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Old 08-31-2011, 05:56 AM
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Funny Mezz that iron can work one way or another on people - I guess it's like Passover matzah - most people (like my boss) it binds up and gives a terrible stomach to, but it doesn't bother me at all.

PHEW, Podmom so glad to hear the Haven weathered the storm okay, and nice of you go to out and set it up for Emily and friends (although they are big girls and probably could haul out a lawn chair or two themselves). I know, I'm the same way with my kids!

That's too bad that PA got so much flooding and your power went out. People are still reeling from that storm, especially anywhere near flooding rivers. Sounds like a hair-raising drive to Elizabeth's house! Ooo -crib for the new baby - exciting! :>

Speaking of new babies, we got a birth announcement from a niece out in Colorado - we didn't even hear she was pregnant! Talk about families not keeping in touch. Her brother in Florida has a baby too, and we didn't even get an announcement about that one. For such a big and 'close family', some parts of it aren't very close. Funny this second baby is so blonde - this niece's mom (Mr ML's oldest brother's wife) is part American Indian and the niece has very dark hair. Baby must take after the dad or some blond part of the family!

Yikes, hip is 1 week from tomorrow! I will miss everybody til I can get back online again. I'm not going to rehab for a week this time, so maybe you'll hear from me sooner. I'll have Mr ML send out an 'all clear' email, when it's all done and I'm okay (G-d willing).

Fall is really here already and with it, the Fall allergy season. My eyes were so itchy yesterday and my nose so stuffy this morning. Blah. Was hoping it would hold off until after the hospital. Oh well.. hope it won't be a problem.

Mr ML thinks he did okay on his test yesterday (part 2 of giving meds to goofy folks) and he cooked a chicken AND he worked til 10:30 last night too. Worked rings around me, yesterday. Nothing was on TV last night (we'd seen the NCIS) and MLette and I were very floppy, ended up watching more of that Auction Hunter show (they've been having marathons of it on Spike) and I did some work on clearing off the kitchen table mess (hopeless! I am a hopless clutter fiend).

I was hoping to get my son's birthday celebrated the weekend before, but now he's off work and we're eating out the weekend before and then having his party on his actual birthday - which is the night before my surgery, and the day I have to bring my whole office home and set it up, etc etc! Going to be a busy stressy day.

I wanted to call the electric company about a loose wire on the side of the house, but they are so busy restoring power to 80,000 people, I don't think they really have time for small repairs. I think it's just a wire that helps hold the wires onto the house, but I'd like to have them firmly attached before winter rolls around again. It might have pulled loose last winter, but we didn't see it until they cut back the tree there recently.

Ugh, the Dancing with the Stars lineup looks terrible! Chaz Bono - really?? (Dancing as a guy, of course, with a woman partner.) The only one I semi like is Carson Kressley, the Queer Eye blond guy - he's funny and pretty light on his feet (of course - giggle), and I think he was an equestrian when he was younger, so he's probably fairly athletic too. But it looks like the worst/least interesting bunch ever. I think I might have preferred Snooki!

Looking forward to Castle coming back and Blue Bloods - cheesh, the shows have been gone so long, I've forgotten them!

Oh I ended up sending back that second pair of shoes I ordered - too small! It's too bad, because they were the cutest ones. And the toilet riser thing came and it's not very tall, only raises it 4" - I hope that will be enough. Will have to be, because those things are non-returnable (obviously!)

I heard it's hot as heck in California with some wild fires - always something! And they're already tracking the next tropical storm/potential hurricane.
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Old 08-31-2011, 06:50 PM
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in PA...just plugged in comp

I am pooped and have to go to Lizs first thing cause she has an ultrasound in the morning...I will be there till 9 pm....maybe I can get on her comp during the babies nap

just wanted to say hi

bummer about DWTS

Happy Bday to your son

I SO hope you can get to us as soon as possible after the operation and how nice for us that MrML will send out emails to let us that care know you are allright.....and you will be we love you dear heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-31-2011, 08:52 PM
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Well hello all. Glad all is well if a little damp.

1 week ML all the best.

Glad I made you laugh Wen.

Someone put up a link to a Sinead O'Connor song on FB and I've been wasting hours listening to her songs. Not bad. Only really knew the one big one 'Nothing Compares to you'. Gosh she's got the most amazing eyes.

Other than that. Nothing much to report here. I'm still sleeping all the time and still late to work every morning. Getting worse. Hopefully all the vitamins etc will kick in soon.

Better go and get me some lunch then off to work again. Have Jade today *sigh*. Will she bring her flute to class today? Will she play it if she does? or will she again spend most of the lesson on the floor complaining of hunger and tiredness? *shakes head* uniqueness is what makes the world great they say
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Old 09-01-2011, 04:38 AM
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Hi mezz

She does have huge eyes ...I remember that. Don't know her music at all but I remember her antics. Has she calmed down these days do you know?

That flute kid sound unique for sure. Or maybe she just needs a slight throttling it sounds like a sweet job teaching flute but probably not all the time. Better than clarinet though...oh the squeaking :O

Hey ML and Wen

I saw in my People.... Sarah Michelle G is back on TV. I did like her. Chloe Deschanel too who I find appealing as well as Summer from the OC. I'll probably check out those shows if I get a chance. This fall is going to be very busy.....podmom shaking in some fear
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Old 09-01-2011, 05:49 AM
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Hi Everyone!

MyrnaLynne, Don't get too comfortable with MOTHER'S BRIEF mellowing moment... she nearly got one of the CNA's fired yesterday! But instead, the girl was REMOVED from her service with the girl getting in trouble and a stern talking to by the Head Nurse!

It all started with the girl's comment that MOTHER pee's too much and too often. That did it! MOTHER hit the ROOF! Then the girl left MOTHER in the wheelchair for four hours straight without checking on her, and just sat her in the lobby, so she had no way to use her call button for anything since it's by her bed. The girl just put her in the wheelchair and put her just outside her room and there she was stuck!
Well, that was the straw that broke that camel's back! She was screaming bloody murder at the girl, and demanded to speak to the nurse on duty... this was at 12noon, and the girl didn't get him for her until 2pm!

Once she told the nurse, that little CNA was in BIG TROUBLE!
I'm really surprised they didn't fire her, but they just moved her to the other side of the building, but I bet if she gets anymore complaints, then she'll be fired for sure.

And MOTHER has been having a little trouble with her Roomie too! Actually, they've been having trouble with one another!

MOTHER complains because Roomie has the TV Blairing all night long and MOTHER can't sleep with it Blairing, so she told the nurse to have her turn it down, and the Roomie was NOT happy but she did it reluctantly. Next thing she knew, she wakes up and the TV is Blairing again! She gets sooo mad and tells the nurse Again!

Well, Roomies complaint is that MOTHER keeps her light on all night long and it drives her Crazy! But MOTHER REFUSES to turn it off! She just won't do it! So Roomie is VERY angry about that!

Oh Boy! They barely talk anyway, and mostly they talk thru' the nurses, which cracks me up that they won't speak to one another and just thru' the nurses , and yes, it really is hard to live with people, but they aren't even trying! Well, I think it was very big of MOTHER when she didn't demand sharing time with the TV remote since the Roomie has HOGGED it all this time and won't give it up for NOTHING! And Roomie doesn't watch ANY of her shows!

We have Cicada's out here too! But I've never seen one, just hear them in the trees, and they are annoyingly loud! Thanks for showing the picture of one! The do look prehistoric!
Locust look prehistoric too... ugly, ugly things!
Know what else is a creepy looking bug?... A Potato Bug! Boy are they UGLY!

Your son is funny! He'll even drive in a Hurricane to get some of your cookies! Hey! That's some compliment on you cookies!!! I'm glad he made it back & forth safely tho'!

That's nice that you're taking your son out to Supper on Sunday (early) for his birthday, and then have his party on his Real Day. How old is he going to be now? Just wondering.

It's my son's last day of work this Friday. No more extensions. So, since he'll be home on his birthday (the 8th) Lainie and I will take him out to Supper for his birthday Dinner. Hope it cheers him up! Then presents and cake afterwards at home.

Please have Mr ML post on here to let us know that you're alright after you get out of surgery on the 8th! We all will be anxiously waiting to hear about you and that you are all right!!! And Please have him up date us too on your progress! OH! I see you already have that covered as I'm reading an updated post!


Poddy! Thank goodness you finally posted! I was so worried about you and the Haven!!! Thank goodness that everything is alright!
Sorry you lost your power at home tho', and you had to deal with flooding while trying to get to Liz's, but thank goodness that you are all safe!

I know I asked before but you never answered... When is the New Baby Due? And has Liz and Walter picked out any names yet? Just wondering.

And Yes, I've been putting my feet up much as I can stand anyway. I'm really trying to be better at it, really I am!

And you are sooo right! We really won't know what to do with ourselves without our Dear MyrnaLynne being here! We are going to miss you like CrAzY MyrnaLynne!!!

Mezzie, It's sooo wonderful to have you pop in more often! And yes, you gave me such a goooood laugh! I Really needed it too!

I hope you are feeling better soon. It's terrible to feel so tired all the time.

I hope 'Jade' didn't give you any trouble at your lesson with her.

I really never did get into Sinead O's music.

I Hope Everyone is having a Great Week!

Biggest Hugs to All,
JB's Obsessed Fan#64
"God never gives you more than you can handle.
I just wish He didn't have so much Trust in me."
...Mother Theresa
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Old 09-01-2011, 06:48 AM
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I saw a recent photo of Sinead O'Connor and she grew her hair back and got very heavy and older (hm, not that we all haven't). But I'm sure her voice is still as lovely.

Well I had an adventurous trip to work this morning - I almost turned around and went home. They started announcing that there was a track problem going over the bridge (to my stop), so they were stopping one stop before and busing people over the bridge to the next 2 stops. Big big mess. I kept hoping they'd announce "Never mind, we've fixed it!" - but they didn't. Got off the train and of course huge mob trying to squeeze onto 2 already full buses - so I followed a big group of people who were walking over the bridge, as I figured I'd probably be there before they got the next shuttle buses there. Luckily my hip was in a very good mood this morning, so me and my cane walked over the (alarmingly old) bridge, across the Charles River. It's a really pretty view and a beautiful day (and they are working to repair that old bridge before it falls down too). It has traffic on either side and the subway tracks back and forth running down the middle of it.

Kept right on walking til I went to my office (stopping at Starbucks enroute because I was so hot and thirsty from that long walk!). Might as well make the trip worthwhile.

So Monday is Labor Day and a holiday, so I only have today and tomorrow and Tues and Wed to get all my work done, and Wednesday to pack up my office and bring it home. I told Mr ML (several times) NOT to book any work for next Wednesday and he's like "Well, if the post office calls..." and I said even if they call, he has to help me move my files home on Wednesday. And then he was really surprised my hip thing was in one week! Oh that man is so oblivious...

Oh Wen your mother and her roommate are so funny, annoying the heck out of one another and not speaking! Maybe your mother can get earplugs and her roommate get an eyeshade :> Problem solved! That wasn't right for that girl nurse to leave your mother sitting for a long time like that. Although I thought that's what they mostly do with people in nursing homes - wheel them here and there and leave them there for hours.

Not sure I've ever seen a potato bug except in a picture, but I think I do remember they are really ugly - spotted all over? There sure are some odd looking bugs in the world! I was amazed cicadas were so big (and creepy).

Mezz hope you are feeling perkier and are not in a funk. With difficult students like that, anybody would get discouraged. The flute is such a beautiful thing! And music is so important - you are doing a good thing for the world, teaching music. Especially good teaching it to people who aren't that easy to handle. They probably need music even more!

PodMom I saw that SMG is coming back to TV - looks like an interesting show, where she plays twin sisters, and one is a spy and I don't know - sounds pretty good. Glad Rachel Bilson is working again (she did that Magnum ice cream bar commercial and it looked so good, I tried them - eh! No Dove bars, that's for sure.)

Oh David Arquette is also going to be on Dancing, and Maksim's brother Val is going to join the show too, and Derek Hough is coming back (yay!) and they are promoting some of that new 'dance troupe.' I figured last year, they were breaking them in gradually because some of the pros are probably ready to quit doing that show. You can't dance forever! Not even if you have a butt as fine as Maksim's.

I will have to make an 'ML friends' group mailing address and set up a message for Mr ML to send out that I'm okay, as he's not exactly Mr Computer Savvy guy (I sure hope I'll be okay!!) Not being okay would be a major bummer - although I guess I wouldn't be around to worry about it! (sigh) Unless they decided I need to go to rehab, I should be home by Sunday or Monday, I would think. They don't keep you long in hospitals anymore - in and out!

Thanks Wen I've been thinking about giving you a call, but it's already tricky picking a good time with the 3 hr time difference in California (although it's easier with people who never sleep - lol).

Hah, I asked my son what he'd like for his birthday and he suggested big stuff that costs $400 and up! Like laptops and game systems and iPads and what not! Well so far I got him some belts and a funny t-shirt and might buy him a computer game (those are expensive enough!).
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:10 AM
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ML wow you did have an adventure! Glad the hip behaved and it was a nice day......I bet it was really fun seeing the view from the bridge. Your family is going to miss you while you are gone.... and take good care of you when you get back. You are going to be fine...they do this operation on feeble old codgers and they always do will seem like an olympic athelete to the nurses

poor MrMLjr.... yup a belt and a funny tee will do.

Wen we must have been posting at the same time. Man I find I am actually feeling sorry for your mom(given the roomate situation. Feel sorry for the aid getting chewed out but seems she needed it. Mom is going to be so ready to go home....hopefully she will remember the scene there and do what she needs to an adult.

AL is down for a nap.....we had fun but I'm beat....gonna rest a wee bit before getting some of Lizs housework done
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Old 09-01-2011, 12:13 PM
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Oh Wen, you asked how old my son will be next week - 31! can you believe it? And MLette just turned 28.

And your son's birthday is the next day! So sooo sorry his job is ending - I was sure after all this time, they'd keep him on. Oh well, a bright guy like that will find something pretty soon, I'm sure.

Ah Podmom you are having some AL time - glad she's napping so you can rest. Boy, I missed that nap sooo much when my son gave it up (all too soon).
LOL, now I'm the one who needs a nap after lunch! ;p

Yes, the view from that bridge is one of the most spectacular in the city - was wishing I had a camera with me! You can see it every day, riding back and forth over the bridge on the subway - very nice! And in the afternoon, the sailboats are flitting around (they have a sailing school/rental place/club right near that bridge) and soon the colleges will have their crew teams out rowing, and the Duck boat tours putt-putting around the river - it's very nice.

I impressed them a lot with my knee last time - they couldn't believe I could put on those compression stocking things by myself! Don't think I'll be so flexible and lively this time, as the hip is all about not bending over too much, which will be hard - can't put the dog's food on the kitchen floor/pick it up. Won't be able to pat him when he flops down and gets all flat - I need one of those 'hands on a stick'! LOL

MLette mentioned Elmo had gotten into a pricker bush yesterday and I was patting him this morning and I found a couple of burrs under his collar, worked into his fur pretty well (she got all the rest out yesterday but missed a few). They must have been bothering him, as he let me yank them out without any complaints! Those burrs are what inspired that inventor to come up with Velcro, that's how tight they stick.
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Old 09-01-2011, 08:57 PM
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Oh Wen, old people are such children aren't they I suppose we'll go the same way ourselves. Not good of that nurse to leave your mum sitting so long but then she doesn't seem to mind doing nothing, just minds where she's doing it mezzi rude!!! Well your mother is assertive when she wants her own way, You certainly know that, so that girl is now on notice. I hope it was explained to her that she was re-miss.

I went to my lessons yesterday and Jade turned up with no flute again. Second week in a row and I just wasn't in the mood so I sent her back to after school care. Couldn't be bothered with her. I wonder if her mother will complain? Second student had left a message that she wasn't coming and so I had a lovely hour to read my book.

I went and had a foot/leg massage this morning. aaahhh so wonderful. Except now I wish I'd had the entire body done Was looking for some summer shoes but goodness me they seem determined that we twist our ankles and break our legs this season. All the heels are soooooo high. I got a pair of Colorado sell out shoes for $30 which wasn't too bad but I'll still see if I can get a another pair.

ML - such exercise you had. It was probably quite energizing in an exhausting kind of way. Glad your hip was good that day. I always enjoy walking (when I actually do it ) I really should do it some more and then I'd be able to fit into my clothes again. Oh well.

Poddy - I do hope you plan in some time for yourself this season. If you're going to be busy you really must. (mezzi puts on her teacher voice) You can't keep looking after others if you don't look after yourself. I do hope your kidlets give you a voucher for a massage or something else restful for a day. Hmmm Maybe you should give me their contact details and I'll talk to them and make sure they do

Speaking of which, maybe I should ask Wen for her mother's contact details and speak to her about appreciating Wen more.
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Old 09-02-2011, 06:42 AM
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We have Mezzi on the case! She will soon sort out all the misbehaving mothers and unappreciative children.

Sorry your flute students were so flaky. I remember an (odd) girl who went to school with my kids. This school system was all about violin lessons for some reason. My son took them (briefly - stupid violin was so bad, it would never stay in tune). Remember that odd girl always setting her violin case down and leaving it here and there around town - always 'losing it.' Maybe she didn't really want to play the violin. I can see somebody not wanting to haul a bass viol or a cello around but a flute case really isn't that hard to remember to bring! Kids!

I wasn't the easiest piano student - I'd learn a piece by ear and memorize the fingering, and then never learned to read music. Funny I was so musical all my life yet so musically illiterate. I took one music theory class at college and flunked it and had to take it over to (barely) pass. Maybe my mental block with math is related, as music has all those 1/2 and 1/4 and 1/8 and 1/16th notes - math!

Oh well, you had a nice break anyway, and that foot/leg massage sounds divine. Oh dear, I can't wear any sort of heels at all, and have a large collection of homely, sensible shoes. Can't wear them too thin or flat either, these days. Totally sympathize about how ridiculous and cruel most women's shoes are. So pretty, some of them, but no idea how anyone wears them!

So Mr ML and I both independently decided/agreed last night that we should get my son something nice/$ that he wants for his birthday, as he has been very kind and generous to us - he got me a nice camera for Hanukah, he got his sister that iPod thing for her birthday - both a couple of hundred dollars. He's a good person and we shouldn't turn around and be cheap to him. Not that we're going to get him a laptop! I know he's a computer guy, but he has a computer at work and he has a computer at home, and he doesn't really go anywhere, so it mystifies us why he wants a laptop as well. I guess because he's a computer guy!

Of course after walking so far yesterday my feet hurt last night and my hip was awful this morning. Sometimes it's okay, sometimes I can barely hobble along. Sort of glad when my hip is really bad now, because it makes me think "Yes, getting it fixed now is an excellent idea." ;D I'm really hoping the surgeon says afterwards "Wow, that hip was so bad, I don't know how you managed to walk on it!" or something like that. Still second-guessing my decision, even here at the 11th hour!

Subway was deserted this morning - everyone has left already for our 3-day weekend. Glad for the Monday holiday, to give me more time to get stuff sorted out at home. Worried the doctors/authors/editors are all going to do a ton of work over the weekend, though, and I'll come in next week and have a mountain of work to do! Oh well.. I can only do what there's time for, before I go out on my leave.
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Old 09-04-2011, 12:54 AM
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Well you are all obviously enjoying your long weekend (hopefully Wen has some time to herself). Today is Aussie Father's Day. T'was a lovely day. Weather just superb and The Step and Dad came down with the Sister because they had a 50th Anniversary party to go to so they all had lunch at my place. The Sister stayed with me a couple of hours while the party was on and then I dropped Sister off at party place so the 3 could go back home. (hope you followed that) Lovely day. The Step hasn't been picking nearly so many fights this last year. Such a lovely change and so lunch was pleasant and enjoyable. I picked up stuff from the local deli so didn't have to cook, just warm up and make a salad. Easy. Sister did the washing up. She always leaves my kitchen so tidy Yaaay mezzi - all went well.

ML - Glad you are buying something a little more than a t-shirt for Mr ML Jr. He'll be so pleased.
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Old 09-04-2011, 06:47 AM
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Happy Aussie Father's Day to all Aussie Dads! (Which would include Alex O'Loughlin ;p) Sounds like a good day with the family and I'm the Step has been reining in her combative nature a bit. Maybe she's mellowing? Always hope!

After helping his quasi-girlfriend move apartments (yet again) yesterday my son came over last night, I guess for the long weekend. Although who knows, he's taken this week off, so he may never go back to his place - kidding! I'm hoping we can go down there and take a swim before they close his pool for the winter, but it might not work out. And of course no swimming after my hip fixing!

Oh GREAT NEWS! The post office called Mr ML yesterday to offer him the job he applied for, at the main post office in Boston. He starts on Monday. Downside is, it's overnight - 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., something like that, so he'll be going to bed when I leave for work, and he'll be leaving for work when I got to bed. But that will work out to spending about the same amount of time together (supper time til bedtime), and it WON'T involve waking me up at 3 a.m. every day. We'll see how it goes! It's still temporary - 90 days or so, but he's still really happy to go back to work there again. Caring for the goofy folk 3 days a week is fine, but he doesn't want to do it full time, it's very stressful/annoying.

I wish he'd put off starting until next week, after my operation, but he never thinks anything through first. It will be good too, as I probably won't sleep very well for a long time, once I get home from the hospital (I didn't last time), and at least I won't have to worry about disturbing his sleep - because he'll be at work! Brilliant!

MLette and I shopped yesterday and got a Playstation 3 as a big gift for my son and I got him a videogame too, and we picked up an ice cream cake for him at the ice cream store, so - very successful hunt! Might order a couple of the other things he wanted and put them away til Hanukah, as it's not that far from Sept til Dec. We're going out to supper at his fave pizza place tonight - I think the quasi-girlfriend is coming too. I told MLette to be nice to her!
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Old 09-05-2011, 08:00 AM
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Hi Everyone!


I'm sooo Sorry for being MIA for soooo long AGAIN! Weekends are the hardest because that's when I spend the most time with MOTHER. Strange thing ... she keeps getting sick to her stomach and then of course her sugar goes to low because of it, and they keep trying to make her eat, and well, it's just not working! (MOTHER swears they are trying to poison her! But I keep telling her that's nonsense! I told her that if that were the case to poison All the pains in the A$$ in there, the place would be Empty!

Dr ordered some anti-nausea meds for her so hopefully they'll help. She just got her 1st dose yesterday with supper. And it doesn't help that she's never hungry either... she has that Diabetic stomach thing when you feel full all the time... I have that too which is most annoying!!!

Oh, Thanks MyrnaLynne about remembering my asking how old your son was going to be. I thought he was pretty close to my son's age. My No.2 son is going to be 33 on Thursday.

I asked my son what he wanted for his birthday and he told me, "No more funny shirts!" I guess I've gotten him soooo many that he's met his quota. LOL! He told me to not take it the wrong way, and that he really likes all the ones that I've gotten him, but he doesn't need anymore.

So instead, he told Lainie that he'd like these certain books that he's been wanting for a long time, and he's been wanting the Mystery Science Theater 3K Gamera DVD set for a long time too, so Lainie got him the books and I got him the MST3K set.

But I want to get him something else, and Lainie keeps telling me NO! She's a stickler about peeps wishes. But I feel awful about just getting him one gift! Of course we're going to take him out to dinner, just us, Lainie and I will take him out, then cake and ice cream to follow at home... (He doesn't want me to invite his brother or his family to his birthday party because he's mad at him for some reason or another.)

I think he's Really sick of No. 1 son always borrowing stuff and never bringing it back, and if we want it, we have to go get it, and if we want a favor, he always never can do it, and on and on and on. Those two and like Night and Day, and always have been. It's sad, but they are Not close at all.

You got your son a REALLY nice gift! And games too! He should be Really happy with that!

And it cracked me up when you told MLette to be nice to the non-girlfriend. I'm sure she Really doesn't want to be, but will for you. I keep picturing MLette half smiling at her with gritted teeth! LOL!

Oh, and don't worry what time you call me... I'll be UP! LOL! You know me... I never sleep! Well, hardly ever anyway. ;P

And Congratulations to Mr ML!!! I'm so glad for him that he got the job that he wanted! But again, it's only for 90 days?! Too bad it's not for a year like the other one, but hey, 3 mos is better than nothing!

Friday was my son's last day of work. So what did we do? We went out to dinner! LOL! My son said, "You know what?... we're going out to dinner! The Heck with it!" LOL! He's funny. And we went to our favorite Mexican Restaurant and enjoyed ourselves.

He came home early too... he said there was no sense hanging around till the end of his shift so he took off early.

His boss took him and a few other guys that he's friends with out to lunch last Wednesday, a Goodbye Lunch and he just mentioned it to me very nonchalant
last week. So I asked him how was it, and he just said it was just alright, even tho' it was a Very Nice Italian Restaurant. And that's all he said about it. I think he's rather depressed about the whole thing, but he'd NEVER admit it to me. He internalizes a lot. (sigh)

Now my No.1 son EXPRESSES All of his feelings! Gosh, you can't shut him up! Two brothers Raised the same exact way, and are two VERY different personalities. Opposites really!
But all 3 kids have one thing in common,... they all have a dynomite sense of humor! They keep me laughing all the time! And they all are unique in their humor.

Lainie is Very dry, so when she comes out with something really funny, it hits you like a ton of bricks and you're on the floor laughing your head off because you just wasn't expecting it and it's sooo incredibly funny! LOL!

No.2 son could be a stand up comedian quite easily! He's so quick-whitted and soooo funny, and never nasty or filthy, all clean, and he gets me laughing so hard that he has me crying! LOL!

And lastly, No.1 son is sooo incredibly funny too! He's very animated and tells the funniest stories, especially about things that happen at work, and the expressions that he gives things just have me laughing my head off!

I'll tell you one thing, it's hard to be depressed around them, that's for sure! LOL!

Mezzie, Belated Happy Aussie Daddy's Day! It really sounds like you had a lovely day with your family. And that was so nice of Sis to do the dishes and clean your kitchen for you. What a Wonderful guest she is!

And I'm so glad the Step has not been so argumentative lately. I hope it lasts! Just having that Peace from that must be Wonderful!

Thanks for offering to put MOTHER in her place for me, but I think being in that Convalescent home has humbled her somewhat. She's actually thanking me when I do for her, like when I bring her things or when I help her out while there. Could this be the new and improved MOTHER?! I hope this lasts too!

Bro' is supposed to come see MOTHER today with the whole family. He picked up Shannon from college on Friday, and he's bringing her back to college today, but on the way, they are stopping by to see MOTHER since it's right on the way and she's Very Excited to see them!
I plan to meet them when they show up and I told my Bro' to call me when he gets there so I can visit with them all too! Boy MOTHER'S room is going to be crowded with the six of us in there!

Poddy, It's so nice that Liz lives so close to you now, and you don't have to travel so far anymore to see her. I'm sure she'll like it even better once the new baby comes too! When is the New Baby Due anyway? Right around Anna Lee's birthday? Just curious.

I hope Everyone is having a Great Day!

Biggest Hugs to All,
JB's Obsessed Fan#64
"God never gives you more than you can handle.
I just wish He didn't have so much Trust in me."
...Mother Theresa
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Old 09-05-2011, 05:47 PM
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Well, of course the quasi-GF bailed on joining us for dinner Sunday night, and then I found out they'd talked about it and decided it woudl be better to have my son's party Sunday night after supper, instead of Wednesday! Better for me, so I rushed home and wrapped that funny shirt and signed the card and set the table etc - and we had his birthday party last night! The thin mint ice cream cake was really tasty (I'm not a fan of ice cream cake, but this was good) and of course he loved his presents. I got him 3 belts and of course they almost wrapped around him twice, because you're supposed to cut them to size (they are like Army belts) but of course, being him, he didn't want to bother, he's just going to look like a nerd with a mile too long belt!

He got socks from his sister and he was very happy with the game and even liked the shirt (and it wasn't the same one i got him before, it was different). I try to hold myself back on the funny shirts. He liked the 'zombies are flammable' one - sometimes he likes them. He packed up his presents and went home to his condo last night.

Gosh MLette and I are ready to DROP - we drove over to my son's and brought him his leftover pizza to him, and had some for lunch. Then he drove us up to the apple orchard, as we got the postcard the apples were ready, and we bought cider and apples and cider donuts and MLette got a carmel apple and I got uber sweet 'maple blondie' ice cream and my son got too big an ice cream and a brownie and couldn't finish them - we looked at the goats and llama etc they have. Goat pressed up against the fence so we could pat it - mellow goats.

We drove back and got changed and took a swim in his pool - the water was so warm and nice - nicest it has been. We had a really good time and I felt sooo mellow - just feel like a millionaire at a resort in that pool, even if it's nto so deep. And they resurfaced the tennis courts, too, although I don't see any more tennis in my future for quite awhile! Maybe next year.

Then we changed and went out to try a Chinese place he had a menu from, but it was just a hole in the wall takout joint, so we went to another sit down place (not Chinese) and ate too much (again) - oh gosh, what a day. We went back, packed up our stuff and drove home and MLette took the long way/back roads not the highway. Poor dog was home alone so long but such a good boy. We fed him and walked him and he's fine.

Mr ML gets home from work at 9 and starts his new job at 11 tonight! He stayed up as late as he could last night and slept as late has he could, to get ready for it. Oh he's going to be a zombie all this week. Oh well, probably good, he won't be so worried about me.

Three more days! I work tomorow, and Wednesday, and pack up my office Wednesday and Thurs morning - ulp - off to the hospital! I hope everything goes okay. If not - I had a really terrific Labor DAy.
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Old 09-06-2011, 04:08 AM
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WoW MyrnaLynne! You Really had a busy long weekend! But it sounded Really nice!

Yes, Your son's place Does sound like a resort with the pool and tennis courts and all! Glad you got to enjoy the pool today! Boy! I wish I had a pool right now! It's still in the 100's and high 90's here, and we're melting!

Shannon was saying today that she just loves the weather down in San Francisco as it usually stays in the 60's and she hadn't seen the sun in 3 weeks because of the fog! (San Francisco gets lots of fog in the Summer.) She says she doesn't miss the 100* temps of Sacramento. I told her 'Yeah, go ahead and brag while we're dying in the heat up here!' She appologized but laughed. I told her that it was Ok because I love SF myself too!

I told her that it doesn't take much to make me happy... like the scent of the ocean air (like in SF), to pet a soft puppy, a good laugh, and CHOCOLATE! LOL! See, it's just the little things in life that makes me happy. I do like other things too, but they're all just as simple.

And of course to break the moment, my bratty Bro' broke out his air violin and started playing it, so I gave him a good nudge, and he started laughing, the brat!

I asked Shannon if it felt good to be home as it was the 1st time home since she went off to college 3 weeks ago, and she said yes, that it was good to see her family, but she really likes living at college too. She's becoming more independent and has explored a lot with her roommate too, and they get along sooo well, which I think is fantastic!

I stayed with MOTHER from around 1pm till around 4pm as she was getting tired, so I left so she could rest before supper, and I told her that I'd be back later, and came back around 6pm and stayed till 9pm. 9pm is when visiting hours are over.

My Bro' and his family stayed until around 3pm as they didn't want to run into tons of traffic, but I'm sure they did anyway since they were heading into the City. Traffic must have been bumper to bumper with everyone trying to get home early, as they were telling me that traffic was really bad just coming up to see MOTHER!
Anyway, it was good to see the kids. I don't get to see them that often so it's a treat when I do get to see them!

I'm glad your son liked his gifts, as I knew he would. You gave him Really nice gifts!
And I'm not surprised that the non-girlfriend cancelled out on the family party. I think she's really afraid of being told off on how badly she treats your son! I think that's it in a nutshell! And given the chance, that's just what MLette would do... just tell her off! I wouldn't be surprised by it at all if she ever did.

The Apple Orchard sounded lovely too! I just love going up to our Apple Hill. (that's the place where the whole mountain is filled with apple orchards and you just drive from one orchard to the next and they all mostly have pick your own apples or buy the already picked apples and country stores and of course bakeries that sell everything that has to do with apples.) The whole mountain smells like freshly backed apple pie! I just love it up there! Plus they have crafters there too and you can buy their goods and it's just so much fun up there.

'High Hill Orchard' is the biggest Orchard and they have helicopter rides, a fishing pond stocked with trout, crafters, a bakery, a cider mill, and pick your own apples or buy the ones that are already picked, and pony rides. They are the 1st Orchard that you hit when you 1st enter the orchards.

I hope Mr ML is having a good night on his 1st night on the job! But I bet he'll be really tired by the time he gets home! I hope he can get used to the new hours soon.

I bet Elmo was so glad to see you and MLette when you got home! And I bet he was so glad to finally get to go out after his long day in the house. He's such a good boy!

And I'm sure you'll do Great with your surgery! You're in Great shape and healthy so there shouldn't be any problem so stop worrying.

I hope Everyone has a Great Week!

Biggest Hugs to All,
JB's Obsessed Fan#64
"God never gives you more than you can handle.
I just wish He didn't have so much Trust in me."
...Mother Theresa
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