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Old 03-18-2014, 08:43 PM
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What I loved is Veronica's final words.


Also, I went to read the script and found this

And this goes with my theory that so much was going on when they kind of stay still against the wall. Best moment ever !!
Liz&Max - "And the amazing thing was in his eyes,....I was beautiful"
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Old 03-18-2014, 11:39 PM
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Logan joining the Navy makes perfect sense to me. The boy needed some direction and some order. He needed to feel like he belonged to something because he was so lost. Logan has a lot of anger and violent issues from his family experiences and the tragedies that have hit him.

The Navy has structure and discipline, he would be serving his country. Helping him have a purpose other than being a poor little rich boy with a death wish. He would travel to new places, experience new things, help people who are worse off them him.

Logan likes danger, he’s an adrenaline junkie, whose smart, quick on his feet, and an assess in high stress situation. He loves being out in the water. He has one close friend, very little family, no girlfriend. He was kind of surfing through college. So I can see why he would want a completely fresh start to something completely new.

The Navy looked like it really helped him. He seemed to know who he is now and has accepted himself. I'm sure he still has demons and issues and probably still has some problems with authority. I think most of the movie he was in shock and grieving for the loss of Carrie. Sure he had become more of a stable Sponsor in their relationship. But Logan still cared for her greatly, you can see it in his face when he talks about their relationship and when he watches the video of her. And it's not bad enough that another person he cares for is ripped away in such a brutal way as murder. But he is then accused and attack for being her killer. Suddenly his life is once again the eye of the storm and he's under the microscope. Everything he's worked for all those nine years is under threat and he's facing either life in prison. Or the death penalty which aren't two entertaining options.

That and seeing Veronica again must be both happy and difficult. Logan isn't a half-ass guy, when he's commits to something, he commits. He has loved her heart and soul since he was seventeen years old. With intense passion and strong love, to go cold turkey must have been hell. To be near her again and knowing that it's not an option to get close. That's even before he knew about Piz because at the time her life was in New York. Where his was in Neptune and with the Navy. So he keeps himself composed, always acting professional and friendly, being in denial that he's not hoping for more.
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Old 03-19-2014, 12:48 AM
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This scares me:

in the monologue at the end in the script veronica says
"I had a ringside seat to my moms recovery, I know all about accepting the things I cant change. Like failing to savor the good times, because IM ALREADY BRACING FOR THE DISASTER UP AHEAD"

OH GOD what disaster could Rob Thomas have been wanting to allude too? Did he know there would be books when this script was written?
Or could the disaster she predicts be worse? why would rob thomas have WANTED to originally end it this way, having veronica say this? Does she mean death/injury in her PI gig? disaster with her relationship with Logan or her friends/family?
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Old 03-19-2014, 01:47 AM
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Well Veronica Mars show/movie was always suppose to be a noir. Which never get wrapped up perfectly and usually have bittersweet moments and endings. RT knows that the heart of VM is Logan and Veronica. I mean Logan was suppose to be the jackass archenemy. But Jason and Kristen were so amazing together that they changed directions because as RT puts it, "that's where the show lives." I doubt they will have smooth sailing, but I think at the end of the day it's always going to be these two in the end.
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Old 03-19-2014, 02:11 AM
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in the movie its replaced with her whole "dad always said this town could wreck a person......" speech. This I thought was a better change because its clearer what she may mean by any disaster" to befall. just talking about appreciating the good times because disaster is coming is scarier when it comes to what we the veiwers are allowed to foresee about veronica's "future". I guess either way we are supposed to walk out thinking Veronica made a dangerous choice both for her livelihood and relationships. she didnt take the "safe road"

I dont know, it just bodes badly for where Rob Thomas foresaw this going...i guess maybe towards disaster..but what kind of disaster?! I hate cliffhangers

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Old 03-19-2014, 03:20 AM
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I think Veronica follow her passion and I'm not talking about just Logan. I think New York and that career path would have been safer, but she wouldn't have been happy in the end. Working for a big firm like that where the Fortune 500 guys make silly little law suits from ever troubling them. Usually means in that fictional reality would her becoming an 09, using her wealth and power to take out the little guy.

Sidenote: I'm not saying lawyers like Veronica would have been are all in league with evil money gruby slime balls.

I just think the work would have burn her out or made her bitter. She became alive while she was on the hunt. Maybe if Veronica was working as a DA putting criminals away or a defense attorney trying to help innocent people who been given a tough break. I just can't see her being happy in a big firm that makes things disappear, so no body has to deal with them.

I honestly think that five or ten years down the line. She would have been unhappy and just going through the motions. But I think a part of her will act out, whether with a case or a more bad boy. I just don't see her doing well in that kind of "safe" life. Maybe Veronica from before Lilly's murder. But not the one after, I think she would have been bored and unhappy.
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Old 03-19-2014, 03:42 AM
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I agree with you Cheerios For me seeing Logan join the army was completely logic. Like you said he's intelligent he realized he wasnt going to waste his life just by hanging around like a rich boy. He needed a family and a place to release all that anger and violence he had inside. Which best place to do that, right?

About Veronica's words, my opinion is that she was talking in general. Something like 'be prepared for anything, you never know what could come'. And Veronica knows that for sure. I also agree that she would have 'bored to death' being a lawyer in NY. She should have realized that settling the deeds before reaching court was not exactly what 'moved' her and would have regretted it.

That and seeing Veronica again must be both happy and difficult. Logan isn't a half-ass guy, when he's commits to something, he commits. He has loved her heart and soul since he was seventeen years old. With intense passion and strong love, to go cold turkey must have been hell. To be near her again and knowing that it's not an option to get close. That's even before he knew about Piz because at the time her life was in New York. Where his was in Neptune and with the Navy. So he keeps himself composed, always acting professional and friendly, being in denial that he's not hoping for more.
yes yes and yes. He was a gentleman around her. He was slightly happy when noticing her remarks 'you should always wear this' ,'take the long way home', even the 'don't go' was'nt until she kissed him that he 'let himself' go. What do you think?
Liz&Max - "And the amazing thing was in his eyes,....I was beautiful"
Logan&Veronica - "Come back to me.......... - Always"

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Last edited by vecastone; 03-19-2014 at 03:52 AM
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Old 03-19-2014, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Cristofle (View Post)
Most of the script just embellishes stuff we already knew (the script was much more clear that Veronica gave up PI work and won't touch it now due to what she did to Keith), but that was one thing that got cut that I was really, really glad to see happen, lol. Wallace is also somehow even MORE Team Piz in the script, and as he was bordering on obnoxious and oblivious to Veronica's feelings on the subject in the movie, I'm glad at least some of it got cut from the script.
where can i find these wallace quotes about logan and piz?

also, earlier someone mentioned how veronica, after logan put her to bed, she comes out dressed differently (in a t shirt). this is done in the script also. I think, while Logan was looking for a paper and pen quietly to write her a note, she prob woke up, dressed, realized he was still there and went to find him catching him before he left.

just a thought.

Last edited by AmidalaEmma; 03-19-2014 at 12:02 PM
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Old 03-19-2014, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by vecastone (View Post)
I agree with you Cheerios For me seeing Logan join the army was completely logic. Like you said he's intelligent he realized he wasn't going to waste his life just by hanging around like a rich boy. He needed a family and a place to release all that anger and violence he had inside. Which best place to do that, right?
I read a fan fiction where Veronica finds out that he's in the Navy from Mac. And she talks about how she's a bit jealous that he got his life together first. He's grown up, gotten his life together. I think Logan's Navy work is what Veronica's PI work is for her. Something he's good at and is completely his that he can really find the passion in.

About Veronica's words, my opinion is that she was talking in general. Something like 'be prepared for anything, you never know what could come'. And Veronica knows that for sure. I also agree that she would have 'bored to death' being a lawyer in NY. She should have realized that settling the deeds before reaching court was not exactly what 'moved' her and would have regretted it.
Does anyone watch Spongebob Squarepants? There is a Squidward gif that has Squidward looking absolutely miserable in at different background settings. That's how I see what Veronica would have become at that job. No real excitement, no passion, just the same thing over and over. And her waking up one day and realizing how miserable she is and then would it be too late to walk away?

yes yes and yes. He was a gentleman around her. He was slightly happy when noticing her remarks 'you should always wear this' ,'take the long way home', even the 'don't go' wasn't until she kissed him that he 'let himself' go. What do you think?
Scamming through the script, there was some really great Logan lines that I wish they had kept. It would definitely shown off their great banter and Logan's snark. But I do think that Logan kept himself restraint when it came to Veronica because he knew that it would only make things more complicated and he couldn't go down that road again. But he changed completely when she pursued him, he let himself go and enjoyed being with her again.
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Old 03-19-2014, 02:57 PM
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Wallace doesn't say much about Logan, nothing that isn't in the movie, I don't think ("When Logan asked you to jump...?" and I've already bitched at length about that, lol, because that has NEVER been Logan and Veronica's dynamic. Veronica has always worn the pants in the relationship, and Logan generally is content in that space). But in that scene on Keith's porch, Wallace is going on about how Piz is "his boy" and some nonsense, and it just irritated me. It's one thing to prefer Piz to Logan, especially because I don't get the sense Veronica encouraged either Keith or her friends to get to know Logan that well, and they likely don't understand their dynamic. But the talk about how Piz was "his boy" made me feel like Wallace was prioritizing Piz's feelings over VERONICA'S, and uh uh. Not cool, Rob. I'm not sure there's a single Veronica Mars fan who cares MORE about Wallace and Piz's 90% offscreen friendship than they do about VERONICA AND WALLACE'S friendship. Veronica is supposed to be his best friend, and he completely and utterly missed out on the fact that Veronica was not happy in the relationship as it was. It didn't need to be any worse, lol.
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Old 03-19-2014, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Cristofle (View Post)
Wallace doesn't say much about Logan, nothing that isn't in the movie, I don't think ("When Logan asked you to jump...?" and I've already bitched at length about that, lol, because that has NEVER been Logan and Veronica's dynamic. Veronica has always worn the pants in the relationship, and Logan generally is content in that space). But in that scene on Keith's porch, Wallace is going on about how Piz is "his boy" and some nonsense, and it just irritated me. It's one thing to prefer Piz to Logan, especially because I don't get the sense Veronica encouraged either Keith or her friends to get to know Logan that well, and they likely don't understand their dynamic. But the talk about how Piz was "his boy" made me feel like Wallace was prioritizing Piz's feelings over VERONICA'S, and uh uh. Not cool, Rob. I'm not sure there's a single Veronica Mars fan who cares MORE about Wallace and Piz's 90% offscreen friendship than they do about VERONICA AND WALLACE'S friendship. Veronica is supposed to be his best friend, and he completely and utterly missed out on the fact that Veronica was not happy in the relationship as it was. It didn't need to be any worse, lol.
The problem with Wallace being all pro-Piz. Is in season two he began to see Logan in a better light and even defended him to Veronica. And season three that prisoner/guard experiment, they had a friendly relationship. And Wallace saw how upset Veronica was the first time Logan and her broke up in season three. He's been Veronica's best friend for years, he knows what she's like from working on her cases with her in high school and college. Veronica is not some easy go lucky girl, she's a complicated and tough woman. And she would never been completely happy with Piz. It's like they had movie Wallace forget all that has happen and who his best friend is and just be pro-Piz.
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Old 03-19-2014, 09:02 PM
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Look what I've found
Liz&Max - "And the amazing thing was in his eyes,....I was beautiful"
Logan&Veronica - "Come back to me.......... - Always"

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Old 03-19-2014, 09:57 PM
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So it's been confirmed that the scene where Veronica sees Logan off on his deployment. She is wearing his shirt and I think it's the shirt he wore when they reunited. It's the same color and style and I can see why she would be wearing it to sleep in. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of his shirts found there way into Veronica's possession.

I think that Logan is just staying with Dick temporary. I read a fan fiction where his lease on his place was running out and since he was going to be deployed soon and with the end of his relationship with Carrie. He just put his stuff in storage and hung out at Dick's place. Then Carrie got murdered and he had to defend his innocence. I'm sure once he comes back that he will get his own place. I don't see him crashing with Dick forever, especially now with Veronica. Privacy and since Dick and Veronica aren't the best of friends, but who tolerate each other for Logan.
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Old 03-19-2014, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by cherrios (View Post)
So it's been confirmed that the scene where Veronica sees Logan off on his deployment. She is wearing his shirt and I think it's the shirt he wore when they reunited. It's the same color and style and I can see why she would be wearing it to sleep in. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of his shirts found there way into Veronica's possession.

I think that Logan is just staying with Dick temporary. I read a fan fiction where his lease on his place was running out and since he was going to be deployed soon and with the end of his relationship with Carrie. He just put his stuff in storage and hung out at Dick's place. Then Carrie got murdered and he had to defend his innocence. I'm sure once he comes back that he will get his own place. I don't see him crashing with Dick forever, especially now with Veronica. Privacy and since Dick and Veronica aren't the best of friends, but who tolerate each other for Logan.
didnt she break the buttons off that shirt? lol

I aghree about wallace, but I also feel maybe he had SOME resentment towards Logan after season 3 and how EVERYTHING went down in the second half.
BUT I agree Veronica never spent much time trying to get her family/friends to know Logan. I think now she will though.
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Old 03-20-2014, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by AmidalaEmma (View Post)
didnt she break the buttons off that shirt? lol

I aghree about wallace, but I also feel maybe he had SOME resentment towards Logan after season 3 and how EVERYTHING went down in the second half.
BUT I agree Veronica never spent much time trying to get her family/friends to know Logan. I think now she will though.
Well if he can't wear it anymore, why not have her take it to wear.

It's funny how the two other important men in Veronica's life aren't the biggest fans of Logan. Even though I think they both know that it will always be Logan in her heart. And the angry boy has grown up into a mature young man. I think Veronica and Logan after the nine years apart and all the separate growing up realize that this time things will have to be different. So I can see them really making an effort this time to make it work right.

Though it's not fair for Keith to still be anti-Logan. Afterall Logan has done the honorable thing of joining the Navy to defend the country during war. And saved Keith's life in that car accident. I think there is a point where Kieth has to understand that Veronica is a grown woman now and not a little girl anymore. She can make her own choices and live her own life.
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