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Old 02-14-2017, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by fire for a heart (View Post)
3/3 for you Sarah as well for both winn and Jocelyn so 6 total

1. She was attacked
2.yes but she has to do whats right and follow the law
3. Valentine


1. In the latest episode, what was the name of the "drug dealer" that Izzy talked too before Magnus stepped in?

2. In the latest episode, What advice that did Alec go too Izzy about?

3. In the latest episode, What suggestion did Izzy make to Simon about his anxiety?
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Old 02-14-2017, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by beyond insane (View Post)

1. Was Michael Scofield sentenced five years for armed robbery?
2. Did Michael Scofield once escape in between a moving train to get away from the police chasing him.
3. Did Scofield trust in Sara to leave the door open for he can escape Fox River?

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Old 02-14-2017, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by eternal◘fate (View Post)
1. Was Michael Scofield sentence five years for armed robbery?
2. Did Michael Scofield once escape in between a moving train to get away from the police chasing him.
3. Did Scofield trust in Sara to leave the door open for he can escape Fox River?

Yup Yup Yup

1. His sentence was for armed robbery for firing a gun in a bank - YES it was 5 years

2. Lincoln pulled him away from Bellick who had him in his eyes with how Bellick had a shotgun ready to shot in 2x01 - YES

3. Not sure how to answer this because YES his whole plan was around Sara leaving the door open and BELIEVE he actually told her to leave it open - though he was surprised that it was indeed open - YES is my answer

1. In Season 1 - The Flash, how many years had RF been in Central City as Harrison Wells?

2. Was it True or False that RF had his own Gideon AI?

3. Has RF been on every season of The Flash?
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Old 02-14-2017, 03:53 PM
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Eobard Answers
1. Forgot. Just guessing a year.
2. True.
3. True

And you are 3 of 3! on Scofield
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Old 02-14-2017, 03:54 PM
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12 years he had been in Central City as Harrison Wells 2/3 EOBARD THAWNE
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by beyond insane (View Post)
I accept, Sarah!

1. How many love interests(or potential ones) has Cisco had on the show?
2. What did Cisco give Barry to keep his metabolism in check?
3. Why did Cisco eventually forgive Barry for Flashpoint?

Now, can Lauren please, please, please grade my Batman answers? Please?

Originally Posted by smoakin queen (View Post)
batman questions:

1.what love interests has batman had that has appeared in both the movies as well as the comics?

2. name 3 capabilities of the batmobile'

3. name one difference between the batman outfit in the dark night trilogy and batman v superman

ok going to bed jules is focus tomorrow gone
1. Selina Kyle(Catwoman), Talia al Ghul, Wonder Woman, and Barbara Gordon(Batgirl/Oracle) if you count animated movies. There's also Vicki Vale, but she sucks.

2. It can boost itself into a rampless jump; it can fire heavy assault weaponry like bullets, missiles, and canon rounds; it can extend its wheels and go from street racing mode to all-terrain mode. Oh, and in The Dark Knight, the Batpod could detach from the Batmobile.

3. One big difference was the size of the bat emblem on his chest. Another was the bat ears on his mask were shorter in Batman v Superman. Oh, and the Dark Knight Batsuit was black on black, whereas the Batman v Superman Batsuit was black on gray, like in the comics.

Originally Posted by eternal◘fate (View Post)
Oh and the way Lois forgets his powers is different in the Donner's Cut, he reverse time instead of the memory loss kiss. ... which is why the diner ending scene sort of made more sense in Lester version over Donner's...
Will all due respect, Tia, Lester's version doesn't make more sense. For three reasons:

1. Lester didn't film the end scene in the diner, Donner did.
2. Lester's "magic kiss" is not one of Superman's established abilities. He's not telepathic and can't hypnotize anyone into forgetting anything.
3. Lois Lane forgetting the events of the entire movie while Metropolis and the rest of the world still remember makes no sense at all. Remember Lois' last words to her colleague in Superman II? She says, "what's happening in the world?" and her colleague rolls her eyes like she thinks Lois has been lobotomized. Don't you think that Lois would get a little suspicious when she hears that Zod and his friends tried to take over the world and that there was a battle between Zod and Superman in the middle of Metropolis... and she has no memory of it whatsoever? Lois would be like, "where was I when all that happened?"

The problem is that Donner's intended ending for Superman II was never filmed, so there was no way to put it in the Donner Cut of the movie. Originally, Superman was supposed to save Lois from being crushed in that fissure during the earthquake at the end of the first Superman, and the time travel gimmick wasn't going to be used until the end of Superman II. Lois was supposed to be killed during the battle at the Fortress of Solitude, and Superman was going to fly around the Earth and travel back in time to prevent Zod and the others from being released from the Phantom Zone in order to prevent her death. But the studio felt that the first movie's ending wasn't "climactic enough" and needed something more dramatic, so Donner decided to move the time-travel scene with Superman flying around the Earth to the end of the first movie, and he'd come up with a different ending for Superman II later on. He needed to finish filming the first movie to get it released in time for Christmas, and then he was going to return to finish filming Superman II.

But those moron Salkinds fired Donner for refusing to cut Marlon Brando's scenes from the second film(because they didn't want to pay Brando what he wanted), so Donner never got to film his ending for Superman II that he wanted. Originally, after the destruction of the Fortress of Solitude, the film was going to end with Lois and Clark back at the Daily Planet and Lois still knowing that Clark is Superman. With Jor El gone for good, Clark was now going to do things his way, and that would include him and Lois making their relationship work even with her knowing his identity, and that would set up the third movie which would feature Brainiac. But again, because of Donner being fired, that ending never got made, unfortunately. The Donner Cut is the best we can get of what Donner originally intended, but it's still just bits and pieces. The Superman II that Donner would've made will never be seen, sadly.
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by beyond insane (View Post)
12 years he had been in Central City as Harrison Wells 2/3 EOBARD THAWNE
Thanks for that, I forgot.
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (View Post)
I accept, Sarah!

1. How many love interests(or potential ones) has Cisco had on the show?
2. What did Cisco give Barry to keep his metabolism in check?
3. Why did Cisco eventually forgive Barry for Flashpoint?

1. Lisa, Kendra, Gypsy - 3

2. high-calorie protein bar

3. I actually don't remember full details but believe it was during the crossover when everybody learns about the Future!Barry message that Firestorm had been hiding from everybody. I remember the conversation that Oliver/Barry has where Oliver confess that anybody in his position would have done the same or Oliver would have. Was it because Barry was willing to sacrifice himself to the Dominators because he was at fault for them coming in the first place?

1. What was the name of the Spider-Man 1 theme song?

2. Who sang the Spider-Man 1 theme song?

3. What villain did Spider-Man have to battle at the end of Spider-Man 3 that was not venom?
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (View Post)
Will all due respect, Tia, Lester's version doesn't make more sense. For three reasons:

1. Lester didn't film the end scene in the diner, Donner did.
2. Lester's "magic kiss" is not one of Superman's established abilities. He's not telepathic and can't hypnotize anyone into forgetting anything.

The problem is that Donner's intended ending for Superman II was never filmed, so there was no way to put it in the Donner Cut of the movie. Originally, Superman was supposed to save Lois from being crushed in that fissure during the earthquake at the end of the first Superman, and the time travel gimmick wasn't going to be used until the end of Superman II. Lois was supposed to be killed during the battle at the Fortress of Solitude, and Superman was going to fly around the Earth and travel back in time to prevent Zod and the others from being released from the Phantom Zone in order to prevent her death. But the studio felt that the first movie's ending wasn't "climactic enough" and needed something more dramatic, so Donner decided to move the time-travel scene with Superman flying around the Earth to the end of the first movie, and he'd come up with a different ending for Superman II later on. He needed to finish filming the first movie to get it released in time for Christmas, and then he was going to return to finish filming Superman II.

But those moron Salkinds fired Donner for refusing to cut Marlon Brando's scenes from the second film(because they didn't want to pay Brando what he wanted), so Donner never got to film his ending for Superman II that he wanted. Originally, after the destruction of the Fortress of Solitude, the film was going to end with Lois and Clark back at the Daily Planet and Lois still knowing that Clark is Superman. With Jor El gone for good, Clark was now going to do things his way, and that would include him and Lois making their relationship work even with her knowing his identity, and that would set up the third movie which would feature Brainiac. But again, because of Donner being fired, that ending never got made, unfortunately. The Donner Cut is the best we can get of what Donner originally intended, but it's still just bits and pieces. The Superman II that Donner would've made will never be seen, sadly.
I know about Donner's film. That after probably like 75% of filming, he was fired which of course really upset Margot Kidder the most. Which is the reason for her limited role in Superman 3. So, since he didn't get to complete his film, some scenes are from Lester in the movie just to complete the Donner film.

I never agreed with the magic kiss, it was stupid for her to forget things, and the same mistake happened in that nonsense low budget movie Superman 4. Sadly the series was long over even before that movie...

Yes, I remember most of that besides the Brainiac thing. I watched most of the DVD extras and even the Donner commentary about it.

I was just saying when I watched the full movie, I felt the ending made more sense for Lester film, but probably I'll feel different whenever I watch Donner film again.
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by beyond insane (View Post)
1. Lisa, Kendra, Gypsy - 3

2. high-calorie protein bar

3. I actually don't remember full details but believe it was during the crossover when everybody learns about the Future!Barry message that Firestorm had been hiding from everybody. I remember the conversation that Oliver/Barry has where Oliver confess that anybody in his position would have done the same or Oliver would have. Was it because Barry was willing to sacrifice himself to the Dominators because he was at fault for them coming in the first place?
1. Correct.
2. Correct.
3. Well, mostly. It was because Cisco had altered the past by saving that Dominator, thus eliminating the truce between the Dominators and the NSA from history, so it was Cisco's fault that Barry had to sacrifice himself. So you got it pretty much right.

3 of 3!

Originally Posted by beyond insane (View Post)
1. What was the name of the Spider-Man 1 theme song?

2. Who sang the Spider-Man 1 theme song?

3. What villain did Spider-Man have to battle at the end of Spider-Man 3 that was not venom?
1. Was it the song, Hero?
2. Nickleback's Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott.
3. Harry Osborne as the second Green Goblin.
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:58 PM
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2.5/3 SPIDER-MAN - did he actually battle Harry cause didn't Harry turn out turning good as a scarfice at the end where I was looking for Sandman - unless I'm wrong and he did have to battle Harry. Either giving .5 unless Sandman was earlier in the movie and I'll go full point if it was indeed Harry
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by eternal◘fate (View Post)
I was just saying when I watched the full movie, I felt the ending made more sense for Lester film, but probably I'll feel different whenever I watch Donner film again.
I understand, but my problem with the ending of the Lester film today is the same as when I first saw the movie. Aside from the absurdity of the "magic kiss," are we really supposed to believe that Lois Lane isn't going to wonder why she's the only one in Metropolis(and the entire world) who has no memory of Zod and the Kyrptonian villains trying to take over the world, or the battle in Metropolis? Lois was there at the Daily Planet when Zod and the others crashed the place, so Perry's gonna ask her why she suddenly has amnesia about the entire thing.

Thanks, Sarah! Damn, I forgot about Sandman, although thinking back, wasn't he at the beginning of the movie and Harry's Green Goblin at the end? I don't remember.
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 02-14-2017, 05:01 PM
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The Magic kiss was bs - agreed, I've only seen 2 of those 4 movies and still need to see Donner's Cut
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Old 02-14-2017, 05:05 PM
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Thanks for agreeing, Sarah. And I don't remember if Sandman was at the end of the movie, I just remember Harry becoming the second Green Goblin at the end. But I'll take the .5 point.

I'll be back tomorrow for more challenges. I have to leave early today. But I'm hoping to get on my new shift soon(maybe by the end of the week), in which case I'll be working in the mornings and I'll be able to stay later! See you tomorrow!

And we need a new thread!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 02-14-2017, 05:42 PM
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