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Old 09-10-2008, 02:24 PM
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We got the Spanish list aswell

but they play God Put a Smile first and then Talk. its like a remix of both songs. VERY cool !

they also ran into the corwd and played The Scientist & DWNC IN THE CROWD were the seating places are !!
"You're not running now."
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:38 PM
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[Live Review] Coldplay @ Bercy, Paris (second night)

No Reign Of Love tonight, but balloons for Jonny Buckland, who celebrates his 31st birthday on the 11th September (probably on another bullet train across Europe).


Life In Technicolor
Violet Hill
In My Place
Speed Of Sound
Cemeteries Of London
Chinese Sleep Chant
Fix You
Strawberry Swing
GPASUYF + Talk (Techno)
Hardest Part
Postcards from far away
Viva La Vida
The Scientist
Death will never conquer
Viva la Vida remix (with us good french people once again waving phones!!!)
Lovers in Japan
-------- ENCORE
(Dubliners / Prospekt's March) : written on the tracklisting, but didn't made it live...
The Escapist

More reviews, pictures and videos from this show here onwards [thanks charley]

[reviews/setlist] [photos] [wiki] (updates throughout the next 24 hours onwards)

As reported earlier, NRJ France aired the first three songs from the second Bercy show tonight (10th September 2008) plus In My Place (unannounced) which you can hear in FM quality via links here. In case you missed it, Coldplay also performed live on French TV today, and you can watch a performance of Viva La Vida here [thanks ZamaGelu]

[Live Review] Bercy, Paris, France (first night)

Reign of Love made its Coldplay concert debut in Paris last night, in the first of two consecutive shows at the Bercy.


Life In Technicolor
Violet Hill
In My Place
Speed Of Sound
Cemeteries Of London
Chinese Sleep Chant
Fix You
Strawberry Swing
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (partial - techno version)
Talk (partial - techno version)
The Hardest Part (piano - Chris)
Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)
Viva La Vida
The Scientist (acoustic)
Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will singing)
Viva La Vida (remix interlude)
Reign Of Love
Lovers In Japan
Death And All His Friends
The Escapist

The show began a little late, but it was totally worth it! My only disappointement (as Charley said) was that there was only one encore with Yellow. The crowd was so wild I thought they were going to come on stage a second time, but it was already over [thanks arwen88]

At 9:50 pm Coldplay came on stage , Live they 're much more exciting than on cd , they may only have 4 records but they have lots of hit songs. The singer is still funny to watch and the musicians could be easily replaced no one will noticed it. The stage is very simple with the cd cover as backdrop and then a big screen in the back . They've played a couple of songs on a small stage. They've also played at the back of the venue and this time it wasn't on a proper stage but directly in the aisle in Bercy , first time i'm seeing this happen. Chris made an effort to speak an almost perfect french. Good point. [thanks mimixxx]

Coldplay Roadie #42 - Blog #24

Check out coldplay for a new blog entry: #42 reports from the first European shows.

Well then dear reader, that's the first week of European touring done. After the US leg finally beginning to feel as though it was settling into a groove, the less experienced (or slightly more optimistic) roadie might be forgiven for expecting this run to be simply a case of coasting along on auto-pilot from where we left off. Obviously though, this being Coldplay, everything is getting a fresh appraisal. New approaches are considered, embellishments added, whole sections dropped and replaced, then completely reworked.

The band have undergone huge growth with this record and it's clear that they're continuing on with that trajectory. The tour is like a toddler on a growth spurt. Every time we find it a nice pair of shoes that fits and send it off to school happy that we've kitted it out properly, it wakes up taller, bigger and bursting with even more energy. There's not time to sew the name tags into the shirt before they've outgrown it.

It can be overwhelming at times and certainly, for those in the crew who haven't experienced a Coldplay tour before, it's taken some adjustment. Much of the job seems to be about anticipating what might come next, or what the band might ask for. It means a lot more work, as inevitably for everything that actually happens, you end up organising and preparing three or four things that don't. In all honesty though, it's so much better than touring for this length of time with a show that's "set in stone". Boredom creeps in easily and tedium can be far more exhausting than anything else. That's not to say that the panic of hearing "can we make this happen, so we can do this song tonight?" gets any less intense - just that everyone knows that it's (usually) worth it. Either way, I'm nominating this tour for the "most tweaked setlist of all time" award.
There are two photos of Jonny and Will playing soccer.
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Old 09-11-2008, 02:05 AM
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September 11, 2008 9:09 am catches up with Will

Hello Will. Where are you?
I'm in Paris, in the environs of the Bercy dressing room complex.

How's the European tour been going so far?
Very well thank you.

Does it feel different to the North American tour?
Yeah, it does. We've changed the set slightly. We felt like for the American tour we had to come out guns blazing and we didn't really feel confident about a couple of the new songs yet. But I think with the record having been out a little longer, people are getting used to its songs. We also had people like Phil saying that Cemeteries Of London, for example, has been going down really well in Europe and online and all that. So we thought, let's try and branch out a little. We're doing a couple of newer additions, Cemeteries being the main one.

It must be nice to keep changing things.
Definitely. It keeps it fresh. Our problem in the past was that we'd settle upon a set and love it so much that we didn't really tend to change it.

Does a European crowd seem noticeably different to an American one?
It's different fom crowd to crowd, really. But they seem to have really gone for Viva in France. We didn't really feel that we'd done as well as we could've done in France. I think the addition of the French flag on the album cover probably didn't do too much damage! But Viva really took off when we were in Lyon. Actually, I think that might've been the best gig we've done, to date. It was really, really good.

In what sense?
Just the general reaction to songs. We're used to people singing along to the big songs and then politely clapping to the other ones. But in Lyon it was literally like every song was a Number One smash hit. Which is a very good feeling.

Of course the big change for you personally on this tour is that you're singing.
I am! It's quite difficult, because that section of the show is logistically tough. It's hard to get guitars and mics sounding good up there at the back of the crowd. Plus, Chris sings in the first song, then I sing in the second one and he's got a much stronger voice than I have. So it's quite difficult to get all the balances and everything right. But it's coming along.

It must feel quite strange having drummed with the band for ten years to suddenly be singing.
I've always sung backing vocals, but, yeah, it is quite odd. I never felt that I had a voice for lead vocals. It's quite an anonymous voice, I think, that blends well into backing vocals. But I'm trying to expand my repertoire. I haven't branched out yet, but I'd like to.

What else might we expect from you?
I was thinking perhaps a bit of Bon Jovi.

Could this be the beginning of the Will Champion solo career?
No, indeed not. Probably the end.

So, according to the papers, you chaps made it to the Andorra v England football game before the show in Barcelona on Saturday.
Yes, we saw the first half. We had to go after that. We got back to the venue just before 9pm and we were on stage about half an hour later.

The papers claimed you'd pushed back the gig to see the whole game.
No, not at all. Was that really in the paper? If we'd put it back, we'd have stayed for the whole game and not left at half time!

How was the first half?
Fairly uneventful. It was odd, actually, being at an away game and there being something like ten thousand English people and probably about 500 Andorrans. Great stadium, though. It was the Olympic stadium, up on the hill.

Do you have any advice for England's manager, Mr Capello?
Um, I think it was obvious where the faults were from the first half and I think he did well to correct them. He brought on Joe Cole on the left side which I thought was a very good move, because Downing wasn't having a particularly good game. I mean the half we saw, which ended goalless, didn't instill us with great confidence. But then as Jonny and I discussed at length, it's almost impossible to play against a team that has ten men behind the ball at all times, who haven't come to score, let alone win. But England did alright. I don't think it was as bad as everyone suggested. They still got the win in the end.

Moving back to Coldplay, we spoke to Albert Hammond Jr last week, who was telling us that you pick your own support acts.
Absolutely. Providing they're available and providing they want to do it. We don't force people to come on the road with us!

Have you enjoyed the three you've had so far? [Albert, Santogold and Shearwater.]
Yeah, they've all been brilliant, to be honest. We've been very lucky.

And what have you been listening to lately?
Actually, I've mainly been listening to Learn Spanish with Michel Thomas.

How's it going?
Muy bien gracias.

Good work!
I really enjoy trying to speak Spanish. It's always been a goal for me to speak another language properly, so I'm going to see it through.

Presumably there's only so far you can go with CD lessons?
Actually, they're really good. It gives you great confidence right from the very first bit. It's fantastic.

Have you been listening to any music too?
Eugene Francis Jnr and the Juniors are a great band that I discovered. It's strange folk-based, slightly electronic stuff, with lots of singing. There's about nine of them in the band and they're just fantastic. I highly recommend visiting their website, soonly.

Now, about your drumkit. Are there any changes to it for this tour?
Only in colouration. All of our instruments have been painted by our lovely assistant Vicki. She's done a fantastic job - far, far above and beyond the call of duty. Every single item that's painted in our collection of instruments was done by Vicki.

I know. She's a very talented artist.

Do you get through a lot of drum skins?
Normally they're changed every other gig, I would say. For some reason I don't break as many sticks as I used to, though. I used to get through lots of them. I think I must've found the right stick.

What sort of sticks do you use?
They are Pro-Mark 5Bs, I believe.

What makes them stand out from another drum stick?
They just seem a lot more sturdy, for some reason. Or maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age.

Well, it sounds like you're all enjoying the tour.
So far, so good, yeah. We're just so grateful that the album's done well and people seem to get it. This would be a very different conversation if it wasn't as good as it could've been. And we're so pleased that Viva is doing well as a single. For a long time, it wasn't even going to be on the album.

Which would've been insane.
Well it was funny, because it took a long time to get it right. It wasn't until the very end that it actually came good.

And it's turned out to be your biggest hit.
Yes, ever. Without a shadow of a doubt.

It's also a classic football chant in the making.
Oh, yeah, definitely. We were saying we want to get the sheet music to whoever it is that plays the trumpet at the England games. I'd love it to be sung on the terraces.
Source: coldplay
the escapistDAAHF strawberry swing violet hill VLV chinese sleep chantyes reign of loveLiJ 42 lost! cemetries of london LiT kingdom come twisted logic swallowed in the sea the hardest part low a message speed of sound X&Y talk fix you white shadows what if square one AROBTTH a whisper warning sign green eyes daylight clocks the scientist GPASUYF in my place politik life is for living everythings not lost we never change high speed PARACHUTES trouble yellow sparks spies trouble don't panic
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Old 09-11-2008, 03:03 AM
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Thanks for all the updates!
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Old 09-11-2008, 03:22 AM
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thank you for all of that

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Old 09-11-2008, 03:38 AM
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The playlist in Paris sounded.. beyond words.. I would have loved to be there.
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Old 09-11-2008, 04:46 AM
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Thanks for all that guys!

We don't force people to come on the road with us!
As if they'd have to.
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Old 09-11-2008, 07:32 AM
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I missed a lot of news these days,thank you guys!
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Old 09-11-2008, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhiannon (View Post)
Thanks for all that guys!

As if they'd have to.
haha. nope. i would join anytime. and i'd have to playback since i'm a terrible singer.
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Old 09-11-2008, 03:49 PM
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Great interview by William.

I can't believe VLV was not initially going to be on the album. I can't imagine it without it.
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Old 09-11-2008, 04:47 PM
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you kiddin' ?
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:16 PM
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Thanks for the Will interview.

The Oracle Visits Bercy, Paris For A Touch Of Celeb Spotting

More questions answered by The Oracle...

September 11, 2008 - submitted by Hasief, Indonesia
Q. Who is the "Green" whom gets a co-writer's credit on "A Spell A Rebel Yell"?
The Oracle replies:
That's Dan Green the band's sound engineer.

September 11, 2008 - submitted by Nishav Shakya, Nepal
Q. Is the ORACLE all right, not answering for a couple of days or have us mere mortals questions been too trivial in nature?
The Oracle replies:
Actually I was in Paris for the Bercy shows. They were amazing. Check out Roadie #42's blog as there was a magical mobile phone moment. There was also a little celebrity spotting with the crowds going wild at the appearance of Patrick Bruel on the first night and Lenny Kravitz on the second... and there was I thinking they'd spotted me!

MTV Latin American Music Awards: Coldplay Nominated For 'Best International Rock Artist'

Coldplay has been nominated as the best international rock artist at the 2008 MTV latin american music awards which will take place in Guadalajara, Mexico on October 16th. The other nominees in this category are 30 seconds To Mars,
Panic At The Disco, Paramore and Fall Out Boy.

To vote for Coldplay in this category click here

Coldplay Regains No.1 Spot - European Top 100 Albums

Coldplay's "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends" (Parlophone/EMI) is back at the top of European Top 100 Albums, part of a resuming EMI double that sees Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" (Virgin) lead Eurochart Hot 100 Singles for a fifth week.

The Coldplay album had ten consecutive weeks atop the pan-European sales list until Slipknot's "All Hope Is Gone" (Roadrunner) debuted at the summit last week. "Viva" rebounds with the help of climbs of 3-2 in Italy, 5-3 in Greece and 6-5 in Ireland.

The Slipknot album loses its two No. 1 berths in Finland and Switzerland but debuts at No. 1 in Sweden and No. 3 in Italy.

[Reminder] Vote For Coldplay At The MTV Europe Music Awards 2008

Europe Music Awards are set to take place on 6th November 2008 in Liverpool, UK and nominee voting is now open at

Voting is open to the public – fans can vote for their favourite artist to become one of the Top 5 nominees! Don’t delay – help Coldplay get nominated for an award! Here are their nominations:

Rock Out | Best Act Ever | Headliner | Album Of The Year (Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends)

The 2008 MTV Europe Music Awards will take place at the Echo Arena, Liverpool. Europe's biggest music awards show is set to explode with phenomenal live performances, astronomical presenters, and winners that are chosen by the people who really matter...YOU.

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Old 09-12-2008, 12:26 AM
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Thanks for all the news!

I'll have to go vote.
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Old 09-12-2008, 12:28 AM
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I voted for the EuroMTV, don't know if I can be bothered for the other..

Thanks for all the news
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Old 09-12-2008, 01:45 AM
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Voted, of course!

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