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Old 03-11-2008, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by sweetestsin1223 (View Post)
Actually, I think it was about his book. If you watch the scene again, she closes Lucas' manuscript and then calls Lucas. It was just earlier in the episode when she was telling Lucas that she was glad that he was marrying Lindsey, so I don't think that Haley wanting Lucas to be with Peyton is the reason why she called Lucas and told him that. I think that the book is the reason.
It was definitely the book, that made Haley call him. I actually thought Haley was going to call Nathan, so I was a bit disappointed when we saw that she called Luke..and was just as surprised at what she said. I like Lucas and Lindsey, I wouldn't say I support them, but I think their cute together..and we know that Haley has been their biggest supporter this season. That being said, the writers knew if Haley was the one to tell Luke not to marry Lindsey..then there'd probably be more truth/less bias behind her words. I don't necesarrily agree with it..but it is what it is. Lucas's VO did flow with what was going on in the scene.

The episode was ok for me. Not horrible, but I would have liked more NH scenes..actually discussing something. I thought Jackson did a good job acting tonight...Jamie really tugged my heartsrings, his puppy dog eyes were too cute. Random, for some reason, I was under the impresion the "floppy eared bunny names Chester" Jamie owned was a stuffed animal, so I was surprised to see him hold this massive bunny at the end. I also liked Skills speech that he gave to Haley. It wasn't preachy or lectury or anything like was honest and heartfelt and I think that Antown did a good job protraying that. The really liked the music in this episode too.. I thought it went well with the episode.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by TrueBlue (View Post)
I'm pretty sure Haley realized something about LL that isn't quite right. She realizes that Lindsey is never going to be what Peyton is to him and he won't be truly happy down the road if he doesn't have kind of love where no matter how hurt you are, you still love them at the end of the day.
ita. That's what i thought it meant as well.

The episode was okay. The smoldering N/H looks killed me too. Bethany and James were really good wih that material. I'm proud of Haley for not giving him a free pass just yet. You go girl.

The last James/Nathan scene was touching.

In a way Haley is making Nathan realise that his decisions affect their whole entire family so i think she's doing the right thing. I think Nathan needed that
rip ledger.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:20 PM
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I loved this episode and it's one of my favorites of the season. Only two things bothered me, but I'll get to that later.

Jamie was so freaking adorable in every scene. I didn't give the show the benefit of the doubt to find someone great to play NH's son but Jackson is hitting it out of the park. How is this child good at portraying such emotions? He was wonderful and you saw how simply his mind worked from the moment he saw the family playing the game together. I actually really loved that touch. And I enjoyed watching him with Skills.

Peyton. . . hallelujah! Not one line of hers bothered me tonight at all. She was a good friend to Brooke, paying her back and being proud of herself for being the girl Brooke believes she is, she was nice to Linds (something she should of been since 501), and she had no romantic intentions towards Lucas. They can write the character likeable, but they absolutely refuse to in order for the ship of L/P. He brings out the WORST in her.

Brooke, omg. I adore this girl so much. She was wonderful and I adored every scene. I think I would have preferred to see Brooke break down her mothers walls and them to learn to get closer together after we learned we'd see Brooke's mother but after her 'whatever' in 5.06, it is very evident that it's not in the cards. Like I said, they made Victoria to be TOO harsh, but I am loving every moment of Brooke's reaction and growth from it. I went from cheering that Brooke fired her, to crying by the end of that scene and went she fell apart in Peyton's arms. You know what I thought was interesting? She's been taking this flack from Victoria but she SNAPPED when Victoria hurt one of her friends. It was like her last straw. She is too extraordinary for this show, man.

Rachel and Chase, it was heartbreaking to see them back because of Victoria's horrible words to Rachel and because seeing Chase makes me miss Chase/Brooke. Sophia and Stephen had wonderful chemistry together, you could tell they were good friends. I'm trying to like Brooke/Owen and they have cute moments but if it can't be B/L I really, really prefer Chase/Brooke.

What I didn't like... making Haley the bad guy. It doesn't make sense but yet completely predictable and annoying. And Haley's line forshadowing L/P dumbassery next week. The episode was pretty blissful without L/P's looming doom.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by NikitaWitter (View Post)
The women Dan hooked up with was the hooker Psycho Derek sent to the hospital last season
I noticed that. I think it's funny when they reuse extras. They have done that before.

And I didn't even notice the book in Haley's hand. But if it's not Peyton (which is what the book is basically about) then what is it?

Originally Posted by shiftmyshape
because seeing Chase makes me miss Chase/Brooke. Sophia and Stephen had wonderful chemistry together, you could tell they were good friends. I'm trying to like Brooke/Owen and they have cute moments but if it can't be B/L I really, really prefer Chase/Brooke.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:30 PM
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Oh my God, YOU GUYS. Chase is back! My favorite oth character EVER. I screamed when I saw Stephen Colletti's name I almost fainted.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:34 PM
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WOW, I read thru the posts and I am amazed I am the only one who feels this way...

I have been watching alot of the old episodes (seasons 1-3) in the last couple of weeks and to look at NH as they were then and how they are now is really upsetting. I feel that there was nothing for them tonite. I feel the writing for them was very disconnected...their scenes were way too short and uncharacteristic, at least for Haley. In fact, I finished watching season one before the episode tonite, and I just wanted to ask, "who the hell is this girl?" when I saw Haley's scenes. I understand what her character is going through and even thought last week she was on point, but wow, this week is just a mess. I feel they are taking these characters so far away from where they should be and who they are. I am just really disappointed in the way NH were handled tonite. Mark needs to fix this. And by that, I dont mean write them happy storylines every week, but at least bring them back to who they truly are.

as far as the rest of the ep, it was ok. Interesting bringing back old characters. Jamie was really good and Skills was outstanding! Overall, not bad. I enjoy Brooke so much more now that her and Lucas have nothing to do with each other. I loved that she booted Victoria. I even liked seeing Rachel tonite. Dan was super creepy.

I wanted to agree with the poster at a few posts above who was disappointed when Haley called Lucas. I expected her to be calling Nathan. That really bothered me.

Overall, not bad, but the NH stuff bothered me so much it over-shadowed much of the episode for me. Its been 11 episodes of gloom for NH, and when its well writen and in character I can at least accept it, but not tonite, not anymore.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:34 PM
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Bah, Haley SO does not need to be used to prop LP. Boo hiss spit to Mark on that one! I hate when any of the characters become props for the others, so... just say no to that one.

Jamie Scott owns everyone on this show. He could not be any cuter, and I about died in that last scene with him and Nathan. He loves his daddy so much. I was a bit distracted by Chester's foot twitching through that whole scene with Skills though, lol.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:39 PM
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I do not get this show at all. Why do they have to make Haley out to be the bad guy or something? I get that Jamie wants them all to be together, but seriously, Haley shouldn't have to sacrifice her own happiness/pride/self respect for that. She has every single right to be mad at Nathan right now, and want time and space, but she's a bitch for it? Whatever, Skills, Marky and co. But I got a Skills/Haley hug, so I'll forget that annoying scene. PS: Her hair looked bad.

I'm assuming Haley's line at the end was because she could tell by the book that he's still in love with Peyton, and she didn't want him to hurt Lindsey by marrying her only to leave her eventually or cheat on her. She knows more than anyone [other than obviously Brooke] that Lucas can't seem to control himself when it comes to Peyton for some reason.

While I didn't like Peyton, that's impossible, I didn't dislike her at all, so that was nice. Then they showed the preview and her stupid face during the wedding made me hate her again. Lame.

Bevin. I love Bevin, but I hate that they brought her back for that. She's married to Tim? They never had a single scene together. She should be with Skills, damn it! But seriously, she was completely out of character. Yes, she was dumb as a doornail [though 4.13 showed that was supposed to be some kind of high school act, so...], but she was never perky or hyper like that. And I think it's lame that Brooke stayed in touch with Rachel but not Bevin.

And I can't believe I recgonized Psycho!Derek's hooker right away. That's sad. Patty. Pfft. Her being there was so random, but good continuity, I guess, for once.

I hate that they had to continue to ruin Victoria's character. She could have been a good S1!Dan like character, but then they just made her so cartoonish, like they did with Dan. Lame. Sophia's voice is killing me.

And Mouth's love triangles and love storylines need to stop. He sucks.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:41 PM
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Oh, I never said it wasn't about Peyton. I just said that I don't think that Haley's state of mind about her own marriage was the reasoning behind her telling Lucas to not marry Lindsey. I think the book is about Peyton and that's why she doesn't want Lucas to marry Lindsey.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by sweetestsin1223 (View Post)
Oh, I never said it wasn't about Peyton. I just said that I don't think that Haley's state of mind about her own marriage was the reasoning behind her telling Lucas to not marry Lindsey. I think the book is about Peyton and that's why she doesn't want Lucas to marry Lindsey.
And she's just realizing this? Perfect timing.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:53 PM
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I thought that this was one of the best episodes of the season, as we got to see some of the characters at a true crossroads, and the pure emotion that we saw in this episode really made it stand out for me.

I liked the opening scene between Lucas and Lindsey, and I thought it was sweet that on the eve of their wedding, they would be so thoughtful to devise a ruse to get Nathan and Haley to talk to each other. I thought that they were really sweet together, and I really got to see how much they really love each other in this episode, and their conversation about Keith and Lindsey’s father was incredibly touching and sweet.

I was so disappointed that Dan got out of prison, and he seemed to be up to his old tricks as he bedded a woman he just met, and I dread to see the impact that he’ll have on his family’s life.

I really enjoyed seeing how happy Mouth and Millicent are, although the news of Rachel’s return complicated things between them, and I was happy that Mouth resisted Rachel’s advances and stayed true to Millicent, and I loved the final scene between them where he remembered that he had forgotten to give her a kiss earlier and he said it was the best part of his day, echoing what she herself had said earlier to Brooke. I think they’re a really sweet couple.

I felt bad for Rachel in this episode as she tried to stay clean, but Mouth’s (rightful) rejection of her and Victoria’s unspeakably cruel treatment of her destroyed what little self-esteem she had, and she took off with the money that Peyton had given to Brooke. I know that Brooke’s heart was in the right place, and it was so sweet of her to try and help Rachel and encourage her, but Rachel needs professional help, and she proved that she can’t be trusted and left to her own devices.

I was so happy to see Peyton happy that she could repay Brooke for getting her record label started, and it was so funny when she ended up being set up on a blind date with Chase, and that he turned out to be Owen’s roommate! I also thought it was funny that we found out that Tim had married Bevin.

It was nice when Chase kissed Peyton because he said that Lucas was watching, and how Peyton kissed him back later and said that Brooke was watching, and both Lucas’ and Brooke’s reactions to the kisses made you wonder what they were really thinking. I thought it was nice of Peyton to tell Lucas that Lindsey was great after she realized that Lindsey didn’t tell him how mean she had been to her, and it was nice to see a relatively angst free scene between them. I enjoyed Peyton and Rachel’s conversation, and how Peyton tried to encourage her.

On the opposite end of that spectrum, however, all of the scenes that involved Nathan, Haley and Jamie were heartbreaking, as Haley, at this point, seemed to come to the realization that despite the fact that she loved Nathan and hated seeing her little boy so hurt, that it always came down to the same basic issues, and there was a certain sad finality in her words when she told Nathan that it was wrong of her to try and change him and them, and that she was done trying. You could really tell in this episode how much Nathan and Haley’s marital problems are tearing Jamie apart, and although it was sweet to see Brooke, Owen, and Skills try to comfort Jamie, what he really needs are his parents, together and happy, but right now, that just isn’t possible, and it was so painful to see that. I must say though that Skills is a wonderful friend to Nathan, Haley, and especially Jamie.

I really liked seeing Brooke and Owen in this episode, and I’m starting to like both him as a person and them as a couple as he let his guard down and began to open up to her, but I also felt that Brooke and Chase have some lingering feelings for one another, and we may see yet another triangle in a show that seems to thrive on triangles.

It was so awful to see Victoria humiliate Brooke in front of Owen, and I was so happy, but at the same time so sad, for Brooke when, realizing that she’ll never get the love and acceptance from her heartless mother that she wants and deserves, found the courage to face up to her. The scene where Brooke realized that it was Victoria who pushed Rachel over the edge and she confronted her about it was so emotionally powerful, and Sophia was simply incredible in this scene and the riveting scene that followed, as she saw her mother for the callous and heartless person that she really is, and she fired her. Brooke was so right when she said that a daughter is not supposed to earn her mother’s help and her love, because a mother’s love should be unconditional. I think that Victoria’s cruel words and her treatment of her friend finally made Brooke realize what type of person she really is, and I thought that Sophia did an incredible job in that scene, as Brooke showed strength and conviction and she fired her mother and told her she could go now, but at the same time, you could tell that her heart was breaking as her voice broke with emotion and her eyes filled up with tears, and the final scene, where she collapsed and cried in Peyton’s arms, was incredibly moving. My heart broke for Brooke in this episode, because we’ve seen through this entire season how desperately she wanted her mother’s love and acceptance, but I think she finally saw that she was never going to get it, and more importantly, I think she also saw that she didn’t want to be like her mother.

I was surprised when Haley picked up the phone and called Lucas, because I was thinking, or hoping, that she was calling Nathan after hearing his heart wrenching conversation with Jamie, and I was shocked when she told him that he can’t marry Lindsey. It seemed that something in Lucas’ manuscript made her realize something that maybe even Lucas won’t admit, even to himself, and so she called her best friend to give him advice from her heart. The plot thickens!

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode, and I’m looking forward to what promises to be a very pivotal episode in the lives of these characters and for One Tree Hill itself.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:56 PM
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I'll post a longer review tomorrow.

Am I the only one who could have watched 42 minutes of just the awesome foursome of BOPC? Seriously their chemistry together was just great.
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:57 PM
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The way I saw it tonight is there was a parallel going on between Nathan/Haley and Lucas/Peyton tonight but you didn't immediately get the full conclusion of this until the very end whenever Haley calls Lucas. My point being the entire time we're lead to believe that through Lucas and Haley it seemed established that Lucas should be with Lindsey and Haley should be with Nathan based on their words to each other, putting aside Haley/Nathan's continued separation since that's immaterial and only a mild delay before they're back together. Anyway the irony is at the end we find out that Haley's words to Lucas were always about Peyton, even if we're initially lead to believe she was meaning Lindsey, hell even she thought she meant Lindsey... until she read the words Lucas wrote... which changed everything and thus, the phone call and Haley telling Lucas or inferring so far that Peyton, not Lindsey, is who he's meant to be with.

Also, Peyton tonight rocked the house. Loved her giving Brooke the money, loved the great friend she was to Brooke, the Lucas/Peyton scene was sweet, loved her words to Rachel, Peyton was awesome.

Lastly, I barely watched the show whenever Brooke/Chase were a couple but in this episode I felt something between them chemistry-wise, way more then Brooke/Owen, so I hope there's a twist here and Brooke/Chase end up together. I dig their chemistry and they just feel right compared to Brooke/Owen who are dull and boring. They're okay but IMO something's missing there and I can't put my finger on it although it might simply be about feeling a chemistry between Brooke/Chase and I did find it interesting how in the end Chase kissed Peyton to make Lucas jealous (which worked) while Peyton kissed Chase and I'm not sure if there was jealousy by Brooke but there certainly was a reaction. Nevertheless through those innocent kisses was there a bit of foreshadowing there? Lucas/Peyton and Brooke/Chase?

Last edited by jediwands; 03-11-2008 at 09:06 PM
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Old 03-11-2008, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by chocchipcooky (View Post)
Lucas/Lindsey: I'm a hardcore believer in LP as soulmates, but I'll admit to being slowly reeled in by their relationship and their chemistry. I still don't want it to happen, but I can't help but feel conflicted because I sincerely like Lindsey, and I do like them together. But I'm all about the soulmates. (I felt that way about Dawson and Joey though, and look where that got me. LOL)
Tammy, I can definitely relate!
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