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Old 09-19-2017, 09:13 PM
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Bass & Charlie #27: "You came back."

Welcome to the 27th
Charlie/Monroe thread

1. walking with spiders
2. Musicchild
3. severalmiles
4. Lutesse
5. PerfectAngel
6. ~MelBelle~
7. aelita
8. mariem201
9. Nici Dawson
10. - Nina -
11. Scorpio1080
12. KeepThisaSecret
13. Jasonsgurl310
14. Annie-Day10♥'
15. MrsDeanWinchester
16. soapyjoes
17. chiarrai87
18. collide
19. neon-tiger
20. hlgreenie
21. Trowells
22. lynaem
23. Charloe
24. Leelala
25. Against_all_odds
26. AllyOop
27. CandyStars121
28. Spacebabe
29. xlennie
30. priya1008
31. Charlie_Monroe fan
32. cherylleigh
33. ring of fire
34. saprater
35. k731
36. Vikram Phalange
37. IceonFire7
38. tina_falls
39. deedee86
40. Famu
41. ThereYoullBe
42. VampFan10
43. LemonSupreme
44. wildirish
45. twilightfan14
46. ILuvMyThesaurus
47. Jamieizskye
48. mlreeve1
49. RandiPandi88
50. MDRevolutionFan
51. jaqofspades
52. Romeokijai
53. RevoInfinite
54. Necropolisian
55. TexasRevoFan
56. Twisted Type
57. Undeniable
58. Wickedrum

honorary shippers
1. David Lyons
2. Tracy Spiridakos
3. Ely Gould
4. Duncan Page
5. Elizabeth Mitchell
6. Ryan Hooks, afterbuzz TV
7. Megan Thomas, afterbuzz TV
8. Francesca Dugan, afterbuzz TV
9. Tracy's aunt in Winnipeg
10. Rockne O'Bannon (on probation)


David & Tracy

future titles
"It would be kinda funny and maybe add an interesting layer to the group dynamic"
"In this season so far Monroe had a very interesting chemistry with Charlie. There was definitely a spark, as impossible as that might sound."
"Never give up hope" - Rockne S. O'Bannon
"You’re way better than he deserves." - Duncan
"The Charlie/Monroe scenes are ... always so electric. Those two have such intensity between them that it toys with Charlie's morals in a very dangerous, but exciting way."

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Old 09-19-2017, 09:19 PM
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Old 09-19-2017, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by MDRevolutionFan (View Post)
I'm here... although probably not for much longer.
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Old 09-19-2017, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by mlreeve1 (View Post)
I'm here... although probably not for much longer.
That's OK. At least you made it over here. I'll have to send this link to Lemon as well, so she can post it on the site. Maybe I'll do that on the book club DM on Twitter.

Welcome as well, MD!

This is a link back to the last thread. Only click on it if you need to go back for some reason.
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Old 09-19-2017, 09:29 PM
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I'm here as well!

Here's the list of questions...we don't answer all of them in one go, just choose a couple per Book Club. Otherwise you'd all think I was insane. I was just trying to post a selection of the questions/thoughts I'd saved from my list.

-What did that last look between Charloe in 2x22 represent? Because it was good...
-If Miles had stayed and not tried to kill Bass...
-Why doesn't Charlie do much sword fighting?
-Were things really that Utopian down in the Georgia Federation?
-What else happened between Charloe on the road to Willoughby?
-What if the lights had come back on and stayed on?
-If Philly hadn't been destroyed...
-Didn't the Cubans ever notice anything fishy going on at Gitmo?
-How did the Patriots keep their sailing yachts/ships so pristine?
-What would Miles reaction have been to Bass's offer to return in 1x10 had he not found out Rachel was alive, or if she in fact had been dead?
-How did no one make the connection between Ben Matheson and Miles Matheson? It's not like the family was living under assumed identities.
-Did Ben have a homing beacon on Aaron? Is that how we're supposed to believe he just happened to 'stumble' across him?
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Old 09-19-2017, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
That's OK. At least you made it over here. I'll have to send this link to Lemon as well, so she can post it on the site. Maybe I'll do that on the book club DM on Twitter.

Welcome as well, MD!

This is a link back to the last thread. Only click on it if you need to go back for some reason.
Thesie...? Thesie...?
Which reminds me, *smacks forehead*, there was another great 80's movie, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Can't believe I forgot to mention it last week!
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Old 09-19-2017, 09:49 PM
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OT Icicle, but I meant to ask you, getting excited about the next Star Wars movie? I still haven't seen Rogue One. I just haven't had the time. I'm hoping to rent it sometime in the next couple weeks. Do you think we'll find out who Rey's parents are in episode VIII?

Originally Posted by MDRevolutionFan (View Post)
Yyyep. <_<

Probably. Seems like we lost LadyH too.

I don't think it would affect rewatches, I think we all own all the eps in one format or another (DVD/Blu-ray/Amazon...), we'll just have to use those means instead. On the bright side, using the Blu-rays, I'll be more able to enjoy DL's beautiful eyes. *swoon* They show up bluer on the discs vs streaming (or even the DVDs).

I don't have short, or prepared, answers for a lot of these, so I'll just answer the ones I've thought about or can answer without typing too much (it's late).

-What did that last look between Charloe in 2x22 represent? Because it was good...
I like to think she was not only silently thanking him for coming through, but that she was beginning to see Bass in a new, and appealing light.

-Why doesn't Charlie do much sword fighting?
Maybe she's not good at it or didn't have the chance to become good? I rather got that impression in that one training scene in s1

-What else happened between Charloe on the road to Willoughby?
Sure wish we knew. Somehow, I doubt they ever made out or slept together (even though I like to think they did), but clearly, something else besides his rescuing her from that bar happened for her to be reasonably comfortable in his presence. I just don't have enough imagination to give a good speculation as to what that would be.

-What would Miles reaction have been to Bass's offer to return in 1x10 had he not found out Rachel was alive, or if she in fact had been dead?
I think Miles would've been more tempted to come back since he wouldn't have had the Rachel factor to make him angrier at Bass -- I think that was what made Miles go off on Bass so bad in that scene.

-How did no one make the connection between Ben Matheson and Miles Matheson? It's not like the family was living under assumed identities.
I still say Miles had to have been the "silent partner" that few people outside the Militia knew about -- It's the only thing that makes any sense to me. Either that, or the people of SE didn't care b/c Ben was such an upstanding citizen.

EDIT: Ice, I agree with your opinion/assessment completely! And yeah, I'm mad at their decisions too. <_<

This is the third time I've attempted to type this computer keeps freezing up and me and then once I forgot to past it...*smacks forehead*

I love that you answered as many as you did MD!

I agree with you that the look was a combination of thanks, realization, understanding, and maybe some attraction. Knowing the writers, they were throwing us one last bone and it was meant to show Charlie thanking Bass and nothing else. Cause, in their world, there would never be a chance in outer space that there could ever be anything else between Charloe. Short-sighted jerks!

I think this was lazy on the part of the writers. There were plenty of chances to show Charlie learning here and there from Miles and Nora, just little scenes showing her improving. Also in S2, Bass could have shown her some as well. Or, she could have just watched others and we could have seen her improving on her own. The writers made such a point of it that guns and bullets were so rare, thus the swords...until they weren't rare anymore and guns and ammo were growing on trees and falling from the skies. The swashbuckling was one of the aspects of the show that was so fun and unique and I missed it when the show minimized it.

We know they spent quite a lot of time on the road together and I hate that the writers ignored it all in favor of Nano, and crazy war clans and Riles. Ugh. I would have loved if we'd gotten one more episode showing them traveling and working together. Plus, I think something else had to have happened between them to make Charlie so willing to accept him. There was a comfort level with him. At least in my world, haha. So, I completely agree with you there. I guess we'll see it only in fanfic. Quentanilien has a great fic about this, the way she writes the growing trust and slowly building interest and attraction is wonderful. It's incomplete, but I still adore this fic!

I think if Rachel had been taken out of the equation, Miles would have been quite tempted to return. Especially if Bass had included an acknowledgement that things had gotten screwed up and he needed and wanted Miles's help in making things better in the Republic. It definitely would have been interesting to say the least. At the very least, I don't think Miles would have been so hurtful to Bass with what he said.

I have to disagree with you on this one MD. When Miles caught up with Rachel, Ben, and the kids, they were living in the middle of a forest in nowheresville in the midwest, living pretty isolated it seemed. Rachel had heard about Baltimore and Miles role there and all the terrible things he'd likely done to earn the nickname the Butcher of Baltimore. It had to be widely known across the Republic about how awful it had been to have made it from Baltimore to the midwest so fast. Plus, remember all the bounty hunters were looking for him, so there had to be posters up. And all the militia soldiers would have been trained by Miles or had heard the scary stories about him, and were terrified of him, as we saw in the show. So, I think Miles had to be extremely well known, hence why he was using an assumed name in Chicago. The fact that Ben wasn't is one of the big logic fails on the show. One of many unfortunately.

Last edited by ILuvMyThesaurus; 09-19-2017 at 10:11 PM
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Old 09-19-2017, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by ILuvMyThesaurus (View Post)
OT Icicle, but I meant to ask you, getting excited about the next Star Wars movie? I still haven't seen Rogue One. I just haven't had the time. I'm hoping to rent it sometime in the next couple weeks. Do you think we'll find out who Rey's parents are in episode VIII?

I am excited. And yes, I am SO sure we're going to find out more about Rey's parents/family in this movie. My two most highly anticipated movies coming up are Thor: Ragnarok and The Last Jedi. Can't wait for either and both feel like I've been waiting for them for five years.

I liked Rogue One, but I didn't love it, if that makes sense. Not as much as I have most of the regular movies. It was good, but it felt slow to me at the start. And the score drove me nuts. It was like they were trying NOT to use Star Wars music to set it apart as a stand-alone film. But the music, to me, was a major distraction. Movie music and scores are really important to me, so I tend to notice them a LOT. What Rogue One's score felt like to me was like watching a cheesy sc-fi movie that is trying to rip off Star Wars, so they use fake "Star Wars" music. The annoying thing was this movie did not have to do that. It is literally a Star Wars movie, so all I wanted was some of the themes I knew to show up.

Anyway, once you do see it, I'll be interested to know what you thought. Some of these stand-alones might be harder for me to get into Not too sure how I feel about this young Han Solo movie coming up either. It will just be weird to me to see someone who is NOT Harrison Ford playing Solo. I'm more excited for the other stand-alone that they've started talking about, a younger Obi-Wan movie. As I understand, McGregor is interested, so if this one happens, I am ALL about this.
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Old 09-19-2017, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by ILuvMyThesaurus (View Post)
OT Icicle, but I meant to ask you, getting excited about the next Star Wars movie? I still haven't seen Rogue One. I just haven't had the time. I'm hoping to rent it sometime in the next couple weeks. Do you think we'll find out who Rey's parents are in episode VIII?

This is the third time I've attempted to type this computer keeps freezing up and me and then once I forgot to past it...*smacks forehead*

I love that you answered as many as you did MD!

I agree with you that the look was a combination of thanks, realization, understanding, and maybe some attraction. Knowing the writers, they were throwing us one last bone and it was meant to show Charlie thanking Bass and nothing else. Cause, in their world, there would never be a chance in outer space that there could ever be anything else between Charloe. Short-sighted jerks!

I think this was lazy on the part of the writers. There were plenty of chances to show Charlie learning here and there from Miles and Nora, just little scenes showing her improving. Also in S2, Bass could have shown her some as well. Or, she could have just watched others and we could have seen her improving on her own. The writers made such a point of it that guns and bullets were so rare, thus the swords...until they weren't rare anymore and guns and ammo were growing on trees and falling from the skies. The swashbuckling was one of the aspects of the show that was so fun and unique and I missed it when the show minimized it.

We know they spent quite a lot of time on the road together and I hate that the writers ignored it all in favor of Nano, and crazy war clans and Riles. Ugh. I would have loved if we'd gotten one more episode showing them traveling and working together. Plus, I think something else had to have happened between them to make Charlie so willing to accept him. At least in my world, haha. I guess we'll see it only in fanfic. Quentanilien has a great fic about this, the way she writes the growing trust and slowly building interest and attraction is wonderful. It's incomplete, but I still adore this fic!

I think if Rachel had been taken out of the equation, Miles would have been quite tempted to return. Especially if Bass had included an acknowledgement that things had gotten screwed up and he needed and wanted Miles's help in making things better in the Republic. It definitely would have been interesting to say the least. At the very least, I don't think Miles would have been so hurtful to Bass with what he said.

I have to disagree with you on this one MD. When Miles caught up with Rachel, Ben, and the kids, they were living in the middle of a forest in nowheresville in the midwest, living pretty isolated it seemed. Rachel had heard about Baltimore and Miles role there and all the terrible things he'd likely done to earn the nickname the Butcher of Baltimore. It had to be widely known across the Republic about how awful it had been to have made it from Baltimore to the midwest so fast. Plus, remember all the bounty hunters were looking for him, so there had to be posters up. And all the militia soldiers would have been trained by Miles or had heard the scary stories about him, and were terrified of him, as we saw in the show. So, I think Miles had to be extremely well known, hence why he was using an assumed name in Chicago. The fact that Ben wasn't is one of the big logic fails on the show. One of many unfortunately.
I have to think that, like many of the anti-Charloe fans, the writers probably had an issue with the age difference too. <_<

Yeah, that was one of the inconsistencies that they should've explained better. Miles & Co. didn't seem to have too many guns/ammo until they met up with the Patriots, though, so they must've built up one heck of a stockpile. Again, something that should've been explained better.

Agreed! But, I'll have to find that fic and refresh my memory.

I'd actually hoped at the time that they'd go in that direction or make it seem like a bigger possibility that Miles would choose to come back.

Yeah, maybe, but like I said, Miles' name may not have been widely known outside the Militia (or rebellion), or that the people of Sylvania Estates liked Ben enough that it didn't matter to them who he was related to, and thus accepted him and didn't advertise the relationship to outsiders. Also, Rachel/Ben may have had more connections, that most didn't have access to, who could've informed them of what was going on in the Republic (they did have contact with Grace and John et al via the pendants after all). The bounty hunters were all hired by Monroe -- they weren't exactly civilians. Also that cabin they were living in, I assumed it was probably their vacation house (maybe for the entire Matheson family -- someplace that Miles and Ben would've gone to with their parents).

EDIT: Sorry guys, but I gotta get to bed. See y'all at rewatch

Last edited by MDRevolutionFan; 09-19-2017 at 10:30 PM
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Old 09-19-2017, 10:53 PM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
I am excited. And yes, I am SO sure we're going to find out more about Rey's parents/family in this movie. My two most highly anticipated movies coming up are Thor: Ragnarok and The Last Jedi. Can't wait for either and both feel like I've been waiting for them for five years.

I liked Rogue One, but I didn't love it, if that makes sense. Not as much as I have most of the regular movies. It was good, but it felt slow to me at the start. And the score drove me nuts. It was like they were trying NOT to use Star Wars music to set it apart as a stand-alone film. But the music, to me, was a major distraction. Movie music and scores are really important to me, so I tend to notice them a LOT. What Rogue One's score felt like to me was like watching a cheesy sc-fi movie that is trying to rip off Star Wars, so they use fake "Star Wars" music. The annoying thing was this movie did not have to do that. It is literally a Star Wars movie, so all I wanted was some of the themes I knew to show up.

Anyway, once you do see it, I'll be interested to know what you thought. Some of these stand-alones might be harder for me to get into Not too sure how I feel about this young Han Solo movie coming up either. It will just be weird to me to see someone who is NOT Harrison Ford playing Solo. I'm more excited for the other stand-alone that they've started talking about, a younger Obi-Wan movie. As I understand, McGregor is interested, so if this one happens, I am ALL about this.
I've never seen any of the Thor movies, lol...just the first Avengers movie. Too many superhero movies for me.

When I heard John Williams wasn't going to return for the Rogue One Soundtrack, I had a feeling I wouldn't like it as well. His soundtracks are so iconic and wonderful. I'm a huge soundtrack fan, I've collected a ton of them and have even more on my computer. They're one of my favorite forms of music.

Are you worried about the changes that are likely going to be done to the Jedi mythos in episode VIII? Mark Hamill wasn't too happy about some of it. I also wonder about how they'll handle Carrie Fisher's death. Do you have theories on who Rey's family is?

So, would Ewan McGregor be playing an older Obi-Wan in exile? That could be interesting. he was one of the best parts of the prequels. A different Han Solo might be a bit weird.

I'll definitely let you know once I've seen Rogue One what I thought...

Originally Posted by MDRevolutionFan (View Post)
I have to think that, like many of the anti-Charloe fans, the writers probably had an issue with the age difference too. <_<

Yeah, that was one of the inconsistencies that they should've explained better. Miles & Co. didn't seem to have too many guns/ammo until they met up with the Patriots, though, so they must've built up one heck of a stockpile. Again, something that should've been explained better.

Agreed! But, I'll have to find that fic and refresh my memory.

I'd actually hoped at the time that they'd go in that direction or make it seem like a bigger possibility that Miles would choose to come back.

Yeah, maybe, but like I said, Miles' name may not have been widely known outside the Militia (or rebellion), or that the people of Sylvania Estates liked Ben enough that it didn't matter to them who he was related to, and thus accepted him and didn't advertise the relationship to outsiders. Also, Rachel/Ben may have had more connections, that most didn't have access to, who could've informed them of what was going on in the Republic (they did have contact with Grace and John et al via the pendants after all). The bounty hunters were all hired by Monroe -- they weren't exactly civilians. Also that cabin they were living in, I assumed it was probably their vacation house (maybe for the entire Matheson family -- someplace that Miles and Ben would've gone to with their parents).

EDIT: Sorry guys, but I gotta get to bed. See y'all at rewatch
Pfft, the age difference wasn't that big of a deal. They have relationships like that in soaps, prime time shows and movies quite frequently. It was an excuse. They had to showcase Rachel as the hero and Riles as the most awesomest of all love stories...*blech*

They must have found a genie in a bottle in offscreensville and used all their wishes for guns and bullets.

I suppose one of their fellow cohort of pendant-people could have passed the information along. Although, I don't think it was a family vacation spot, because they were trying to hide from Miles and Bass. A family vacation home would have been too simple IMO, and wouldn't have taken 7 years to find them. I still think Miles had to be well known, because something was said about a lot of bounty hunters looking for him. Also, with thousands of soldiers knowing who Miles was, gossip is going to get around. Soldiers gossip and a lot of them had families that would gossip and spread around his exploits. Plus, the rebellion all knew about him. Post blackout life was hard, so altruism only takes you so far. Sure, they might have liked Ben, but give them a bad winter and some deaths and it would be VERY easy to convince people to turn him in to provide enough food and medicine for the village to survive. I still think it's a logic fail on Ben not using a different name.

Good night MD, have a great rest of the week, and I hope to chat with you soon at the next Rewatch!
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Old 09-19-2017, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by ILuvMyThesaurus (View Post)
I've never seen any of the Thor movies, lol...just the first Avengers movie. Too many superhero movies for me.

When I heard John Williams wasn't going to return for the Rogue One Soundtrack, I had a feeling I wouldn't like it as well. His soundtracks are so iconic and wonderful. I'm a huge soundtrack fan, I've collected a ton of them and have even more on my computer. They're one of my favorite forms of music.

Are you worried about the changes that are likely going to be done to the Jedi mythos in episode VIII? Mark Hamill wasn't too happy about some of it. I also wonder about how they'll handle Carrie Fisher's death. Do you have theories on who Rey's family is?

So, would Ewan McGregor be playing an older Obi-Wan in exile? That could be interesting. he was one of the best parts of the prequels. A different Han Solo might be a bit weird.

I'll definitely let you know once I've seen Rogue One what I thought...

Yes on the soundtracks. I have a ton of them too. I love them so much and to me, they are this generation's version of the classic composers. Someday, we'll have to compare fave scores.

Rogue One might have been able to work without John Williams (as much as I love him) because I've seen other composers take over for the original composer in many film series and I've seen it work in some cases. Largely because the new composer doesn't shy away from using some musical cues and pieces that the original composer created. It worked for Harry Potter's scores. It worked for Twilight's scores. So it could have worked, but it didn't. Usually, I can tell that I will have to get a score when it takes me out of the movie for just a second or two to think what a fantastic score and then I go right back into the movie. With Rogue One, it literally distracted me to the point of pulling me out of the movie to think how BAD the score was. It was bad.

Not sure about the changes to The Last Jedi. I've tried to avoid spoilers as much as possible, so I don't know a lot about what is going on.

There are all different theories about Rey's family. I sort of thought Luke was going to be her father, but everyone else thinks that's too easy. But I can't get around the fact that Luke's lightsaber called out to her. I know she's Force sensitive, but I still don't think it would have been so attracted to her if she wasn't some how related to a Skywalker. What do you think?

And yes, McGregor would be playing the middle-aged Obi-Wan, during his exile on Tatooine. At least that's what they're saying at this point. It hasn't really gotten any farther than the talking about it stage.
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Old 09-19-2017, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
Yes on the soundtracks. I have a ton of them too. I love them so much and to me, they are this generation's version of the classic composers. Someday, we'll have to compare fave scores.

Rogue One might have been able to work without John Williams (as much as I love him) because I've seen other composers take over for the original composer in many film series and I've seen it work in some cases. Largely because the new composer doesn't shy away from using some musical cues and pieces that the original composer created. It worked for Harry Potter's scores. It worked for Twilight's scores. So it could have worked, but it didn't. Usually, I can tell that I will have to get a score when it takes me out of the movie for just a second or two to think what a fantastic score and then I go right back into the movie. With Rogue One, it literally distracted me to the point of pulling me out of the movie to think how BAD the score was. It was bad.

Not sure about the changes to The Last Jedi. I've tried to avoid spoilers as much as possible, so I don't know a lot about what is going on.

There are all different theories about Rey's family. I sort of thought Luke was going to be her father, but everyone else thinks that's too easy. But I can't get around the fact that Luke's lightsaber called out to her. I know she's Force sensitive, but I still don't think it would have been so attracted to her if she wasn't some how related to a Skywalker. What do you think?

And yes, McGregor would be playing the middle-aged Obi-Wan, during his exile on Tatooine. At least that's what they're saying at this point. It hasn't really gotten any farther than the talking about it stage.
An Obi-Wan film while he's in exile could be interesting. He'd have to be involved in the rebellion or be training someone or maybe show a lot of flashbacks to when he was young during that time, otherwise it would be downright boring...watching him check his vaporators and meditate for two hours wouldn't be too good, haha. It could be an interesting idea though if done right.

Harry Potter did really well even with the change in composers. I don't know how the Fantastic Beasts compares. I think Rogue One's soundtrack should have some overlap as it is a Star Wars movie, but it's own songs as well. However, other than thinking to yourself how amazing a score is, the music should never pull you out of the film. My favorite soundtrack score is Last of the Mohicans. It's beyond this day I love it and still listen to it. Yes to comparing favorite scores someday!

Now that I've been warned about the soundtrack, perhaps I'll take a listen first before the movie...or maybe that would be bad...huh, I'll have to ponder it.

I try not to read too many spoilers either. It was one of those things that popped up on the side of a page when I was reading something else. It just said that Mark Hamill disagreed with the way they were writing the script, but that his job is to act what and how they tell him to. Nothing too spoilery there. Plus, I think there's a bit in the trailer with Luke saying the Jedi need to end. I'm interested in that, because it seems like they might get more into the mythos of the force or the history of the Jedi, maybe expand on it. IDK, but it's going to be interesting.

I thought Luke was going to be her father as well. Star Wars is about the Skywalker family and legacy, so it would be a bit odd if she wasn't somehow related to them, especially with the lightsaber. Perhaps she was born after Luke went into exile and he didn't know she ever existed when she was hidden away, and the mother died somehow. But, she could also be a Kenobi. That would be interesting and it would fit with the lightsaber as well, since Obi-Wan had it in his possession for so long. And when she touched it, she heard his voice.

What do you think about the romantic pairing for the trilogy, cause there's likely to be one.
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Old 09-20-2017, 12:38 AM
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Originally Posted by ILuvMyThesaurus (View Post)
An Obi-Wan film while he's in exile could be interesting. He'd have to be involved in the rebellion or be training someone or maybe show a lot of flashbacks to when he was young during that time, otherwise it would be downright boring...watching him check his vaporators and meditate for two hours wouldn't be too good, haha. It could be an interesting idea though if done right.

Harry Potter did really well even with the change in composers. I don't know how the Fantastic Beasts compares. I think Rogue One's soundtrack should have some overlap as it is a Star Wars movie, but it's own songs as well. However, other than thinking to yourself how amazing a score is, the music should never pull you out of the film. My favorite soundtrack score is Last of the Mohicans. It's beyond this day I love it and still listen to it. Yes to comparing favorite scores someday!

Now that I've been warned about the soundtrack, perhaps I'll take a listen first before the movie...or maybe that would be bad...huh, I'll have to ponder it.

I try not to read too many spoilers either. It was one of those things that popped up on the side of a page when I was reading something else. It just said that Mark Hamill disagreed with the way they were writing the script, but that his job is to act what and how they tell him to. Nothing too spoilery there. Plus, I think there's a bit in the trailer with Luke saying the Jedi need to end. I'm interested in that, because it seems like they might get more into the mythos of the force or the history of the Jedi, maybe expand on it. IDK, but it's going to be interesting.

I thought Luke was going to be her father as well. Star Wars is about the Skywalker family and legacy, so it would be a bit odd if she wasn't somehow related to them, especially with the lightsaber. Perhaps she was born after Luke went into exile and he didn't know she ever existed when she was hidden away, and the mother died somehow. But, she could also be a Kenobi. That would be interesting and it would fit with the lightsaber as well, since Obi-Wan had it in his possession for so long. And when she touched it, she heard his voice.

What do you think about the romantic pairing for the trilogy, cause there's likely to be one.
I thought the Fantastic Beasts score was good, but honestly, not sure if it was a standout for me or not.

Hmmm, Last of the Mohicans is a score I do not own; however, I am a huge fan of the Clannad song from that movie "I Will Find You". Outstanding! And Trevor Jones did the amazing scores for The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, so I imagine I would really like it.

One of my favorite scores is Flowers in the Attic. Not a great movie, but the ridiculously hard-to-find score is sensational.

Not too sure about the romantic pairings, though I guess the obvious is Rey and Finn. Last we saw of Finn though, he was unconscious, so interesting to see how that goes.

Thessie, I'm sorry, but I've got to head to bed. I'm exhausted and sore from yesterday's truck. I will talk to you soon, maybe for rewatch next week. Have a great rest of the week!

Last edited by IceonFire7; 09-20-2017 at 01:11 AM
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Old 09-20-2017, 03:14 AM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
I thought the Fantastic Beasts score was good, but honestly, not sure if it was a standout for me or not.

Hmmm, Last of the Mohicans is a score I do not own; however, I am a huge fan of the Clannad song from that movie "I Will Find You". Outstanding! And Trevor Jones did the amazing scores for The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, so I imagine I would really like it.

One of my favorite scores is Flowers in the Attic. Not a great movie, but the ridiculously hard-to-find score is sensational.

Not too sure about the romantic pairings, though I guess the obvious is Rey and Finn. Last we saw of Finn though, he was unconscious, so interesting to see how that goes.

Thessie, I'm sorry, but I've got to head to bed. I'm exhausted and sore from yesterday's truck. I will talk to you soon, maybe for rewatch next week. Have a great rest of the week!
Oh dear Lord...I just literally woke up. I'm going to have a major crick in my neck. Thank goodness I have the day off tomorrow. This is what Charloe and BC does to me...

Hope to chat with you all soon!
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Old 10-03-2017, 05:57 PM
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Hi, and welcome all to club! I'll give everyone a few minutes to get here and then we can set up the line-up and kick off for the night.
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