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Old 09-22-2011, 01:54 PM
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Poor Elmo

Glad PT is going well....she has a sweet job!

DO you want to start it ML you are way better at titles than me.....if you are too tired I'll do it in a couple of days.....I'm going out tonight and gone to Liz's all day tomorrow....I ca do it Friday night or Sat
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Old 09-22-2011, 02:37 PM
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Hi Everyone!!! (started on Wednesday)

It's soooo nice to have a computer again, and one WITHOUT a constant password block too! (My son fixed it so it's not popping up everytime my computer goes to sleep, thank goodness! It was driving me insane!!!)

Thanks MyrnaLynne for keeping Everyone updated about me! I didn't want everyone to think that I had abandoned you all! Heaven Forbid!!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!

MyrnaLynne, I'm so glad to hear that you slept a little better last night! I hope you continue to sleep better too!
And I'm sooo glad Mrs. Boss sent you some flowers! Maybe she planned on sending them a little late so you'd have fresh flowers after all the other ones that you had gotten had wilted and/or died by now. It's possible?!

And Yay! It's Mr ML's day off, and tomorrow too! Now he can enjoy his family and his life and not have to think about work for two days!

Sorry about that, but I ran out of day to finish my Post! I was very busy yesterday!
I got home and No. 2 son took me out for Breakfast! That was a Really nice Surprise!

Then I had to take my Madison to school, and it was insane with all the other peeps dropping off their kids too! It was a nightmare and NO parking!
What happened was they closed 2 schools (HORRIBLE, I KNOW!!!), and one of the schools that they closed all got sent over to Madison's school, so they are busting at the seams! Budget cuts and all that garbage! Grrr! I don't think any schools should be closed nor should any teachers be laid off, but STUPID CA went and closed a lot of schools and laid off a lot of teachers! Just such a shame!!!

Anyway, I got Madison to school safe and sound. She's so cute! She gave me a Big Hug and I kissed her goodbye and wished her a Great Day and she thanked me, and started to get out of the car, then hesitated, and leaned back over and gave me another big hug and told me, "I love you Nana!" and of course that totally melted my heart, and I told her that I loved her too... bigger than the sky! She smiled and off she went, turned around when she got to the playground, waved, and then she disappeared in the crowd of kids. She's just sooo sweet!

Anyway, then I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, waited in a long line, and finally I picked them up. Then I had to run some errands for MOTHER and that took a long time, came home and seperated her stuff from mine, and she had a lot of stuff!

Then Lainie called and said that MOTHER was vomiting, and she (Lainie) was Freaking Out! Lainie does not do well with that at all! She wanted me to come over and deal with it, which in turn I told her NO! At least she had a pan to do it in, and wasn't getting it everywhere! MOTHER told Lainie to empty the pan and she flat out refused because she'd start vomiting herself. She has a very sensitive stomach! So MOTHER actually did it herself! (There may be hope for her yet?!)

Then I started this Post, but dozed off for about 1/2 an hour, and when I woke up, I had to get ready for a Dr's appt that MOTHER and I had. UGH!
Went to the appt, and got out of there an hour and a half later! Then brought MOTHER home, where Lainie was still on duty, and went home was going to finish my Post, but my Melissa called and wanted to talk. She was sooo excited because Theater started yesterday and she was ready to explode with joy! LOL!

The Musical they are doing now is 'Hairspray', and she should have a lot of fun with that one! Anyway, she talked to me till I had to go to MOTHER'S! So I didn't get to finish my Post!

So here it is another day, and still no sleep yet, but now I'm getting tired.

Hmm, as I think about it, I had a Dr's appt the day before yesterday too in the next town over! BIG UGH!!! I wish all my Dr's were in my town, but alas, they are not.

And Lainie keeps calling me EVERY DAY! Grrr!!! So I don't have the chance to sleep! Grrr!!! If it's not one thing, then it's another. She basically calls to complain about MOTHER not listening to her. She's not taking her meds, not doing her exercises, and so on and so forth. I told her that if she'd stop calling me, then I'd beat MOTHER up when I got there! Of course I'm just kidding! LOL! Of course, Lainie didn't think it was funny at all. She's so frustrated with MOTHER because she's just NOT doing what she's suppose to be doing. (sigh) Yes, MOTHER is a BIG BRAT! (sigh)

But MyrnaLynne, YOU CAN CALL ME A N Y T I M E! Lainie just calls me to complain and for me to come over, which is NOT going to happen!

Poddy! Thanks for missing me! Believe me, I've missed being here in La La Land, but I don't have a computer or internet available at MOTHER'S while I'm there, which drives me CrAzY!

You are really a Sweet Mom making a cake for you and Liz! Mmm, sounds Really Good too! I haven't had any cake in a long time!

Is PodDad home for good now, or is he still flying back and forth from England? I hope he's home for good now as I'm sure you've really missed him while he was in England.

And poor Liz, in that uncomfortable stage in her pregnancy. I hope she has an easy delivery.

Mezzie, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your voice. Hopefully you'll have it back soon!
And that was really nice of your Dad to help your Grandmother out with her garden like that. That was a very generous thing of him to do!

I hope you have a nice visit with your Sister. And enjoy your Holiday too!

Biggest Hugs to All,
JB's Obsessed Fan#64
"God never gives you more than you can handle.
I just wish He didn't have so much Trust in me."
...Mother Theresa

Last edited by WenLuvsJB; 09-22-2011 at 02:50 PM
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Old 09-22-2011, 07:44 PM
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Wen is back!

I'll try to start a new thread tomorrow. I had to buckle down today and proofread that whole next issue and it took me hours, and I kept getting exhausted and having to go lie down and rest in between, and get up and do it some more, but I stuck with it and got it done, so now MLette can fax the corrections for me tomorrow (to Singapore!) from my office when she goes in to work in the morning, and my magazine can get final corrections and get printed! Whee! That was a big job, even if it just meant comparing the corrected proofs with the final proof, making sure the corrections were done right. Phew, big relief. They sent it to me on Monday and it took me all week to work up the energy to do it.

PT lady came today but it was raining so we couldn't take a walk, and just did exercises inside. I really like her, she's a great gal, knows her stuff, is amazed with my progress, how high I can lift my knee etc. She's on vacation next week, so some substitute is going to come. Then she'll be back one day after that, and by then I should be going to outpatient PT, once I arrange it, at my doctor's building, which is only a couple of blocks away. I go see my surgeon on Tuesday so he can admire his handiwork - have to remember the questions I need to ask him (yep, better start another note)! My time off just seems to be flying by so fast.

Wow Wen you have been hopping. Poor Lainie - I'm no good with throwing up either - too sensitive to the smell and ick. Although if you've had kids (and dogs), you deal with it.

The dog has been in a funny mood today, not wanting to take his regular walks. Maybe he's holding out for Mr ML to take him. Mlette took him out and didnt' say anything, and I wanted to go walking with her, as I only went out once today and just to the corner and back. Need to do walking to get my strength back. It was soo muggy today - warmed up again. So humid the paper I was proofreading got soggy.

MLette and Mr ML went out and did all our laundy this afternoon - they were gone for hours and it cost $$ - they couldn't believe how much it cost per load of laundry nowadays (I can't remember the last time we went to a laundromat). I told him to take tons of quarters but of course he didn't listen; he didn't want to deplete his poker jar. Anyway they got it all done and MLette was so happy, surrounded by her piles of fluffy laundry. That gal really loves laundry - she must get that from my brother (he didn't like the way my Mom ironed his stuff, so he ironed it himself growing up - Mr Fashion Plate). I was just relieved they did it before I ran out of that key element - underwear.

Melissa will have a blast with Hairspray and Madison is such a sweetheart - and tell me about California schools, my brother finally found a career he liked out there, teaching, and they laid him off. How can you not budget for teachers and schools?

Okay, I need to try to get to sleep (and my 3-4 hours). My son is coming over Friday night, and Saturday he and his sister are going to the family 'birthday' party together. Mr ML has to work Friday night (post office) and Saturday day (Goofy home) and Saturday night, so he can't go, and I think it's way too far a drive for me to sit in the car, and then be at the party, and then drive home - I will need to lie down - not ready to party. If it was like at my brother-in-law's across the street, no problem, but it's at my other brother-in-law's house 45 min-1 hr drive south of here.

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Old 09-22-2011, 08:32 PM
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Wen is back!!!!!! good to see you! Of course mother is being a foolish child.... poor Lainie and poor you but I see you are holding firm...good for you

How precious your little Madison....who loves here Nana was when you dropped her at school. Talk about warming the cockles(what are they anyway ) of ones heart.

Glad you are back

ML You are a star patient!! Liz made a date with a potential new friend for tomorrow so I am off duty so if you get too tired or busy let me know and I can start the thread tomorrow.

I'm off to bed too.....see you guys tomorrow.

btw the netflix commercial I was talking about is the one with t he guy that looks like Jason...they were talking about it on one of the other threads
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Old 09-22-2011, 11:30 PM
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Time for a new thread, ladies!
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Old 09-23-2011, 05:03 AM
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well Liz just called and she decided to not go to that play date so I am back on to go to her house( she is trying to get stuff done before the baby arrives....lots to do :O I am to stop at babys R us and get the double stroller she has a coupon for( in Delaware on my way so no tax.....good old nice to live near a no sales tax state

I'll see you guys tonight....on a new thread or I will start one tonight

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Old 09-23-2011, 06:36 AM
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Aye aye Captain....

here's a link to the new thread
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