is now so small and so much dimmer and poorer? I heard about a guy who hunts and barbecues racoons in the parts of the city that are back to nature. Can you believe that?
KC: (hugs her from behind) Not interested, quite honestly.
WH: I'm just saying it's weird. And sometimes ... I feel like ...
KC: I know where this is going. Don't compare yourself to Detroit. Just forget it. It's not beat up on Whitney day. (pulls her inside. They eat dinner, talk about the movie, talk about his music. They're sitting on a couch, by the fire)
WH: So where is your guitar?
KC: I didn't bring it. We don't always have to talk about the music. (picks up her hand and plays with the bracelet)
WH: Keviiin. Is there at least a piano around her? (looks around) No. What kind of setup is this? i need music if I'm going to have will power.
KC: Oh, come on! I've got all the will power you need right here.
WH: Nothing's going to happen, you know.
KC: Who said anything has to happen? I'm a gentleman ...
WH: Who is married ...
KC: Last time you were married ...
WH: That's totally different. You were a free man. It's weird. Everytime we fall for each other, you're married with three kids. So forget it. I'm not a glutton for punishment.
KC: How is that different? You know what? Forget it. We're wasting time. Take that shirt off, please.
WH: You did not ask me!
KC: I said please! (shakes his head) I won't survive this. My girls boss me, I have one ex-wife, a younger wife, a baby mama, and you're five times all of them combined. (pulls her closer. Rubs her back)
WH: Stop doing that.
KC: Just be nice to Kevin, please. (kisses her)
(Hours later, Whitney is sitting at a vanity in the master suite, fixing her hair and makeup. The bed is trashed. But the rest of the room is OK. Kevin comes near her and bumps her aside for a seat.)
WH: Excuse me, please. Man, you were sweeter to me when you were trying to hit it. Now the courting is all over ...
KC: Never. I come bearing gifts. Open this. (puts a box down in front of her)
WH: Let me see these epic, antique earrings. (she opens the box. they are not a perfect match for the bracelet, but very close) Wow. They're exquisite, Kevin.
KC: Let me put them on you. (He fastens the earrings on, taking every chance to stroke her cheeks, jaw, neck)
WH: (Grabs his hand and kisses it.) They are perfect. But we're out of time. I have to leave you now.
KC: (kisses her) So we'll see each other in what, 13 years? 20?
WH: Don't sound like that. Maybe if we are lucky, we can have a Camilla and Charles ending. No more complications or bad timing. No more sad partings and tears. No more pain.
KC: You're an optimist, after all. (takes her wrist with the bracelet, and holds it up to her face, close to the earrings) I knew it. Those angels don't have anything on me.
Aww so cute! he brought her a gift
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Old 04-28-2012, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
One or two people asked me to imagine what might have happened if KC called or visited Whitney during the shoot for the film Sparkle. Well, here is what I came up with:

WH: (dials on her iPhone!!! It rings and picks up) Hello Mr. Costner.
KC: Whitney!! A phone call from the stratosphere.
WH: No, I'm quite down to earth. How are you? How are the kids? What are you up to?
KC: Watching a Christian channel. There's a special report about an ongoing brawl in Heaven. Apparently the angels are STILL fighting over who gets to sing you Happy Birthday.
WH: You're telling a fish story. My birthday already passed.
KC: That's what's so interesting about the whole thing. These angels know no time when it comes to you. Can't help themselves.
WH: Angels are well-behaved. Maybe in your version of Heaven they act like rascals, but in mine, they don't.
KC: Well, you're right. Are you calling about the delivery? You like?
WH: Very much. But you do too much. First the flowers and then the bracelet. Which is gorgeous and unusual, BTW.
KC: I knew that piece was for you when I saw it. Stumbled across it a few months ago in an estate and vintage jewelry store. I thought: man, that's perfect for her. I have to give it to her. And there is something else. Guess where I am, though?
WH: No idea. I can barely keep track of my own schedule, let alone yours. You have two sets of families, you know.
KC: Tell me about it! Keeps me young. I've got a private loft on -----. I'm here for one night. We're having dinner and dancing. Sound good?
WH: No. Not really. What about my schedule? Did you even check to see what I'm doing? I'm working here!
KC: Already handled it. I carved out five hours.
WH: Says who? How did you manage to get on my schedule? Who knows about this?
KC: Don't stress. That's your problem. I've got it under control.
WH: Last time I put a man in control of my life, it didn't work out too well. Did you do something to Pat? Kevin, you need to ease up, now.
KC: If you don't settle down, I won't give you the matching earrings.
WH: (pauses) Well, OK; I guess.
KC: Just tell your bodyguard that you going to ---- this evening. It will all work out.
WH: Matching earrings, huh?
KC: Yep.
(Hours later. A car carrying Whitney pulls up to a secure building. It pulls up and KC is there to open the car door.)
WH: Smooth. Very smooth, Mr. Costner.
KC: Quit calling me Mister. I'm not your math teacher. (kisses her slow, long)
WH: No. You're not that at all. (hugs him tighter, then pulls away) It's getting chilly. Let's head inside.
KC: Initiative! She's catching on. Only 19 more years, and she'll actually try to kiss me first. (Whitney laughs. In the elevator up, they hug and caress and kiss. Elevator opens inside a private loft/apartment. Modern place with city views and a fireplace, etc.)
WH: This place is beautiful. (steps out onto a balcony) You can see for miles. Isn't it something how a city that used to be so big is now so small and so much dimmer and poorer? I heard about a guy who hunts and barbecues racoons in the parts of the city that are back to nature. Can you believe that?
KC: (hugs her from behind) Not interested, quite honestly.
WH: I'm just saying it's weird. And sometimes ... I feel like ...
KC: I know where this is going. Don't compare yourself to Detroit. Just forget it. It's not beat up on Whitney day. (pulls her inside. They eat dinner, talk about the movie, talk about his music. They're sitting on a couch, by the fire)
WH: So where is your guitar?
KC: I didn't bring it. We don't always have to talk about the music. (picks up her hand and plays with the bracelet)
WH: Keviiin. Is there at least a piano around her? (looks around) No. What kind of setup is this? i need music if I'm going to have will power.
KC: Oh, come on! I've got all the will power you need right here.
WH: Nothing's going to happen, you know.
KC: Who said anything has to happen? I'm a gentleman ...
WH: Who is married ...
KC: Last time you were married ...
WH: That's totally different. You were a free man. It's weird. Everytime we fall for each other, you're married with three kids. So forget it. I'm not a glutton for punishment.
KC: How is that different? You know what? Forget it. We're wasting time. Take that shirt off, please.
WH: You did not ask me!
KC: I said please! (shakes his head) I won't survive this. My girls boss me, I have one ex-wife, a younger wife, a baby mama, and you're five times all of them combined. (pulls her closer. Rubs her back)
WH: Stop doing that.
KC: Just be nice to Kevin, please. (kisses her)
(Hours later, Whitney is sitting at a vanity in the master suite, fixing her hair and makeup. The bed is trashed. But the rest of the room is OK. Kevin comes near her and bumps her aside for a seat.)
WH: Excuse me, please. Man, you were sweeter to me when you were trying to hit it. Now the courting is all over ...
KC: Never. I come bearing gifts. Open this. (puts a box down in front of her)
WH: Let me see these epic, antique earrings. (she opens the box. they are not a perfect match for the bracelet, but very close) Wow. They're exquisite, Kevin.
KC: Let me put them on you. (He fastens the earrings on, taking every chance to stroke her cheeks, jaw, neck)
WH: (Grabs his hand and kisses it.) They are perfect. But we're out of time. I have to leave you now.
KC: (kisses her) So we'll see each other in what, 13 years? 20?
WH: Don't sound like that. Maybe if we are lucky, we can have a Camilla and Charles ending. No more complications or bad timing. No more sad partings and tears. No more pain.
KC: You're an optimist, after all. (takes her wrist with the bracelet, and holds it up to her face, close to the earrings) I knew it. Those angels don't have anything on me.
Aww so cute! he brought her a gift
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