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Old 11-27-2013, 07:22 PM
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Who the Hell is Cami?

Also, Si, no one hate Hayley more than me. I know how you feel.

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Old 11-27-2013, 07:34 PM
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^ LMAO! Thank you for that! I needed it.

Ok so I found this gif while looking for spoilers/news and, even though I've seen it before, this time after looking at it for like 10 seconds I realized I was biting the pen I had in my mouth really, really hard and then I snapped out of it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 11-27-2013, 08:37 PM
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i'd love to see a scene where he calls her just to talk and hear her voice , come on writers send us a little nugget our way

klaus is hurting and only a hug from his carebear caroline will do lol

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Old 11-27-2013, 08:46 PM
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When asked whether she thought Caroline saw Tyler’s departure as a strike against Klaus, Vampire Diaries star Candice Accola told a group of reporters on set in Atlanta, “Yes, Caroline is definitely, aggressively against Klaus. I think if she hears the word Klaus one more time, she might rip her hair out.”

Whoa, Candice! Tell us how you really feel.


And while the TVD Powers That Be seemed to entertain the idea of the two of them possibly being together — Klaus did tell Caroline he intended to be her “last” love — Candice seems to think Caroline is so over the big bad hybrid.

“But I think she just hates him, and if he never comes back to Mystic Falls, it will be too soon. All she ever wanted, and all she still really wants, it to be with Tyler.”

Perhaps it’s Candice who is so tired of talking about Klaroline. After all, Klaus and Caroline ended things on relatively friendly terms. Not only did he save her at graduation, but he also allowed Tyler to come back to Mystic Falls. It didn’t look like Caroline was too upset at Klaus in the Season 4 finale, so why is Candice so adamant that Klaroline will never happen?
Source: The Vampire Diaries Season 5: Caroline "Hates" Klaus? | The Vampire Diaries | Wetpaint

LOVE this reporter/interviewer.

Srsly Tyler's decision to ****!ng break up with Caroline was his and not Klaus's. Even though it was a decision based on his hate for Klaus, it was still his decision, a decision he made because he didn't love her enough so what gives?! Care and Klaus ended on the highest note possible so why is Candice so adamant that she hates Klaus now that Tyler left for TO? WTF. He was already gone when Caroline graduated and Klaus let him come back to MF for Caroline but nooo she hates Klaus 'cause Tyler broke up with her. Give me a break. And also, I know Klaus wasn't a saint with Caroline but he proved his love for her time and time again and rescued her and cared for her and basically confessed he loves her but Candice only sees Tyler.

Sorry for the rant but I'm pissed after reading this interview.

Last edited by prettyinpink90; 11-27-2013 at 09:00 PM
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Old 11-27-2013, 08:55 PM
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Yeah, Candice doesn't have to be a fan of it but I felt like that interview was speaking for herself rather than Caroline's POV

Wetpaint didn't have to bring it back from the dead though. Now she'll notice they're criticising her
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:04 PM
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I agree Flora. I definitely think that article is more her feelings than Caroline's. Oh well it's no secret she doesn't like KC. But there was really no need for wet paint to bring it up again. The article they took that from is a couple weeks old.
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by flora the mermaid (View Post)
Yeah, Candice doesn't have to be a fan of it but I felt like that interview was speaking for herself rather than Caroline's POV

Wetpaint didn't have to bring it back from the dead though. Now she'll notice they're criticising her
I edited my post to write my opinion 'cause her opinion just pisses me off. She doesn't see the bigger picture, which surprises me. On the other hand, I admire her 'cause she's going up against a huuuuuge fandom that is rooting for Klaroline and she's half of that couple; she's got balls. But anyway, she's so against Klaroline that I'm afraid we're screwed in terms of seeing them together or seeing them as endgame onscreen. Maybe we'll get a phone call from Caroline to Klaus saying "Hey. I'm ready." and then he smirks and that's the series finale of TO. GIVE ME A BREAK. I need to see them together and get at least a freaking kiss.
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:07 PM
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Yea I definitely think the writers would be willing to make KC endgame but I'd be surprised if Candice switched over
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by britns06 (View Post)
Yea I definitely think the writers would be willing to make KC endgame but I'd be surprised if Candice switched over
Yeah after reading/seeing a couple of her interviews, I don't know what to think. In one of her latest interviews she was like spr happy about NOLA and saying it'd be so much fun to move there but then I read her anti-Klaroline crap and I just get confused.

"[There was] a responsibility for the fans who were rooting for Klaus and Caroline to at least give them some sort of resolve," Morgan said of his character’s words to Caroline before he left town. "That's not saying it's the end of that because there's the potential of crossovers."
Potential. Great.

I've decided I'm gonna be realistic and just go along for the ride. If we never see them together again or if Candice announces TVD is it for her, I'll throw my TV out the window but until then, I'll just go along for the ride... and breathe.

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Old 11-27-2013, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by britns06 (View Post)
Yea I definitely think the writers would be willing to make KC endgame but I'd be surprised if Candice switched over
Thing is, it could be endgame after both shows are done, although we don't know the fate of TO at the moment

I think TO proved that Nik doesn't need a love interest to be interesting compared to his siblings who fall in love after five minutes, he's capable of being entertaining on his own without romance, which means they might take that into account and continue to make romance subtle for him, but this is mainly prediction and wishful thinking

With klaroline endgame it could even be off screen or implied in either show, they're likely to reprise that "show up at my door" thing in the future
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:28 PM
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Wow... this thread headed to a depressing path.
Cheer up people!

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Old 11-27-2013, 09:32 PM
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Very true Flora. Honestly, I'm perfectly okay with romance being limited on TO. The romantic innuendos have actually been my least favorite aspects of a lot of episodes.
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by britns06 (View Post)
Very true Flora. Honestly, I'm perfectly okay with romance being limited on TO. The romantic innuendos have been my least favorite aspects of a lot of episodes.
The ratings have been great without Klaus even having a love interest yet, or at least a less subtle one and I think you'd have to be out of your mind to romanticize his abuse to Camille, which many viewers are calling out instead of supporting it
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:41 PM
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That's pretty gifset Si
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by prettyinpink90 (View Post)
That would be perfect and I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad you guys brought this subject up because last night I was piiiiiiissed with the fact that now Klaus cares about Cami and wants to protect her like what the flying ****?

And I died a little when he told Hayley that the only thing that matters to him is the baby. I was like "What about Caroline?!". And hey! Nothing against a poor/"innocent" (we don't know if she's evil ) baby but there's enough room to say "Caroline" as well... right?! Right?! I'm joking about this Hayley part guys, he's obviously not gonna bring Caroline up.

But srsly the only thing that reaaally bothered me about the episode was when he talked all this crap about Cami being innocent and how she needed to leave because he didn't want her to get caught in the middle of the war, I was like this and begging him to stop talking. It's just that when he told the priest that he wants to protect Cami and that he "cares about her survival" I was like, "Well what happened to you telling Caroline that she's the only thing u care about?!". Ugh and when he said that she gave him a piece of her mind and that he would've killed others for less, wtf? That's what Caroline does all the time (and he loves her for that among other reasons) so do the writers think that giving Cami some Caroline character traits we're gonna fall for them as a couple or like her more?! Never and all I've read about Cami from fans is not good. This is just my Klaroline heart ranting.

Other than that, in my opinion, this episode has been the best so far.
TO has shown us that they aren't exactly keeping the happenings of TVD in mind when they come up with scenes and dialogue for these episodes. It's like they forget those little details, and more often than not, we get irked by the omissions or the re-writing of history. Don't let those little 'digs' get to you. Do what I've been doing: let them roll off of you. Trust me, you'll be more mellow that way.

I do agree with you that it was a truly amazing episode for Klaus.

Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
@ Rocky in this post
I'm an official member of the club!!!

I loved both moments too... and I sure as hell will LOVE if we get more BAMF Klaus in the future.

Those are the only scenarios that I can think of too... and personally even though I'm already tired of seeing Caroline getting bitten, I think that is the best situation... She has been tortured a lot, and I can already see her sort of blaming it on Klaus and for now I'd rather have her being thankful to him other than angry.

Well, my brain needs to fill in the blanks... since we're not getting that on the show, I'll let my imagination flow

@ prettyinpink90
Personally I don't see Camille as a threat or even as a possible LI.... that was ruined the moment he compelled her, and than made her aware of it while in his presence, there's no coming back from that. I think he'll try to make it up to her to sort of stay as her friend, but I don't see any sparks or anything like that there.
The problem with Cami is that she has been written very badly and doesn't makes us actually care about her even with her sob story.
You won't have very many pure thoughts if you ship Klaroline and you post here, especially with some of us around to turn things smutty at every turn. =P

Viewers can't exactly say that Klaus has gone soft if he keeps giving into those homicidal tendencies (ie those two moments).

I do have one more scenario for Caroline dropping by New Orleans, but she's not there yet. =) Thankful Caroline = gushy feels or angry Caroline = angsty feels. Decisions, decisions.

Fanfiction and these threads are certainly filling in the blanks for me.

I only hate two characters from the TVD/TO universe, and you know who I'm talking about. I don't mind Cami. I actually see a little bit of potential in her if she were to get a good storyline. =)

They can throw whoever they want at Klaus. My love for Klaroline instantly crushes my desire to rant when those supposed love interests have shippy moments with Klaus.

Originally Posted by ladyevenstar22 (View Post)
i'd love to see a scene where he calls her just to talk and hear her voice , come on writers send us a little nugget our way

klaus is hurting and only a hug from his carebear caroline will do lol
I want that so much!

Yes, please.

Originally Posted by prettyinpink90 (View Post)
I edited my post to write my opinion 'cause her opinion just pisses me off. She doesn't see the bigger picture, which surprises me. On the other hand, I admire her 'cause she's going up against a huuuuuge fandom that is rooting for Klaroline and she's half of that couple; she's got balls. But anyway, she's so against Klaroline that I'm afraid we're screwed in terms of seeing them together or seeing them as endgame onscreen. Maybe we'll get a phone call from Caroline to Klaus saying "Hey. I'm ready." and then he smirks and that's the series finale of TO. GIVE ME A BREAK. I need to see them together and get at least a freaking kiss.
Whatever. Let her say whatever she wants, even though it doesn't match up with what we watched on the show. Don't let those thoughts affect you. As long as the possibility is there, keep believing that we will get Klaroline at some point.

Originally Posted by prettyinpink90 (View Post)
I've decided I'm gonna be realistic and just go along for the ride. If we never see them together again or if Candice announces TVD is it for her, I'll throw my TV out the window but until then, I'll just go along for the ride... and breathe.
Now that's what I like to hear. It will just drive you mad if you let Candice's opinions/thoughts about the possibility of Klaroline in the future affect you. Remember, everything is Klaroline and nothing hurts.

Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
Wow... this thread headed to a depressing path.
Cheer up people!
I was gonna say that, but you beat me to the punch. It's hard enough with Klaroline being separated and the fact that all we've gotten so far this TV season is a crumb here and there that our ship is still sailing. Do we really need to focus on the dark and depressing side of this journey? Can't we instead choose to look on the bright and glorious side where we have hope that they (and we) will get a 'one day'?
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Last edited by rocky845; 11-27-2013 at 09:55 PM
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