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Old 11-12-2014, 09:50 AM
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Regina announced that she could tell when Chris was lying and his face froze. She knew about the shower. He wasn’t sure how but he was busted. Sighing, the nervous doctor prepared to explain how intimidating Snow White was with her good intentions. The 5’2” pixie haired princess did not take no for an answer. Chris was just about to ask for forgiveness when he realized his fiancée had no clue about her bridal party after all. She was talking about last night’s sexual escapades. “You caught me. I don’t think I ever entered my REM cycle, but you were well worth it. I can sleep when I’m dead,” he joked. Regina ran her soft hands over the scratch marks she’d created on Chris’ back and promised to nurse him back to health after his shower. “Ah, now I understand why so many of my patients have nurse fantasies,” Chris replied thoughtfully. Laughing, Regina told him to behave. “That’s the pot calling the kettle black,” Chris teased. “After all, you were quite the animal last night.” It had been almost a week since they made love so it was understandable. Chris was just as hungry for her as she was for him. Between the wedding planning and their kids, alone time wasn’t as easy to come by, so they had to take full advantage of every opportunity they got.

Regina told him her bite marks on his neck should probably be covered up by a turtleneck today and Chris shrugged. “I can just say a spell backfired,” he replied. “It’s too hot for a turtle neck. Plus, it’s more fun to let curious minds wander.” Speaking of curious minds, Regina didn’t even try to conceal how nosy she was about their honeymoon destination. The mystery was eating her up inside. “Patience, my love. I know it’s not your strong suit but it’ll be worth it. I won’t disappoint you.” Regina rolled her eyes playfully but agreed to wait it out. Wherever they went, she fully intended on staying undressed the majority of their time there. “You know me so well,” Chris crooned, kissing her in appreciation. Regina told him he better shower before she ravaged him again and the amused doctor grinned at the thought. “That’s poor motivation for me to actually get in the shower. All you’re doing is making me want to stay in bed all day,” Chris explained.

Regina told him that might not be such a bad idea, her husky voice awakening feelings inside of Chris reserved solely for her. But he had to be strong. Snow was probably already decorating Granny’s and they were supposed to be at the diner in two hours under the guise of a ‘family lunch.’ Reluctantly, Chris forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom. He showered in record time, knowing how much Regina liked to have the bathroom to herself to get ready. When he emerged Regina was nowhere to be found. Chris frowned in confusion until he heard voices coming from the hallway. The kids were up. He walked out of the master bedroom and smiled at the sight of Devina, Henry, and Regina sitting on the couch downstairs. They were reading a book and sipping on orange juice. Chris met them downstairs and positioned himself on his open spot on the couch. “What are we reading?” he asked with interest, leaning in to whisper to Regina while he waited for the kids to reply. “The shower is all yours. I can entertain these knuckleheads while you beautify. Not that you need it.”
"He a storm."
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Old 11-12-2014, 11:07 AM
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she hit his chest not wanting to hear things like sleeping when he was dead even if he was clearly kidding. In their life she knew that things could take a turn for the worst within a second and she didnt want to tempt faith. "Oh shush you. The kids are home so I am afraid my sexy nurse costume will be staying in the closet" she teased him right back and kissed the tip of his nose. She rolled her eyes at his animal comment but well the scratch marks told that he was definitely right about his remark. "I promise to at least TRY to keep my hormones under control, no promises tho. You bring out my wild side and I would be lying if I´d say that I didnt like it"

she chuckled softly and shrugged her shoulders "fine by me. Lets just hope it wont be the kids asking" although she was sure that Snow would just give them a knowing smirk and she had never actually had let them live down the encounter in the closet at Henrys Birthday. When her lovely fiance once again denied her the real answer to were they would be going for their honeymoon she sighed but relented. She trusted Chris with her life and she knw that he would bring them somewhere they both would enjoy very much. "I know you wont, you never do" she whispered and it probably sounded cheesy but she couldnt help it.

The idea to stay in bed all day definitely sounded appealing but somehow Chris still got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Regina stayed in bed for a little while longer before she heard noises coming from outside. whispered followed by pretty heavy footsteps running down the stairs and a laugh that couldnt be overheard even if she tried. With a smile she put her nightgown over her head before she got a hold of her favourite fluffy robe and made her way downstairs to where Henry and Devina were sitting on the couch attempting to read a book together. Or well Henry was reading to Devina while she had her head in his lap. "Mom do you want to read to us?" Henry wanted to know and although he hit the teenage phase full force he still enjoyed family time. "Yes please, you make the voices way better than Henry Devina agreed making her brother scowl. Regina smiled at the kids and settled down on the couch grabbing the book from her sons hand and starting to read.

She was about 2 chapters in when Chris came down the stairs settling on the remaining spot on the couch "Harry Potter" Regina replied with a smirk "AGAIN" she added and she was sure that both Henry and Devina had read every book ofthe series at least twice. She kissed her fiances cheek and let the book fall into his lap "Your turn" she mentioned as she got up, ruffling the kids hair "dont forget to make the voices" she instructed before she made her way back up the stairs into the master bathroom. She stripped down to her natural form and went into the shower, taking awhile, loving the warm water cascading down her perfect body. Washing her hair she even started to sing in the shower and she was glad that her family was downstairs because she really didnt need them to listen.

After about an hour she was finally down showering and got dressed in something comfortable - a designer Jeans, skin tight (something she had adapted ever since she lived with Chris because she knew just how much he loved her in jeans) and a deep purple blouse. Walking back into the living room she smiled as she noticed the kids and her future husband in exact the same position as she left them. "well well.. who would like some brunch?"
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

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Old 11-12-2014, 12:00 PM
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“I should have guessed,” Chris replied with a knowing smirk. Harry Potter was all Henry and Devina wanted to read these days. Considering the history of Storybrooke and its residents, their preference made sense. “You guys do know Hogwarts is not a real school, right?” Chris was joking, of course, but Henry couldn’t resist reminding him how everyone used to think his story book was a lie. “Touche. But that’s a bit different.” Regina chuckled under her breath and shrugged. She figured Chris could handle this one on his own. Debates with Henry tended to last a long time and she needed to get ready. “Traitor,” Chris called out after her. Regina told him she wasn’t and reminded him to use character voices when he read. “Yes, your majesty,” Chris promised. Devina giggled while Henry shook his head in amazement. “She definitely loves you. No way would I get away with that much backtalk,” Henry pointed out. The boy would know. He’d been a handful lately. Teen angst was a very real thing in the Andrews-Mills household. Chris often wondered if there was something else going on, maybe more than met the eye, but Henry was a hard person to figure out. He’d open up when he was ready. Until then, Regina and Chris would keep loving him and shell out discipline when it was necessary.

“I’m pretty fond of her too,” Chris assured his son-to-be. Devina stuck out her tongue and told him to stop being so mushy. She wanted him to start chapter three so Hagrid could finally rescue Harry from the Dursley family. “Patience, honey, it’s not like you don’t know how it all ends,” Chris reprimanded gently. Once his daughter apologized Chris dove into the fictitious story with an animated expression. The kids and he read for a half hour before rising to get dressed. Chris helped Henry pick out a nice pair of khakis and a light blue button up shirt. Devina, as always, selected a dress for the occasion. The plan was to sweet talk Regina into brunch out on the town but convincing her turned out not to be necessary. Her family had barely nestled back into their spots on the couch when Regina appeared at the top of the stairs suggesting they get food. “Great idea! How about we hit up Granny’s? I’m craving one of her omelets,” Chris replied. Henry and Devina agreed passionately, a little too passionately, but if Regina suspected anything she didn’t let on. “You look…wow, by the way,” Chris told his future bride. He gave her an appreciative once over before kissing her cheek and taking her hand in his. “It’s such a beautiful day out, why don’t we walk?” Snow would kill them if they were early. This way, they could take their time and even stop to look at random trees and animals if need be.
"He a storm."

Last edited by Captivating; 11-12-2014 at 05:37 PM
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Old 11-13-2014, 04:58 AM
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Regina walked down the last steps of the stairwell as she raised her eyebrows “I actually meant MAKING brunch here, as in us cooking together but I guess if my lovely husband to be craves Granny’s Omelets…” she didn’t finish the sentence as she listened to Devinas enthusiasm about going to the diner. Shrugging her shoulders she relented. At least going out meant that she didn’t have to wash dishes and make a mess in the kitchen. It was practically a win win situation for everyone. Her confusion about the whole thing was calmed down a bit when Chris told her how great she looked. Wriggling her perfectly shaped eyebrows she grinned at him “I picked them just for you, I know you love to see me in jeans. Had I known before that we would be going out to eat I would have opted for something different. But thank you, I am very glad you like it” she appreciated her fiancés words and accepted the kiss on the cheek with a lovely smile. “When did you guys get ready by the way? I honestly thought I would have to treat you with something special to get you out of your pajamas” Regina whispered a little surprised “yet here you are, proper clothed and ready to go brunching. Did I miss something?”

Everyone looked at her innocently shaking their heads “we were all just craving Granny´s omelets” Devina repeated her father’s words but bit her lip when she saw Regina’s look “Not that yours aren’t awesome. We all LOVE your Omelets, really we do, we just, uh, want to uh not make a mess. You know that Daddy always makes a mess in the kitchen, you did not forget the incident with the toaster right?” Devina added proud that she had remembered something that would gladly get Regina to agree. “Right, how could I ever forget about that, especially since we still have no new Toaster because apparently they are devils traps. Fine lets go then” she said as she took the hand that Chris offered to her. She wasn’t a fan of walking but apparently it was very important for her family to do so. She noticed the kids grinning at her as they walked out the door but just passed it up as being excited about going out to eat. Henry probably thought he would be getting a milkshake for breakfast.

The normally short walk to granny’s Diner took them over half an hour because – she had no idea why – but Chris suddenly started a lecture about all the trees they passed and explained everything to them in a very detailed manner. And as if that wasn’t enough Devina stopped to pet EVERY creature that passed them by. No matter if dog, cat – she even went crazy after a squirrel – which cost them about ten minutes already. Finally they spotted the diner and wanted to walk towards the door but her family didn’t budge “What’s up guys? Any more trees to know about or Pets to well pet?”
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

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Old 11-13-2014, 07:52 AM
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It turned out Regina wasn’t angling for a trip to Granny’s, not in the slightest. All she wanted was a nice brunch at home with her family. Chris swallowed his guilt and forced a smile. He hated lying to the woman he loved. Of course, Snow insisted he wasn’t lying. She described his actions as merely omitting vital information for the greater good. Either way it made the selfless doctor uncomfortable. He couldn’t wait until the jig was up. “You’re too good to me. No one else would indulge my random food cravings,” Chris replied, pressing an appreciative kiss to Regina’s cheek. She joked about how thoughtful she was until Henry mumbled that she wasn’t thoughtful when she made him give away a few video games on account of he had too many. “Henry,” Chris chided with a ‘not today’ expression. The last thing they needed was a mother/son standoff. Chris had seen it before and it always ended with Henry grounded and Regina in a foul mood. No, today was about surprising his bride and making her happy. Henry finally seemed to remember that and quickly apologized. Before Regina had a chance to lecture him or suggest staying in, Chris distracted her with compliments. She always took his breath away but today’s outfit was particularly up to par.

The raven haired beauty let him know she wore jeans just for him and Chris’ eyes immediately looked down. He gave her a subtle once over, one the kids couldn’t see and gag at, and winked. “Like I said before, you’re too good to me.” Regina beamed but confessed her wardrobe choice would’ve been different had she known her family was venturing out. “Nonsense. We could have on tuxes and ball gowns and you’d still be the best looking person at the diner,” Chris stated. He wasn’t just buttering Regina up either. He meant every word. Blushing, his future wife thanked him again before expressing her disbelief at how fast the three of them got ready for such an impromptu brunch. Coaxing them out of their pajamas on a Saturday was nearly unheard of. She wondered if she missed something and Chris coughed, signaling for help. Devina jumped into the conversation fast as she could, championing Granny’s like it was a five-star restaurant. She also cited her father’s horrible cooking skills as a strong reason to eat out. “I swear, I’m going to be eighty and still hearing about that damn toaster,” Chris commented with a chuckle. Gasping, Devina told him he wasn’t supposed to say damn and Chris help his hands up like a thief caught stealing. “You’re right, you’re right. I’ll put a dollar in the cuss jar when we get back.” The promise of money for her piggy bank quieted Devina instantly and soon they were on their way.

“Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it’s off to Granny’s we go!” Henry and Devina sang happily as they took their time walking around town. Chris gave brief seminars on the types of trees they passed and the kids stopped to pet every animal they encountered. They were professional time killers and Regina was definitely becoming suspicious. When the foursome finally got close to the diner she was the only one who moved toward the building. Pausing, she asked Chris and their children what they were up to. Had they missed a tree or a pet she didn’t notice? “Hardy har har,” Chris joked back. “What’s wrong with stopping and smelling the roses? It’s important to appreciate the simple things in life.” Henry and Devina agreed immediately, causing Regina’s eyes to narrow. Before she could press them to spill the beans, Chris’ cell beeped with a text. It was Snow. They were ready. “But like you said, enough sightseeing! Let’s go eat!” Chris kissed Regina’s temple tenderly and took her hand, allowing the kids to run ahead of them. “I love you, you know. Just remember that,” Chris told her. Regina opened her mouth to ask him where that came from but was silenced by countless voices screaming “SURPRISE!” Almost the entire town had shown up for the bridal party. Snow clapped her hangs together in excitement and embraced Regina and Chris eagerly. “We wanted to do something special for you! To celebrate you!” Snow explained. Chris nodded nervously, hoping Regina was touched instead of furious. It really could go either way. “Remember we love you,” Chris warned, waiting for her to respond.
"He a storm."

Last edited by Captivating; 11-13-2014 at 09:02 AM
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Old 11-13-2014, 09:32 AM
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Chris was always very sweet with his words but today he was especially thoughtful. Regina should have gotten suspicious but she wrote it off as Chris being thankful for the awesome sex he had gotten last night."Cant and wont deny that" Regina answered cockily and well she knew she was a beautiful woman with some really great attributes, her being attractive had never been the problem. Even Charming had admitted that to her not too ago over some lasagna and red wine. Snow had shrugged her shoulders and told her friend that even she knew that the title fairest of them all should have gotten to Regina. the raven haired beauty shook her head to clear her thoughts before she laughed softly at Chris outburst abotu the toaster. "probably" she agreed before they were off.

When her future husband had the nerve to remind her to appreciate the roses she lost it and clicked her tongue before she touched the bridge of her nose "okay you guys, what the hell is going on here?" she wanted to know but before she could say anything more she finally noticed her family relent and with a sprint they were practically in front of the entrance. Reginas eyebrows furrowed as she tried to explain her familys crazy behaviour. To top her confusion, Chris randomly told her that he loved her while opening the door to the diner and she was about to slap an answer out of him if she had to her mouth already half way open to treat him when she suddenly heard a loud yelling and her heart litteraly stopped for about 2 seconds before it continued beating. "Holy F.... s... " Regina cursed making Chris cover Devinas ears immediately as the little she-devil tried to escape her fathers grabby hands. "What in the.... WAIT, you guys KNEW ABOUT THIS?" she wanted to know turning towards her fiance and her children who nodded solemly letting her that they wanted to do something special for her to celebrate her. She bit her lip and took a couple of deep breaths, ignoring Snow who stood near her with a grin that went from ear to ear and clapping hands, practically bouncing up and down. Closing her eyes and counting to ten, Regina tried to breathe. She HATED surprises. She HATED being in the center of attention and she hated showers in any kind that didnt involve water and a bathroom. Still as she opened her eyes she looked at the face of her little boy her little girl and her soon to be husband and bit her lip. She knew it meant a lot to them and that the surprise was meant well. She knew that they loved her so much that they wanted to make her feel special - it was just that they did that every single day and she certainly didnt need a party for that. Yet she didnt want to disappoint them and a small smile worked its way to her lips "next time, at least warn me okay?" she whispered as she embraced her kids "thank you, that was very thoughtful, just ... before I actually let them celebrate me, is there anything else I need to know? Did snow plan any weird games? there will be no stripper or anything right?" she asked and Devina pulled a face "Gross" she whispered and Henry nodded supergross actually. She looked up to Chris and went close to whisper into his ear "I love you to pieces, you know that... but for this stunt you pulled... I just give you the advice to imagine last night as vividly as you can, because its NOT going to repeat itself" she told him before she smiled at him and kissed his lips softly and turned around to the rest of the guests "Well.. seems like... I am actually surprised" she said and chuckled softly "Thank you everyone for coming.. lets get this bridal shower started, wont we?"
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

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Old 11-13-2014, 12:24 PM
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The first word out of Regina’s mouth was a curse word. Not a good sign. Chris scrambled to cover Devina’s ears, shooting his fiance a stern look to remind her children were present. He understood if she was upset but Devina was a sponge. She repeated everything she heard. And Henry, well, he didn’t need any new forbidden words to fuel his teen angst. Chris wasn’t judging her too harshly though because he’d just slipped and said damn at home himself. Plus, Regina hated surprises. She was actually taking this fairly well all things considered. “Don’t blame Chris and the kids. I roped them into it,” Snow explained “So be nice.” Snow had known Regina long enough not be afraid of her wrath. She was more bark than bite now anyways. “And trust me, keeping a secret from you wasn’t easy,” Chris added on with a laugh. Regina’s eyes widened at being duped by not only her friends, but her whole family too. The kids nodded their heads sheepishly to confirm they’d been in on the plan since the start. Their hopeful expressions were enough to win their mom over for now. Regina forced a smile and opened her arms to hug them. Chris, however, received no hug. Regina held him at arm’s length, asking if there were more surprises ahead. She didn’t want to be caught off guard by ridiculous shower games or God forbid, strippers. “It’s not that kind of party, love,” Chris teased.

Henry and Devina both stuck out their tongues at the gross image of strippers before pushing through the crowd to find their friends. Well, Devina found her friends. Henry found Grace. For not dating those two sure were spending more and more time together lately. “As for games, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask Snow about that. My only job was to get you here on time.” Snow White rambled off a list of games rather quickly, refusing to say their name twice. She waved away Regina’s concern and told her it’d be a blast. She’d have so much fun she wouldn’t know what hit her. “Just think of it as one of our family game nights…with fifty of your closest friends,” Chris replied. Regina rolled her eyes and whispered the consequences of the doctor’s actions in his ear. She told him to remember last night’s performance in vivid detail because the real thing wasn’t happening again for a long time. “That’s just cruel,” Chris responded, accepting Regina’s kiss with a frown. He was going to kill Snow White for this. Well, kill was a strong word, but if she truly cost him his sex life their friendship would require some healing work. “If you really hate it we can just take back all the presents and – ” Chris felt Regina’s elbow in his side before he could finish. “That’s what I thought,” he told her smugly. Regina was nothing if not well bred. Despite her annoyance she wasn’t going to be rude to the town or let Chris embarrass her.

Instead, she flashed a smile that looked downright genuine and admitted she was surprised. Everyone in the diner cheered, releasing the breaths they’d been holding. Regina thanked them for their support and asked to get the party started. Snow happily obliged. “I thought we’d start with bridal pictionary or my personal favorite…making wedding dresses out of toilet paper. Actually, let’s do that one! Everyone get into teams of five!” Snow instructed like a conductor delegating her orchestra’s next move. Laughing, Charming called Chris over to help him, Hook, Archie, and Grumpy out. “May the best man win,” Chris told Regina before leaving her alone with Snow White. If she wanted to tease him about withholding sex, fine, but that meant she got to endure all of Snow’s gushing and hugging without him to rescue her. “Daddy’s a meanie, but I’ll help you!” Devina announced. Her friends didn’t want to play but she was completely committed to this shower and all of its activities. “I tried to get Henry to help us too but he said he’s too manly. Or he wants Grace to think so at least. Boys are so silly.”
"He a storm."

Last edited by Captivating; 11-13-2014 at 12:43 PM
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Old 11-13-2014, 12:59 PM
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Regina didnt curse often, at least not any more and never in front of the kids. Ever since Devina had the idea with the cuss jar, after having overheard her mother to be she had figured she could at least put the idea she had to good use. For every curse, every bad word, Chris, Regina, Henry and of course herself had to put in one dollar in her piggy bank account - at least thats what she had officially named it and no one had denied her that request. So far the jar held about 30 dollars from the last two months, 20 of them being from Henry. Teenage angst was something very powerful and got her a lot of money. She had a blast.

The brunette sighed but nodded "I am sorry about the cussing. I promise to put at least about 5 dollars into the jar when we get back" she apologized before turning to Snow "Oh you didnt have to explain that - this all hear SCREAMS snow white. I know that my lovely fiance would never do such a thing. He does actually love me." she said but with a hint of a smile and as much as she wanted to, she couldnt be mad at snow for wanting to throw her a bridal shower. It was just who she was and if Regina was honest with herself, she never wanted her friend to change. She turned to her family with a smirk "well. a friendly advice, next time dont keep any secrets from me. I wont hold it against you, promise" she teased lightly and her mood finally improved.

The kids disappeared with the crowd and when Chris told her that she had to ask Snow about the games she nodded softly and prepared herself for the worst. Regina had never heard so many bridal shower games in her entire life "What happened to you? Did you inhale google?" she wanted to know and shook her head. "and you Mr, did bring this on yourself." she shot back but she knew very well that she couldnt resist her soon to be husband and well now that she had calmed down considerably, she had to admit that she wasnt even really mad. She just loved to tease - but so did he. When he mentioned the presents she nudged his rips willing him to shut up. "Oh shush you and your smugness" she told him but laughed softly. She loved their banters and she loved him. More than he would probably ever know.

She cleared her throat and straightened her back as Snow started making suggestions about the games and all color drained from Reginas face as she finally settled on making dresses out of toilet paper Over my dead body she thought but the hopefull happy expression on her friends face let her sigh and put on a smile "Fun" she called out, raising and eyebrow hoping it didnt sound as sarcastic as it was meant to be. Glaring at Chris when he teamed up with Charming, Hook, Archie and Grumpy she looked around until Devina told her that she would help her "Well you are certainly my savior, I certainly have no idea how to make a dress out of... toilet paper, but I Know you have a very creative mind D. so.. make me proud" she instructed the little girl who beamed with pride as Snow, Tinkerbell and even Emma walked over to join the pair. Snow overfloated everyone wiht enough toilet paper to last a lifetime before she started a countdown and the game was one. Regina had to admit watching everyone trying to craft a dress out of something as simple as am cleaning product was certainly interesting and before she knew it she was helping Devina while Snow was cheering on her.
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

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Old 11-13-2014, 01:44 PM
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Chris heard Regina ask Snow if she’d been inhaling Google and couldn’t help but laugh. Did the former bandit even know how to use the internet? Henry had come home from his grandparents on more than one occasion with hilarious stories of their tech failures. “More like bridal magazines and too much sugar,” Charming yelled out from across the room. Emma waited for her mother’s explanation but Snow had no defense. She merely shrugged and nodded her head. “You did a great job honey!” Charming assured her. Adoration shown in his eyes as Snow responded with a playful scowl. “I guess we’re both in the temporary dog house,” Chris joked. While the men created a game plan Devina wrapped her arms around Regina’s leg tightly. Being called a savior had touched the little girl’s heart to its very core. She craved Regina’s approval the way most children craved new toys or the starring spot on their sports team. “I will definitely make you proud! You can count on me!” Devin promised.

Her enthusiasm was contagious. Soon Emma, Ruby, and Tink were all joining in on the fun. Snow hit a bell signaling the start of the game and Granny’s erupted with laugher as teams scrambled to make a masterpiece out of toilet paper. “Ours looks like a drunk runaway bride,” Chris observed in amusement. Charming and Hook agreed. Their ‘wedding dress’ was torn in odd places and way too frilly. Oh well. The men still had a minute on the clock but knew their creation was as good as it was going to get. Hook grabbed them all beers from the back while Chris and Charming watched Regina work her magic. She and Devina were actually managing to make a pretty decent dress. Snow was cheering them on from the sidelines, trying and failing not to be bias. When time finally ran out all the women in the room breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m a bit disappointed no catfights broke out,” Hook admitted.

Emma told him to bite his tongue and Chris grinned. “And now there’s three of us in the dog house. But hey, give it time. These women are intense and the shower still has a good hour or two to go,” the doctor pointed out. Snow walked around the room to judge each team, enlisting Granny’s help in the process. In the end it was a tie between Regina’s team and Dr. Whale’s team. Chris couldn’t be sure but he guessed Ruby had given her boyfriend a few pointers. “What’s next?” Chris asked while Devina pouted. “I wanted to win for you,” the disappointed little girl told Regina. “You’re not mad, right?” the nervous seven-year-old inquired. Regina shook her head, telling her of course not. It was just a silly game. But that’s not what Devina was referring to. “I meant about us helping Snow surprise you. You’re still going to marry daddy, right…mom?” Her shy voice was so low it was hard to make out, but it was the first time Devina had called Regina mom. Chris couldn’t believe it. His heart leaped for joy as he smiled at his wife-to-be and waited for her reaction.
"He a storm."
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Old 11-14-2014, 05:52 AM
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Regina had no doubt that she could count on her little girl. Devina always was 100 % on board with things like that. She loved being creative and doing things on her own and she had ideas even Regina had to admit she would have never thought off. Not that Regina usually was the type to make dresses out of something as trivial as toilet paper but in all honesty - gardening was the only hobby she had - in all other aspects she was creatively uncreative. "I am honey. I know you will do your best" she whispered and kissed Devinas hair who beamed at Reginas approval and the faith she had in her.

They were already half in when Regina looked around to check out the competition and she had to openly laugh at the guys try "thats not a dress guys, thats a train wreck" she said and Devina popped her head up and down in a nod "it looks like it got hit by a car - several times" she agreed which only made Regina laugh harder before she went back to work and with Devinas help they all made a pretty decent looking dress.

Dress here

When Regina heard hooks comment she rolled her eyes but before seh could say anything Emma told him to bite his tongue and Regina was actually impressed with the blonde woman. Finally it was time for the voting and as silly as it was, Regina was actually hoping for a win, not really for her but for Devina who had done a marvelous job on the dress. The boys of course lost but didnt care much as they sipped their beer and Reginas Team and Dr. Whales team (who the heck had invited him?) where tied. She smiled a polite smile and made a note to maybe trip with a glass of red wine in her hand when she walked by Whale the next time. She looked up when her husband to be wanted to know what was next but noticed Devinas pout "oh honey, I know. and in my eyes we wont sweety, you made an awesome dress. Seriously, when you grow up you should consider your talent and maybe become a designer" she whispered and kissed the little blonde girls cheek "Of course I am not mad, its just a silly game, I would never be mad at you" she whispered but looked up when Devina explained that she didnt mean the game but the fact that there were actually involved in the party planning and had kept it a secret from her. She wanted to reply when the last word slipped past the girls lips and made Regina halt. Her lips opened but she made no sound as she couldnt help the tears that shot into her eyes as her heart skipped several beats. Of course Devina was like a daughter for her, and she loved the little girl to pieces. Once or twice it had even slipped that she called her Henrys sister but never since she and Chris had started dating, Devina had called her mom. the raven haired beauty took a deep calming breath, willing her heart to start beating again "did you... just call me mom?" she asked as Devina looked pretty much taken aback. Regina held her hand up not wanting her daughter to feel like she had made a mistake in any kind "Because if you did... it will be the greatest gift today and nothing that is laying on the table over there will ever be able to compete with that" she whispered as she threw her arms around the blonde girl, hugging her close to her chest.
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Old 11-14-2014, 08:04 AM
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OOC: Love the dress!


Regina’s eyes widened in shock while Devina’s heart fluttered nervously in her chest. Maybe she shouldn’t have said what she did, but ever since her dad told her he was dating the former Evil Queen the curly-haired blonde had wanted her for a mother. And now they were getting married! Now it was finally happening. That had to mean it was okay to call her mom now, right? Devina loved her father but growing up with only him at her side was lonely sometimes. Chris couldn’t be both dad and mom to her no matter how hard he tried. It didn’t help that every day at school Devina watched the other kids embrace their moms after class. She saw what she was missing and it hurt. Regina was like the missing puzzle piece of their family and Devina thought she should know that. Except Regina seemed caught off guard and maybe…maybe not happy?

The lump in Devina’s throat grew larger with each silent second that passed. Finally finding her voice, Regina asked if she’d heard correctly. Had she just been called mom by the little girl in front of her? “I…uhh…” Devina mumbled uncertainly. She wasn’t sure if there was a right or wrong answer to give. She liked to think she knew what adults were thinking but not this time. Devina was scared she’d made a mistake. The fear in her young eyes finally registered with Regina, who assured Devina she was thrilled. If she had truly called her mom it was the greatest gift her bridal shower could’ve brought her. No material items could surpass this moment. “I did,” Devina confirmed with a joyful smile. Regina hugged her close and Devina could barely keep it together after their embrace. She was so happy she could cry. Her dream of having a mother had, at last, come true. “I love you…mom,” Devina replied. Saying the word a second time felt even better than the first. “Even if you are squeezing too tight.”

Regina busted out laughing and Chris did too. He’d been watching the touching exchange from the corner of the room. “Aww, look at that. My two favorite girls bonding. I’m a lucky man.” Chris observed. Snickering, Hook told him he was a sentimental softie but Chris didn’t mind the playful mockery. He owned the title proudly. “You’re also easily distracted, mate. I just saw your boy with Jefferson’s girl out back. You, uhh, may want to go break their kiss fest up before he gets to second base.” Hook suggested with a smirk. Devina pulled away from her mom is shock, knowing her brother was about to get in trouble. She didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire. She hurried to help Snow set up the next game while her parents contemplated their next move. “Should all three of us go talk to him?” Chris asked, looking back and forth between Regina and Emma.
"He a storm."
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Old 11-14-2014, 08:39 AM
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Regina / Henry

she broke out in sobs when Devina called her mom yet again in addition that she loved her "I love you too sweet cheeks" she whispered and then laughed through her sobs before she released her little girl "I am sorry, I am just so happy" she wiped away her tears before trying to calm her nerves once more. Everyone around her cheered pretty much and when she looked into the direction of Chris she saw his proud smile. She really was as happy as she could be in that moment but of course Hook knew a way to ruin it as he told them about Henry, his voice so loud that the whole diner could hear. Every bit of color drained from Reginas face but she tried to remember that she had told her son it was all right to date Grace. By that time tho Henry had assured them that he was still too young to handle more woman in his life. Well that had been a couple of months ago. She guessed her son had grown up pretty fast

"I think you should handle that" she told Chris and she didnt trust herself nor Emma to handel the situation. Emma would probably just pat the kid on the back telling him "nice job" and she was way too emotional not to be count as crazy right now. She looked at Emma to make sure she was okay wiht her decision and thank god the blonde nodded softly and told Chris to go ahead.

Henry Mills knew that he was still considered "a kid" at the age of 13 but right now, outside of Granys Diner with his arms around Grace and his lips on top of hers he did not feel like a kid. It was true that he had told his mothers half a year ago that he considered himself too young to date but that had definitely changed by now. Grace was a beautiful smart girl and his heart fluttered whenever she walked by. It was a strange feeling for him but he decided he wanted to embrace it. So the moment Grace had asked him if he wanted to go outside to talk for a bit he had taken her hand and lead her into the back alley behind the diner. They had awkwardly stared at each other, Grace looking at his lips and he doing the same with hers before they even more awkwardly closed the gab and let their lips fall onto each other for the very frist time. The first seconds felt a bit weird but after that they both got the hang out of it pretty quickly and just didnt want to stop - so they were still in a heated kissing fest session when Henry heard footsteps approaching them. With a sigh he moved away from a pretty flushed Grace and turned around to see no one else than his mothers fiance and his .. well what was Chris to him exactly? He still didnt know for sure.
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:51 PM
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If Snow had an award for ‘most embarrassing commentator,’ Hook would surely win it. The look on Regina’s face told Chris she thought the award should be titled ‘biggest ass’ but now was not the time or place for that discussion. His fiancée had always been a bit insecure when it came to Hook and his place in Henry’s life. She didn’t think he was a good influence and maybe he wasn’t but he cared about the kid in his own strange way. And he made Emma happy. Chris wouldn’t be surprised if Emma was walking down a church aisle herself in a year or two. Regina would love that. “Classy, Killian, thank you for that thoughtful announcement,” Chris replied with a partly clenched jaw. The pirate shrugged, said he was only trying to help, and walked away. Emma threw her hands up in exasperation while Regina shook her head and tried to calm down. The image of her not so little prince making out with Jefferson’s daughter’s was understandably unnerving for her.

“So…” Chris began, waiting for Henry’s mothers to state their opinion. Regina told Chris she thought he should talk to their son and Emma agreed. “Got it. Man-to-man…good idea. Here I go,” Chris told them with forced confidence. He was actually nervous but neither of them needed to know that. Chris was in high pressure situations every day at the hospital. He dealt with rebel patients and their crazy families more often than not, yet somehow a thirteen-year-old boy was more intimidating. Chris knew it was because Henry was the most important person in Regina’s life (as he should be). He wanted Henry to like him and be supportive of their marriage. He said he was and seemed happy most of the time but something in his eyes told Chris he was struggling. If he didn’t want Chris to be his father, Regina would back out of the wedding. Chris hated the thought but he also wanted Henry to know he valued his feelings above his own. Chris would do whatever it took to convince the boy he came first.

As soon as he was outside Chris could hear kissing sounds. Note to self: teach Henry to kiss without making so much noise. Chris almost laughed but reminded himself to keep his cool. He was an authority figure, not a best friend. Chris cleared his throat to signal his arrival, causing Grace to back away from Henry in a hurry. The young girl blushed and mumbled to Henry she’d see him later. As soon as she was out of sight Chris crossed his arms and waited for Henry to explain. When he didn’t budge, Chris sighed and started to talk himself. “Hey bud,” he greeted, trying to sound firm but kind at the same time. “Your moms thought we should have a word and I agree with them. You, uhh, well you can’t just bail on your mom’s party like that. And I know you like Grace but kissing is a big step. Regina and I, we support you but is there maybe something else causing this besides teenage hormones? You can talk to me, y’know. And right now I’m your best bet because your moms are pretty worked up.”
"He a storm."
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Old 11-14-2014, 01:11 PM
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He looked after Grace and sighed softly, bowing his head and shuffling his feet, kicking some small stones. "Hey" he whispered softly "You got an aweful sense in timing do you know that?" he told Chris leaning back against the building and crossing his arms in front of his chest "I was kind of in the middle of something in case you havent noticed" he added but could see that Chris didnt want to talk back at him, that he just wanted to help and so he sighed again. "It was our first kiss in case you are wondering. Its not like we randomly kiss behind every corner. I just.. I like Grace and she likes me and I dont want her to leave me like everyone else does" he looked up into Chris eyes "Like you probably will do too" he mumbled and he couldnt keep it in any longer. "You know, if you plan on leaving my mum and me you should do it now and not wait any longer, I dont want to grow attached and have another father walking out on me. " he looked down and truth was that he was getting more attached to Chris by the minute and ever since he and Regina had movied in with Chris and Devina, Henry felt like he had the family he always wanted. Devina was the little sister to him that he had secretly always wanted and he knew that Chris cared for him, tucked him in at night, he read to him and Devina and he was always there when he needed him. Henry had maybe not realized it happening but he was pretty sure that he loved Chris like a dad and he desperately wanted to finally have one. Hook was nice and he knew that Emma loved him, he just wanst the best dad material. He noticed the look in Chris eyes and sighed "You dont have to stay because you feel like you need to. I just dont want to wake up one day and you are gone. My mother wouldnt survive and... I would miss you too" he finally admitted and the teenage hormones took over as his eyes got teary.
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

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Last edited by Imzadi; 11-14-2014 at 01:35 PM
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Old 11-14-2014, 01:46 PM
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Henry’s typical teenager attitude didn’t scare Chris away or sway his confidence. Now that he was outside talking to his future son, he finally felt in control. Chris knew how to parent. He had raised Devina on his own for seven years and did a damn good job of it. If he let Henry intimidate him he wouldn’t be the father he needed to be. Plus, the fact that the boy wanted to push him away showed how much he really needed him. It was a defense mechanism. Chris understood because he had been the same way before Regina crossed his path at the hospital. He was friendly enough but kept his true emotions under lock and key. It hadn’t been healthy for him then and it wasn’t healthy for Henry now. “You’re right, I’ve had bad timing for as long as I can remember. Just ask Devina. But we both know this isn’t about my timing or you and Grace…not really. So whenever you’re ready to talk I’m right here,” Chris promised with an encouraging nod. A whirlwind of hope and fear and confusion seemed to work its way across Henry’s face. It took a few minutes but the kid opened up eventually.

He told Chris he didn’t want Grace to leave him like everyone else he inevitably would…and his behavior suddenly made perfect sense. Henry was afraid and why shouldn’t he be? Every male role model he’d had left by choice or by death. It was hard to believe in a dream that never seemed to come true. “I see,” Chris replied, paying attention to every word Henry spoke. He wanted to know everything he had to say before responding. When Henry asked him to bail now instead of later, Chris frowned. He had no intention of abandoning his new family but Henry wasn’t so sure. He would rather Chris bow out now to save him and Regina the pain of another let down. If he was only sticking around out of misplaced duty they didn’t want him. It sucked to get left behind, but a warning was better than an unexpected departure. Henry knew his mom wouldn’t survive the betrayal and he’d miss Chris too. Cutting the cord before it came to that was the right thing to do. “Woah, hold on bud. I love you guys. I don’t want to go anywhere. I’m in it for the long haul,” Chris assured him. The tears in Henry’s eyes broke Chris heart. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to grow up in Henry’s shoes. He’d lost so many important people at such a young age. It wasn’t fair. “I know you’ve been through a lot. You and your mom both. But I want to be here for you two for as long as you’ll let me. What can I do to prove that to you? I’ll do anything. For better or worse, I’m not leaving.”
"He a storm."
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